コード例 #1
        private void ExportMesh(IINode meshNode, BabylonScene babylonScene)
            if (meshNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_noexport"))

            if (!ExportHiddenObjects && meshNode.IsHidden(NodeHideFlags.None, false))

            var babylonMesh = new BabylonMesh();
            int vx1, vx2, vx3;

            babylonMesh.name = meshNode.Name;
            babylonMesh.id = meshNode.GetGuid().ToString();
            if (meshNode.HasParent())
                babylonMesh.parentId = meshNode.ParentNode.GetGuid().ToString();

            // Misc.
            babylonMesh.isVisible = meshNode.Renderable == 1;
            babylonMesh.pickable = meshNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_checkpickable");
            babylonMesh.receiveShadows = meshNode.RcvShadows == 1;
            babylonMesh.showBoundingBox = meshNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_showboundingbox");
            babylonMesh.showSubMeshesBoundingBox = meshNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_showsubmeshesboundingbox");

            // Collisions
            babylonMesh.checkCollisions = meshNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_checkcollisions");

            // Skin
            var skin = GetSkinModifier(meshNode);

            if (skin != null)
                babylonMesh.skeletonId = skins.IndexOf(skin);
                bonesCount = skin.NumBones;

            // Position / rotation / scaling
            var wm = meshNode.GetWorldMatrix(0, meshNode.HasParent());
            babylonMesh.position = wm.Trans.ToArraySwitched();

            var parts = Loader.Global.AffineParts.Create();
            Loader.Global.DecompAffine(wm, parts);

            if (exportQuaternionsInsteadOfEulers)
                babylonMesh.rotationQuaternion = parts.Q.ToArray();
                var rotate = new float[3];

                IntPtr xPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(float));
                IntPtr yPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(float));
                IntPtr zPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(float));
                parts.Q.GetEuler(xPtr, yPtr, zPtr);

                Marshal.Copy(xPtr, rotate, 0, 1);
                Marshal.Copy(yPtr, rotate, 1, 1);
                Marshal.Copy(zPtr, rotate, 2, 1);

                var temp = rotate[1];
                rotate[0] = -rotate[0] * parts.F;
                rotate[1] = -rotate[2] * parts.F;
                rotate[2] = -temp * parts.F;

                babylonMesh.rotation = rotate;                

            babylonMesh.scaling = parts.K.ToArraySwitched();

            if (wm.Parity)
                vx1 = 2;
                vx2 = 1;
                vx3 = 0;
                vx1 = 0;
                vx2 = 1;
                vx3 = 2;

            // Pivot
            var pivotMatrix = Tools.Identity;
            Loader.Global.PreRotateMatrix(pivotMatrix, meshNode.ObjOffsetRot);
            Loader.Global.ApplyScaling(pivotMatrix, meshNode.ObjOffsetScale);
            babylonMesh.pivotMatrix = pivotMatrix.ToArray();

            // Mesh
            var objectState = meshNode.EvalWorldState(0, false);
            var triObject = objectState.Obj.GetMesh();
            var mesh = triObject != null ? triObject.Mesh : null;

            RaiseMessage(meshNode.Name, 1);

            if (mesh != null)

                if (mesh.NumFaces < 1)
                    RaiseError(string.Format("Mesh {0} has no face", babylonMesh.name), 2);

                if (mesh.NumVerts < 3)
                    RaiseError(string.Format("Mesh {0} has not enough vertices", babylonMesh.name), 2);

                if (mesh.NumVerts >= 65536)
                    RaiseError(string.Format("Mesh {0} has too many vertices (more than 65535)", babylonMesh.name), 2);

                // Material
                var mtl = meshNode.Mtl;
                var multiMatsCount = 1;

                if (mtl != null)
                    babylonMesh.materialId = mtl.GetGuid().ToString();

                    if (!referencedMaterials.Contains(mtl))

                    multiMatsCount = Math.Max(mtl.NumSubMtls, 1);

                babylonMesh.visibility = meshNode.GetVisibility(0, Tools.Forever);

                var vertices = new List<GlobalVertex>();
                var indices = new List<int>();
                var matIDs = new List<int>();

                var hasUV = mesh.NumTVerts > 0;
                var hasUV2 = mesh.GetNumMapVerts(2) > 0;

                var optimizeVertices = meshNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_optimizevertices");

                // Skin
                IISkinContextData skinContext = null;

                if (skin != null)
                    skinContext = skin.GetContextInterface(meshNode);

                // Compute normals
                VNormal[] vnorms = Tools.ComputeNormals(mesh, optimizeVertices);
                List<GlobalVertex>[] verticesAlreadyExported = null;

                if (optimizeVertices)
                    verticesAlreadyExported = new List<GlobalVertex>[mesh.NumVerts];

                for (var face = 0; face < mesh.NumFaces; face++)
                    indices.Add(CreateGlobalVertex(mesh, face, vx1, vertices, hasUV, hasUV2, vnorms, verticesAlreadyExported, skinContext));
                    indices.Add(CreateGlobalVertex(mesh, face, vx2, vertices, hasUV, hasUV2, vnorms, verticesAlreadyExported, skinContext));
                    indices.Add(CreateGlobalVertex(mesh, face, vx3, vertices, hasUV, hasUV2, vnorms, verticesAlreadyExported, skinContext));
                    matIDs.Add(mesh.Faces[face].MatID % multiMatsCount);

                if (vertices.Count >= 65536)
                    RaiseError(string.Format("Mesh {0} has too many vertices: {1} (limit is 65535)", babylonMesh.name, vertices.Count), 2);

                    if (!optimizeVertices)
                        RaiseError("You can try to optimize your object using [Try to optimize vertices] option", 2);

                RaiseMessage(string.Format("{0} vertices, {1} faces", vertices.Count, indices.Count / 3), 2);

                // Buffers
                babylonMesh.positions = vertices.SelectMany(v => v.Position.ToArraySwitched()).ToArray();
                babylonMesh.normals = vertices.SelectMany(v => v.Normal.ToArraySwitched()).ToArray();
                if (hasUV)
                    babylonMesh.uvs = vertices.SelectMany(v => v.UV.ToArray()).ToArray();
                if (hasUV2)
                    babylonMesh.uvs2 = vertices.SelectMany(v => v.UV2.ToArray()).ToArray();

                if (skin != null)
                    babylonMesh.matricesWeights = vertices.SelectMany(v => v.Weights.ToArray()).ToArray();
                    babylonMesh.matricesIndices = vertices.Select(v => v.BonesIndices).ToArray();

                // Submeshes
                var sortedIndices = new List<int>();
                var subMeshes = new List<BabylonSubMesh>();
                var indexStart = 0;
                for (var index = 0; index < multiMatsCount; index++)
                    var subMesh = new BabylonSubMesh();
                    var indexCount = 0;
                    var minVertexIndex = int.MaxValue;
                    var maxVertexIndex = int.MinValue;

                    subMesh.indexStart = indexStart;
                    subMesh.materialIndex = index;

                    for (var face = 0; face < matIDs.Count; face++)
                        if (matIDs[face] == index)
                            var a = indices[3 * face];
                            var b = indices[3 * face + 1];
                            var c = indices[3 * face + 2];

                            indexCount += 3;

                            if (a < minVertexIndex)
                                minVertexIndex = a;

                            if (b < minVertexIndex)
                                minVertexIndex = b;

                            if (c < minVertexIndex)
                                minVertexIndex = c;

                            if (a > maxVertexIndex)
                                maxVertexIndex = a;

                            if (b > maxVertexIndex)
                                maxVertexIndex = b;

                            if (c > maxVertexIndex)
                                maxVertexIndex = c;
                    if (indexCount != 0)

                        subMesh.indexCount = indexCount;
                        subMesh.verticesStart = minVertexIndex;
                        subMesh.verticesCount = maxVertexIndex - minVertexIndex + 1;

                        indexStart += indexCount;

                babylonMesh.subMeshes = subMeshes.ToArray();

                // Buffers - Indices
                babylonMesh.indices = sortedIndices.ToArray();


            // Animations
            var animations = new List<BabylonAnimation>();

            if (!ExportVector3Controller(meshNode.TMController.PositionController, "position", animations))
                ExportVector3Animation("position", animations, key =>
                    var worldMatrix = meshNode.GetWorldMatrix(key, meshNode.HasParent());
                    return worldMatrix.Trans.ToArraySwitched();

            if (!ExportQuaternionController(meshNode.TMController.RotationController, "rotationQuaternion", animations))
                ExportQuaternionAnimation("rotationQuaternion", animations, key =>
                    var worldMatrix = meshNode.GetWorldMatrix(key, meshNode.HasParent());

                    var affineParts = Loader.Global.AffineParts.Create();
                    Loader.Global.DecompAffine(worldMatrix, affineParts);

                    return affineParts.Q.ToArray();

            if (!ExportVector3Controller(meshNode.TMController.ScaleController, "scaling", animations))
                ExportVector3Animation("scaling", animations, key =>
                    var worldMatrix = meshNode.GetWorldMatrix(key, meshNode.HasParent());

                    var affineParts = Loader.Global.AffineParts.Create();
                    Loader.Global.DecompAffine(worldMatrix, affineParts);

                    return affineParts.K.ToArraySwitched();

            if (!ExportFloatController(meshNode.VisController, "visibility", animations))
                ExportFloatAnimation("visibility", animations, key => new[] { meshNode.GetVisibility(key, Tools.Forever) });

            babylonMesh.animations = animations.ToArray();

            if (meshNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_autoanimate", 1))
                babylonMesh.autoAnimate = true;
                babylonMesh.autoAnimateFrom = (int)meshNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_autoanimate_from");
                babylonMesh.autoAnimateTo = (int)meshNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_autoanimate_to", 100);
                babylonMesh.autoAnimateLoop = meshNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_autoanimateloop", 1);

コード例 #2
        private void ExportMesh(IIGameScene scene, IIGameNode meshNode, BabylonScene babylonScene)
            if (meshNode.MaxNode.IsInstance())

            if (meshNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_noexport"))

            if (!ExportHiddenObjects && meshNode.MaxNode.IsHidden(NodeHideFlags.None, false))

            var gameMesh = meshNode.IGameObject.AsGameMesh();
            bool initialized = gameMesh.InitializeData; //needed, the property is in fact a method initializing the exporter that has wrongly been auto 
            // translated into a property because it has no parameters

            var babylonMesh = new BabylonMesh { name = meshNode.Name, id = meshNode.MaxNode.GetGuid().ToString() };

            if (meshNode.NodeParent != null)
                babylonMesh.parentId = GetParentID(meshNode.NodeParent, babylonScene, scene);

            // Sounds
            var soundName = meshNode.MaxNode.GetStringProperty("babylonjs_sound_filename", "");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(soundName))
                var filename = Path.GetFileName(soundName);

                var meshSound = new BabylonSound
                    name = filename,
                    autoplay = meshNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_sound_autoplay", 1),
                    loop = meshNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_sound_loop", 1),
                    volume = meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_sound_volume", 1.0f),
                    playbackRate = meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_sound_playbackrate", 1.0f),
                    connectedMeshId = babylonMesh.id,
                    isDirectional = false,
                    spatialSound = false,
                    distanceModel = meshNode.MaxNode.GetStringProperty("babylonjs_sound_distancemodel", "linear"),
                    maxDistance = meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_sound_maxdistance", 100f),
                    rolloffFactor = meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_sound_rolloff", 1.0f),
                    refDistance = meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_sound_refdistance", 1.0f),

                var isDirectional = meshNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_sound_directional", 0);
                if (isDirectional)
                    meshSound.isDirectional = true;
                    meshSound.coneInnerAngle = meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_sound_coneinnerangle", 360f);
                    meshSound.coneOuterAngle = meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_sound_coneouterangle", 360f);
                    meshSound.coneOuterGain = meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_sound_coneoutergain", 1.0f);


                    File.Copy(soundName, Path.Combine(babylonScene.OutputPath, filename), true);

            // Misc.
            babylonMesh.isVisible = meshNode.MaxNode.Renderable == 1;
            babylonMesh.pickable = meshNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_checkpickable");
            babylonMesh.receiveShadows = meshNode.MaxNode.RcvShadows == 1;
            babylonMesh.showBoundingBox = meshNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_showboundingbox");
            babylonMesh.showSubMeshesBoundingBox = meshNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_showsubmeshesboundingbox");
            babylonMesh.applyFog = meshNode.MaxNode.ApplyAtmospherics == 1;
            babylonMesh.alphaIndex = (int)meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_alphaindex", 1000);

            // Actions
            babylonMesh.actions = ExportNodeAction(meshNode);

            // Collisions
            babylonMesh.checkCollisions = meshNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_checkcollisions");

            var isSkinned = gameMesh.IsObjectSkinned;
            var skin = gameMesh.IGameSkin;
            var unskinnedMesh = gameMesh;
            IGMatrix skinInitPoseMatrix = Loader.Global.GMatrix.Create(Loader.Global.Matrix3.Create(true));
            List<int> boneIds = null;
            if (isSkinned)
                bonesCount = skin.TotalSkinBoneCount;

                babylonMesh.skeletonId = skins.IndexOf(skin);
                boneIds = SortBones(skin);
                skinSortedBones[skin] = boneIds;

            // Position / rotation / scaling
            var localTM = meshNode.GetObjectTM(0);
            if (meshNode.NodeParent != null)
                var parentWorld = meshNode.NodeParent.GetObjectTM(0);

            var meshTrans = localTM.Translation;
            var meshRotation = localTM.Rotation;
            var meshScale = localTM.Scaling;
            var exportQuaternions = Loader.Core.RootNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_exportquaternions");

            babylonMesh.position = new[] { meshTrans.X, meshTrans.Y, meshTrans.Z };

            if (exportQuaternions)
                babylonMesh.rotationQuaternion = new[] { meshRotation.X, meshRotation.Y, meshRotation.Z, -meshRotation.W };
                RotationToEulerAngles(babylonMesh, meshRotation);

            babylonMesh.scaling = new[] { meshScale.X, meshScale.Y, meshScale.Z };

            // Mesh
            RaiseMessage(meshNode.Name, 1);

            if (unskinnedMesh.IGameType == Autodesk.Max.IGameObject.ObjectTypes.Mesh && unskinnedMesh.MaxMesh != null)
                if (unskinnedMesh.NumberOfFaces < 1)
                    RaiseError(string.Format("Mesh {0} has no face", babylonMesh.name), 2);

                if (unskinnedMesh.NumberOfVerts < 3)
                    RaiseError(string.Format("Mesh {0} has not enough vertices", babylonMesh.name), 2);

                if (unskinnedMesh.NumberOfVerts >= 65536)
                    RaiseWarning(string.Format("Mesh {0} has tmore than 65536 vertices which means that it will require specific WebGL extension to be rendered. This may impact portability of your scene on low end devices.", babylonMesh.name), 2);

                // Physics
                var impostorText = meshNode.MaxNode.GetStringProperty("babylonjs_impostor", "None");

                if (impostorText != "None")
                    switch (impostorText)
                        case "Sphere":
                            babylonMesh.physicsImpostor = 1;
                        case "Box":
                            babylonMesh.physicsImpostor = 2;
                        case "Plane":
                            babylonMesh.physicsImpostor = 3;
                            babylonMesh.physicsImpostor = 0;

                    babylonMesh.physicsMass = meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_mass");
                    babylonMesh.physicsFriction = meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_friction", 0.2f);
                    babylonMesh.physicsRestitution = meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_restitution", 0.2f);

                // Material
                var mtl = meshNode.NodeMaterial;
                var multiMatsCount = 1;

                if (mtl != null)
                    babylonMesh.materialId = mtl.MaxMaterial.GetGuid().ToString();

                    if (!referencedMaterials.Contains(mtl))

                    multiMatsCount = Math.Max(mtl.SubMaterialCount, 1);

                babylonMesh.visibility = meshNode.MaxNode.GetVisibility(0, Tools.Forever);

                var vertices = new List<GlobalVertex>();
                var indices = new List<int>();
                var mappingChannels = unskinnedMesh.ActiveMapChannelNum;
                bool hasUV = false;
                bool hasUV2 = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < mappingChannels.Count; ++i)
                    var indexer = new IntPtr(i);
                    var channelNum = mappingChannels[indexer];
                    if (channelNum == 1)
                        hasUV = true;
                    else if (channelNum == 2)
                        hasUV2 = true;
                var hasColor = unskinnedMesh.NumberOfColorVerts > 0;
                var hasAlpha = unskinnedMesh.GetNumberOfMapVerts(-2) > 0;

                var optimizeVertices = meshNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_optimizevertices");

                // Compute normals
                List<GlobalVertex>[] verticesAlreadyExported = null;

                if (optimizeVertices)
                    verticesAlreadyExported = new List<GlobalVertex>[unskinnedMesh.NumberOfVerts];

                var subMeshes = new List<BabylonSubMesh>();
                var indexStart = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < multiMatsCount; ++i)
                    int materialId = meshNode.NodeMaterial == null ? 0 : meshNode.NodeMaterial.GetMaterialID(i);
                    var indexCount = 0;
                    var minVertexIndex = int.MaxValue;
                    var maxVertexIndex = int.MinValue;
                    var subMesh = new BabylonSubMesh { indexStart = indexStart, materialIndex = i };

                    if (multiMatsCount == 1)
                        for (int j = 0; j < unskinnedMesh.NumberOfFaces; ++j)
                            var face = unskinnedMesh.GetFace(j);
                            ExtractFace(skin, unskinnedMesh, vertices, indices, hasUV, hasUV2, hasColor, hasAlpha, verticesAlreadyExported, ref indexCount, ref minVertexIndex, ref maxVertexIndex, face, boneIds);
                        ITab<IFaceEx> materialFaces = unskinnedMesh.GetFacesFromMatID(materialId);
                        for (int j = 0; j < materialFaces.Count; ++j)
                            var faceIndexer = new IntPtr(j);
                            var face = materialFaces[faceIndexer];

                            ExtractFace(skin, unskinnedMesh, vertices, indices, hasUV, hasUV2, hasColor, hasAlpha, verticesAlreadyExported, ref indexCount, ref minVertexIndex, ref maxVertexIndex, face, boneIds);

                    if (indexCount != 0)

                        subMesh.indexCount = indexCount;
                        subMesh.verticesStart = minVertexIndex;
                        subMesh.verticesCount = maxVertexIndex - minVertexIndex + 1;

                        indexStart += indexCount;


                if (vertices.Count >= 65536)
                    RaiseWarning(string.Format("Mesh {0} has {1} vertices. This may prevent your scene to work on low end devices where 32 bits indice are not supported", babylonMesh.name, vertices.Count), 2);

                    if (!optimizeVertices)
                        RaiseError("You can try to optimize your object using [Try to optimize vertices] option", 2);

                RaiseMessage(string.Format("{0} vertices, {1} faces", vertices.Count, indices.Count / 3), 2);

                // Buffers
                babylonMesh.positions = vertices.SelectMany(v => new[] { v.Position.X, v.Position.Y, v.Position.Z }).ToArray();
                babylonMesh.normals = vertices.SelectMany(v => new[] { v.Normal.X, v.Normal.Y, v.Normal.Z }).ToArray();
                if (hasUV)
                    babylonMesh.uvs = vertices.SelectMany(v => new[] { v.UV.X, 1 - v.UV.Y }).ToArray();
                if (hasUV2)
                    babylonMesh.uvs2 = vertices.SelectMany(v => new[] { v.UV2.X, 1 - v.UV2.Y }).ToArray();

                if (skin != null)
                    babylonMesh.matricesWeights = vertices.SelectMany(v => v.Weights.ToArray()).ToArray();
                    babylonMesh.matricesIndices = vertices.Select(v => v.BonesIndices).ToArray();

                if (hasColor)
                    babylonMesh.colors = vertices.SelectMany(v => v.Color.ToArray()).ToArray();
                    babylonMesh.hasVertexAlpha = hasAlpha;

                babylonMesh.subMeshes = subMeshes.ToArray();

                // Buffers - Indices
                babylonMesh.indices = indices.ToArray();


            // Instances
            var tabs = Loader.Global.NodeTab.Create();

            Loader.Global.IInstanceMgr.InstanceMgr.GetInstances(meshNode.MaxNode, tabs);
            var instances = new List<BabylonAbstractMesh>();

            for (var index = 0; index < tabs.Count; index++)
                var indexer = new IntPtr(index);
                var tab = tabs[indexer];


                if (meshNode.MaxNode.GetGuid() == tab.GetGuid())
                var instanceGameNode = scene.GetIGameNode(tab);
                if (instanceGameNode == null)

                var instance = new BabylonAbstractMesh { name = tab.Name };
                    var instanceLocalTM = instanceGameNode.GetObjectTM(0);

                    var instanceTrans = instanceLocalTM.Translation;
                    var instanceRotation = instanceLocalTM.Rotation;
                    var instanceScale = instanceLocalTM.Scaling;

                    instance.position = new[] { instanceTrans.X, instanceTrans.Y, instanceTrans.Z };

                    if (exportQuaternions)
                        instance.rotationQuaternion = new[] { instanceRotation.X, instanceRotation.Y, instanceRotation.Z, -instanceRotation.W };
                        RotationToEulerAngles(instance, instanceRotation);

                    instance.scaling = new[] { instanceScale.X, instanceScale.Y, instanceScale.Z };
                var instanceAnimations = new List<BabylonAnimation>();
                GenerateCoordinatesAnimations(meshNode, instanceAnimations);
                instance.animations = instanceAnimations.ToArray();


            babylonMesh.instances = instances.ToArray();

            // Animations
            var animations = new List<BabylonAnimation>();

            GenerateCoordinatesAnimations(meshNode, animations);

            if (!ExportFloatController(meshNode.MaxNode.VisController, "visibility", animations))
                ExportFloatAnimation("visibility", animations, key => new[] { meshNode.MaxNode.GetVisibility(key, Tools.Forever) });

            babylonMesh.animations = animations.ToArray();

            if (meshNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_autoanimate", 1))
                babylonMesh.autoAnimate = true;
                babylonMesh.autoAnimateFrom = (int)meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_autoanimate_from");
                babylonMesh.autoAnimateTo = (int)meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_autoanimate_to", 100);
                babylonMesh.autoAnimateLoop = meshNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_autoanimateloop", 1);

コード例 #3
        private BabylonMesh ExportMesh(Node meshNode, BabylonScene babylonScene, CancellationToken token)
            var babylonMesh = new BabylonMesh();
            int vx1, vx2, vx3;

            RaiseMessage(meshNode.Name, true);
            babylonMesh.name = meshNode.Name;
            babylonMesh.id = meshNode.GetGuid().ToString();
            if (meshNode.HasParent())
                babylonMesh.parentId = meshNode.Parent.GetGuid().ToString();

            // Misc.
            babylonMesh.isVisible = meshNode._Node.Renderable == 1;
            babylonMesh.pickable = meshNode._Node.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_checkpickable");
            babylonMesh.receiveShadows = meshNode._Node.RcvShadows == 1;
            babylonMesh.showBoundingBox = meshNode._Node.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_showboundingbox");
            babylonMesh.showSubMeshesBoundingBox = meshNode._Node.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_showsubmeshesboundingbox");

            // Collisions
            babylonMesh.checkCollisions = meshNode._Node.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_checkcollisions");

            // Position / rotation / scaling
            var wm = meshNode.GetWorldMatrix(0, meshNode.HasParent());
            babylonMesh.position = wm.Trans.ToArraySwitched();

            var parts = Loader.Global.AffineParts.Create();
            Loader.Global.DecompAffine(wm, parts);

            //var rotate = new float[3];

            //IntPtr xPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(float));
            //IntPtr yPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(float));
            //IntPtr zPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(float));
            //parts.Q.GetEuler(xPtr, yPtr, zPtr);

            //Marshal.Copy(xPtr, rotate, 0, 1);
            //Marshal.Copy(yPtr, rotate, 1, 1);
            //Marshal.Copy(zPtr, rotate, 2, 1);

            //var temp = -rotate[1];
            //rotate[0] = rotate[0] * parts.F;
            //rotate[1] = -rotate[2] * parts.F;
            //rotate[2] = temp * parts.F;

            //babylonMesh.rotation = rotate;

            babylonMesh.rotationQuaternion = parts.Q.ToArray();

            babylonMesh.scaling = parts.K.ToArraySwitched();

            if (wm.Parity)
                vx1 = 2;
                vx2 = 1;
                vx3 = 0;
                vx1 = 0;
                vx2 = 1;
                vx3 = 2;

            // Pivot
            var pivotMatrix = Matrix3.Identity._IMatrix3;
            Loader.Global.PreRotateMatrix(pivotMatrix, meshNode._Node.ObjOffsetRot);
            Loader.Global.ApplyScaling(pivotMatrix, meshNode._Node.ObjOffsetScale);
            babylonMesh.pivotMatrix = pivotMatrix.ToArray();

            // Mesh
            var objectState = meshNode._Node.EvalWorldState(0, false);
            var mesh = objectState.Obj.GetMesh();
            var computedMesh = meshNode.GetMesh();

            if (mesh != null)

                if (mesh.NumFaces < 1)
                    RaiseError(string.Format("Mesh {0} has no face", babylonMesh.name));

                if (mesh.NumVerts < 3)
                    RaiseError(string.Format("Mesh {0} has not enough vertices", babylonMesh.name));

                if (mesh.NumVerts >= 65536)
                    RaiseError(string.Format("Mesh {0} has too many vertices (more than 65535)", babylonMesh.name));

                // Material
                var mtl = meshNode.Material;
                var multiMatsCount = 1;

                if (mtl != null)
                    babylonMesh.materialId = mtl.GetGuid().ToString();

                    if (!referencedMaterials.Contains(mtl))

                    multiMatsCount = Math.Max(mtl.NumSubMaterials, 1);

                babylonMesh.visibility = meshNode._Node.GetVisibility(0, Interval.Forever._IInterval);

                var vertices = new List<GlobalVertex>();
                var indices = new List<int>();
                var matIDs = new List<int>();

                var hasUV = mesh.NumTVerts > 0;
                var hasUV2 = mesh.GetNumMapVerts(2) > 0;

                var noOptimize = meshNode._Node.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_nooptimize");

                for (var face = 0; face < mesh.NumFaces; face++)
                    indices.Add(CreateGlobalVertex(mesh, computedMesh, face, vx1, vertices, hasUV, hasUV2, noOptimize));
                    indices.Add(CreateGlobalVertex(mesh, computedMesh, face, vx2, vertices, hasUV, hasUV2, noOptimize));
                    indices.Add(CreateGlobalVertex(mesh, computedMesh, face, vx3, vertices, hasUV, hasUV2, noOptimize));
                    matIDs.Add(mesh.Faces[face].MatID % multiMatsCount);
                    if (token.IsCancellationRequested) token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested();

                if (vertices.Count >= 65536)
                    RaiseError(string.Format("Mesh {0} has too many vertices: {1} (limit is 65535)", babylonMesh.name, vertices.Count));

                // Buffers
                babylonMesh.positions = vertices.SelectMany(v => v.Position.ToArraySwitched()).ToArray();
                babylonMesh.normals = vertices.SelectMany(v => v.Normal.ToArraySwitched()).ToArray();
                if (hasUV)
                    babylonMesh.uvs = vertices.SelectMany(v => v.UV.ToArray()).ToArray();
                if (hasUV2)
                    babylonMesh.uvs2 = vertices.SelectMany(v => v.UV2.ToArray()).ToArray();

                // Submeshes
                var sortedIndices = new List<int>();
                var subMeshes = new List<BabylonSubMesh>();
                var indexStart = 0;
                for (var index = 0; index < multiMatsCount; index++)
                    var subMesh = new BabylonSubMesh();
                    var indexCount = 0;
                    var minVertexIndex = int.MaxValue;
                    var maxVertexIndex = int.MinValue;

                    subMesh.indexStart = indexStart;
                    subMesh.materialIndex = index;

                    for (var face = 0; face < matIDs.Count; face++)
                        if (matIDs[face] == index)
                            var a = indices[3 * face];
                            var b = indices[3 * face + 1];
                            var c = indices[3 * face + 2];

                            indexCount += 3;

                            if (a < minVertexIndex)
                                minVertexIndex = a;

                            if (b < minVertexIndex)
                                minVertexIndex = b;

                            if (c < minVertexIndex)
                                minVertexIndex = c;

                            if (a > maxVertexIndex)
                                maxVertexIndex = a;

                            if (b > maxVertexIndex)
                                maxVertexIndex = b;

                            if (c > maxVertexIndex)
                                maxVertexIndex = c;
                    if (indexCount != 0)

                        subMesh.indexCount = indexCount;
                        subMesh.verticesStart = minVertexIndex;
                        subMesh.verticesCount = maxVertexIndex - minVertexIndex + 1;

                        indexStart += indexCount;

                    if (token.IsCancellationRequested) token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested();
                babylonMesh.subMeshes = subMeshes.ToArray();

                // Buffers - Indices
                babylonMesh.indices = sortedIndices.ToArray();

            // Animations
            var animations = new List<BabylonAnimation>();
            ExportVector3Animation("position", animations, key =>
                var worldMatrix = meshNode.GetWorldMatrix(key, meshNode.HasParent());
                return worldMatrix.Trans.ToArraySwitched();

            ExportQuaternionAnimation("rotationQuaternion", animations, key =>
                var worldMatrix = meshNode.GetWorldMatrix(key, meshNode.HasParent());

                var affineParts = Loader.Global.AffineParts.Create();
                Loader.Global.DecompAffine(worldMatrix, affineParts);

                return affineParts.Q.ToArray();

            ExportVector3Animation("scaling", animations, key =>
                var worldMatrix = meshNode.GetWorldMatrix(key, meshNode.HasParent());

                var affineParts = Loader.Global.AffineParts.Create();
                Loader.Global.DecompAffine(worldMatrix, affineParts);

                return affineParts.K.ToArraySwitched();

            ExportFloatAnimation("visibility", animations, key => new []{meshNode._Node.GetVisibility(key, Interval.Forever._IInterval)});

            babylonMesh.animations = animations.ToArray();

            if (meshNode._Node.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_autoanimate"))
                babylonMesh.autoAnimate = true;
                babylonMesh.autoAnimateFrom = (int)meshNode._Node.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_autoanimate_from");
                babylonMesh.autoAnimateTo = (int)meshNode._Node.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_autoanimate_to");
                babylonMesh.autoAnimateLoop = meshNode._Node.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_autoanimateloop");


            return babylonMesh;