コード例 #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Client   client1  = new Bank_Account_Project.Client("Razvan", "Crisan", 1234);
            Savings  savings  = new Savings(1000.00);
            Checking checking = new Checking(350.00);

            //start of the do while loop
            string newTransaction = "";

                //When user launches Applicating they will see this menu.
                //and will cycle after every transaction with a do-while loop
                double minBalance = 200.00;
                Console.WriteLine("Please enter the number of your desired option.");
                Console.WriteLine("1. View Client Information");
                Console.WriteLine("2. View Account Balance");
                Console.WriteLine("3. Deposit Funds");
                Console.WriteLine("4. Withdraw Funds");
                Console.WriteLine("5. Exit");

                //readline for user to cycle through options.
                int menuOptions = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                //if else statement for first option
                if (menuOptions == 1)
                //if else statement for a/b options.
                if (menuOptions == 2)
                    Console.WriteLine("a. Checkings Account");
                    Console.WriteLine("b. Savings Account");

                    char menuOptions2 = char.Parse(Console.ReadLine().ToLower());
                    if (menuOptions2 == 'a')
                    else if (menuOptions2 == 'b')

                //if else statement for option 3 (deposit).
                if (menuOptions == 3)
                    Console.WriteLine("Which account would you like to deposit into?");
                    Console.WriteLine("a. Checkings");
                    Console.WriteLine("b. Savings");
                    char menuOptions2 = char.Parse(Console.ReadLine().ToLower());
                    if (menuOptions2 == 'a')
                        //checking deposit
                        Console.WriteLine("Enter deposit amount:");
                        double depositAmount = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                        Console.WriteLine("Your new balance is: $" + (checking.Deposit() + depositAmount));
                    else if (menuOptions2 == 'b')
                        //savings deposit
                        Console.WriteLine("Enter deposit amount:");
                        savings.depositAmount = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                        double newBalance = savings.Deposit();
                        Console.WriteLine("Your new balance is: $" + (savings.Deposit()));

                //if else statement for withdraw option 4
                if (menuOptions == 4)
                    Console.WriteLine("Which account would you like to withdraw from?");
                    Console.WriteLine("a. Checkings");
                    Console.WriteLine("b. Savings");
                    char menuOptions2 = char.Parse(Console.ReadLine().ToLower());
                    if (menuOptions2 == 'a')
                        //checkings withdraw pulling methods from Checking class
                        Console.WriteLine("Enter withdraw amount:");
                        checking.withdrawAmount = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                        double newBalance = checking.Withdraw();
                        Console.WriteLine("Your new Balance is: $" + checking.Withdraw());

                        if (newBalance < 0)
                            //if user pull more money than he has in his account
                            //then user will be prompted to enter new amount
                            //this amount will pull money from his original checking balance.
                            Console.WriteLine("You cannot overdraft from checking.");
                            Console.WriteLine("Enter new withdraw amount");
                            checking.withdrawAmount = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                            Console.WriteLine("Balance after withdraw is: $" + (checking.Withdraw()));
                    else if (menuOptions2 == 'b')
                        //savings withdraw
                        Console.WriteLine("Enter withdraw amount:");
                        savings.withdrawAmount = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                        double newBalance2 = savings.Withdraw();
                        Console.WriteLine("Balance after withdraw is: $" + (savings.Withdraw()));
                        if (minBalance <= 200.00)
                            //this amount will not let the user go under their $200 limit
                            //then user will be prompted to enter new amount
                            //this amount will pull money from his original savings balance.
                            Console.WriteLine("You are attempting to withdraw more");
                            Console.WriteLine("than your minimum balance allows. Please enter new amount");
                            savings.withdrawAmount = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                            Console.WriteLine("Balance after withdraw is: $" + (savings.Withdraw()));

                //if else statement for exit option
                else if (menuOptions == 5)
                    Console.WriteLine("Have a great day!");
                //the user will be asked to make another transaction.
                    Console.WriteLine("Would you like to make another transaction? YES/NO");
                    newTransaction = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();
            //do-while loop will end program if user selects no
            while (newTransaction == "YES");
            if (newTransaction == "NO")
                Console.WriteLine("Thank you for visiting our bank, have a nice day!");

            //The End
コード例 #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string userExit = "";

                // You are Balthazar Runze and you have 567.45 in your checking and 1243.22 in your savings. Happy banking!
                //Program will loop and hold values of balances for multiple transactions before exiting
                //Classes organized as Accounts(abstract) : Clients : Checking/Savings
                Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Crystal Ball Banking, please choose from the following menu choices.\n\n");
                Console.WriteLine("1 - View Client Information\n");
                Console.WriteLine("2 - View Account Balance\n");
                Console.WriteLine("3 - Deposit Funds\n");
                Console.WriteLine("4 - Withdraw Funds\n");
                Console.WriteLine("5 - Exit\n");

                int menuChoice = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                //Menu beginning - 5 total choices with 2 choice sub menu for choices 1-4
                if (menuChoice == 1)
                    Client oneClient = new Client();

                    //This is a main method that we'll use to return to beginning of menu
                    userExit = backOrExit();

                else if (menuChoice == 2)
                    //submenu choices - will be the same for menuChoice 2-4
                    Console.WriteLine("\na - Checking Account\n");
                    Console.WriteLine("b - Savings Account\n");
                    string accountChoice = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();

                    if (accountChoice == "a")
                        Checking displayBalance = new Checking();
                    else if (accountChoice == "b")
                        Savings displayBalance = new Savings();

                    userExit = backOrExit();

                else if (menuChoice == 3)
                    Console.WriteLine("\na - Checking Account\n");
                    Console.WriteLine("b - Savings Account\n");
                    string accountChoice = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();

                    Console.WriteLine("\nEnter the amount to Deposit\n");
                    double userDeposit = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                    if (accountChoice == "a")
                        Checking newDeposit = new Checking(userDeposit, 0);

                        Console.WriteLine("\nYour current balance is " + newDeposit.Deposit());
                    else if (accountChoice == "b")
                        Savings newDeposit = new Savings(userDeposit, 0);
                        Console.WriteLine("\nYour current balance is " + newDeposit.Deposit());

                    userExit = backOrExit();

                else if (menuChoice == 4)
                    Console.WriteLine("\na - Checking Account\n");
                    Console.WriteLine("b - Savings Account\n");
                    string accountChoice = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();

                    Console.WriteLine("\nEnter the amount to Withdraw\n");
                    double userWithdraw = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                    if (accountChoice == "a")
                        Checking newWithdraw = new Checking(0, userWithdraw);
                        Console.WriteLine("\nYour current balance is " + newWithdraw.Withdraw());
                    else if (accountChoice == "b")
                        Savings newWithdraw = new Savings(0, userWithdraw);

                        Console.WriteLine("\nYour current balance is " + newWithdraw.WithdrawWithMinimum());

                    userExit = backOrExit();

                else if (menuChoice == 5)
                    Console.WriteLine("\nAre you sure you would like to EXIT this session? YES/NO ");

                    userExit = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();
            }while (userExit == "NO");

            Console.WriteLine("Thank you for choosing Crystal Ball Banking. Have a nice day! \n\n");
コード例 #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int userInput; //declare variable to store user menu selection

            decimal userWithdrawalAmount;
            decimal userDepositAmount;

            Console.WriteLine("Hello, welcome to WCCI Bank. Please enter your first name.");
            string firstName = (Console.ReadLine());

            Console.WriteLine("Please enter your last name");
            string lastName = (Console.ReadLine());
            string userName = (firstName + " " + lastName);

            Console.WriteLine("Welcome back " + userName);

            Checking accountc = new Checking(120875, 5000, userName);
            Savings  accounts = new Savings(120875, 10000, userName);
            Reserve  accountr = new Reserve(120875, 1500, userName);

                Console.WriteLine("Here is your current account information:\n");
                Console.WriteLine("User ID: {0}", accountc.UserID);
                Console.WriteLine("Checking Account Balance: {0:C}", accountc.AccountBalance);
                Console.WriteLine("Reserve Account Balance: {0:C}", accountr.AccountBalance);
                Console.WriteLine("Savings Account Balance: {0:C}\n\n\n", accounts.AccountBalance);

                Console.WriteLine("How can we help you today?");
                Console.WriteLine("Please enter a number from the menu below. \n");
                Console.WriteLine("CHECKING ACCOUNT \n 1: Deposit Funds " + "2: Withdraw Funds " + "3: Show Balance");
                Console.WriteLine("RESERVE ACCOUNT  \n 4: Deposit Funds " + "5: Withdraw Funds " + "6: Show Balance");
                Console.WriteLine("SAVINGS ACCOUNT  \n 7: Deposit Funds " + "8: Withdraw Funds " + "9: Show Balance");
                Console.WriteLine("VIEW CLIENT INFORMATION: 10 \n \nEXIT: \n 11");

                userInput = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                if (userInput == 1) //conditional statement that addresses checking deposit.
                    Console.WriteLine("How much do you want deposit to your checking account?");
                    userDepositAmount = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                    accountc.Deposit(userDepositAmount); //call method that corresponds with checking deposit
                    Console.WriteLine("Thank you for your deposit!");
                    Console.WriteLine("Please press any key to return to main menu");
                else if (userInput == 2)
                    // conditional statement that addresses checking withdrawal
                    Console.WriteLine("How much do you want to withdraw from your checking account?");
                    userWithdrawalAmount = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                    accountc.Withdrawal(userWithdrawalAmount); //call method that corresponds with checking withdrawal
                    Console.WriteLine("Please press enter to return to main menu");

                else if (userInput == 3) //shows checking account balance

                else if (userInput == 4)
                    //conditional statement that addresses reserve account deposit

                    Console.WriteLine("How much do you want deposit to your reserve account?");
                    userDepositAmount = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                    accountr.Deposit(userDepositAmount); //call method that corresponds to reserve deposit
                    Console.WriteLine("Thank you for your deposit!");
                    Console.WriteLine("Please press enter to return to main menu");
                else if (userInput == 5)
                    //conditional statement that addresses reserve account withdrawal
                    Console.WriteLine("How much do you want to withdraw from your reserve account?");
                    userWithdrawalAmount = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                    accountr.Withdrawal(userWithdrawalAmount); //call method that corresponds to reserve withdrawal
                    Console.WriteLine("Please press enter to return to main menu");

                else if (userInput == 6) //shows reserve account balance

                else if (userInput == 7)
                    //conditional statement that addresses savings account deposit
                    Console.WriteLine("How much do you want deposit to your savings account?");
                    userDepositAmount = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                    accounts.Deposit(userDepositAmount); //call method that corresponds to savings deposit
                    Console.WriteLine("Thank you for your deposit!");
                    Console.WriteLine("Please press enter to return to main menu");
                else if (userInput == 8)
                    //conditional statement that addresses savings account withdrawal
                    Console.WriteLine("How much do you want to withdraw?");
                    userWithdrawalAmount = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                    accounts.Withdrawal(userWithdrawalAmount); //call method that corresponds to savings withdrawal
                    Console.WriteLine("Please press enter to return to main menu");

                else if (userInput == 9)

                else if (userInput == 10)
                    //conditional statement that displays client information
                    Console.WriteLine("\n\n\nCLIENT NAME: " + userName + "\nUSER ID:" + accountc.UserID + "\nADDRESS: 120875 Happy Lane, Cleveland, OH 44120 \nACCOUNTHOLDER SINCE: 2010");
                    Console.WriteLine("Please press enter to return to main menu");
                else if (userInput == 11)
                    //conditional statement that calls method to quit the program
                { //conditional statement that addresses answers that don't fall between numbers 1-11
                    Console.WriteLine("Sorry, I don't understand this selection. ");
                    Console.WriteLine("Please press enter to return to the main menu");
            } while (userInput != 11);