/// <summary> /// Refresh reference list to ensure /// </summary> private void RefreshRefLists() { try { // BagTimes Reference if (this.refList == null) { this.refList = this.SearchBagTimesReference(); } BagTMLog.LogDebug("BagTM Engine Processing Constructor refList", refList); // Equipements Types if (this.equipementTypeList == null) { this.equipementTypeList = this.SearchEquipementsTypes(); } BagTMLog.LogDebug("BagTM Engine Processing Constructor equipementTypeList", equipementTypeList); // Taxi Times if (this.taxiTimesList == null) { this.taxiTimesList = this.SearchTaxiTimes(); } BagTMLog.LogDebug("BagTM Engine Processing Constructor taxiTimesList", taxiTimesList); // Registrations if (this.registrationList == null) { this.registrationList = this.SearchRegistration(); } BagTMLog.LogDebug("BagTM Engine Processing Constructor registrationList", registrationList); } catch (DbEntityValidationException ex) { // Retrieve the error messages as a list of strings. var errorMessages = ex.EntityValidationErrors .SelectMany(x => x.ValidationErrors) .Select(x => x.ErrorMessage); // Join the list to a single string. var fullErrorMessage = string.Join("; ", errorMessages); // Combine the original exception message with the new one. var exceptionMessage = string.Concat(ex.Message, " The query errors are: ", fullErrorMessage); // Throw a new DbEntityValidationException with the improved exception message. throw new EngineProcessingException(exceptionMessage); } if (this.h2hProcessing == null) { this.h2hProcessing = new H2HProcessing(this.hub, this.defaultEquipment, this.defaultStandFrom, this.defaultGateTo, this.baggageTerminalCode, this.minLoadUnloadTime, this.maxLoadUnloadTime, this.maxBaggageTurnaround, this.sorterVolumeMap, this.maxSorterThroughPut, this.sorterTime, this.refList, this.equipementTypeList, this.taxiTimesList, this.registrationList); } if (this.ptmH2HProcessing == null) { this.ptmH2HProcessing = new PTMH2HProcessing(this.hub, this.etcg, this.maxPaxTurnaround, this.airline); } if (this.bagIntergityProcessing == null) { this.bagIntergityProcessing = new BagIntegrityProcessing(this.hub, this.airline, this.factory, this.h2hProcessing); } if (this.fltInfoProcessing == null) { this.fltInfoProcessing = new FLTINFOProcessing(this.h2hProcessing, this.ptmH2HProcessing); } }
public FLTINFOProcessing(H2HProcessing h2hProcessing, PTMH2HProcessing ptmH2HProcessing) { this.h2hProcessing = h2hProcessing; this.ptmH2HProcessing = ptmH2HProcessing; }