public DataTable GetDMVT(string filePath) { try { DataTable dt1 = TextUtils.ExcelToDatatable(filePath.Trim(), "DMVT"); DataTable dt = dt1.Copy(); for (int i = 0; i <= 4; i++) { dt.Rows.RemoveAt(0); } //for (int i = 0; i <4; i++) //{ // dt.Rows.RemoveAt(dt.Rows.Count - 1); //} for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { dt.Columns.RemoveAt(4); } dt.Columns.RemoveAt(dt.Columns.Count - 1); dt.Columns.RemoveAt(dt.Columns.Count - 1); return(dt1); } catch (Exception) { return(new DataTable()); } }
private void toolStripButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int count = 0; DataTable dt = TextUtils.ExcelToDatatable(@"D:\\123.xlsx", "Sheet1"); DataTable tblLink = TextUtils.Select("exec spGetModuleOfProject"); foreach (DataRow item in dt.Rows) { try { string code = item[0].ToString(); ModuleErrorModel error = (ModuleErrorModel)ModuleErrorBO.Instance.FindByAttribute("Code", code)[0]; if (error.ProjectCode != "") { continue; } string projectText = item["F3"].ToString(); ModulesModel module = (ModulesModel)ModulesBO.Instance.FindByPK(error.ModuleID); DataRow[] dt1 = tblLink.Select("ProjectCode like '%" + projectText + "%' and ProductCode = '" + module.Code + "'"); if (dt1.Length > 0) { error.ProjectCode = dt1[0]["ProjectCode"].ToString(); ModuleErrorBO.Instance.Update(error); count++; } } catch (Exception) { } } MessageBox.Show(count + " OK"); }
private void btnImport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { dt = TextUtils.ExcelToDatatable(ofd.FileName); } if (dt.Rows.Count <= 0) { return; } if (dt.Rows[6][2].ToString() == "") { return; //check mã dự án } txtProjectCode.Text = dt.Rows[6][2].ToString(); txtProjectName.Text = dt.Rows[6][5].ToString(); txtContractCode.Text = dt.Rows[7][2].ToString(); txtContractName.Text = txtContractCode.Text.Trim() != "" ? "Hợp đồng kinh tế số " + dt.Rows[7][2].ToString() : ""; txtCurator.Text = dt.Rows[5][5].ToString(); txtCustomerName.Text = dt.Rows[9][2].ToString(); txtLastCustomerName.Text = dt.Rows[9][5].ToString(); txtReception.Text = dt.Rows[8][5].ToString(); txtRequirement.Text = dt.Rows[8][2].ToString(); txtPriority.Text = dt.Rows[5][2].ToString(); cboStatus.SelectedIndex = 0; for (int i = 13; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { if (dt.Rows[i][3].ToString() == "" || dt.Rows[i][1].ToString() == "") { continue; } ProductsModel model = new ProductsModel(); model.PjCode = dt.Rows[i][3].ToString(); model.PjName = dt.Rows[i][1].ToString(); model.Quantity = TextUtils.ToInt(dt.Rows[i][5]); model.Unit = dt.Rows[i][4].ToString(); _listProducts.Add(model); } } catch (Exception ex) { TextUtils.ShowError(ex); } }
private void btnImport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string FileName = Application.StartupPath + "\\Templates\\ImportSP.xlsx"; Process.Start(FileName); if (MessageBox.Show("Bạn đã lưu lại file Excel chưa?\n Sẵn sàng Import vào phần mềm!", "Xác nhận", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { btnNew_Click(null, null); btnSave.Visible = true; DataTable dt = TextUtils.ExcelToDatatable(FileName, "SanPhamDA"); if (dt.Rows.Count <= 0) { return; } dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "TenTheoHopDong"; dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = "MaTheoHopDong"; dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "SL"; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { IEnumerable <DataRow> dr = (from order in dt.AsEnumerable() where order.Field <string>("TenTheoHopDong") != "" && order.Field <string>("TenTheoHopDong") != null select order); if (dr.Count() > 0) { dt = dr.CopyToDataTable(); } else { dt = new DataTable(); } //.CopyToDataTable(); } DataTable dtt = m_DataSource; foreach (DataRow item in dt.Rows) { dtt.ImportRow(item); } grdData.DataSource = dtt; grvData.BestFitColumns(); grdData.Focus(); } } catch (Exception ex) { TextUtils.ShowError(ex); } }
private void btnBrowse_ButtonClick(object sender, DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.ButtonPressedEventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); ofd.Multiselect = false; if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { using (WaitDialogForm fWait = new WaitDialogForm("Vui lòng chờ trong giây lát...", "Lấy dữ liệu trong file excel!")) { btnBrowse.Text = ofd.FileName; //dt = TextUtils.ExcelToDatatable(btnBrowse.Text, "Sheet1"); dt = TextUtils.ExcelToDatatable(btnBrowse.Text, "THONGKELOI"); grdData.DataSource = dt; } } }
DataTable getDmvtNormal() { try { string strFileName = @"\\SERVER\data2\Thietke\Luutru\Thietkechuan\Thietke.Ck\" + ProductCode.Substring(0, 6) + "/" + ProductCode + ".Ck" + "/VT." + ProductCode + ".xlsm "; if (File.Exists(strFileName)) { return(TextUtils.ExcelToDatatable(strFileName, "DMVT")); } } catch { } return(new DataTable()); }
public DataTable GetDMVTHang1(string filePath) { try { DataTable dt1 = TextUtils.ExcelToDatatable(filePath, "Sheet"); DataTable dt = dt1.Copy(); for (int i = 0; i <= 4; i++) { dt.Rows.RemoveAt(0); } return(dt); } catch (Exception) { return(null); } }
DataTable getDmvtFTP() { try { DocUtils.InitFTPQLSX(); string model = ProductCode; string strFilePath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop); strFilePath = strFilePath.Remove(strFilePath.LastIndexOf(@"\")); string strFTPFileName = @"//Thietke.Ck/" + model.Substring(0, 6) + "/" + model + ".Ck" + "/VT." + model + ".xlsm "; DocUtils.DownloadFile(strFilePath, model + ".xlsm", strFTPFileName); DataTable dt = TextUtils.ExcelToDatatable(strFilePath + "/" + model + ".xlsm", "DMVT"); File.Delete(strFilePath + "/" + model + ".xlsm"); return(dt); } catch { return(new DataTable()); } }
DataTable getDmvtFTP() { try { DocUtils.InitFTPQLSX(); string model = _moduleCode; string strFilePath = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName(); strFilePath = strFilePath.Remove(strFilePath.LastIndexOf(@"\")); string strFTPFileName = @"//Thietke.Ck/" + model.Substring(0, 6) + "/" + model + ".Ck" + "/VT." + model + ".xlsm "; DocUtils.DownloadFile(strFilePath, "dmvt.xlsm", strFTPFileName); DataTable dt = TextUtils.ExcelToDatatable(strFilePath + "/" + "dmvt.xlsm", "DMVT"); File.Delete(strFilePath + "/" + "dmvt.xlsm"); return(dt); } catch { return(new DataTable()); } }
void loadChildModule(string moduleCode, int parentID) { DocUtils.InitFTPQLSX(); string _serverPathCK = string.Format("Thietke.Ck/{0}/{1}.Ck/VT.{1}.xlsm", moduleCode.Substring(0, 6), moduleCode); string localPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop); if (DocUtils.CheckExits(_serverPathCK)) { DocUtils.DownloadFile(localPath, "VT." + moduleCode + ".xlsm", _serverPathCK); } else { return; } DataTable dtDMVT = TextUtils.ExcelToDatatable(localPath + "/VT." + moduleCode + ".xlsm", "DMVT"); if (File.Exists(localPath + "/VT." + moduleCode + ".xlsm")) { File.Delete(localPath + "/VT." + moduleCode + ".xlsm"); } DataRow[] drs = dtDMVT.Select("F4 like 'TPAD%' and len(F4) = 10"); if (drs.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < drs.Length; i++) { string stt = TextUtils.ToString(drs[i]["F1"]); decimal qty = TextUtils.ToDecimal(drs[i]["F7"]); if (stt.Contains(".")) { string[] arr = stt.Split('.'); string parentSTT = arr[0]; DataRow[] drs0 = dtDMVT.Select("F1 ='" + parentSTT + "'"); if (drs0.Length > 0) { qty *= TextUtils.ToDecimal(drs0[0]["F7"]); } for (int j = 1; j < arr.Length - 1; j++) { parentSTT += "." + TextUtils.ToString(arr[i]); DataRow[] drsC = dtDMVT.Select("F1 ='" + parentSTT + "'"); if (drsC.Length > 0) { qty *= TextUtils.ToDecimal(drsC[0]["F7"]); } } } string code = TextUtils.ToString(drs[i]["F4"]); string name = ""; DataTable dt = LibQLSX.Select("select FolderName from SourceCode with(nolock) where FolderCode = '" + code + "'"); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { name = TextUtils.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["FolderName"]); } else { name = TextUtils.ToString(drs[i]["F2"]); } _count++; DataRow dr = _dtModule.NewRow(); dr["F3"] = name; dr["F5"] = code; dr["F7"] = qty; dr["ID"] = _count; dr["ParentID"] = parentID; _dtModule.Rows.Add(dr); loadChildModule(code, _count); } } }
List <string> getListMail(string ProductCode) { NVCoKhi = ""; NVDien = ""; NVDT = ""; DocUtils.InitFTPQLSX(); List <string> listMailAddress = new List <string>(); if (ProductCode.StartsWith("TPAD.")) { string personDien = ""; try { string fdfFileName = string.Format("Thietke.Dn\\{0}\\{1}.Dn\\PRD.{1}\\{1}.Dn.pdf", ProductCode.Substring(0, 6), ProductCode); if (DocUtils.CheckExits(fdfFileName)) { DocUtils.DownloadFile("D:/", Path.GetFileName(fdfFileName), fdfFileName); PdfReader reader1 = new PdfReader("D:/" + Path.GetFileName(fdfFileName)); personDien = reader1.Info["Author"]; reader1.Close(); File.Delete("D:/" + Path.GetFileName(fdfFileName)); } else { fdfFileName = string.Format("Thietke.Dn/{0}/{1}.Dn/{1}.Dn.pdf", ProductCode.Substring(0, 6), ProductCode); if (DocUtils.CheckExits(fdfFileName)) { DocUtils.DownloadFile("D:/", Path.GetFileName(fdfFileName), fdfFileName); PdfReader reader1 = new PdfReader("D:/" + Path.GetFileName(fdfFileName)); personDien = reader1.Info["Author"]; reader1.Close(); File.Delete("D:/" + Path.GetFileName(fdfFileName)); } } if (personDien != "") { NVDien = personDien; personDien = getAddressMail(personDien); if (personDien != "") { listMailAddress.Add(getAddressMail(personDien) + ""); } } } catch { } string _serverPathCK = "Thietke.Ck/" + ProductCode.Substring(0, 6) + "/" + ProductCode + ".Ck/" + "/VT." + ProductCode + ".xlsm"; try { if (DocUtils.CheckExits(_serverPathCK)) { if (File.Exists("D:/VT." + ProductCode + ".xlsm")) { File.Delete("D:/VT." + ProductCode + ".xlsm"); } //Download file danh mục vật tư DocUtils.DownloadFile("D:/", "VT." + ProductCode + ".xlsm", _serverPathCK); DataTable dtDMVT = TextUtils.ExcelToDatatable("D:/VT." + ProductCode + ".xlsm", "DMVT"); File.Delete("D:/VT." + ProductCode + ".xlsm"); NVCoKhi = dtDMVT.Rows[2]["F3"].ToString(); string ck = getAddressMail(dtDMVT.Rows[2]["F3"].ToString()); if (ck != "") { if (!listMailAddress.Contains(ck + "")) { listMailAddress.Add(ck + ""); } } try { DataTable dtDT = dtDMVT.Select("F4 like '%PCB%'").CopyToDataTable(); if (dtDT.Rows.Count > 0) { string dienTuPath = "Thietke.Dt/PCB/"; foreach (DataRow item in dtDT.Rows) { string code = item["F4"].ToString(); if (code != "") { string pathDMVT_DT = dienTuPath + "/" + code + "/PRD." + code + "/VT." + code + ".xls"; if (DocUtils.CheckExits(pathDMVT_DT)) { try { DocUtils.DownloadFile("D:/", Path.GetFileName(pathDMVT_DT), pathDMVT_DT); DataTable dtDMVT_DT = TextUtils.ExcelToDatatable("D:/VT." + code + ".xls", "DMVT"); File.Delete("D:/VT." + code + ".xls"); NVDT += dtDMVT_DT.Rows[2]["F3"].ToString() + " - " + code + ","; string dt = getAddressMail(dtDMVT_DT.Rows[2]["F3"].ToString()); if (dt != "") { string personDT = dt + ""; if (!listMailAddress.Contains(personDT)) { listMailAddress.Add(personDT); } } } catch (Exception) { } } } } } } catch { } } } catch { } } if (ProductCode.StartsWith("PCB.")) { #region Get address of PCB string dienTuPath = "Thietke.Dt/PCB/"; string code = ProductCode; if (code != "") { string pathDMVT_DT = dienTuPath + "/" + code + "/PRD." + code + "/VT." + code + ".xls"; if (DocUtils.CheckExits(pathDMVT_DT)) { try { DocUtils.DownloadFile("D:/", Path.GetFileName(pathDMVT_DT), pathDMVT_DT); DataTable dtDMVT_DT = TextUtils.ExcelToDatatable("D:/VT." + code + ".xls", "DMVT"); File.Delete("D:/VT." + code + ".xls"); NVDT += dtDMVT_DT.Rows[2]["F3"].ToString() + " - " + code + ","; string dt = getAddressMail(dtDMVT_DT.Rows[2]["F3"].ToString()); if (dt != "") { string personDT = dt + ""; if (!listMailAddress.Contains(personDT)) { listMailAddress.Add(personDT); } } } catch { } } } #endregion } return(listMailAddress); }
private void cboStatus_SelectionChangeCommitted(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (btnBrowse.Text == "") { return; } gridControl1.DataSource = null; try { DataTable dt = TextUtils.ExcelToDatatable(btnBrowse.Text, cboStatus.SelectedValue.ToString()); if (dt.Rows.Count <= 0) { return; } dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "STT"; dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = "TenVatTu"; dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "MaVatTu"; dt.Columns[3].ColumnName = "Hang"; dt.Columns[4].ColumnName = "DonVi"; dt.Columns[5].ColumnName = "SoLuong"; dt.Columns[6].ColumnName = "ThongSo"; dt.Columns[7].ColumnName = "NgayVeDuKien"; dt.Columns[8].ColumnName = "GhiChu"; dt.Columns.Add("TenDuAn"); dt.Columns.Add("MaDuAn"); string re = dt.Rows[4][2].ToString(); string te = dt.Rows[4][4].ToString(); for (int i = 8; i >= 0; i--) { dt.Rows.RemoveAt(i); } //linq lấy các dòng mà code khác rỗng và khác null dt = (from order in dt.AsEnumerable() where order.Field <string>("TenVatTu") != "" && order.Field <string>("TenVatTu") != null select order).CopyToDataTable(); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { dt.Rows[i]["TenDuAn"] = re; dt.Rows[i]["MaDuAn"] = te; } } gridControl1.DataSource = dt; DataTable dt1 = new DataTable(); foreach (GridColumn colum in gridView1.VisibleColumns) { dt1.Columns.Add(colum.FieldName, colum.ColumnType); } for (int i = 0; i < gridView1.DataRowCount; i++) { DataRow row = dt1.NewRow(); foreach (GridColumn colum in gridView1.VisibleColumns) { row[colum.FieldName] = gridView1.GetRowCellValue(i, colum); } dt1.Rows.Add(row); } dt = dt1; #region Tinh ngay thuc te if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { DataRow row = dt.Rows[i]; if (row["NgayYeuCau"].ToString().Trim() != "") { if (row["NgayThucTe"].ToString().Trim() != "") { DateTime ngaymuon = Convert.ToDateTime(row["NgayYeuCau"]); DateTime ngaytra = Convert.ToDateTime(row["NgayThucTe"]); TimeSpan tim = ngaytra - ngaymuon; row["ThoiGianDatHangThucTe"] = tim.Days.ToString(); } } } } #endregion gridControl1.DataSource = dt; gridView1.BestFitColumns(); gridControl1.Focus(); } catch (Exception ex) { TextUtils.ShowError(ex); } }
private void frmSearchModule_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Text = ProductCode; DocUtils.InitFTPQLSX(); using (WaitDialogForm fWait = new WaitDialogForm("Vui lòng chờ trong giây lát...", "Đang load dữ liệu...")) { try { string fdfFileName = string.Format("Thietke.Dn\\{0}\\{1}.Dn\\PRD.{1}\\{1}.Dn.pdf", ProductCode.Substring(0, 6), ProductCode); if (DocUtils.CheckExits(fdfFileName)) { DocUtils.DownloadFile("D:/", Path.GetFileName(fdfFileName), fdfFileName); PdfReader reader1 = new PdfReader("D:/" + Path.GetFileName(fdfFileName)); txtThietKeDien.Text = reader1.Info["Author"]; reader1.Close(); File.Delete("D:/" + Path.GetFileName(fdfFileName)); } else { fdfFileName = string.Format("Thietke.Dn/{0}/{1}.Dn/{1}.Dn.pdf", ProductCode.Substring(0, 6), ProductCode); if (DocUtils.CheckExits(fdfFileName)) { DocUtils.DownloadFile("D:/", Path.GetFileName(fdfFileName), fdfFileName); PdfReader reader1 = new PdfReader("D:/" + Path.GetFileName(fdfFileName)); txtThietKeDien.Text = reader1.Info["Author"]; reader1.Close(); File.Delete("D:/" + Path.GetFileName(fdfFileName)); } } } catch (Exception) { } string _serverPathCK = "Thietke.Ck/" + ProductCode.Substring(0, 6) + "/" + ProductCode + ".Ck/" + "/VT." + ProductCode + ".xlsm"; try { if (DocUtils.CheckExits(_serverPathCK)) { if (File.Exists("D:/VT." + ProductCode + ".xlsm")) { File.Delete("D:/VT." + ProductCode + ".xlsm"); } //Download file danh mục vật tư DocUtils.DownloadFile("D:/", "VT." + ProductCode + ".xlsm", _serverPathCK); DataTable dtDMVT = TextUtils.ExcelToDatatable("D:/VT." + ProductCode + ".xlsm", "DMVT"); File.Delete("D:/VT." + ProductCode + ".xlsm"); txtThietKeCoKhi.Text = dtDMVT.Rows[2]["F3"].ToString(); try { DataTable dtDT = dtDMVT.Select("F4 like '%PCB%'").CopyToDataTable(); if (dtDT.Rows.Count > 0) { string dienTuPath = "Thietke.Dt/PCB/"; foreach (DataRow item in dtDT.Rows) { string code = item["F4"].ToString(); if (code != "") { string pathDMVT_DT = dienTuPath + "/" + code + "/PRD." + code + "/VT." + code + ".xls"; if (DocUtils.CheckExits(pathDMVT_DT)) { try { DocUtils.DownloadFile("D:/", Path.GetFileName(pathDMVT_DT), pathDMVT_DT); DataTable dtDMVT_DT = TextUtils.ExcelToDatatable("D:/VT." + code + ".xls", "DMVT"); File.Delete("D:/VT." + code + ".xls"); txtThietKeDienTu.Text += code + " : " + dtDMVT_DT.Rows[2]["F3"].ToString() + Environment.NewLine; } catch (Exception) { } } } } } } catch (Exception) { } } } catch { } } }
void UpdateFTP() { string initPath = @"F:\data\SQL SXLR\DataTPA\Sourcecode\"; string cokhiPath = initPath + "/Thietke.Ck/"; string dienTuPath = initPath + "/Thietke.Dt/PCB/"; string dienPath = initPath + "/Thietke.Dn/"; ArrayList array = ModulesBO.Instance.FindByExpression(new Expression("Status", 2).And(new Expression("Code", "TPAD", "like"))); foreach (var row in array) { ModulesModel module = (ModulesModel)row; string pathDMVT = cokhiPath + "//" + module.Code.Substring(0, 6) + "//" + module.Code + ".Ck//VT." + module.Code + ".xlsm"; if (!File.Exists(pathDMVT)) { continue; } FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(pathDMVT); DataTable dtDMVT = TextUtils.ExcelToDatatable(pathDMVT, "DMVT"); DataTable dtListMaterial = GetDMVT(dtDMVT); DataTable dtLink = TextUtils.Select("MaterialModuleLink", new Expression("ModuleID", module.ID)); string filePathIam = cokhiPath + module.Code.Substring(0, 6) + "/" + module.Code + ".Ck/3D." + module.Code + "/" + module.Code + ".iam"; string folderPahModuleImage = "";//Hỏi anh Hậu???????????????????????????????? #region UPDATE TÀI LIỆU THIẾT KẾ CHO SẢN PHẨM try { int DT = 0; int D = 0; //string dienPath = "D:\\Thietke.Dn\\" + module.Code.Substring(0, 6) + "\\" + module.Code + ".Dn"; if (Directory.Exists(dienPath)) { D = 1; } try { if (dtListMaterial.Select("F4 like '%PCB%'").Count() > 0) { DT = 1; } } catch (Exception) { } module.FileElectric = D; module.FileElectronic = DT; module.FileMechanics = 1; ModulesBO.Instance.Update(module); } catch (Exception) { } #endregion UPDATE TÀI LIỆU THIẾT KẾ CHO SẢN PHẨM if (dtLink.Rows.Count > 0) { int size = TextUtils.ToInt(dtLink.Rows[0]["Size"]); if (size != (int)(fi.Length)) { #region Tạo ảnh của sản phẩm try { //IPTDetail.LoadData(filePathIam); //Bitmap bit = new Bitmap(IPTDetail.Image, IPTDetail.Image.Width / 3, IPTDetail.Image.Height / 3); //bit.Save(folderPahModuleImage + "/" + module.Code+".png", ImageFormat.Png); //module.ImagePath = "\\SERVER\\data2\\Thietke\\PHANMEM\\ModuleImage\\" + module.Code + ".png"; //ModulesBO.Instance.Update(module); } catch { } #endregion #region THÊM NGƯỜI THIẾT KẾ try { ModuleDesignerBO.Instance.DeleteByAttribute("ModuleID", module.ID); if (dtDMVT.Rows[2]["F3"].ToString() != "") { ModuleDesignerModel model = new ModuleDesignerModel(); model.LoginName = dtDMVT.Rows[2]["F3"].ToString(); model.ModuleID = module.ID; model.WorkDetail = "Thiết kế cơ khí: " + fi.LastWriteTime.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); model.GroupType = 0; model.Author = dtDMVT.Rows[2]["F3"].ToString(); ModuleDesignerBO.Instance.Insert(model); } try { if (dtListMaterial.Select("F4 like '%PCB%'").Count() > 0) { foreach (DataRow item in dtListMaterial.Select("F4 like '%PCB%'")) { string code = item["F4"].ToString(); if (code != "") { string pathDMVT_DT = dienTuPath + "/" + code + "/PRD." + code + "/VT." + code + ".xls"; DataTable dtDMVT_DT = TextUtils.ExcelToDatatable(pathDMVT_DT, "DMVT"); ModuleDesignerModel modelDT = new ModuleDesignerModel(); modelDT.LoginName = dtDMVT_DT.Rows[2]["F3"].ToString(); modelDT.ModuleID = module.ID; modelDT.WorkDetail = "Thiết kế điện tử: " + code; modelDT.GroupType = 2; modelDT.Author = dtDMVT_DT.Rows[2]["F3"].ToString(); ModuleDesignerBO.Instance.Insert(modelDT); } } } } catch (Exception) { } } catch (Exception) { } #endregion THÊM NGƯỜI THIẾT KẾ #region TẠO DANH MỤC VẬT TƯ CHO MODULE //xóa danh sách vật tư cũ MaterialModuleLinkBO.Instance.DeleteByAttribute("ModuleID", module.ID); try { foreach (DataRow item in dtListMaterial.Rows) { MaterialModuleLinkModel linkModel = new MaterialModuleLinkModel(); linkModel.ModuleID = module.ID; //linkModel.DateCreated = fi.LastWriteTime.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); linkModel.Designer = dtDMVT.Rows[2]["F3"].ToString(); linkModel.SizeTK = (int)(fi.Length); linkModel.Author = dtDMVT.Rows[2]["F3"].ToString(); linkModel.STT = item["F1"].ToString(); linkModel.Name = item["F2"].ToString(); linkModel.ThongSo = item["F3"].ToString(); linkModel.Code = item["F4"].ToString(); linkModel.MaVatLieu = item["F5"].ToString(); linkModel.Unit = item["F6"].ToString(); linkModel.Qty = TextUtils.ToInt(item["F7"].ToString()); linkModel.VatLieu = item["F8"].ToString(); linkModel.Weight = TextUtils.ToDecimal(item["F9"].ToString()); linkModel.Hang = item["F10"].ToString(); try { ArrayList listMaterial = MaterialBO.Instance.FindByAttribute("Code", linkModel.Code); MaterialModel model = (MaterialModel)listMaterial[0]; linkModel.Price = model.Price; linkModel.Delivery = model.DeliveryPeriod; } catch (Exception) { linkModel.Price = 0; linkModel.Delivery = 0; } MaterialModuleLinkBO.Instance.Insert(linkModel); } } catch (Exception) { } #endregion TẠO DANH MỤC VẬT TƯ CHO MODULE } } else { #region Tạo ảnh của sản phẩm try { //IPTDetail.LoadData(filePathIam); //Bitmap bit = new Bitmap(IPTDetail.Image, IPTDetail.Image.Width / 3, IPTDetail.Image.Height / 3); //bit.Save(folderPahModuleImage + "/" + module.Code + ".png", ImageFormat.Png); //module.ImagePath = "\\SERVER\\data2\\Thietke\\PHANMEM\\ModuleImage\\" + module.Code + ".png"; //ModulesBO.Instance.Update(module); } catch { } #endregion #region THÊM NGƯỜI THIẾT KẾ try { ModuleDesignerModel model = new ModuleDesignerModel(); model.LoginName = dtDMVT.Rows[2]["F3"].ToString(); model.ModuleID = module.ID; model.WorkDetail = "Thiết kế cơ khí: " + fi.LastWriteTime.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); model.GroupType = 0; model.Author = dtDMVT.Rows[2]["F3"].ToString(); ModuleDesignerBO.Instance.Insert(model); try { if (dtListMaterial.Select("F4 like '%PCB%'").Count() > 0) { foreach (DataRow item in dtListMaterial.Select("F4 like '%PCB%'")) { string code = item["F4"].ToString(); if (code != "") { string pathDMVT_DT = dienTuPath + "/" + code + "/PRD." + code + "/VT." + code + ".xls"; DataTable dtDMVT_DT = TextUtils.ExcelToDatatable(pathDMVT_DT, "DMVT"); ModuleDesignerModel modelDT = new ModuleDesignerModel(); modelDT.LoginName = dtDMVT_DT.Rows[2]["F3"].ToString(); modelDT.ModuleID = module.ID; modelDT.WorkDetail = "Thiết kế điện tử: " + code; modelDT.GroupType = 2; modelDT.Author = dtDMVT_DT.Rows[2]["F3"].ToString(); ModuleDesignerBO.Instance.Insert(modelDT); } } } } catch (Exception) { } } catch (Exception) { } #endregion THÊM NGƯỜI THIẾT KẾ #region TẠO DANH MỤC VẬT TƯ CHO MODULE try { foreach (DataRow item in dtListMaterial.Rows) { MaterialModuleLinkModel linkModel = new MaterialModuleLinkModel(); linkModel.ModuleID = module.ID; //linkModel.DateCreated = fi.LastWriteTime.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); linkModel.Designer = dtDMVT.Rows[2]["F3"].ToString(); linkModel.SizeTK = (int)(fi.Length); linkModel.Author = dtDMVT.Rows[2]["F3"].ToString(); linkModel.STT = item["F1"].ToString(); linkModel.Name = item["F2"].ToString(); linkModel.ThongSo = item["F3"].ToString(); linkModel.Code = item["F4"].ToString(); linkModel.MaVatLieu = item["F5"].ToString(); linkModel.Unit = item["F6"].ToString(); linkModel.Qty = TextUtils.ToInt(item["F7"].ToString()); linkModel.VatLieu = item["F8"].ToString(); linkModel.Weight = TextUtils.ToDecimal(item["F9"].ToString()); linkModel.Hang = item["F10"].ToString(); try { ArrayList listMaterial = MaterialBO.Instance.FindByAttribute("Code", linkModel.Code); MaterialModel model = (MaterialModel)listMaterial[0]; linkModel.Price = model.Price; linkModel.Delivery = model.DeliveryPeriod; } catch (Exception) { linkModel.Price = 0; linkModel.Delivery = 0; } MaterialModuleLinkBO.Instance.Insert(linkModel); } } catch (Exception) { } #endregion TẠO DANH MỤC VẬT TƯ CHO MODULE } } }
/// <summary> /// Phân bổ dữ liệu cho phòng kế toán /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void button10_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DocUtils.InitFTPQLSX(); string _productCode = "TPAD.A2106"; string _projectCode = "DA1"; string _serverPathCK = "Thietke.Ck/" + _productCode.Substring(0, 6) + "/" + _productCode + ".Ck/"; DataTable dt = TextUtils.Select("vPBDL_Structure_File", new Expression("DepartmentID", 8)); ArrayList listStruc = PBDLStructureBO.Instance.FindByAttribute("DepartmentID", 8); if (listStruc.Count > 0) { FolderBrowserDialog fbd = new FolderBrowserDialog(); if (fbd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { string initPath = fbd.SelectedPath; #region Lấy dữ liệu trong file danh mục vật tư cơ khí try { if (DocUtils.CheckExits(_serverPathCK + "/VT." + _productCode + ".xlsm")) { //Download file danh mục vật tư DocUtils.DownloadFile(initPath, "VT." + _productCode + ".xlsm", _serverPathCK + "/VT." + _productCode + ".xlsm"); } } catch { } string pathDMVT = initPath + "/VT." + _productCode + ".xlsm"; DataTable dtDMVT = TextUtils.ExcelToDatatable(pathDMVT, "DMVT"); for (int i = 0; i <= 4; i++) { dtDMVT.Rows.RemoveAt(0); } File.Delete(pathDMVT); #endregion foreach (var item in listStruc) { PBDLStructureModel strucModel = (PBDLStructureModel)item; string pathStruc = strucModel.Path.Replace("project", _projectCode).Replace("code", _productCode); string pathLocal = initPath + "/" + pathStruc; Directory.CreateDirectory(pathLocal); DataTable dtFile = TextUtils.Select("vPBDL_Structure_File", new Expression("PBDLStructureID", strucModel.ID)); foreach (DataRow row in dtFile.Rows) { int pBDLFileID = TextUtils.ToInt(row["PBDLFileID"]); PBDLFileModel fileModel = (PBDLFileModel)PBDLFileBO.Instance.FindByPK(pBDLFileID); if (fileModel.GetType == 0)//nhieu file { string pathServer = fileModel.FolderContain.Replace("group", _productCode.Substring(0, 6)).Replace("code", _productCode); #region Mã vật liệu if (fileModel.FilterMaVatLieu)//nếu có mã vật liệu { DataRow[] listMaVatLieu = dtDMVT.Select("F5 <> '' and F4 like '%TPAD%' "); foreach (DataRow rowMVL in listMaVatLieu) { string fileName = rowMVL["F4"].ToString(); try { if (DocUtils.CheckExits(pathServer + "/" + fileName + ".dwg")) { DocUtils.DownloadFile(pathLocal, fileName + fileModel.Extension, pathServer + "/" + fileName + fileModel.Extension); } } catch { } } } #endregion #region Đơn vị if (fileModel.FilterDonVi != "") { DataRow[] listDonVi = dtDMVT.Select("F6 like '%" + fileModel.FilterDonVi.ToUpper() + "%' and F4 like '%TPAD%' "); foreach (DataRow rowMVL in listDonVi) { string fileName = rowMVL["F4"].ToString(); try { if (DocUtils.CheckExits(pathServer + "/" + fileName + ".dwg")) { DocUtils.DownloadFile(pathLocal, fileName + fileModel.Extension, pathServer + "/" + fileName + fileModel.Extension); } } catch { } } } #endregion Đơn vị #region Thông Số if (fileModel.FilterThongSo != "") { DataRow[] listThongSo = dtDMVT.Select("F3 like '%" + fileModel.FilterThongSo.ToUpper() + "%' and F4 like '%TPAD%' "); foreach (DataRow rowThongSo in listThongSo) { string fileName = rowThongSo["F4"].ToString(); try { if (DocUtils.CheckExits(pathServer + "/" + fileName + ".dwg")) { DocUtils.DownloadFile(pathLocal, fileName + fileModel.Extension, pathServer + "/" + fileName + fileModel.Extension); } } catch { } } } #endregion Thông Số #region MẶT if (fileModel.MAT) { try { string[] listFileMat = DocUtils.GetFilesList(pathServer); if (listFileMat != null) { foreach (string fileName in listFileMat) { try { if (DocUtils.CheckExits(pathServer + "/" + fileName)) { DocUtils.DownloadFile(pathLocal, fileName, pathServer + "/" + fileName); } } catch { } } } } catch { } } #endregion Mặt #region TEM if (fileModel.TEM) { try { string[] listFileTEM = DocUtils.GetFilesList(pathServer); if (listFileTEM != null) { foreach (string fileName in listFileTEM) { try { if (DocUtils.CheckExits(pathServer + "/" + fileName)) { DocUtils.DownloadFile(pathLocal, fileName, pathServer + "/" + fileName); } } catch { } } } } catch { } } #endregion TEM } else//1 file { if (strucModel.FolderType != 2)//nếu không phải là thư mục điện tử { string filePathServer = fileModel.FolderContain.Replace("group", _productCode.Substring(0, 6)).Replace("code", _productCode); try { if (DocUtils.CheckExits(filePathServer)) { DocUtils.DownloadFile(pathLocal, Path.GetFileName(filePathServer), filePathServer); } } catch { } } else { DataRow[] listPCB = dtDMVT.Select("F4 like '%PCB%'"); foreach (DataRow rowDT in listPCB) { string pcbCode = rowDT["F4"].ToString(); string pathPCB = pathLocal + "/" + pcbCode; if (pathPCB == "") { continue; } Directory.CreateDirectory(pathPCB); string filePathServer = fileModel.FolderContain.Replace("tpat", "TPAT." + pcbCode.Substring(4, 7)).Replace("code", pcbCode); try { if (DocUtils.CheckExits(filePathServer)) { DocUtils.DownloadFile(pathPCB, Path.GetFileName(filePathServer), filePathServer); } } catch { } } } } } } } } }