コード例 #1
        private static void DrawLetterGreeting(CustomerInformation customer)
            // Save graphics state

            // Set coordinate
            Contents.Translate(1.3, 14);

            // Define constants
            const Double Width    = 18;
            const Double Height   = 8;
            const Double FontSize = 10;

            // Create text box object with no first line indent
            TextBox headMessage = new TextBox(Width, 0);

            // add text to the text box
            headMessage.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, "Dear " + customer.GetName() + ",\n\n");
            headMessage.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, Properties.Settings.Default.SimpleLetterGreatingEng + Environment.NewLine);
            headMessage.AddText(SimHei, FontSize, Properties.Settings.Default.SimpleLetterGreatingChn + Environment.NewLine);

            // Draw the text box
            Double PosY = Height;

            Contents.DrawText(0.0, ref PosY, 0.0, 0, 0.015, 0.05, TextBoxJustify.Left, headMessage);

            // restore graphics state
コード例 #2
        // Draw example of a text box

        private static void DrawCustomerNameAddress(CustomerInformation customer)
            // save graphics state

            // set coordinate
            Contents.Translate(1.3, 16.2);

            // Define constants
            const Double Width    = 18;
            const Double Height   = 8;
            const Double FontSize = 10;

            // Create text box object with no first line indent
            TextBox customerContact = new TextBox(Width, 0);

            // add text to the text box
            customerContact.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, customer.GetName() + "\n");
            customerContact.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, customer.GetAddress()[0] + "\n");
            customerContact.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, customer.GetAddress()[1] + "\n");
            customerContact.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, customer.GetAddress()[2] + "\n");

            // Draw the text box
            Double PosY = Height;

            Contents.DrawText(0.0, ref PosY, 0.0, 0, 0.015, 0.05, TextBoxJustify.Left, customerContact);

            // restore graphics state
コード例 #3
        // Draw example of order form

        private static void DrawBankInformation(CustomerInformation customer)
            // Define constants to make the code readable
            const Double LEFT       = 6.3;
            const Double TOP        = 19.5;
            const Double BOTTOM     = 17.3;
            const Double RIGHT      = 6.3 + 15.39;
            const Double FONT_SIZE  = 10;
            const Double MARGIN_HOR = 0.04;
            const Double MARGIN_VER = 0.04;

            // preset content
            string[,] content = new string[, ] {
                { "BSB Number:  ", "980200" },
                { "Swift Code:  ", "BKCHAU2AXXX" },
                { "Bank Name:  ", "Bank of China (Australia) Ltd" }

            // column widths
            Double colWidthTitle  = ArialNormal.TextWidth(FONT_SIZE, "Account Name:  ") + 2.0 * MARGIN_HOR;
            Double colWidthDetail = ArialNormal.TextWidth(FONT_SIZE, "A very very very long name example and may be longer") + 2.0 * MARGIN_HOR;

            // define table
            PdfTable Table = new PdfTable(Page, Contents, ArialNormal, FONT_SIZE);

            Table.TableArea = new PdfRectangle(LEFT, BOTTOM, RIGHT, TOP);
            Table.SetColumnWidth(new Double[] { colWidthTitle, colWidthDetail });

            // define borders

            // margin
            PdfRectangle Margin = new PdfRectangle(MARGIN_HOR, MARGIN_VER);

            // default header style
            Table.DefaultHeaderStyle.Margin          = Margin;
            Table.DefaultHeaderStyle.BackgroundColor = Color.White;
            Table.DefaultHeaderStyle.Alignment       = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;

            // table heading
            Table.Header[0].Value = "Account Name:  ";
            Table.Header[1].Value = customer.GetName().ToUpper();

            // account type style
            Table.DefaultCellStyle.Margin = Margin;

            // loop for all items
            for (int i = 0; i < content.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < content.GetLength(1); j++)
                    Table.Cell[j].Value = content[i, j];

            // save graphics state

            // restore graphics state