コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks whether the current data is enough to construct a direction. If so,
        /// draw it. Take care to erase any previously drawn direction.
        /// </summary>
        void OnChange()
            Direction dir=null;	            // Constructed direction.
            AngleDirection angle;			// Angle from a backsight.
            DeflectionDirection deflect;	// Deflection angle.
            BearingDirection bearing;		// Bearing from north.
            ParallelDirection par;			// Parallel to 2 points.
            double srad;			        // Signed radian value.

            // Apply sign to any angle we have.
            if (m_IsClockwise)
                srad = m_Radians;
                srad = -m_Radians;

            if (m_Backsight!=null)
                // If we have a backsight, we could either have a regular
                // angle or a deflection. To construct either, we need a
                // from-point as well.

                // Note that an angle of zero (passing through the backsight
                // or foresight) is fine.

                if (m_From!=null)
                    IAngle obsv = new RadianValue(srad);

                    if (m_IsDeflection)
                        deflect = new DeflectionDirection(m_Backsight, m_From, obsv);
                        dir = deflect;
                        angle = new AngleDirection(m_Backsight, m_From, obsv);
                        dir = angle;
            else if (m_From!=null)
                // No backsight, so we could have either a bearing,
                // or a direction defined using 2 parallel points.
                // Since a bearing of zero is quite valid, we check
                // the dialog field to see if this is an entered value,
                // or just the initial value.

                if (m_Par1!=null && m_Par2!=null)
                    par = new ParallelDirection(m_From, m_Par1, m_Par2);
                    dir = par;
                    if (m_Radians>Constants.TINY || angleTextBox.Text.Trim().Length==0)
                        bearing = new BearingDirection(m_From, new RadianValue(srad));
                        dir = bearing;

            // If we have formed a direction, apply any offset.
            if (dir!=null)
                dir.Offset = m_Offset;

            // Try to calulate the position of the sideshot.
            IPosition to = RadialOperation.Calculate(dir, this.Length);

            // Return if we calculated a position that is identical to the old one.
            //if (to!=null && to.IsAt(m_To, Double.Epsilon))
            //    return;

            m_Dir = dir;
            m_To = to;

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Uses the currently displayed information to try to construct a
        /// direction object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The constructed direction (null if a direction cannot be created
        /// based on the information that's currently displayed)</returns>
        Direction GetCurrentDirection()
            Direction result = null;

            // Get signed direction
            double srad = (m_IsClockwise ? m_Radians : -m_Radians);
            IAngle dir = new RadianValue(srad);

            if (m_Backsight!=null)
                // If we have a backsight, we could either have a regular
                // angle or a deflection. To construct either, we need a
                // from-point as well.

                // Note that an angle of zero (passing through the backsight
                // or foresight) is fine.

                if (m_From!=null)
                    if (m_IsDeflection)
                        result = new DeflectionDirection(m_Backsight, m_From, dir);
                        result = new AngleDirection(m_Backsight, m_From, dir);
            else if (m_From!=null)
                // No backsight, so we could have either a bearing,
                // or a direction defined using 2 parallel points.
                // Since a bearing of zero is quite valid, we check
                // the dialog field to see if this is an entered value,
                // or just the initial value.

                if (m_Par1!=null && m_Par2!=null)
                    result = new ParallelDirection(m_From, m_Par1, m_Par2);
                else if (m_Radians > Constants.TINY || directionTextBox.Text.Length>0)
                    result = new BearingDirection(m_From, dir);

            // If we haven't formed a direction, ignore any offset
            if (result==null)
                return null;

            // An offset could have been specified by a point, or by
            // entering a distance left or right of the direction.

            Offset offset = null;

            if (m_OffsetPoint!=null)
                offset = new OffsetPoint(m_OffsetPoint);
            else if (m_OffsetDistance!=null)
                offset = new OffsetDistance(m_OffsetDistance, !m_IsRight);

            // If we got an offset, include it in the direction.
            if (offset!=null)
                result.Offset = offset;

            return result;