private void ExportBoneAnimation(GLTFAnimation gltfAnimation, int startFrame, int endFrame, GLTF gltf, BabylonNode babylonNode, GLTFNode gltfNode) { var channelList = gltfAnimation.ChannelList; var samplerList = gltfAnimation.SamplerList; if (babylonNode.animations != null && babylonNode.animations[0].property == "_matrix") { logger?.RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Animation | Export animation of bone named: " +, 2); var babylonAnimation = babylonNode.animations[0]; var babylonAnimationKeysInRange = babylonAnimation.keys.Where(key => key.frame >= startFrame && key.frame <= endFrame); if (babylonAnimationKeysInRange.Count() <= 0) { return; } // --- Input --- var accessorInput = _createAndPopulateInput(gltf, babylonAnimation, startFrame, endFrame); if (accessorInput == null) { return; } // --- Output --- var paths = new string[] { "translation", "rotation", "scale" }; var accessorOutputByPath = new Dictionary <string, GLTFAccessor>(); foreach (string path in paths) { GLTFAccessor accessorOutput = _createAccessorOfPath(path, gltf); accessorOutputByPath.Add(path, accessorOutput); } // Populate accessors foreach (var babylonAnimationKey in babylonAnimationKeysInRange) { var matrix = new BabylonMatrix(); matrix.m = babylonAnimationKey.values; var translationBabylon = new BabylonVector3(); var rotationQuatBabylon = new BabylonQuaternion(); var scaleBabylon = new BabylonVector3(); matrix.decompose(scaleBabylon, rotationQuatBabylon, translationBabylon); // Switch coordinate system at object level translationBabylon.Z *= -1; translationBabylon *= exportParameters.scaleFactor; rotationQuatBabylon.X *= -1; rotationQuatBabylon.Y *= -1; var outputValuesByPath = new Dictionary <string, float[]>(); outputValuesByPath.Add("translation", translationBabylon.ToArray()); outputValuesByPath.Add("rotation", rotationQuatBabylon.ToArray()); outputValuesByPath.Add("scale", scaleBabylon.ToArray()); // Store values as bytes foreach (string path in paths) { var accessorOutput = accessorOutputByPath[path]; var outputValues = outputValuesByPath[path]; foreach (var outputValue in outputValues) { accessorOutput.bytesList.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(outputValue)); } accessorOutput.count++; } } ; foreach (string path in paths) { var accessorOutput = accessorOutputByPath[path]; // Animation sampler var gltfAnimationSampler = new GLTFAnimationSampler { input = accessorInput.index, output = accessorOutput.index }; gltfAnimationSampler.index = samplerList.Count; samplerList.Add(gltfAnimationSampler); // Target var gltfTarget = new GLTFChannelTarget { node = gltfNode.index }; gltfTarget.path = path; // Channel var gltfChannel = new GLTFChannel { sampler = gltfAnimationSampler.index, target = gltfTarget }; if (exportParameters.enableASBAnimationRetargeting) { ASOBOAnimationRetargetingTargetExtension(ref gltf, ref gltfTarget, babylonNode); } channelList.Add(gltfChannel); } } AnimationExtensionInfo info = new AnimationExtensionInfo(startFrame, endFrame); ExportGLTFExtension(babylonNode, ref gltfAnimation, gltf, info); }
private void ExportGenericPropertyAnimation <T1, T2>(GLTFAnimation gltfAnimation, int startFrame, int endFrame, GLTF gltf, T1 babylonObject, T2 gltfObject, BabylonScene babylonScene) { AnimationExtensionInfo info = new AnimationExtensionInfo(startFrame, endFrame); ExportGLTFExtension(babylonObject, ref gltfAnimation, gltf, info); }
private void ExportNodeAnimation(GLTFAnimation gltfAnimation, int startFrame, int endFrame, GLTF gltf, BabylonNode babylonNode, GLTFNode gltfNode, BabylonScene babylonScene, bool keepNonAnimated = false) { var channelList = gltfAnimation.ChannelList; var samplerList = gltfAnimation.SamplerList; // bool exportNonAnimated = exportParameters.animgroupExportNonAnimated; //bool exportNonAnimated = true; // Combine babylon animations from .babylon file and cached ones var babylonAnimations = new List <BabylonAnimation>(); if (babylonNode.animations != null) { babylonAnimations.AddRange(babylonNode.animations); } if (babylonNode.extraAnimations != null) { babylonAnimations.AddRange(babylonNode.extraAnimations); } // Filter animations to only keep TRS ones babylonAnimations = babylonAnimations.FindAll(babylonAnimation => _getTargetPath( != null); if (babylonAnimations.Count > 0 || keepNonAnimated) { if (babylonAnimations.Count > 0) { logger?.RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Animation | Export animations of node named: " +, 2); } else if (keepNonAnimated) { logger?.RaiseMessage("GLTFExporter.Animation | Export dummy animation for node named: " +, 2); // Export a dummy animation babylonAnimations.Add(GetDummyAnimation(gltfNode, startFrame, endFrame, babylonScene)); } foreach (BabylonAnimation babylonAnimation in babylonAnimations) { var babylonAnimationKeysInRange = babylonAnimation.keys.Where(key => key.frame >= startFrame && key.frame <= endFrame); if (babylonAnimationKeysInRange.Count() <= 0) { continue; } // Target var gltfTarget = new GLTFChannelTarget { node = gltfNode.index }; gltfTarget.path = _getTargetPath(; // --- Input --- var accessorInput = _createAndPopulateInput(gltf, babylonAnimation, startFrame, endFrame); if (accessorInput == null) { continue; } // --- Output --- GLTFAccessor accessorOutput = _createAccessorOfPath(gltfTarget.path, gltf); // Populate accessor int numKeys = 0; foreach (var babylonAnimationKey in babylonAnimationKeysInRange) { numKeys++; // copy data before changing it in case animation groups overlap float[] outputValues = new float[babylonAnimationKey.values.Length]; babylonAnimationKey.values.CopyTo(outputValues, 0); // Switch coordinate system at object level if ( == "position") { outputValues[2] *= -1; outputValues[0] *= exportParameters.scaleFactor; outputValues[1] *= exportParameters.scaleFactor; outputValues[2] *= exportParameters.scaleFactor; } else if ( == "rotationQuaternion") { outputValues[0] *= -1; outputValues[1] *= -1; } // Store values as bytes foreach (var outputValue in outputValues) { accessorOutput.bytesList.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(outputValue)); } } ; accessorOutput.count = numKeys; if (accessorOutput.count == 0) { logger?.RaiseWarning(String.Format("GLTFExporter.Animation | No frames to export in node animation \"{1}\" of node named \"{0}\". This will cause an error in the output gltf.",,; } // Animation sampler var gltfAnimationSampler = new GLTFAnimationSampler { input = accessorInput.index, output = accessorOutput.index }; gltfAnimationSampler.index = samplerList.Count; samplerList.Add(gltfAnimationSampler); // Channel var gltfChannel = new GLTFChannel { sampler = gltfAnimationSampler.index, target = gltfTarget }; if (exportParameters.enableASBAnimationRetargeting) { ASOBOAnimationRetargetingTargetExtension(ref gltf, ref gltfTarget, babylonNode); } channelList.Add(gltfChannel); } } AnimationExtensionInfo info = new AnimationExtensionInfo(startFrame, endFrame); ExportGLTFExtension(babylonNode, ref gltfAnimation, gltf, info); }
private void ExportMaterialAnimation(GLTFAnimation gltfAnimation, int startFrame, int endFrame, GLTF gltf, BabylonMaterial babylonMaterial, GLTFMaterial gltfMaterial, BabylonScene babylonScene) { AnimationExtensionInfo info = new AnimationExtensionInfo(startFrame, endFrame); ExportGLTFExtension(babylonMaterial, ref gltfAnimation, gltf, info); }