private static void OnLoadedCommandChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { ModuleProc PROC = new ModuleProc("FrameworkElementBehaviors", "OnLoadedCommandChanged"); try { FrameworkElement fe = d as FrameworkElement; if (fe != null) { fe.Loaded += (s, a) => { ICommand cmd = e.NewValue as ICommand; if (cmd != null && cmd.CanExecute(fe)) { cmd.Execute(fe); } }; } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(PROC, ex); } }
internal bool Parse_configurationInfo_getDenomination(s2sMessage target, DLDenominationCollectionDto collection) { ModuleProc PROC = new ModuleProc(this.DYN_MODULE_NAME, "Parse_configurationInfo_getDenomination"); bool result = default(bool); try { configurationInfo ci = target.p_body.p_configuration.p_configurationInfo; if (collection != null) { List<denomination> denominations = new List<denomination>(); foreach (var dto in collection) { denominations.Add(new denomination() { denominationId = dto.DenominationId, denominationName = dto.DenominationName, denominationValue = dto.DenominationValue, denominationActive = dto.IsActive, }); } ci.denomination = denominations.ToArray(); result = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(PROC, ex); } return result; }
private void AddDefaultServiceBehaviors() { ModuleProc PROC = new ModuleProc("ExOneServiceHost", "AddDefaultServiceBehaviors"); try { // ServiceMetadataBehavior _serviceMetadata = this.Description.Behaviors.Find<ServiceMetadataBehavior>(); if (_serviceMetadata == null) { _serviceMetadata = new ServiceMetadataBehavior(); this.Description.Behaviors.Add(_serviceMetadata); } _serviceMetadata.HttpGetEnabled = false; //bServiceMetadata.HttpGetUrl = uriHttp; // ServiceDebugBehavior ServiceDebugBehavior bServiceDebug = this.Description.Behaviors.Find<ServiceDebugBehavior>(); if (bServiceDebug == null) { bServiceDebug = new ServiceDebugBehavior(); this.Description.Behaviors.Add(bServiceDebug); } bServiceDebug.IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults = false; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(PROC, ex); } }
public MessageQueueWorkerInfo(int messageThreshold, int queueThreshold, bool flushItemsBeforeClose, MessageQueueInfo[] queueInfos) { ModuleProc PROC = new ModuleProc(this.DYN_MODULE_NAME, ".ctor"); try { this.MessageThreshold = messageThreshold; this.QueueThreshold = queueThreshold; this.FlushItemsBeforeClose = flushItemsBeforeClose; if (queueInfos == null) { this.QueueInfos = new List<MessageQueueInfo>(); } else { this.QueueInfos = new List<MessageQueueInfo>(queueInfos); } Log.InfoV(PROC, "Message Threshold : {0:D}", messageThreshold); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(PROC, ex); } }
public Message ProcessMessaage(Message request) { ModuleProc PROC = new ModuleProc(this.DYN_MODULE_NAME, "ProcessMessage"); Message result = default(Message); IRequestChannel channel = null; try { channel = _factory.CreateChannel(this.TargetFinder.GetAddress(request)); channel.Open(); result = channel.Request(request); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(PROC, ex); } finally { if (channel != null && channel.State == CommunicationState.Opened) { channel.Close(); } } return result; }
private void AddImportedSchemas(XmlSchema schema, XmlSchemaSet schemaSet, List<XmlSchema> importsList) { ModuleProc PROC = new ModuleProc(this.DYN_MODULE_NAME, "AddImportedSchemas"); try { foreach (XmlSchemaImport import in schema.Includes) { ICollection realSchemas = schemaSet.Schemas(import.Namespace); foreach (XmlSchema ixsd in realSchemas) { if (!importsList.Contains(ixsd)) { importsList.Add(ixsd); AddImportedSchemas(ixsd, schemaSet, importsList); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(PROC, ex); } }
public void Save(bool rollback) { ModuleProc PROC = new ModuleProc(this.DYN_MODULE_NAME, "SaveChanges"); try { if (_scope != null) { if (!rollback) { _scope.Complete(); } else { Transaction.Current.Rollback(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(PROC, ex); } finally { if (_scope != null) { _scope.Dispose(); } } }
void AppNotifyService_NotifyData(object sender, AppNotifyDataEventArgs e) { ModuleProc PROC = new ModuleProc("AppNotifyService", "Subscribe"); try { if (((ICommunicationObject)_callback).State == CommunicationState.Opened) { try { _callback.NotifyData(e.Data); } catch { this.Unsubscribe(); } } else { this.Unsubscribe(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(PROC, ex); this.Unsubscribe(); } }
internal bool Parse_configurationInfo_getGame(s2sMessage target, DLGameCollectionDto collection) { ModuleProc PROC = new ModuleProc(this.DYN_MODULE_NAME, "Parse_configurationInfo_getGame"); bool result = default(bool); try { configurationInfo ci = target.p_body.p_configuration.p_configurationInfo; if (collection != null) { List<game> Games = new List<game>(); foreach (var dto in collection) { Games.Add(new game() { gameId = dto.GameID.ToStringSafe(), gameName = dto.GameName, gameActive = dto.IsActive, }); } = Games.ToArray(); result = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(PROC, ex); } return result; }
internal static string GetMessage(int index) { ModuleProc PROC = new ModuleProc("", "GetMessage"); string result = default(string); try { if (index > 0) { int newIndex = (index % _displayMessages.Length); if (newIndex >= 0 && newIndex < _displayMessages.Length) { result = _displayMessages[newIndex]; } } if(result.IsEmpty()) { result = _displayMessages[9]; } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(PROC, ex); } return result; }
public bool Add(string settingName, string settingValue) { ModuleProc PROC = new ModuleProc(this.DYN_MODULE_NAME, "AddIfNotExists"); bool result = false; try { using (Database db = this.DataManager.Connect()) { DbParameter[] parameters = db.CreateParametersV( db.CreateParameter("@SettingName", settingName), db.CreateParameter("@SettingValue", settingValue) ); result = (db.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.Text, QUERY_INSERT_RECORD, parameters) > 0); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(PROC, ex); } finally { if (result) Log.InfoV(PROC, "Data with Hash code {0} was inserted into GIM Information ({1}).", settingName, (result ? "Success" : "Failure")); } return result; }
internal bool Parse_configurationInfo_getGame(s2sMessage target, XElement source) { ModuleProc PROC = new ModuleProc(this.DYN_MODULE_NAME, "Parse_configurationInfo_getGame"); bool result = default(bool); try { if (source != null) { var elements = source.GetElements("Game"); if (elements != null) { foreach (var element in elements) { game_infoUpdate dto = new game_infoUpdate(); dto.gameId = element.GetElementValue("GameID"); result = this.AddObjectToInfoUpdateData<game_infoUpdate>(target, dto); break; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(PROC, ex); } return result; }
public bool UpdateMessageHistory(bool logMessage, int fromSystem, int toSystem, string siteCode, DateTime dateTime, int refID, string request, string response) { ModuleProc PROC = new ModuleProc(this.DYN_MODULE_NAME, "UpdateMessageHistory"); bool result = default(bool); if (!logMessage) return true; try { using (Database db = DbFactory.OpenDB(_connectionString)) { db.Open(); DbParameter[] parameters = db.CreateParameters(8); parameters[0] = db.CreateParameter("@EBS_FromSystem", fromSystem); parameters[1] = db.CreateParameter("@EBS_ToSystem", toSystem); parameters[2] = db.CreateParameter("@EBS_SiteCode", DbType.AnsiString, 50, siteCode); parameters[3] = db.CreateParameter("@EBS_DateTime", dateTime); parameters[4] = db.CreateParameter("@EBS_RefID", refID); parameters[5] = db.CreateParameter("@EBS_Request", request); parameters[6] = db.CreateParameter("@EBS_Response", response); parameters[7] = db.CreateRetValueParameter(DbType.Int32); result = db.ExecuteNonQueryAndReturnIntOK("[dbo].[usp_EBS_InsertMessageHistory]", parameters); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(PROC, ex); } return result; }
public void StopMonitoring() { ModuleProc PROC = new ModuleProc(this.DYN_MODULE_NAME, "StopMonitoring"); try { if (_fileMonitor != null) { lock (_lock) { if (_fileMonitor != null) { _fileMonitor.EnableRaisingEvents = false; _fileMonitor.Changed -= (OnFileMonitor_Changed); _fileMonitor.Dispose(); _fileMonitor = null; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(PROC, ex); } }
public void Start() { ModuleProc PROC = new ModuleProc(this.DYN_MODULE_NAME, "Start"); try { this.PopulateCache(true); if (_fileMonitor == null) { lock (_lock) { if (_fileMonitor == null) { _fileMonitor = new FileSystemWatcher(); _fileMonitor.Path = Path.GetDirectoryName(_config.FilePath); _fileMonitor.Filter = Path.GetFileName(_config.FilePath); _fileMonitor.EnableRaisingEvents = true; _fileMonitor.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastWrite; _fileMonitor.Changed += new FileSystemEventHandler(OnFileMonitor_Changed); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(PROC, ex); } }
private void OnReceiveMessages() { ModuleProc PROC = new ModuleProc(this.DYN_MODULE_NAME, "OnReceiveMessages"); try { while (!this.ExecutorService.WaitForShutdown()) { try { AppNotifyData data = _queue.Dequeue(); if (data != null && _callback != null) { _callback.NotifyData(data); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(PROC, ex); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(PROC, ex); } finally { this.Shutdown(); } }
internal bool Parse_configurationInfo_getManufacturer(s2sMessage target, DLManufacturerCollectionDto collection) { ModuleProc PROC = new ModuleProc(this.DYN_MODULE_NAME, "Parse_configurationInfo_getManufacturer"); bool result = default(bool); try { configurationInfo ci = target.p_body.p_configuration.p_configurationInfo; if (collection != null) { List<manufacturer> manufacturers = new List<manufacturer>(); foreach (var dto in collection) { manufacturers.Add(new manufacturer() { manufacturerId = dto.ManufacturerId.ToString(), manufacturerName = dto.ManufacturerName, manufacturerValue = dto.ManufacturerValue, manufacturerActive = dto.IsActive, }); } ci.manufacturer = manufacturers.ToArray(); result = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(PROC, ex); } return result; }
public MessageQueueInfo(string servicePath, bool isTransactional, IMessageFormatter formatter, int queueTimeout, KeyValuePair<string, IMessageFormatter>[] messageFormatters) { ModuleProc PROC = new ModuleProc(this.DYN_MODULE_NAME, ".ctor"); try { this.ServicePath = servicePath; this.IsTransactional = isTransactional; this.Formatter = formatter; this.QueueTimeout = queueTimeout; if (messageFormatters != null) { this.MessageFormatters = new SortedDictionary<string, IMessageFormatter>(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, IMessageFormatter> messageFormatter in messageFormatters) { this.MessageFormatters.Add(messageFormatter); } } Log.InfoV(PROC, "Service Path : {0}, Is Transactional : {1}", servicePath, isTransactional); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(PROC, ex); } }
internal bool Parse_configurationInfo_getSite(s2sMessage target, DLSiteCollectionDto collection) { ModuleProc PROC = new ModuleProc(this.DYN_MODULE_NAME, "Parse_getConfiguration"); bool result = default(bool); try { configurationInfo ci = target.p_body.p_configuration.p_configurationInfo; if (collection != null) { List<casino> Casinos = new List<casino>(); foreach (var dto in collection) { Casinos.Add(new casino() { casinoId = dto.SiteId, casinoName = dto.SiteName, casinoActive = dto.IsActive }); } = Casinos.ToArray(); result = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(PROC, ex); } return result; }
private void Start(string baseAddress, string path) { ModuleProc PROC = new ModuleProc(this.DYN_MODULE_NAME, "Start"); try { if (_host == null) { lock (_lock) { if (_host == null) { // Binding NetTcpBinding binding = AppNotifyServiceHelper.CreateBinding(); // Host Uri uriTcp = new Uri(new Uri(Uri.UriSchemeNetTcp + "://" + baseAddress), path); //Uri uriHttp = new Uri(new Uri(Uri.UriSchemeHttp + "://" + baseAddress), path); _host = new WcfServiceHost(typeof(AppNotifyService), _knownTypes, new Uri[] { uriTcp }); // ServiceMetadataBehavior ServiceMetadataBehavior bServiceMetadata = _host.Description.Behaviors.Find<ServiceMetadataBehavior>(); if (bServiceMetadata == null) { bServiceMetadata = new ServiceMetadataBehavior(); _host.Description.Behaviors.Add(bServiceMetadata); } bServiceMetadata.HttpGetEnabled = false; //bServiceMetadata.HttpGetUrl = uriHttp; // ServiceDebugBehavior ServiceDebugBehavior bServiceDebug = _host.Description.Behaviors.Find<ServiceDebugBehavior>(); if (bServiceDebug == null) { bServiceDebug = new ServiceDebugBehavior(); _host.Description.Behaviors.Add(bServiceDebug); } bServiceDebug.IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults = false; // service points _host.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(IAppNotifyService), binding, string.Empty); _host.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(IMetadataExchange), MetadataExchangeBindings.CreateMexTcpBinding(), "mex"); } } } if (_host != null && _host.State == CommunicationState.Created) { _host.Open(); Log.InfoV(PROC, "Service started at : {0}", _host.BaseAddresses[0]); _mreShutdown.Reset(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(PROC, ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Writes the log exception. /// </summary> /// <param name="owner">The owner.</param> /// <param name="proc">Module procedure name.</param> /// <param name="ex">The ex.</param> public static void WriteLogException(this DisposableObjectLogger owner, ModuleProc proc, Exception ex) { if (owner.Logger == null) { return; } owner.Logger.WriteLogException(proc, ex); }
/// <summary> /// Writes the log warning. /// </summary> /// <param name="owner">The owner.</param> /// <param name="proc">Module procedure name.</param> /// <param name="message">The message.</param> public static void WriteLogWarning(this DisposableObjectLogger owner, ModuleProc proc, string message) { if (owner.Logger == null) { return; } owner.Logger.WriteLogWarning(proc, message); }
void OnTransceiver_Receive(UdpFreeformEntity item) { using (ModuleProc PROC = new ModuleProc(this.DYN_MODULE_NAME, "ff_trans_Receive")) { Log.Info(PROC, "Processing G2H Message ..."); ExCommsExecutorFactory.ProcessMessage(item.EntityData as FFMsg_G2H); } }
public void ParseAnyElements() { ModuleProc PROC = new ModuleProc("", "ParseAnyElements"); try { if (this.Any == null || this.Any.Length == 0) return; foreach (var item in this.Any) { if (item.NamespaceURI == s2sHelper.NS_BS2S) { try { XElement xElm = XElement.Parse(item.OuterXml); switch (item.LocalName.ToLower()) { case "getcasino": { getConfigurationGetCasino o = new getConfigurationGetCasino(); o.casinoId = xElm.GetAttributeValue("casinoId", s2sHelper.NS_BS2S); this.getCasino = new getConfigurationGetCasino[] { o }; } break; case "getdenomination": { getConfigurationGetDenomination o = new getConfigurationGetDenomination(); o.denomId = xElm.GetAttributeValue("denomId", s2sHelper.NS_BS2S); this.getDenomination = new getConfigurationGetDenomination[] { o }; } break; case "getmanufacturer": { getConfigurationGetManufacturer o = new getConfigurationGetManufacturer(); o.manufacturerId = xElm.GetAttributeValue("manufacturerId", s2sHelper.NS_BS2S); this.getManufacturer = new getConfigurationGetManufacturer[] { o }; } break; default: break; } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(PROC, ex); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(PROC, ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes this instance. /// </summary> private void Initialize() { ModuleProc PROC = new ModuleProc(this.DYN_MODULE_NAME, "Initialize"); try { if (_servicePath.IsEmpty()) { Log.Info(PROC, "Message queue path was empty. Unable to proceeed further."); return; } int timeout = Math.Max(5000, Extensions.GetAppSettingValueInt("MessageQueueFailedTimeout", 10000)); bool isSuccess = false; while (!isSuccess) { try { if (this.ExecutorService.IsShutdown) break; if (MessageQueue.Exists(_servicePath)) { _innerQueue = new MessageQueue(_servicePath, false, false, QueueAccessMode.SendAndReceive); } else { _innerQueue = MessageQueue.Create(_servicePath, _isTransactional); _innerQueue.SetPermissions("EVERYONE", MessageQueueAccessRights.FullControl); } isSuccess = true; Log.InfoV(PROC, "Message queue object for queue [{0}] was created successfully.", _servicePath); //_innerQueue.Formatter = _formatter; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(PROC, ex); _innerQueue = null; Thread.Sleep(timeout); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(PROC, ex); } finally { if (_innerQueue != null) { if (!_innerQueue.CanRead) { Log.InfoV(PROC, "Message queue ({0}) was not allowed to read. Unable to proceeed further.", _servicePath); Extensions.DisposeObject(ref _innerQueue); } } } }
protected override bool ConnectInternal(ModuleProc PROC, System.Net.EndPoint remoteEndpoint) { _handler = new TcpClient(AddressFamily.InterNetwork); _handler.SendTimeout = this.SendTimeout; _handler.ReceiveTimeout = this.ReceiveTimeout; _handler.Connect(_remoteEndPoint as IPEndPoint); _localEndPoint = _handler.Client.LocalEndPoint; _socket = _handler.Client; this.WriteSocketLog("has been connected successfully."); return true; }
/// <summary> /// Creates the message. /// </summary> /// <param name="filePath">The file path.</param> /// <returns>Polled Event message.</returns> public static PolledEventMessage CreateMessage(string filePath) { if (!File.Exists(filePath)) return null; ModuleProc PROC = new ModuleProc("PolledEventMessage", "CreateMessage"); PolledEventMessage result = default(PolledEventMessage); MemoryStream ms = null; Encoding unicode = Encoding.Unicode; try { using (FileStream fs = File.Open(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite)) { StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs); int actualLength = (int)fs.Length; int desiredLength = (int)fs.Length; if (sr.CurrentEncoding != Encoding.Unicode) { desiredLength *= 2; } fs.Position = 0; char[] originalData = sr.ReadToEnd().ToCharArray(); byte[] copiedData = new byte[desiredLength]; fs.Position = 0; unicode.GetBytes(originalData, 0, actualLength, copiedData, 0); ms = new MemoryStream(copiedData); sr.Close(); } if (ms != null) { result = ParseMessage(ms, Encoding.Unicode); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(PROC, ex); } finally { if (ms != null) { ms.Close(); Extensions.DisposeObject(ref ms); } } return result; }
public void Unsubscribe() { ModuleProc PROC = new ModuleProc("AppNotifyService", "Subscribe"); try { NotifyData -= new EventHandler<AppNotifyDataEventArgs>(AppNotifyService_NotifyData); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(PROC, ex); } }
public void Intialize() { ModuleProc PROC = new ModuleProc(this.DYN_MODULE_NAME, "Initialize"); try { this.InitializeInternal(); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(PROC, ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Runs this instance. /// </summary> public void Run() { ModuleProc PROC = new ModuleProc(this.DYN_MODULE_NAME, "Run"); try { this.RunInternal(); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(PROC, ex); } }
private void Initialize() { ModuleProc PROC = new ModuleProc(this.DYN_MODULE_NAME, "Initialize"); try { _isLoaded = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(PROC, ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Called when service host opened. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The sender.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> private void OnWebServiceHost_Opened(object sender, EventArgs e) { ModuleProc PROC = new ModuleProc("WcfWebServiceHostBase", "OnWebServiceHost_Opened"); ServiceHostBase host = sender as ServiceHostBase; if (host != null && host.ChannelDispatchers != null) { foreach (ChannelDispatcher cdisp in host.ChannelDispatchers) { Log.Info(PROC, "Listen Uri : " + cdisp.Listener.Uri.AbsoluteUri); } } }
public virtual void CloseSslStream() { BMC.CoreLib.Diagnostics.ModuleProc PROC = new BMC.CoreLib.Diagnostics.ModuleProc(this.DYN_MODULE_NAME, "CloseSslStream"); try { if (_sslStream != null) { _sslStream.Close(); _sslStream = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { BMC.CoreLib.Log.Exception(PROC, ex); } }
public System.Net.Security.SslStream GetSslStream(string targetHost, X509CertificateCollection clientCertificates) { BMC.CoreLib.Diagnostics.ModuleProc PROC = new BMC.CoreLib.Diagnostics.ModuleProc(this.DYN_MODULE_NAME, "GetSslStream"); try { if (!this.EnsureConnectionEstablished()) { this.WriteSocketLog("Unable to establish the connection."); return(null); } else { if (_sslStream != null) { return(_sslStream); } } NetworkStream ns = new NetworkStream(this.InternalSocket, true); if (this.RemoteCertificateValidation != null) { _sslStream = new SslStream(ns, false, this.RemoteCertificateValidation, null); } else { _sslStream = new SslStream(ns, false); } _sslStream.AuthenticateAsClient(targetHost, clientCertificates, this.SslProtocol, false); } catch (Exception ex) { BMC.CoreLib.Log.Exception(PROC, ex); this.Stop(); } return(_sslStream); }
protected override bool DisconnectInternal(BMC.CoreLib.Diagnostics.ModuleProc PROC) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
protected override bool ConnectInternal(BMC.CoreLib.Diagnostics.ModuleProc PROC, EndPoint remoteEndpoint) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
/// <summary> /// Writes the log exception. /// </summary> /// <param name="proc">Module procedure name.</param> /// <param name="ex">The ex.</param> public void WriteLogException(ModuleProc proc, Exception ex) { this.WriteLogException(proc.Module, proc.Procedure, ex); }
/// <summary> /// Writes the log exception. /// </summary> /// <param name="proc">Module procedure name.</param> /// <param name="message">The message.</param> public void WriteLogException(ModuleProc proc, string message) { this.WriteLogException(proc.Module, proc.Procedure, message); }
/// <summary> /// Writes the log warning. /// </summary> /// <param name="proc">Module procedure name.</param> /// <param name="message">The message.</param> public void WriteLogWarning(ModuleProc proc, string message) { this.WriteLogWarning(proc.Module, proc.Procedure, message); }
protected override int ReadInternal(BMC.CoreLib.Diagnostics.ModuleProc PROC, byte[] buffer, int offset, int size) { return(0); }