public TransferTransaction(Account fromAccount, Account toAccount, decimal amount) // ctor used to create the transfer object { _fromAccount = fromAccount; _toAccount = toAccount; _amount = amount; _theWithdraw = new WithdrawTransaction(_fromAccount, _amount); //create new object from the account to be withdraw from and the amount to transfer _theDeposit = new DepositTransaction(_toAccount, _amount); // create new object from the account to be tranferered in to }
private static void DoWithdraw(Bank toBank) // withdraw method { decimal input; //used to store the user inputted amount Account fromAccount = FindAccount(toBank); if (fromAccount == null) { return; } Utl.lineBreak(); Console.WriteLine("Enter how much you would like to withdraw?"); input = Convert.ToDecimal(Console.ReadLine()); //store the amount after converting to decimal var withdraw = new WithdrawTransaction(fromAccount, input); withdraw.Execute(); withdraw.Print(); toBank.ExecuteTransaction(withdraw); // account.Withdraw(input); //call the Withdraw method passing the amount to be withdraw }