static void Main(string[] args) { Account myAccount = new Account(); // new account Console.WriteLine("Hello Please Enter your Your Name: "); // user user input for name string name = Console.ReadLine(); myAccount.Name = name; // assign account name Console.WriteLine("Hello Please Enter your Your PIN: "); // user input for Pin int pin = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); myAccount.Pin = pin;// set account pin Console.WriteLine("Thank you for opening your new Account you will have $500.00 Rewards enjoy!!"); myAccount.Balance = 500.00; // set account balance Thread.Sleep(2000); // sleep Console.WriteLine(" Connecting Please wahite ....... "); Thread.Sleep(2000); int tryTimes = 0; // set try while (tryTimes < 2) // set retry times to 2 times { try { Console.WriteLine("Welcome Please Enter your PIN to Use this Service: "); int pinCode = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); bool correctPin = myAccount.PinValidator(pinCode); if (correctPin) // check if the pin is correct { Console.WriteLine($"Hello, {myAccount.Name}! \nPlease Choose what you like to do Next?\n" + $"Please 1 OR 2 OR 3"); } else // if not correct { Console.WriteLine(" The PIN is NOT Correct this service not Avalable now!!"); } } catch (Exception e)// handling exception { Console.WriteLine($"{e.Message}\n" + $" Please Try one more time");// print message } finally { tryTimes++; // increment } } Console.WriteLine("Please Choose Servcie\n" + "1- Check your Balance!\n" + "2- Withdraw\n" + "3- Deposit\n");// choose opreation to preform int option = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); switch (option) // case statment { case 1: // check balance o double balance = myAccount.CheckBalance(); Console.WriteLine($"Avalable Balance is: $ {balance}"); break; case 2: // withdraw Console.Write("Please enter withdraw Amount: =>"); double amount = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); bool withdraw = myAccount.Withdraw(amount); // check if transaction true if (withdraw) // if true return this message { Console.WriteLine($"Transaction successfully! your new balance is $ {myAccount.Balance}"); } else // if false return this message with account and amount { Console.WriteLine($"Sorry Transaction not completed $ {withdraw} is Greater $ {myAccount.Balance}"); } break; case 3: Console.Write("Please enter Deposit Amount: =>"); double amountDep = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); double newBalance = myAccount.Deposit(amountDep); // add Deposit Console.WriteLine($"Success, Your New Balance now is: $ {newBalance}"); break; default: // if user input was not 1 or 2 or 3 will print this message and end the program Console.WriteLine("Option not valid!!"); break; } }