public Moments(PipelineNode parent, ScanCollection scanCollection) : base(parent, scanCollection) { input.Add(new Compatible("Image", typeof(TScan))); output.Add(new Compatible("Moments", typeof(TFeatureList<double>))); }
public Haralick(PipelineNode parent, ScanCollection scanCollection) : base(parent, scanCollection) { input.Add(new Compatible("Matrix", typeof(TMatrix))); output.Add(new Compatible("Haralick Features", typeof(TFeatureList<double>))); }
public Galloway(PipelineNode parent, ScanCollection scanCollection) : base(parent, scanCollection) { input.Add(new Compatible("GLRL-Matrix", typeof(TMatrix))); output.Add(new Compatible("Galloway Features", typeof(TFeatureList<double>))); }
public HistogramFeatures(PipelineNode parent, ScanCollection scanCollection) : base(parent, scanCollection) { input.Add(new Compatible("Histogram", typeof(THistogram))); output.Add(new Compatible("Histogram Features", typeof(TFeatureList<double>))); }
public Autocorrelation(PipelineNode parent, ScanCollection scanCollection) : base(parent, scanCollection) { input.Add(new Compatible("Image", typeof(TScan))); output.Add(new Compatible("Correlogram", typeof(THistogram))); options.Add(new Option("Offest", 0, 1024, 6)); }
public LawsEnergy(PipelineNode parent, ScanCollection scanCollection) : base(parent, scanCollection) { input.Add(new Compatible("Image (Windowed)", typeof(TScan))); output.Add(new Compatible("Laws Energy Features", typeof(TFeatureList<double>))); options.Add(new OptionBool("Normalize", true)); }
public GLRLM(PipelineNode parent, ScanCollection scanCollection) : base(parent, scanCollection) { input.Add(new Compatible("Image", typeof(TScan))); output.Add(new Compatible("GLRL-Matrix", typeof(TMatrix))); options.Add(new Option("Bpp", 2, 32, 8)); }
public Tamura(PipelineNode parent, ScanCollection scanCollection) : base(parent, scanCollection) { input.Add(new Compatible("Image", typeof(TScan))); output.Add(new Compatible("Tamura Features", typeof(TFeatureList<double>))); output.Add(new Compatible("Directionality Histogram", typeof(THistogram))); options.Add(new Option("Directionality Histogram #Bins", 4, int.MaxValue, 64)); }
public GLCM(PipelineNode parent, ScanCollection scanCollection) : base(parent, scanCollection) { input.Add(new Compatible("Image", typeof(TScan))); output.Add(new Compatible("Co-occurence matrix", typeof(TMatrix))); options.Add(new Option("Bpp", 2, 32, 8)); options.Add(new Option("X Offest", 0, 10, 1)); options.Add(new Option("Y Offest", 0, 10, 1)); }
public LBP(PipelineNode parent, ScanCollection scanCollection) : base(parent, scanCollection) { input.Add(new Compatible("Image", typeof(TScan))); output.Add(new Compatible("LBP Feature Vector", typeof(TFeatureList<double>))); output.Add(new Compatible("LBP Histogram", typeof(THistogram))); options.Add(new Option("Block size 2^x", 2, 32, 3)); options.Add(new OptionBool("Normalize", true)); options.Add(new OptionBool("Rotation invariant", true)); options.Add(new OptionBool("Uniform LBP", true)); }
public Windower(PipelineNode parent, ScanCollection scanCollection) : base(parent, scanCollection) { input.Add(new Compatible( "Image", typeof(TScan) )); output.Add(new Compatible( "ROI", typeof(TScan) )); options.Add(new Option("Width", 1, int.MaxValue, 64)); options.Add(new Option("Height", 1, int.MaxValue, 64)); }
public ProjectFiles(PipelineNode parent, ScanCollection scanCollection) : base(parent, scanCollection) { output.Add(new Compatible( "Scan", typeof(TScan) )); options.Add(new OptionBool("Masked only", true)); scanTypeComboBox = new OptionDropDown("Scan type", "Unknown"); options.Add(scanTypeComboBox); request.Add(RequestType.ScanCollection); UpdateFiberTypes(scanCollection); scanCollection.FilesChanged += (s, e) => UpdateFiberTypes(scanCollection); }
public Result(PipelineNode node, IType data, Result[] input, bool preserve = false, int yieldID = -1) { this.node = node; this.Data = data; this.Input = input; this.Preserve = preserve; if (input != null) { completeDistinctName = node.ToString(); if (yieldID != -1) { completeDistinctName += "#" + yieldID; } HashSet<string> visitedNames = new HashSet<string>(); foreach (Result r in input) { if (!visitedNames.Contains(r.completeDistinctName)) { completeDistinctName = string.Format("{0}_{1}", r.completeDistinctName, completeDistinctName); visitedNames.Add(r.completeDistinctName); } } } }
protected override void OnButtonPressed(ButtonEventArgs args) { SetFocus(); Point position = args.Position; position.X /= scaleFactor; position.Y /= scaleFactor; popupWindow.Hide(); initialScrollPosition = Point.Zero; PipelineNode node = GetNodeAt(position, true); if (node != null) { ButtonEventArgs nodeArgs = new ButtonEventArgs(); nodeArgs.X = position.X - node.bound.Location.X; nodeArgs.Y = position.Y - node.bound.Location.Y; nodeArgs.Button = args.Button; nodeArgs.MultiplePress = args.MultiplePress; if (node.OnButtonPressed(nodeArgs)) { return; } } switch (args.Button) { case PointerButton.Left: if (node != null) { // clicked on node if (args.MultiplePress >= 2) { OpenOptionWindow(node); mouseAction = MouseAction.None; args.Handled = true; break; } else { MarkerNode mNode = node.GetMarkerNodeAt(position); if (mNode != null && !mNode.compatible.IsFinal()) { connectNodesStartMarker = mNode; mouseAction |= MouseAction.AddEdge | MouseAction.AddEdgeNew; } else { if (node.bound.Contains(position)) { nodeToMoveOffset = new Point( node.bound.Location.X - position.X, node.bound.Location.Y - position.Y ); lastSelectedNode = node; mouseAction |= MouseAction.MoveNode; } } } } else { Tuple<MarkerNode, MarkerEdge> edge = GetEdgeAt(position); if (edge != null) { // clicked on edge if (edge.Item2.r >= 0.5) { connectNodesStartMarker = edge.Item1; } else { connectNodesStartMarker = (MarkerNode); } edge.Item1.RemoveEdge(edge.Item2); lastSelectedEdge = edge; mouseAction |= MouseAction.MoveEdge; args.Handled = true; } } break; case PointerButton.Right: lastSelectedEdge = GetEdgeAt(position); if (lastSelectedEdge != null) { contextMenuEdge.Popup(); } else { PipelineNode nodeRight = GetNodeAt(position, true); if (nodeRight != null) { lastSelectedNode = nodeRight; if (lastSelectedNode.algorithm.options.Count > 0) { contextMenuNodeOptions.Show(); } else { contextMenuNodeOptions.Hide(); } contextMenuNode.Popup(); } } break; case PointerButton.Middle: mouseMover.EnableMouseMover(args.Position); if (oldCursor != CursorType.Move) { oldCursor = this.Cursor; this.Cursor = CursorType.Move; } break; } }
protected override void OnDragDrop(DragEventArgs args) { Point position = args.Position; position.X /= scaleFactor; position.Y /= scaleFactor; args.Success = true; try { string algoType = args.Data.GetValue(TransferDataType.Text).ToString(); PipelineNode node = new PipelineNode(project, this, algoType, new Rectangle(position, PipelineNode.AbsMinNodeSize)); node.QueueRedraw += QueueRedraw; SetNodePosition(node); nodes.Add(node); Log.Add(LogLevel.Verbose, this.GetType().Name, "New node added \"" + node + "\"."); EmitDataChanged(); this.QueueDraw(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); Console.WriteLine(e.Message); args.Success = false; Log.Add(LogLevel.Error, this.GetType().Name, "Failed to add new node."); } }
public Census(PipelineNode parent, ScanCollection scanCollection) : base(parent, scanCollection) { input.Add(new Compatible("Image", typeof(TScan))); }
/// <summary> /// Call when you use this data. /// </summary> public void Used(PipelineNode by) { lock (removeLock) { if (!usedBy.ContainsKey(by)) { usedBy[by] = 0; } usedBy[by]++; } }
protected override void OnMouseMoved(MouseMovedEventArgs args) { Point position = args.Position; position.X /= scaleFactor; position.Y /= scaleFactor; mousePosition = position; if (mouseAction.HasFlag(MouseAction.MoveNode)) { if (lastSelectedNode != null) { lastSelectedNode.bound.Location = position.Offset(nodeToMoveOffset); lastSelectedNode.OnMove(null); QueueDraw(); } } if (mouseAction.HasFlag(MouseAction.AddEdge) || mouseAction.HasFlag(MouseAction.MoveEdge)) { mouseAction &= ~MouseAction.AddEdgeNew; MarkerNode mNode = GetInOutMarkerAt(position, PipelineNode.NodeInOutSpace); if (mNode != null && mNode.Match(connectNodesStartMarker)) { connectNodesEnd = new Point(mNode.IsInput ? mNode.Bounds.Left : mNode.Bounds.Right, mNode.Bounds.Center.Y); } else { connectNodesEnd = position; } QueueDraw(); } if (!mouseAction.HasFlag(MouseAction.MoveNode)) { MarkerNode mNode = GetInOutMarkerAt(position); if (mNode != null) { TooltipText = mNode.compatible + "\n" + mNode.compatible.Type; } else { TooltipText = string.Empty; } } PipelineNode node = GetNodeAt(position, true); if (node != null) { if (currentHoveredNode != node) { if (currentHoveredNode != null) { currentHoveredNode.OnMouseExited(); } currentHoveredNode = node; node.OnMouseEntered(); } } else { if (currentHoveredNode != null) { currentHoveredNode.OnMouseExited(); currentHoveredNode = null; } } }
/// <summary> /// Callback function called when algorithm finished /// </summary> /// <param name="startNode"></param> /// <param name="priority">Current thread priority.</param> /// <param name="result">Output of algorithm.</param> /// <param name="input">Reference to the data, that was used to compute these results.</param> /// <param name="yieldID">Unique identifier for every yielded output from a node.</param> void OnFinish(PipelineNode startNode, int priority, IType[] result, Result[] input, int yieldID = -1) { List<Compatible> compatibleOutput = startNode.algorithm.Output; if (result.Length != compatibleOutput.Count) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); // TODO throw a proper exception } if (startNode.SaveResult || startNode.HasFinalNode()) { startNode.results.Add(new Tuple<IType[], Result[]>(result, input)); } int offsetIndex = startNode.algorithm.Input.Count; for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++) { if (result[i] == null) { Console.WriteLine("null"); } Result resultWrapper = new Result(startNode, result[i], input, startNode.SaveResult, yieldID); HashSet<PipelineNode> markedAsUse = new HashSet<PipelineNode>(); // enqueue new data foreach (Edge edge in startNode.MNodes[offsetIndex+i].Edges) { MarkerNode targetNode = as MarkerNode; if (targetNode == null) { break; } if (!markedAsUse.Contains(targetNode.parent)) { markedAsUse.Add(targetNode.parent); resultWrapper.Used(targetNode.parent); } targetNode.EnqueueInput(resultWrapper); // start next node if (targetNode.parent.IsReady()) { if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { return; } this.Start(targetNode.parent, targetNode.parent.DequeueInput(), priority - 1); } } // dispose data when no one uses them if (resultWrapper.InUse <= 0 && !resultWrapper.Preserve) { resultWrapper.Finish(null); } } }
ResultStats GetResultStats(Result[] inputs, string sourceString, string distinctSourceString, PipelineNode node) { string uncompleteFeatureName = node.ToString(); // + "_" + feature.Key(); string className = string.Empty; string fibername = string.Empty; List<Result> currInputs = new List<Result>(); currInputs.AddRange(inputs); while (currInputs != null && currInputs.Count > 0) { List<Result> nextInputs = new List<Result>(); foreach (Result input in currInputs) { if (input.Data != null) { if (input.Node.algorithm.AlgorithmType == AlgorithmType.Input) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fibername)) { fibername = input.Data.ToString(); } BaseScan scan = input.Data as BaseScan; if (scan != null) { if (scan.Metadata.ContainsKey("LensMagnification")) { className = string.Format("{0}_{1}x", scan.FiberType, scan.Metadata["LensMagnification"]); } else { className = scan.FiberType; } } } else { uncompleteFeatureName = string.Format("{0}_{1}", input.Node, uncompleteFeatureName); } } if (input.Input != null) { nextInputs.AddRange(input.Input); } } currInputs = nextInputs; } distinctSourceString = fibername + distinctSourceString; fibername += "_" + sourceString; return new ResultStats(className, fibername, distinctSourceString, uncompleteFeatureName); }
void AddResults(List<IFeature> features, Result[] inputs, string sourceString, string distinctSourceString, PipelineNode node) { ResultStats rs = GetResultStats(inputs, sourceString, distinctSourceString, node); foreach (IFeature feature in features) { AddValue(rs, feature); } }
void AddResult(IFeature feature, Result[] inputs, string sourceString, string distinctSourceString, PipelineNode node) { ResultStats rs = GetResultStats(inputs, sourceString, distinctSourceString, node); AddValue(rs, feature); }
/// <summary> /// Opens the option window. /// </summary> /// <param name="pNode">Pipeline node for which the option should be shown.</param> void OpenOptionWindow(PipelineNode pNode) { Dialog d = new Dialog(); d.Title = String.Format("Option for \"{0}\"", pNode.algorithm); Table table = new Table(); VBox contentBox = new VBox(); int i = 0; Widget[] entries = new Widget[pNode.algorithm.Options.Count]; foreach (BaseOption option in pNode.algorithm.Options) { table.Add(new Label(option.Name), 0, i); Widget entry = option.ToWidget(); entries[i] = entry; table.Add(entry, 1, i); i++; } TextEntry commentEntry = new TextEntry(); commentEntry.PlaceholderText = "Comments..."; commentEntry.MultiLine = true; commentEntry.Text = pNode.userComment; contentBox.PackStart(table); contentBox.PackEnd(commentEntry); d.Content = contentBox; d.Buttons.Add(new DialogButton(Command.Cancel)); d.Buttons.Add(new DialogButton(Command.Apply)); var r = d.Run(this.ParentWindow); if (r != null && r.Id == Command.Apply.Id) { i = 0; foreach (BaseOption option in pNode.algorithm.Options) { object value = option.ExtractValueFrom(entries[i]); if (value != null) { option.Value = value; } i++; } pNode.userComment = commentEntry.Text; } d.Dispose(); }
/// <summary> /// Get the node that intersects a given rectangle /// </summary> /// <returns>The node; or null</returns> /// <param name="rectangle">Rectangle to test with.</param> /// <param name="ignoreNode">Optional: Ignore this node.</param> /// <param name="withExtras">Match not only main body of node, but also in/out marker</param> PipelineNode GetNodeAt(Rectangle rectangle, PipelineNode ignoreNode = null, bool withExtras = true) { foreach (PipelineNode node in nodes) { Rectangle nodeBound = node.bound; if (withExtras) { nodeBound = node.BoundWithExtras; } if (node != ignoreNode && nodeBound.IntersectsWith(rectangle)) { return node; } } return null; }
internal BaseAlgorithm(PipelineNode parent, ScanCollection scanCollection) { this.Parent = parent; input = new List<Compatible>(); output = new List<Compatible>(); request = new HashSet<RequestType>(); options = new List<BaseOption>(); }
/// <summary> /// Call when finished using these data. /// </summary> public void Finish(PipelineNode by) { lock (removeLock) { if (by == null) { if (usedBy.Count == 0 && !preserve) { Dispose(); } } else if (usedBy.ContainsKey(by)) { usedBy[by] = usedBy[by] - 1; if (usedBy[by] <= 0) { usedBy.Remove(by); if (usedBy.Count == 0 && !preserve) { Dispose(); } } } else if (usedBy.Count == 0 && !preserve) { Dispose(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the single, yielded, result. /// </summary> /// <param name="startNode">Start node.</param> /// <param name="origInput">Original input.</param> /// <param name="priority">Priority.</param> /// <param name="sender">Sender.</param> /// <param name="e">Event args.</param> void GetSingleData(PipelineNode startNode, Result[] origInput, int priority, object sender, AlgorithmEventArgs e) { object yieldKey = e.InputRef == null ? origInput as object : e.InputRef as object; if (yieldIds.ContainsKey(yieldKey)) { yieldIds[yieldKey]++; } else { yieldIds[yieldKey] = 1; } if (e.InputRef != null) { Result[] inputResults = new Result[e.InputRef.Length]; int i = 0; foreach (IType input in e.InputRef) { inputResults[i] = new Result( startNode, input, origInput.Length > i ? origInput[i].Input : null, startNode.SaveResult); i++; } OnFinish(startNode, priority, e.Data, inputResults, yieldIds[yieldKey]); } else { OnFinish(startNode, priority, e.Data, origInput, yieldIds[yieldKey]); } }
public bool IsUsed(PipelineNode by) { return usedBy.ContainsKey(by); }
/// <summary> /// Start to evaluate the pipeline /// </summary> /// <param name="startNode"></param> /// <param name="inputResult"></param> /// <param name="priority">Thread priority</param> public void Start(PipelineNode startNode, Result[] inputResult, int priority) { IType[] input = null; if (inputResult != null) { input = new IType[inputResult.Length]; int i = 0; foreach (Result res in inputResult) { input[i] = res.Data; i++; } } if (input == null) { return; } if (input.Length > 0) { bool allNull = true; foreach (IType i in input) { if (i != null) { allNull = false; } } if (allNull) { return; } } Dictionary<RequestType, object> requestedData = new Dictionary<RequestType, object>(); foreach (RequestType request in startNode.algorithm.Request) { switch (request) { case RequestType.ScanCollection: requestedData.Add( RequestType.ScanCollection, new ScanCollection(project.scanCollection) ); break; } } if (!priorizedScheduler.ContainsKey(priority)) { priorizedScheduler[priority] = qts.ActivateNewQueue(priority); } var inputResult2 = inputResult; Task startTask = Task<IType[]>.Factory.StartNew((x) => { var inputResult1 = inputResult2; EventHandler<AlgorithmEventArgs> yieldFun = (object sender, AlgorithmEventArgs e) => GetSingleData(startNode, inputResult1, priority, sender, e); startNode.algorithm.SetProgress(0); startNode.algorithm.Yielded += yieldFun; IType[] output = null; try { startNode.algorithm.cancellationToken = cancellationToken; if (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { output = startNode.algorithm.Run( requestedData, startNode.algorithm.options.ToArray(), input ); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); Console.WriteLine(e.Message); if (e.InnerException != null) { Console.WriteLine(e.InnerException.Message); } Log.Add(LogLevel.Error, this.GetType().Name, "Failed to process node \"" + startNode + "\"\n\t" + e.Message); } startNode.algorithm.Yielded -= yieldFun; startNode.algorithm.SetProgress(100); return output; }, cancellationToken, TaskCreationOptions.AttachedToParent) .ContinueWith(fromTask => { foreach (Result res in inputResult) { res.Finish(startNode); } IType[] taskOutput = fromTask.Result; if (taskOutput != null) { // null means, there is no more data Result[] thisInput = new Result[taskOutput.Length]; int i = 0; foreach (IType to in taskOutput) { thisInput[i] = new Result(startNode, to, inputResult, startNode.SaveResult); i++; } OnFinish(startNode, priority, taskOutput, thisInput); } }); }
protected override void OnMouseExited(EventArgs args) { if (mouseMover.Enabled) { mouseMover.DisableMouseMover(); this.Cursor = oldCursor; } if (currentHoveredNode != null) { currentHoveredNode.OnMouseExited(); currentHoveredNode = null; } }