コード例 #1
        public void DropDownControl(Control ctl)
            Point location = new Point(Editor.Left, Editor.Bottom);

            // location in screen coordinate
            location = Editor.Parent.PointToScreen(location);

            if (ddForm == null)
                ddForm = new DropDownFormBase(this, (IDropDownControl)ctl);
            ddForm.Visible = false;

            Size size = new Size(Editor.Width, ctl.Height);

            if (DropDownFormBorderStyle == FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle || DropDownFormBorderStyle == FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow)
                size.Width = ddForm.Width;

            // check the form is in the screen working area
            Rectangle screenWorkingArea = Screen.FromControl(Editor).WorkingArea;

            location.X = Math.Min(screenWorkingArea.Right - size.Width,
                                  Math.Max(screenWorkingArea.X, location.X));

            if (size.Height + location.Y + Editor.Height > screenWorkingArea.Bottom)
                location.Y = location.Y - size.Height - Editor.Height - 1;

            ddForm.Location = location;
            ddForm.Size     = size;
            ddForm.Visible  = true;
            ctl.Visible     = true;
            if (set != null)
                int index = -1;
                if (Editor.Value != null)
                    index = set.IndexOf(Editor.Value);
                BindingManagerBase cm = ddControl.Grid.BindingContext[set];
                if (cm != null)
                    cm.Position = index;
コード例 #2
        public DropDownController(ChooserEditor editor, IDropDownControl ctl, CS bset, bool reload)
            : base(editor, bset, reload)
            ddControl = ctl;
            ddForm    = new DropDownFormBase(this, ddControl);
            ddControl.Grid.DataSource = set;
            ddControl.RowEntered     += new EventHandler <EventArgs <int> >(ddControl_RowEntered);
            ddControl.RowSelected    += new EventHandler <EventArgs <int> >(ddControl_RowSelected);
            ddControl.DropDownClosed += new EventHandler(ddControl_DropDownClosed);

            Editor = editor;
            Editor.ValueDropDown += Editor_ValueDropDown;
            //Editor.ValueChanged += new EventHandler(Editor_ValueChanged);