private void updateAccountInformation() { masterForm.setAccount(account); listView1.Items.Clear(); reveal.Enabled = true; decimal trx = 0; decimal dep = 0; decimal with = 0; decimal fees = 0; decimal pay = 0; decimal credit = 0; foreach (Activity act in account.getActivity()) { listView1.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[5] { act.Date.ToShortDateString(), act.Description, act.Type.ToString(), act.Amount.ToString("0.00"), act.BalanceNow.ToString("0.00") })); if (act.Type == Type.TRANSACTION) { trx += act.Amount; } if (act.Type == Type.DEPOSIT) { dep += act.Amount; } if (act.Type == Type.WITHDRAWAL) { with += act.Amount; } if (act.Type == Type.FEE) { fees += act.Amount; } if (act.Type == Type.PAYMENT) { pay += act.Amount; } if (act.Type == Type.CREDIT) { credit += act.Amount; } } label3.Text = account.getAccountType().ToString(); account_num.Text = "XXXXXX" + account.getAccountNumber().ToString().Substring(masterForm.getHolder().getAccountList()[0].getAccountNumber().ToString().Length - 4); decimal total = trx + dep - with - fees + pay + credit; balance.Text = account.getBalance().ToString("0.00"); openDate.Text = account.getOpenDate().ToShortDateString(); trxs.Text = decimal.Round(trx, 2).ToString("0.00"); depos.Text = decimal.Round(dep, 2).ToString("0.00"); withdraw.Text = decimal.Round(with, 2).ToString("0.00"); fee.Text = decimal.Round(fees, 2).ToString("0.00"); payments.Text = decimal.Round(pay, 2).ToString("0.00"); total_lbl.Text = decimal.Round(total, 2).ToString("0.00"); if (account.isClosed()) { closeDate.Text = account.getCloseDate().ToShortDateString(); closed_notifyer.Visible = true; } }