public string getArtistFacebookID(string ArtistName, Proposal proposal, int Current_User) { string artistName = "BOTF " + ArtistName; string ArtistID = ""; try { var output = client.Get("fql", new { q = "SELECT page_id FROM page WHERE contains('" + artistName + "') limit 1" }); var data = (IDictionary<string, object>)output; if (data.ContainsKey("data")) { var temp = (List<object>)data["data"]; foreach (IDictionary<string, object> item in temp) { ArtistID = item["page_id"].ToString(); } } return ArtistID; } catch (FacebookApiException ex) { _db.FacebookPostSchedule.Add(new FacebookPostSchedule { DateCreated = DateTime.Now, ErrorCode = 190, ProposalID = proposal.Id, UserId = Current_User, ArtistPost = true }); _db.SaveChanges(); return ""; } }
/*add a facebook post id to database*/ public void AddOrUpdateFacebookArtistPost(int ProposalId, int UserId, string PostId) { Service service = _db.User.FirstOrDefault(c => c.UserId == UserId).Services.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Provider == "facebook"); Proposal propsal = _db.Proposal.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == ProposalId); if (service != null && propsal != null) { propsal.FacebookPostIdArtist = PostId; _db.SaveChanges(); } }
public dynamic InsertToArtistFeed(Proposal proposal, int CurrentUser, string URL = "") { dynamic parameters = new ExpandoObject(); parameters.message = "just suggested you play an event at " + proposal.Venue + " on Battle of the Fans. It has already received " + proposal.Votes + " votes!. Check it out and let your fans know what you think"; = "We all love music! Who do you want to see?"; = URL; parameters.privacy = new { value = "EVERYONE", }; string FacebookID = getArtistFacebookID(proposal.Artist, proposal, CurrentUser); try { if (FacebookID == "") { return(4); //could not find the artist page } else { var id = client.Post(FacebookID + "/feed", parameters); return(id); } } catch (FacebookApiException ex) { if (ex.ErrorCode == 100) //postId does not exist { proposal.FacebookPostIdArtist = ""; _db.SaveChanges(); return(1); } if (ex.ErrorCode == 190) //Token Expired { _db.FacebookPostSchedule.Add(new FacebookPostSchedule { DateCreated = DateTime.Now, ErrorCode = 190, ProposalID = proposal.Id, UserId = CurrentUser, ArtistPost = true }); _db.SaveChanges(); return(2); } return(3);//another error has happenned } }
public dynamic InsertToFeed(Proposal proposal, int CurrentUser, string URL) { dynamic parameters = new ExpandoObject(); parameters.message = "just suggested the event " + "->" + proposal.Artist + "<-" + " at " + "->" + proposal.Venue + "<-" + " for Battleof the Fans." + " Like this? Get on board and vote for it! " + "Awesome prizes to be won!" + " Battle of the Fans would like to thank you for dedication to the cause!"; = "We all love music! Who do you want to see?"; = URL; parameters.picture = proposal.Image; parameters.privacy = new { value = "EVERYONE", }; try { return(client.Post("/me/feed", parameters)); } catch (FacebookApiException ex) { if (ex.ErrorCode == 100) //postId does not exist { proposal.FacebookPostId = ""; _db.SaveChanges(); return(1); } if (ex.ErrorCode == 190) //Token Expired { _db.FacebookPostSchedule.Add(new FacebookPostSchedule { DateCreated = DateTime.Now, ErrorCode = 190, ProposalID = proposal.Id, UserId = CurrentUser, ArtistPost = false }); _db.SaveChanges(); return(2); } return(3);//another error has happenned } }
public int deleteComment(string commentID, string postID) { try { client.Delete(commentID); return(0); } catch (FacebookApiException ex) { if (ex.ErrorCode == 100) //postId does not exist { Proposal proposal = _db.Proposal.FirstOrDefault(c => c.FacebookPostId == postID); proposal.FacebookPostId = ""; _db.SaveChanges(); return(1); } if (ex.ErrorCode == 190) //Token Expired { return(2); } return(3);//another error has happenned } }
public void RunScheduler(string NewToken, int CurrentLoggedInUser) { ContextDb _db = new ContextDb(); DatabaseCallsApi _api = new DatabaseCallsApi(); FacebookAPI facebook = new FacebookAPI(NewToken); _api.AddOrUpdateService(CurrentLoggedInUser, "facebook", NewToken); //update user's token var Proposals_lists = _db.FacebookPostSchedule.Where(c => c.UserId == CurrentLoggedInUser && c.ErrorCode != 900).ToList(); var Comments_lists = _db.FacebookCommentSchedule.Where(c => c.UserId == CurrentLoggedInUser && c.ErrorCode != 900).ToList(); if (Proposals_lists.Count > 0) { // foreach (var post in Proposals_lists) { Proposal proposal = _db.Proposal.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == post.ProposalID); if (proposal != null) { dynamic status; if (post.ArtistPost) { status = facebook.InsertToArtistFeed(proposal, CurrentLoggedInUser, System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.UrlReferrer.ToString()); if (!(status is int)) { proposal.FacebookPostIdArtist =; _db.FacebookPostSchedule.Remove(post); _db.SaveChanges(); } } else { status = facebook.InsertToFeed(proposal, CurrentLoggedInUser, System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.UrlReferrer.ToString()); if (!(status is int)) { proposal.FacebookPostId =; _db.FacebookPostSchedule.Remove(post); _db.SaveChanges(); } } //do something } else { _db.FacebookPostSchedule.Remove(post); _db.SaveChanges(); } } // } if (Comments_lists.Count > 0) { foreach (var comment in Comments_lists) { int status = facebook.postCommentToPost(comment.FacebookPostId, comment.Body, comment.UserId); if (status == 0) { _db.FacebookCommentSchedule.Remove(comment); _db.SaveChanges(); } } } }
public HttpResponseMessage PostProposal(ViewProposal proposal) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { dynamic ArtistData = lastfm.GetArtistInfo(proposal.artist); //grab data from LastFM Models.User u = _db.User.FirstOrDefault(c=>c.UserId == WebSecurity.CurrentUserId); if (u.RemainingProposals <= 0) { return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden); //check if user can propose a new proposal or not } Proposal temp = new Proposal { Artist = ArtistData.ArtistName, Biography = ArtistData.ArtistBio, Genre = ArtistData.MusicGenre, Image = ArtistData.PictureURL, Venue = proposal.venue, Votes = 0, ProposedBy = WebSecurity.CurrentUserId }; var DatabaseIntegrityCHK = _db.Proposal.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Venue == temp.Venue && c.Artist == temp.Artist); if (DatabaseIntegrityCHK != null) //check if a similar proposal exists { return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Conflict); } u.Proposals.Add(temp); //_db.Proposal.Add(temp); _db.SaveChanges(); Models.User user = _db.User.First(c=> c.UserId == WebSecurity.CurrentUserId); user.RemainingProposals--; //reduce remaining proposal //_db.VoteHistory.Add(new Domain.VoteHistory { ProposalId =temp.Id, UserId=WebSecurity.CurrentUserId }); _db.SaveChanges(); //Proposal list = new Proposal { Id = propId, id = propId.ToString(), UserId = (ObjectId)userId, Artist = artist, Venue = venue, Votes = 0, Image = image, UsersName = userName, Biography = ArtistData.ArtistBio, Genre = ArtistData.MusicGenre}; var response = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Created); response.Headers.Location = new Uri(Request.RequestUri, "/api/FacebookProposal?Id=" + temp.Id + "&ArtistPost=" + false); //header for background post to feed and tweeter page //response.Headers = temp; return response; } catch (Exception) { return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } }else { return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } }
public dynamic InsertToFeed(Proposal proposal, int CurrentUser, string URL) { dynamic parameters = new ExpandoObject(); parameters.message = "just suggested the event " + "->" + proposal.Artist + "<-" + " at " + "->" + proposal.Venue + "<-" + " for Battleof the Fans." + " Like this? Get on board and vote for it! " + "Awesome prizes to be won!" + " Battle of the Fans would like to thank you for dedication to the cause!"; = "We all love music! Who do you want to see?"; = URL; parameters.picture = proposal.Image; parameters.privacy = new { value = "EVERYONE", }; try { return client.Post("/me/feed", parameters); } catch (FacebookApiException ex) { if (ex.ErrorCode == 100) //postId does not exist { proposal.FacebookPostId = ""; _db.SaveChanges(); return 1; } if (ex.ErrorCode == 190) //Token Expired { _db.FacebookPostSchedule.Add(new FacebookPostSchedule { DateCreated = DateTime.Now, ErrorCode = 190, ProposalID = proposal.Id, UserId = CurrentUser, ArtistPost=false }); _db.SaveChanges(); return 2; } return 3;//another error has happenned } }
public dynamic InsertToArtistFeed(Proposal proposal, int CurrentUser, string URL="") { dynamic parameters = new ExpandoObject(); parameters.message = "just suggested you play an event at " + proposal.Venue + " on Battle of the Fans. It has already received " + proposal.Votes + " votes!. Check it out and let your fans know what you think"; = "We all love music! Who do you want to see?"; = URL; parameters.privacy = new { value = "EVERYONE", }; string FacebookID = getArtistFacebookID(proposal.Artist,proposal,CurrentUser); try { if (FacebookID == "") { return 4; //could not find the artist page } else { var id = client.Post(FacebookID + "/feed", parameters); return id; } } catch (FacebookApiException ex) { if (ex.ErrorCode == 100) //postId does not exist { proposal.FacebookPostIdArtist = ""; _db.SaveChanges(); return 1; } if (ex.ErrorCode == 190) //Token Expired { _db.FacebookPostSchedule.Add(new FacebookPostSchedule { DateCreated = DateTime.Now, ErrorCode = 190, ProposalID = proposal.Id, UserId = CurrentUser, ArtistPost=true }); _db.SaveChanges(); return 2; } return 3;//another error has happenned } }