コード例 #1
        DecisionTree _tree; // Current decision tree.

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

           * Prepares to run the decision tree algorithm by
           * creating an empty decision tree.
           * <p>
           * The default splitting function is set to &quot;Random&quot;.
           * @param dataset A Dataset object that is already initialized.
           * @throws NullPointerException If the supplied Dataset or
           *         ComponentManager is null.
        public DecisionTreeAlgorithm(Dataset dataset)

            if (dataset == null)
                throw new Exception("Dataset is null.");

            //_manager = manager;

            DatasetUse = dataset;
            SplitFun = SPLIT_RANDOM;
            PruneAlg = PRUNING_NONE;
            RandomGenerator = new Random(2389);
            Tree = new DecisionTree();

            PessPruneZScore = DEFAULT_Z_SCORE;

            // Viết thêm

            ListRules = new DecisionTreeRule();
コード例 #2
   * Resets the algorithm, destroying the current
   * tree.  The dataset used to build the tree
   * remains unchanged.
 public void reset()
     Tree = new DecisionTree();