public static void GetAnnouncement() { WebHandler web = new WebHandler(); string url = ""; string answer = web.WaitOn_URL(url); ConsoleHandler.append(answer); }
public bool CheckForUpdate(string url, string deleteText, int lineNumber, string currentVersion) //Use this to check for updates { if (reader == null) { reader = new WebHandler(); } string processedUrl = reader.processGit_Text(reader.WaitOn_URL(url), deleteText, lineNumber); string gitVersion = reader.Get_GitVersion(processedUrl); LatestVersionNumber = gitVersion; if (!Guard.IsStringValid(currentVersion)) { return(true); } if (!Guard.IsStringValid(gitVersion)) { ConsoleHandler.append("Unable to determine latest version"); return(false); } int number = 0; string toolboxVersion = ""; foreach (char c in currentVersion) { if (Int32.TryParse(c.ToString(), out number)) { toolboxVersion = toolboxVersion + c; } } if (Int32.Parse(toolboxVersion) < Int32.Parse(gitVersion)) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
private void Download_ModLoader() { WebHandler web = new WebHandler(); WebClient client = new WebClient(); string url = ""; string gitText = web.WaitOn_URL(url); string downloadURL = web.processGit_Text(gitText, "modloader: ", 2); client.DownloadFile(downloadURL, "Update"); if (File.Exists(modloader_zipName)) { File.Delete(modloader_zipName); } File.Move("Update", modloader_zipName); ConsoleHandler.append("Mod Loader successfully downloaded!"); }
public void DoUpdateTowerPlugin() { new Thread(() => { WebHandler web = new WebHandler(); string pluginPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\NKHook5\\Plugins\\NewTowerLoader.dll"; string nkhfolder = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\NKHook5"; if (!web.CheckForUpdate(versionsURL, "NKHookTowerLoader: ", 4, Serializer.cfg.TowerLoadNKPluginVersion) && File.Exists(pluginPath)) return; if (File.Exists(pluginPath)) File.Delete(pluginPath); if (!Directory.Exists(nkhfolder + "\\Plugins")) Directory.CreateDirectory(nkhfolder + "\\Plugins"); web.DownloadFile("NewTowerLoader.dll", versionsURL, pluginPath, "NKHookTowerLoader: ", 4); Serializer.cfg.TowerLoadNKPluginVersion = web.LatestVersionNumber; Serializer.SaveSettings(); }).Start(); }
/// <summary> /// Complete method. Waits on URL then reads and returns text from it /// </summary> /// <param name="url">url to read text from</param> /// <returns>text read off of website</returns> public string WaitOn_URL(string url) //call this one to read the text from the git url { WebHandler get = new WebHandler(); get.startURL = url; get.TryReadURL_StartThread(); for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++) { GeneralMethods.checkedForExit(); Thread.Sleep(100); if (get.urlAquired) { break; } } if (get.readURL == null) { get.readURL = ""; } return(get.readURL); }
public void DoUpdateNKH() { new Thread(() => { WebHandler web = new WebHandler(); string nkhfolder = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\NKHook5"; string savePath = nkhfolder + "\\"; if(!web.CheckForUpdate(versionsURL, "NKHook5: ", 3, Serializer.cfg.NKHookVersion) && Directory.Exists(nkhfolder) && File.Exists(nkhfolder + "\\NKHook5.dll") && File.Exists(nkhfolder + "\\NKHook5-CLR.dll")) return; if (File.Exists(savePath)) File.Delete(savePath); if (!Directory.Exists(nkhfolder)) Directory.CreateDirectory(nkhfolder); web.DownloadFile("NKHook5", versionsURL, savePath, "NKHook5: ", 3); string extractPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\NKHook5"; ZipFile archive = new ZipFile(savePath); archive.ExtractAll(extractPath, ExtractExistingFileAction.OverwriteSilently); archive.Dispose(); if (File.Exists(savePath)) File.Delete(savePath); if (File.Exists(Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\NKHook5-Injector.exe")) File.Delete(Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\NKHook5-Injector.exe"); //File.Copy(nkhEXE, Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\NKHook5-Injector.exe"); Serializer.cfg.NKHookVersion = web.LatestVersionNumber; Serializer.SaveSettings(); }).Start(); }
public static void GetTutorialsList() { if (tut == null) { tut = new Tutorials(); } string url = ""; WebHandler web = new WebHandler(); new Thread(() => { string returnText = web.WaitOn_URL(url); if (!Guard.IsStringValid(returnText)) { if (!File.Exists(tut.tutorialFilePath)) { ConsoleHandler.append("Failed to get fresh tutorials list and unable to find the stored list. " + "If this problem continues please restart BTD Toolbox."); tut = null; return; } ConsoleHandler.append("Failed to get tutorials list. Toolbox will use the stored list instead, please note it may " + "not be updated. Restart BTD Toolbox if you want to try getting the list again."); } else { ConsoleHandler.append("Aquired tutorials list"); tut.CreateTutorialsFile(); tut.WriteToTutFile(returnText); ConsoleHandler.append("Finished writing tutorials list to file"); } tut.CreateTutorialsDictionary(tutorials); tut.PopulateTutorialsList(); }).Start(); }