コード例 #1
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            HttpWebRequest      request = WebRequest.Create("http://csgolounge.com/api/matches") as HttpWebRequest;
            StreamReader        reader;
            String              Topcontent    = null;
            List <WinnerObject> listofwinners = new List <WinnerObject>();

            // Get response
            using (HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse)
                // Get the response stream
                reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream());

                //save string response so we can cut it up
                Topcontent = reader.ReadToEnd();

            //pull top out of string and turn into jobjects
            if (Topcontent != null)
                var jsonData = JArray.Parse(Topcontent);

                foreach (JObject name in jsonData)
                    WinnerObject tempObject = new WinnerObject();
                    //pull games array out and save in a secondary list
                    tempObject.teama         = (name["a"].ToString());
                    tempObject.teamb         = (name["b"].ToString());
                    tempObject.winner        = (name["winner"].ToString());
                    tempObject.closed        = (name["closed"].ToString());
                    tempObject.eventType     = (name["event"].ToString());
                    tempObject.gameMatchtime = (name["when"].ToString());
                    if (tempObject.teama.Contains("'"))
                        String[] tempnamea = tempObject.teama.Split(new[] { "'" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                        tempObject.teama = tempnamea[0] + tempnamea[1];

                        /*                       Debug.WriteLine(tempnamea);
                         *                     foreach (String i in tempnamea)
                         *                     {
                         *                         Debug.WriteLine(i);
                         *                         tempObject.teama = tempObject.teama + i;
                         *                     }*/
                    if (tempObject.teamb.Contains("'"))
                        String[] tempnameb = tempObject.teamb.Split(new[] { "'" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                        tempObject.teamb = tempnameb[0] + tempnameb[1];

                        /*                foreach(String i in tempnameb)
                         *              {
                         *                  Debug.WriteLine(i);
                         *                  tempObject.teamb = tempObject.teamb + i;
                         *              }*/
                    tempObject.gameName = (tempObject.teama + " vs " + tempObject.teamb);

                    String[] tempDateChecker = tempObject.gameMatchtime.Split(new[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                    //         Debug.WriteLine(tempDateChecker[0]);
                    String[] tempDayChecker = tempDateChecker[0].Split(new[] { "-" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                    //              Debug.WriteLine(tempDayChecker[2]);
                    int day   = Convert.ToInt32(tempDayChecker[2]);
                    int month = Convert.ToInt32(tempDayChecker[1]);
                    int year  = Convert.ToInt32(tempDayChecker[0]);

                    DateTime yesterday = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);
                    if (yesterday.Day == day && yesterday.Month == month && yesterday.Year == year)
                //test print

                /*            foreach (WinnerObject topGame in listofwinners)
                 *          {
                 *              Debug.WriteLine("GAME NAME: " + topGame.gameName + " Team A: " + topGame.teama + " Team B: " + topGame.teamb + " WINNER: " + topGame.winner + " TIME: " + topGame.gameMatchtime);
                 *          } */

                SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["NewBetConnectionString"].ConnectionString);
                foreach (WinnerObject temp in listofwinners)
                    //            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM MatchTable WHERE MatchName = '" + matchName + "') INSERT INTO MatchTable(MatchName, Team1, Team2, Time) VALUES('" + matchName + "', '" + team1 + "', '" + team2 + "', '" + time + "')", con);
                    SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM WinnerReport WHERE MatchName = '" + temp.gameName + "') INSERT INTO WinnerReport(TeamA, TeamB, Winner, MatchName, Time) VALUES ('" + temp.teama + "', '" + temp.teamb + "', '" + temp.winner + "', '" + temp.gameName + "', '" + temp.gameMatchtime + "')", con);
                    //        SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM MatchTable WHERE MatchName = '" + matchName + "') INSERT INTO MatchTable(MatchName, Team1, Team2, Time) VALUES('" + matchName + "', '" + team1 + "', '" + team2 + "', '" + time + "')", con);

コード例 #2
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            HttpWebRequest request = WebRequest.Create("http://csgolounge.com/api/matches") as HttpWebRequest;
            StreamReader reader;
            String Topcontent = null;
            List<WinnerObject> listofwinners = new List<WinnerObject>();
            // Get response
            using (HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse)
                // Get the response stream
                reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream());

                //save string response so we can cut it up
                Topcontent = reader.ReadToEnd();


            //pull top out of string and turn into jobjects
            if (Topcontent != null)
                var jsonData = JArray.Parse(Topcontent);

                foreach (JObject name in jsonData)
                    WinnerObject tempObject = new WinnerObject();
                    //pull games array out and save in a secondary list
                    tempObject.teama = (name["a"].ToString());
                    tempObject.teamb = (name["b"].ToString());
                    tempObject.winner = (name["winner"].ToString());
                    tempObject.closed = (name["closed"].ToString());
                    tempObject.eventType = (name["event"].ToString());
                    tempObject.gameMatchtime = (name["when"].ToString());
                        String[] tempnamea = tempObject.teama.Split(new[] { "'" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                                      tempObject.teama = tempnamea[0] + tempnamea[1];
             /*                       Debug.WriteLine(tempnamea);
                        foreach (String i in tempnamea)
                            tempObject.teama = tempObject.teama + i;
                    if (tempObject.teamb.Contains("'"))
                        String[] tempnameb = tempObject.teamb.Split(new[] { "'" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                        tempObject.teamb = tempnameb[0] + tempnameb[1];
            /*                foreach(String i in tempnameb)
                            tempObject.teamb = tempObject.teamb + i;
                    tempObject.gameName = (tempObject.teama + " vs " + tempObject.teamb);

                    String[] tempDateChecker = tempObject.gameMatchtime.Split(new[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                    //         Debug.WriteLine(tempDateChecker[0]);
                    String[] tempDayChecker = tempDateChecker[0].Split(new[] { "-" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
              //              Debug.WriteLine(tempDayChecker[2]);
                    int day = Convert.ToInt32(tempDayChecker[2]);
                    int month = Convert.ToInt32(tempDayChecker[1]);
                    int year = Convert.ToInt32(tempDayChecker[0]);

                    DateTime yesterday = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);
                    if(yesterday.Day == day && yesterday.Month == month && yesterday.Year == year)

                //test print
                 /*            foreach (WinnerObject topGame in listofwinners)
                                 Debug.WriteLine("GAME NAME: " + topGame.gameName + " Team A: " + topGame.teama + " Team B: " + topGame.teamb + " WINNER: " + topGame.winner + " TIME: " + topGame.gameMatchtime);
                             } */

                SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["NewBetConnectionString"].ConnectionString);
                foreach (WinnerObject temp in listofwinners)
                    //            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM MatchTable WHERE MatchName = '" + matchName + "') INSERT INTO MatchTable(MatchName, Team1, Team2, Time) VALUES('" + matchName + "', '" + team1 + "', '" + team2 + "', '" + time + "')", con);
                    SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM WinnerReport WHERE MatchName = '" + temp.gameName + "') INSERT INTO WinnerReport(TeamA, TeamB, Winner, MatchName, Time) VALUES ('"+temp.teama+"', '"+temp.teamb+"', '"+temp.winner+"', '"+temp.gameName+"', '"+temp.gameMatchtime+"')", con);
                    //        SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM MatchTable WHERE MatchName = '" + matchName + "') INSERT INTO MatchTable(MatchName, Team1, Team2, Time) VALUES('" + matchName + "', '" + team1 + "', '" + team2 + "', '" + time + "')", con);
