コード例 #1
        public void addAllPlayer(StringGroup pList)
            uiPlayerList.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => {
                uiPlayerList.ItemsSource = null;

                var cache = pList.ToStringGroup();
                foreach (string item in cache) {
                    gm.gamePlayerList.Add(new Player { PlayerIPAddress = item });

                uiPlayerList.ItemsSource = gm.gamePlayerList;

コード例 #2
        public void inputPlayerData(StringGroup input)
            var cache = input.ToStringGroup();

            foreach (Player item in gm.gamePlayerList) {
                if (item.PlayerName == cache[4]) {
                    item.NowLife = cache[1];
                    item.NowTime = cache[0];
                    item.NowUnit = cache[2];

                    if (cache[4] != "") {
                        prizeLine.Enqueue(new PrizeStructure { PlayerName = cache[3], PrizeName = cache[4] });


コード例 #3
        public void allPlayerData(StringGroup data)
            //split player
            var playerSplit = data.ToStringGroup();

            var groupMsg = new StringGroup(playerSplit[0], "#").ToStringGroup();
            if (groupMsg[0] == gm.ms.TeamAName) {
                uiTeamAMark.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { uiTeamAMark.Text = groupMsg[1]; });
                uiTeamBMark.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { uiTeamBMark.Text = groupMsg[4]; });
                uiTeamAPP.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { uiTeamAPP.Text = groupMsg[2]; });
                uiTeamBPP.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { uiTeamBPP.Text = groupMsg[5]; });
            } else {
                uiTeamAMark.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { uiTeamAMark.Text = groupMsg[4]; });
                uiTeamBMark.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { uiTeamBMark.Text = groupMsg[1]; });
                uiTeamAPP.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { uiTeamAPP.Text = groupMsg[5]; });
                uiTeamBPP.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { uiTeamBPP.Text = groupMsg[2]; });

            int index = 0;
            foreach (string item in playerSplit) {
                if (index == 0) { index++; continue; }

                //split data
                var dataSplit = new StringGroup(item, "#").ToStringGroup();

                //process untiData
                var cache1 = new StringGroup(dataSplit[0], "@").ToStringGroup();
                var unitData = new List<PlayerUnitData>();

                foreach (string item2 in cache1) {
                    var cache2 = new StringGroup(item2, "%").ToStringGroup();
                    unitData.Add(new PlayerUnitData { Unit = cache2[3], Mark = cache2[0], Life = cache2[1], PerfomancePoint = cache2[2] });

                foreach (Player item3 in gm.gamePlayerList) {
                    if (item3.PlayerName == dataSplit[4]) {
                        item3.PlayerUnitPrize = unitData;
                        item3.FinallyMark = dataSplit[1];
                        item3.FinallyPP = dataSplit[2];
                        item3.FinallyPrize = dataSplit[3];


            //input to list
            var teamAList = new List<Player>();
            var teamBList = new List<Player>();

            var result = from i in gm.gamePlayerList
                         where i.PlayerGroupName != ""
                         group i by i.PlayerGroupName;

            foreach (IGrouping<string, Player> item in result) {
                if (item.Key == gm.ms.TeamAName) {
                    foreach (Player item2 in item) {
                } else {
                    foreach (Player item2 in item) {

            uiTeamAList.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { uiTeamAList.ItemsSource = teamAList;});
            uiTeamBList.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { uiTeamBList.ItemsSource = teamBList; });

            uiNewPlay.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { uiNewPlay.IsEnabled = true; });
            uiExit.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { uiExit.IsEnabled = true;});
コード例 #4
        public void addPlayerInformation(StringGroup playerInfo)
            var cache1 = playerInfo.ToStringGroup();

            List<string> cache2 = new StringGroup(cache1[5], "#").ToList();
            List<string> cache3 = new StringGroup(cache1[7], "#").ToList();

            //add to core
            foreach (Player item in gm.gamePlayerList) {
                if (item.PlayerIPAddress == cache1[10]) {
                    item.PlayerName = cache1[0];
                    item.ModList = cache3;
                    item.BackgroundName = cache1[8];
                    item.BGMName = cache1[9];
                    item.DutyUnit = cache2;
                    item.PlayerGroupName = cache1[6];

            if (gm.ms.MapName == "") {
                gm.ms.MapName = cache1[1];
                gm.ms.MapMD5 = cache1[2];
                gm.ms.GameMode = cache1[4];
                gm.ms.CountMode = cache1[3];

            //add team
            if (gm.ms.TeamAName == "") {
                gm.ms.TeamAName = cache1[6];
                uiTeamAName.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { uiTeamAName.Text = cache1[6]; });
            } else if (gm.ms.TeamBName == "") {
                gm.ms.TeamBName = cache1[6];
                uiTeamBName.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { uiTeamBName.Text = cache1[6]; });
            } else { }

            //add to ui
            uiGameMapName.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                if (uiGameMapName.Text == "") {
                    uiGameMapName.Text = cache1[1];
            uiGameMode.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                if (uiGameMode.Text == "") {
                    switch (cache1[4]) {
                        case BallanceOnline.Const.GameMode.RankedRace:
                            uiGameMode.Text = "排位赛";
                        case BallanceOnline.Const.GameMode.RelayRace:
                            uiGameMode.Text = "接力赛";
            uiGameRule.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                if (uiGameRule.Text == "") {
                    switch (cache1[3]) {
                        case BallanceOnline.Const.CountMode.HighScore:
                            uiGameRule.Text = "HS";
                        case BallanceOnline.Const.CountMode.SpeedRun:
                            uiGameRule.Text = "SR";
                        case BallanceOnline.Const.CountMode.CrazyHighScore:
                            uiGameRule.Text = "疯狂HS";
                        case BallanceOnline.Const.CountMode.CrazySpeedRun:
                            uiGameRule.Text = "疯狂SR";


            //show player
            var playerSplit = from item in gm.gamePlayerList
                              where item.PlayerGroupName != ""
                              group item by item.PlayerGroupName;
            foreach (var item in playerSplit) {
                if (item.Key == gm.ms.TeamAName) {
                    uiTeamAList.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { uiTeamAList.ItemsSource = item.ToList<Player>();});
                } else {
                    uiTeamBList.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { uiTeamBList.ItemsSource = item.ToList<Player>();});