private void btnUpdateAccount_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { AccountSQL.UpdateAccount(txtName.Text, cboAccount.SelectedValue.ToString(), cboType.SelectedValue.ToString()); MessageBox.Show("Account Updated"); FrmDisplayAccounts Display = new FrmDisplayAccounts(); Display.Show(); this.Hide(); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Error 000: Could not connect to database. Please contact an administratior"); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (AccountSQL.AllBalanceEmpty()) { if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to terminate your account?\n\nYou will not be able to login again and all open accounts will be closed!", "Terminate Account", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { AccountSQL.CloseCustAccounts(); CustomerSQL.TerminateAccount(Customer.CustomerId); Customer.Clear(); FrmStartScreen start = new FrmStartScreen(); start.Show(); this.Hide(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Please Empty all open accounts of funds"); } }
private void btnCreateAccount_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { errorProvider.Clear(); Validation v = new Validation(); Acc.Name = txtAccountName.Text; Acc.Type = cboAccountType.SelectedValue.ToString(); Acc.Creation = DateTime.Today.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); if (v.IsEmpty(Acc.Name)) { errorProvider.SetError(txtAccountName, "Please enter an account name"); } else if (!v.IsAccount(Acc.Name)) { errorProvider.SetError(txtAccountName, "Account name cannot contain special characters"); } else if (AccountSQL.AccountNameExists(Acc.Name)) { errorProvider.SetError(txtAccountName, "Account with this name already exists"); } else { try { AccountSQL.AddAccount(ref Acc); MessageBox.Show("You Created a " + cboAccountType.Text + " Account\nwith the name " + Acc.Name); FrmDisplayAccounts start = new FrmDisplayAccounts(); start.Show(); this.Hide(); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Error 009: Could not connect to database. Please contact an administratior\n\nAccount Not Created"); } } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string[] findbalance = { "balance", "account where accountid = " + cboAccount.SelectedValue.ToString() }; string balance = Reusable.stringfromDB(findbalance); if (balance.Equals("0.00")) { if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to close this account?", "Close Account", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { AccountSQL.CloseAccount(cboAccount.SelectedValue.ToString()); MessageBox.Show("You Closed " + cboAccount.SelectedText.ToString() + " has been closed"); FrmDisplayAccounts back = new FrmDisplayAccounts(); back.Show(); this.Hide(); } else { } } else { MessageBox.Show("Please empty your account of money before closing your account"); } }
private void btnTransfer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { errorProvider1.Clear(); Validation v = new Validation(); Transaction T = new Transaction(); bool valid = true; T.account = cboCreditorAccount.SelectedValue.ToString(); T.amount = txtCreditorAmount.Text; T.note = txtCreditorNote.Text; T.debtor = txtDebtorAccount.Text; if (!v.IsAmount(T.amount)) { valid = false; errorProvider1.SetError(txtCreditorAmount, "Amount must only be numbers and in the format 0.00 and greater then 0.01"); } if (!v.IsEmpty(T.note) && !v.IsAccount(T.note)) { valid = false; errorProvider1.SetError(txtCreditorNote, "Note must not contain special characters"); } if (!v.isAccountNumber(T.debtor) && !v.isIBAN(T.debtor)) { valid = false; errorProvider1.SetError(txtDebtorAccount, "Please enter a valid account number or IBAN"); } else if (T.debtor == T.account) { valid = false; errorProvider1.SetError(txtDebtorAccount, "Please select a different account"); } if (valid) { if (TransactionSQL.CheckBalance(ref T)) { if (v.isIBAN(T.debtor)) { try { if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure?", "Pay", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { T.type = "P"; TransactionSQL.Pay(ref T); MessageBox.Show("You just made a payment too " + T.debtor); FrmDisplayAccounts Display = new FrmDisplayAccounts(); Display.Show(); this.Hide(); } } catch { MessageBox.Show("Error 007: Could not connect to database. Please contact an administratior"); } } else if (v.isAccountNumber(T.debtor) && AccountSQL.AccountExists(T.debtor)) { if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure?", "Transfer", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { try { T.type = "T"; TransactionSQL.Transfer(ref T); MessageBox.Show("You transfered money too " + T.debtor); FrmDisplayAccounts Display = new FrmDisplayAccounts(); Display.Show(); this.Hide(); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Error 007: Could not connect to database. Please contact an administratior"); } } } else { errorProvider1.SetError(txtDebtorAccount, "That Account doesn't exist or has been closed"); } } else { errorProvider1.SetError(txtCreditorAmount, "You do not currently have enough money in your account to make that transaction"); } } }
public void CheckAndDisplayAccounts(bool b) { int count = 0; try { count = AccountSQL.FindActiveAccounts(); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Error 006: Could not connect to database. Please contact an administratior"); } if (count >= 1) { string[] Accountinfo = new string[7]; tlpNoAccount.Visible = false; if (b) { Accountinfo[0] = "A.ACCOUNTID"; Accountinfo[1] = "A.STATUS"; Accountinfo[2] = "A.NAME"; Accountinfo[3] = "T.NAME Type"; Accountinfo[4] = "A.BALANCE"; Accountinfo[5] = "A.DATE_created"; Accountinfo[6] = "ACCOUNT A INNER JOIN ACCOUNT_TYPE T ON A.TYPE = T.ID WHERE CUSTOMERID = " + Customer.CustomerId + " ORDER BY ACCOUNTID ASC"; } else if (!b) { Accountinfo[0] = "A.ACCOUNTID"; Accountinfo[1] = "A.STATUS"; Accountinfo[2] = "A.NAME"; Accountinfo[3] = "T.NAME Type"; Accountinfo[4] = "A.BALANCE"; Accountinfo[5] = "A.DATE_created"; Accountinfo[6] = "ACCOUNT A INNER JOIN ACCOUNT_TYPE T ON A.TYPE = T.ID WHERE STATUS = 'A' AND CUSTOMERID = " + Customer.CustomerId + " ORDER BY ACCOUNTID ASC"; } DataSet Accounts = new DataSet(); try { Accounts = Reusable.dsfromDB(Accountinfo); for (int i = 0; i < Accounts.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { //Create label Label Account_Name_ID = new Label(); Label Account_Status = new Label(); Label Account_Type = new Label(); Label Account_Balance = new Label(); //Add Text Account_Name_ID.Text = Accounts.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Name"].ToString() + " - " + Accounts.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ACCOUNTID"].ToString(); if (Accounts.Tables[0].Rows[i]["STATUS"].ToString() == "A") { Account_Status.Text = "Active"; } else if (Accounts.Tables[0].Rows[i]["STATUS"].ToString() == "C") { Account_Status.Text = "Closed"; } else { Account_Status.Text = "Unknown"; } Account_Type.Text = Accounts.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Type"].ToString(); Account_Balance.Text = "€" + Accounts.Tables[0].Rows[i]["BALANCE"].ToString(); //Properties Account_Name_ID.Left = 250; Account_Name_ID.Top = ((i + 1) * 50) + 125; Account_Name_ID.Width = 300; Account_Name_ID.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; Account_Name_ID.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); Account_Status.Left = 50; Account_Status.Top = ((i + 1) * 50) + 145; Account_Type.Left = 350; Account_Type.Top = ((i + 1) * 50) + 145; Account_Type.AutoSize = false; Account_Type.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; Account_Type.Width = 100; Account_Balance.AutoSize = false; Account_Balance.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; Account_Balance.Top = ((i + 1) * 50) + 145; Account_Balance.Width = 100; Account_Balance.Left = 650; Account_Balance.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); //Add to form this.Controls.Add(Account_Name_ID); this.Controls.Add(Account_Status); this.Controls.Add(Account_Type); this.Controls.Add(Account_Balance); } } catch { MessageBox.Show("Error 007: Could not connect to database. Please contact an administratior"); } } }