コード例 #1
        internal static void CreateExecutionSteps(this _ExecutionStepFactory factory)
            using (ILogMethod method = Log.LogMethod(DYN_MODULE_NAME, "CreateExecutionSteps"))
                    ExecutionStepDictionary  execSteps  = factory.ExecutionSteps;
                    ExecutionStepDeviceTypes deviceType = ExecutionStepFactory.Current.DeviceType;
                    IDictionary <string, ExecutionStepCollection> messageWiseSteps = factory.MessageWiseSteps;
                    IDictionary <int, ExecutionStepCollection>    groupedSteps     = factory.GroupedSteps;

                    var mappings = (from m in _mappings
                                    from j in m.Attributes
                                    where j.DeviceType == deviceType
                                    select m).ToArray();

                    foreach (var mapping in mappings)//.AsParallel())
                        Type           classType = mapping.Type;
                        IExecutionStep step      = factory.AddOrUpdate(classType, classType.Name);

                        foreach (var mappingAttribute in mapping.Attributes
                                 .Where(d => d.DeviceType == deviceType))
                            if (mappingAttribute.IsStart && (execSteps.Start == null))
                                execSteps.Start = step;
                            if (mappingAttribute.IsEnd && (execSteps.End == null))
                                execSteps.End = step;
                            step.PostTypeG2H    = mappingAttribute.PostTypeG2H;
                            step.PostTypeH2G    = mappingAttribute.PostTypeH2G;
                            step.MoveToNextStep = mappingAttribute.MoveToNextStep;

                            //if (mappingAttribute.Dependencies != null)
                            //    foreach (var dependency in mappingAttribute.Dependencies)
                            //    {
                            //        IExecutionStep parentStep = execSteps.AddOrUpdate(dependency, dependency.Name);
                            //        if (!parentStep.NextSteps.Contains(step))
                            //            parentStep.NextSteps.Add(step);
                            //    }

                            //if (mappingAttribute.NextDependency != null)
                            //    var dependency = mappingAttribute.NextDependency;
                            //    IExecutionStep nextStep = execSteps.AddOrUpdate(dependency, dependency.Name);
                            //    if (!step.NextSteps.Contains(nextStep))
                            //        step.NextSteps.Add(nextStep);
                            //    step.NextStep = nextStep;
                            //    step.SetNextStep = mappingAttribute.SetNextStep;
                            //    nextStep.PrevStep = step;
                            if (mappingAttribute.NextSteps != null)
                                foreach (var dependency in mappingAttribute.NextSteps)
                                    IExecutionStep nextStep = factory.AddOrUpdate(dependency, dependency.Name);
                                    //nextStep.Level = step.Level + 1;
                                    bool resetNextStep = false;

                                    if (!step.NextSteps.Contains(nextStep))
                                        resetNextStep = (step.NextSteps.Count > 1);
                                    step.NextStep = (resetNextStep ? null : nextStep);

                                    if (!nextStep.PrevSteps.Contains(step))
                                    //step.SetNextStep = mappingAttribute.SetNextStep;
                                    //nextStep.PrevStep = step;

                            if (messageWiseSteps != null &&
                                mappingAttribute.AllowedMessages != null)
                                var direction = mappingAttribute.AllowedMessageDirectionAll;
                                int length    = mappingAttribute.AllowedMessages.Length;

                                for (int i = 0; i < mappingAttribute.AllowedMessages.Length; i++)
                                    if (mappingAttribute.AllowedMessageDirections != null)
                                        direction = mappingAttribute.AllowedMessageDirections[i];

                                    ExecutionStepKeyValue pair = new ExecutionStepKeyValue(mappingAttribute.AllowedMessages[i].Name, direction);
                                    string pairKey             = pair.FullKey;
                                    if (!step.AllowedMessages.ContainsKey(pair))
                                        step.AllowedMessages.Add(pair, 1);

                                    ExecutionStepCollection execSteps2 = null;
                                    if (messageWiseSteps.ContainsKey(pairKey))
                                        execSteps2 = messageWiseSteps[pairKey];
                                        messageWiseSteps.Add(pairKey, (execSteps2 = new ExecutionStepCollection()));

                                if (mappingAttribute.AllowedReplyMessages != null &&
                                    mappingAttribute.AllowedReplyMessages.Length == length)
                                    for (int j = 0; j < length; j++)
                                        Type type1 = mappingAttribute.AllowedMessages[j];
                                        Type type2 = mappingAttribute.AllowedReplyMessages[j];
                                        if (type1 != null && type2 != null)
                                            factory.RequestResponseMappings.Add(type1.Name, type2.Name, new RequestResponseMapItem());

                    // execution step grouping
                    if (messageWiseSteps != null &&
                        groupedSteps != null)
                        execSteps.ArrangeExecutionSteps(messageWiseSteps, groupedSteps);
                catch (Exception ex)
コード例 #2
        public bool Execute(IFreeformEntity_Msg request)
            using (ILogMethod method = Log.LogMethod(this.DYN_MODULE_NAME, "Execute"))
                bool   result = default(bool);
                string key    = string.Empty;

                    key = request.IpAddress;
                    ExecutionStepDictionary steps = _executionSteps;
                    _isExecuting = true;

                    //_gmuExecutionStepsExecuting.AddOrUpdate(key, true, (k, b) => { return true; });

                    //if (!_gmuExecutionSteps.ContainsKey(key))
                    //    steps = new ExecutionStepDictionary();
                    //    steps.Entity.GmuIpAddress = key;
                    //    steps.CreateExecutionSteps(ExecutionStepFactory.Current.DeviceType, _messageWiseSteps, _groupedSteps);
                    //    _gmuExecutionSteps.Add(key, steps);
                    //    _entities.Add(steps.Entity);
                    //    steps = _gmuExecutionSteps[key];

                    if (steps != null)
                        // has clients
                        bool hasClients = false;
                        ExCommsExecutionStepEntity entity          = steps.Entity;
                        IExecutionStep             execStepCurrent = null;
                        IExecutionStep             execStepLatest  = null;

                        if (ExCommsServerImpl.Current != null)
                            hasClients = ExCommsServerImpl.Current.HasStepChangedClients;

                        // 1. find the execution step by message
                        string messageKey = request.EntityUniqueKeyDirection;
                        if (_messageWiseSteps.ContainsKey(messageKey))
                            var stepList = _messageWiseSteps[messageKey];
                            if (stepList.Count == 1)
                                execStepCurrent = stepList[0];

                        // execute the step
                        if (execStepCurrent != null)
                            // last step
                            IExecutionStep execStepLast = (steps.Current ?? steps.Start);
                            if (hasClients && execStepLast != null)

                            // execute the current step
                            execStepLatest = execStepCurrent.Execute(request);

                            //// move to or set to next step
                            //if (execStepLatest != null &&
                            //    execStepLatest.ExecutionResult == ExecutionStepResult.Success)
                            //    if (execStepLatest.NextStep != null)
                            //    {
                            //        if (execStepLatest.MoveToNextStep)
                            //        {
                            //            if (hasClients && execStepLatest.NextStep != null)
                            //                entity.Steps.Add(execStepLatest.NextStep.GetType().Name);
                            //            execStepLatest = execStepLatest.NextStep.Execute(request);
                            //        }

                            //        //if (execStepLatest.SetNextStep)
                            //        //{
                            //        //    if (hasClients)
                            //        //        entity.Steps.Add(execStepLatest.GetType().Name);
                            //        //    execStepLatest = execStepLatest.NextStep;
                            //        //    execStepLatest.ExecutionResult = ExecutionStepResult.Success;
                            //        //}
                            //    }

                            if (execStepLatest != null &&
                                execStepLatest.ExecutionResult == ExecutionStepResult.Success &&
                                !Object.ReferenceEquals(steps.Current, execStepLatest))
                                steps.Current = execStepLatest;
                        // last step
                        IExecutionStep step = (steps.Current ?? steps.Start);
                        if (hasClients && step != null)

                        // previous step
                        if (step.ExecutionResult == ExecutionStepResult.Failed &&
                            step.PrevStep != null)
                            step = step.PrevStep;

                        // execute the current step
                        if (hasClients && step != null)
                        IExecutionStep step2 = step.Execute(request);

                        // move to or set to next step
                        if (step2 != null &&
                            step2.ExecutionResult == ExecutionStepResult.Success)
                            if (step2.NextStep != null)
                                if (step2.MoveToNextStep)
                                    if (hasClients && step2.NextStep != null)
                                    step2 = step2.NextStep.Execute(request);

                                if (step2.SetNextStep)
                                    if (hasClients)
                                    step2 = step2.NextStep;
                                    step2.ExecutionResult = ExecutionStepResult.Success;

                        if (step2 != null &&
                            step2.ExecutionResult == ExecutionStepResult.Success &&
                            !Object.ReferenceEquals(steps.Current, step2))
                            steps.Current = step2;

                        if (hasClients)
                            if (execStepLatest != null)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    //_gmuExecutionStepsExecuting.AddOrUpdate(key, false, (k, b) => { return false; });
                    _isExecuting = false;
