private void btncomitorder_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (pc.Count != 0) { int tid = new transactionmodel().getid(); purchase s = new purchase() { tid = tid, lid = lid, ptotal = total, pdate = datePicker1.ToString(), pid = vid, tnsp_chg = addcharges.ToString(), vat_chg = vat.ToString(), roundof = roundof.ToString(), nettotal = Double.Parse(txttotalamount.Text), discount = "0" }; List<purchaseitem> sl = pc.ToList<purchaseitem>(); purchasemodel sm = new purchasemodel(s, sl, total); if (sm.comitorder(comitoid)) { Show("Data Saved",1); int i = application.tb.Where(x => x.Lid == lid).Select<ledgerbalance, int>(x => application.tb.IndexOf(x)).Single<int>(); application.tb[i].Balance = application.tb[i].Balance + Double.Parse(txttotalamount.Text); application.tb[i].CurrBalance = application.tb[i].Balance.ToString("C2"); application.tb[i].BalanceType = "dr"; pc.Clear(); reset(); vid = int.Parse(sm.getvid().ToString()); } } else { Show("Fields Cannot be empty",2); } }
private void lst_report_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { if (lst_report.SelectedValue != null) { lbl_header.Content = "Purchase Invoice"; purchasereport sr = (purchasereport)lst_report.SelectedValue; purchase s; if (invoicedetail) { listBox2.ItemsSource = new purchaseitemmodel().getinvoicedetail(int.Parse(sr.vid)); s = new purchasemodel().getinvoicedetail(int.Parse(sr.vid)); rp_datePicker.Text = s.pdate; rp_customer.Content = s.lname; rp_round.Content = s.roundof; rp_tnsp.Content = s.tnsp_chg; rp_total.Content = s.ptotal; rp_vatrate.Content = s.vat_chg; rp_vno.Content =; rp_vat.Content = (Math.Round(double.Parse(s.vat_chg) / s.ptotal * 100, 2)).ToString(); purchase_report.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; invoice_details.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } else { reset(); List<purchaseitem> soc = new purchaseitemmodel().getorderedetail(int.Parse(sr.vid)); foreach (var item in soc) { purchaseitem sa = new purchaseitem() { pid = vid, pcomname = item.pcomname, pcomid = item.pcomid, pqnty = item.pqnty, puom = item.puom, prate = item.prate, pamt = item.pamt, }; pc.Add(sa); } s = new purchasemodel().getorderdetail(int.Parse(sr.vid)); purchase_report.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; purchase.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; invoicenumber(); btncomitorder.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; button1.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; txtcustomer.Text = s.lname; txttotalamount.Text = s.nettotal.ToString(); total = s.ptotal; lid = s.lid; comitoid =; txtacrate.Focus(); } } }
void worker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { dr = new autocomplete().getdatatable("select l_name,l_id from ledger where l_groupid = 3", "ledger"); dr1 = new autocomplete().getdatatable("select com_name , com_id,com_balstock,com_sp from [stock]", "[stock]"); pr = new purchasemodel().getpurchasereport(); por = new purchasemodel().getpurchaseorderreport(); vid = new purchasemodel().getvid(); f = new Fillcombo("u_sym", "uom"); orderid = new purchasemodel().getordervid(); }
private void btnorder_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (pc.Count != 0) { // int tid = new transactionmodel().getid(); purchase s = new purchase() { // tid = tid, lid = lid, ptotal = total, pdate = datePicker1.ToString(), pid = int.Parse(txtorderno.Text), /// tnsp_chg = addcharges.ToString(), //////// vat_chg = vat.ToString(), // roundof = roundof.ToString(), nettotal = Double.Parse(txttotalamount.Text), // discount = "0" }; List<purchaseitem> sl = pc.ToList<purchaseitem>(); purchasemodel sm = new purchasemodel(s, sl, total); if (sm.orderinsert()) { Show("Data Saved", 1); pc.Clear(); reset(); txtorderno.Text = sm.getordervid().ToString(); orderid = int.Parse(txtorderno.Text); } } else { Show("Fields Cannot be empty",2); } }