public GetsendMoneyResult sendMoney(string BurstAddress, string amountNQT, string feeNQT, string secretPhrase, string message, bool encrypmf) { GetsendMoneyResult SMR = new GetsendMoneyResult(); BNWalletAPIClasses.ErrorCodes er; Dictionary <string, string> fpDict = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "requestType", "sendMoney" }, { "secretPhrase", secretPhrase }, { "recipient", BurstAddress }, { "amountNQT", amountNQT }, { "feeNQT", "100000000" }, { "deadline", "60" } }; if (encrypmf) { fpDict.Add("messageToEncrypt", message); } else { fpDict.Add("message", message); } fp = new FormUrlEncodedContent(fpDict); HttpResponseMessage resp = client.PostAsync("burst", fp).Result; string respStr = resp.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(respStr)) { if (respStr.Contains("\"errorCode\":")) { er = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BNWalletAPIClasses.ErrorCodes>(respStr); SMR.success = false; SMR.errorMsg = er.errorDescription; //GAIR.errorMsg = fp; } else { BNWalletAPIClasses.sendMoneyResponse smr = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BNWalletAPIClasses.sendMoneyResponse>(respStr); SMR.success = true; SMR.signatureHash = smr.signatureHash; SMR.transaction = smr.transaction; } } else { SMR.success = false; SMR.errorMsg = "Receive blank response from API call"; } return(SMR); }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { base.OnCreate(savedInstanceState); SetContentView(Resource.Layout.SendBurstScreen); MobileBarcodeScanner.Initialize(Application); scanner = new MobileBarcodeScanner(); RuntimeVar RT = new RuntimeVar(); RuntimeVarDB RTDB = new RuntimeVarDB(); RT = RTDB.Get(); burstAddress = Intent.GetStringExtra("BurstAddress"); RecipientBurstAddress = FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.sendBurstAddress); Message = FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.sendMessage); Amount = FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.sendAmount); Fee = FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.sendFee); cbEncrypt = FindViewById <CheckBox>(Resource.Id.cbEncryptMessage); CreateQRCode = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.btnViewQRCode); UARDB = new UserAccountRuntimeDB(); UAR = UARDB.Get(); string password = UAR.Password; string SecretPhrase = StringCipher.Decrypt(RT.CurrentPassphrase, password); CreateQRCode.Click += delegate { Intent intent = new Intent(this, typeof(QRCodeView)); intent.SetFlags(ActivityFlags.SingleTop); StartActivity(intent); }; Button btnsend = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.btnSend); btnsend.Click += delegate { AlertDialog.Builder alertDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); alertDialog.SetTitle("Confirmation"); alertDialog.SetMessage("Are you sure all the details are correct?"); alertDialog.SetPositiveButton("Yes", delegate { double amntdbl = Convert.ToDouble(Amount.Text); amntdbl = amntdbl * 100000000; amount = amntdbl.ToString(); double amntdblconf = Convert.ToDouble(amount); amntdblconf = amntdblconf / 100000000; Amount.Text = amntdblconf.ToString("#,0.00000000"); double feeamnt = Convert.ToDouble(Fee.Text); feeamnt = feeamnt * 100000000; fee = feeamnt.ToString(); double feeamntconf = Convert.ToDouble(fee); feeamntconf = feeamntconf / 100000000; Fee.Text = feeamntconf.ToString("#,0.00000000"); BNWAPI = new BNWalletAPI(); GetsendMoneyResult gsmr = BNWAPI.sendMoney(RecipientBurstAddress.Text, amount, fee, SecretPhrase, Message.Text, cbEncrypt.Checked); if (gsmr.success) { GetTransactionResult gtr = BNWAPI.getTransaction(gsmr.transaction); if (gtr.success) { AlertDialog.Builder ConfirmationDetailsDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); ConfirmationDetailsDialog.SetTitle("Confirmation Details"); ConfirmationDetailsDialog.SetMessage("Sender Address: " + gtr.senderRS + "\n" + "Amount of Burst sent: " + Amount.Text + "\n" + "Fee: " + Fee.Text + "\n" + "Recipient Address: " + gtr.recipientRS + "\n" + "Signature Hash: " + gsmr.signatureHash + "\n" + "Transaction ID: " + gsmr.transaction + "\n" + "Block Height: " + gtr.ecBlockHeight); ConfirmationDetailsDialog.SetPositiveButton("OK", delegate { GetAccountResult gar = BNWAPI.getAccount(gtr.senderRS); if (gar.success) { Intent intent = new Intent(this, typeof(InfoScreen)); intent.PutExtra("WalletAddress", gar.accountRS); intent.PutExtra("WalletName",; intent.PutExtra("WalletBalance", gar.balanceNQT); intent.SetFlags(ActivityFlags.SingleTop); StartActivity(intent); Finish(); } }); ConfirmationDetailsDialog.Show(); } } else { toast = Toast.MakeText(this, "Received API Error: " + gsmr.errorMsg, ToastLength.Long); toast.Show(); } }); alertDialog.SetNegativeButton("No", delegate { alertDialog.Dispose(); }); alertDialog.Show(); }; Button ScanQRCode = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.btnSendQRCode); ScanQRCode.Click += async delegate { await ScanFunction(); }; // Create your application here }