//新增压力测试结果 public JsonResult addScoreResult(string deviceId, string score) { var res = new JsonResult(); BLL.User user = new BLL.User(); bool flag = user.AddScoreResult(deviceId, score); if (flag) { res.Data = new { success = true }; } else { res.Data = new { success = false, backMsg = "提交失败,请重试" }; } res.JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet;//允许使用GET方式获取,否则用GET获取是会报错。 return(res); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //测试验证信息 string userName = textBox1.Text.Trim(); string password = textBox2.Text.Trim(); if (userName == "" || password == "") { MessageBox.Show("用户名或密码不能为空!"); textBox1.Focus(); return; } else { BLL.User user = new BLL.User(); if (user.Login(userName, password)) { UserHelper.userName = textBox1.Text.Trim(); UserHelper.password = textBox2.Text.Trim(); FormMain f = new FormMain(userName); f.Show(); this.Hide(); } else { MessageBox.Show("用户名或密码错误,请重新输入!", "错误"); textBox1.Text = ""; textBox2.Text = ""; textBox1.Focus(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Saves the password change. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void xpButton18_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtPassword.Text == txtConfirm.Text) { var us = new User(); if (userId != 0) { us.LoadByPrimaryKey(userId); if (us.UserName != "admin") { XtraMessageBox.Show("You have no administative privilage to change password!", "Warning"); return; } if (us.Password == txtOldPass.Text) { us.Password = txtPassword.Text; us.Save(); XtraMessageBox.Show("The password have been changed!", "Succcess"); } else { XtraMessageBox.Show("Old Password is not correct!", "Invaild Password", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } } else { XtraMessageBox.Show("Password doesnt match!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private void SetPermission() { if (BLL.Settings.UseNewUserManagement) { if (this.HasPermission("Edit-Financial")) { InvoiceAccessMode = AccessMode.Finance; } else { InvoiceAccessMode = AccessMode.Distribution; } } else { //Set Access mode if (User.GetUserType(CurrentContext.UserId) == UserType.Constants.FUND_OFFICER || User.GetUserType(CurrentContext.UserId) == UserType.Constants.FINANCE) { InvoiceAccessMode = AccessMode.Finance; } else { InvoiceAccessMode = AccessMode.Distribution; } } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string userName = txtUserName.Text.Trim(); string password = txtUserPassword.Text.Trim(); if (userName == "" || password == "") { MessageBox.Show("用户名或密码不能为空!"); txtUserName.Focus(); return; } else { BLL.User user = new BLL.User(); if (user.Login(userName, password)) { UserHelper.Recorder = user.GetName(userName, password, "Recorder"); UserHelper.userName = txtUserName.Text.Trim(); UserHelper.password = txtUserPassword.Text.Trim(); this.Hide(); MainForm f = new MainForm(); f.Show(); } else { MessageBox.Show("用户名或密码错误,请重新输入!", "错误"); txtUserName.Text = ""; txtUserPassword.Text = ""; txtUserName.Focus(); } } }
public void ChangeLayoutByMode() { BLL.User user = new User(); user.LoadByPrimaryKey(CurrentContext.UserId); isConfirmation = false; if (isConfirmation) { layoutControlItem3.Visibility = DevExpress.XtraLayout.Utils.LayoutVisibility.Never; rgPricingMode.EditValue = "Items"; btnSetNewPrice.Text = "Confirm"; } else if (BLL.Settings.HandleGRV) { btnSetNewPrice.Text = "Calculate"; } else { btnSetNewPrice.Text = "Set"; } if (!BLL.Settings.IsCenter) { colSellingPrice.Visible = true; layoutSellingPrice.Visibility = DevExpress.XtraLayout.Utils.LayoutVisibility.Always; } else { colSellingPrice.Visible = false; layoutSellingPrice.Visibility = DevExpress.XtraLayout.Utils.LayoutVisibility.Never; } }
//新增生活方式评测结果 public JsonResult addLifeResult(string device_id, string smoke_score, string drink_score, string life_score, string exercise_score, string sleep_score) { var res = new JsonResult(); BLL.User user = new BLL.User(); bool flag = user.AddLifeResult(device_id, smoke_score, drink_score, life_score, exercise_score, sleep_score); if (flag) { res.Data = new { success = true }; } else { res.Data = new { success = false, backMsg = "提交失败,请重试" }; } res.JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet;//允许使用GET方式获取,否则用GET获取是会报错。 return(res); }
private void TxtUsernameKeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { // if this is a debugging session login automattically if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached) { // this has to be removed after development if (e.Control && e.Alt) { if (txtUsername.Text == "") { txtUsername.Text = "su"; } UserInformation userInfo = null; if (BLL.Settings.UseNewUserManagement) { userInfo = Auth.Authenticate(txtUsername.Text); if (userInfo == null) { //errorLogger.SaveError(0, 1, 1, 2, "Login Attempt", "Warehouse", new InvalidCredentialException("Invalid credentials, Username = " + username)); //return false; } Thread.CurrentPrincipal = SecurityPrincipal.CreateSecurityPrincipal(userInfo); } User usr = new User(); usr.Where.UserName.Value = txtUsername.Text; usr.Query.Load(); LogUserIn(usr); } } }
private void xpButton18_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtPassword.Text == txtConfirm.Text) { User us = new User(); if (userId != 0) { us.LoadByPrimaryKey(userId); string userName = us.UserName; us.GetUserByAccountInfo(userName, txtOldPass.Text);// .LoadByPrimaryKey(userId); if (us.RowCount > 0) { if (txtPassword.Text != "") { us.SavePassword(txtPassword.Text); } //us.Password = txtPassword.Text; us.Save(); XtraMessageBox.Show(@"Password changed!", @"Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else { XtraMessageBox.Show("Old Password is not correct!", "Invaild Password", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } } else { MessageBox.Show("Password doesnt match!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
protected void submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BLL.User user = BLL.Static.LogIn(userNameTextBox.Text, passTextBox.Text); if (user == null) { check.Visible = true; Session["admin"] = null; Session["user"] = null; return; } if (user.IsAdmin) { Session["admin"] = user; Session.Timeout = 20; } if (user.IsBusiness) { Session["bussiness"] = user; Session.Timeout = 20; } else { Session["user"] = user; Session.Timeout = 20; } check.Visible = false; Response.Redirect("main.aspx"); }
private void ChangePassword_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { User us = new User(); us.LoadByPrimaryKey(userId); txtUsername.Text = us.UserName; txtUsername.Enabled = false; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="name"></param> /// <returns>A user if found; null if user not found</returns> public User GetUserByName(String name) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); DataSetTableAdapters.usersTableAdapter adapter = new DataSetTableAdapters.usersTableAdapter(); adapter.Fill(ds.users); User u = new User(); // find the user DataSet.usersDataTable table = adapter.GetUserByName(name); // if a user was found, then fill in the details if (table.Rows.Count > 0) { // use the 1st row's data DataSet.usersRow row = (DataSet.usersRow)table.Rows[0]; u.Name = row.userName; u.Password = row.userPassword; u.Email = row.userEmail; u.ClientId = row.clientId; return u; } else { return null; } }
//获取最新生活方式评测结果 public JsonResult getLatestLifeStyleResult(string deviceId, int month) { var res = new JsonResult(); BLL.User user = new BLL.User(); DataTable dt = user.GetLatestLifeStyleResult(deviceId, month); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { res.Data = new { success = true, backData = CommonTool.JsonHelper.DataTableToJSON(dt) }; } else { res.Data = new { success = false, backMsg = "请先进行生活方式评测" }; } res.JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet;//允许使用GET方式获取,否则用GET获取是会报错。 return(res); }
private void gridOrderListView_FocusedRowChanged(object sender, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base.FocusedRowChangedEventArgs e) { DataRow dr = gridOrderListView.GetFocusedDataRow(); if (dr != null) { int receiptID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ID"]); ReceiveDoc receiveDoc = new ReceiveDoc(); receiveDoc.LoadAllByReceiptID(receiptID); DataTable tbl = receiveDoc.DefaultView.ToTable(); ReceiveDocDeleted receiveDocDeleted = new ReceiveDocDeleted(); receiveDocDeleted.LoadAllByReceiptID(receiptID); LogReceiptStatus logReceiptStatus = new LogReceiptStatus(); gridHistory.DataSource = logReceiptStatus.GetLogHistory(receiptID); if (receiveDocDeleted.RowCount > 0) { tbl.Merge(receiveDocDeleted.DefaultView.ToTable()); BLL.User user = new User(); user.LoadByPrimaryKey(receiveDocDeleted.DeletedBy); if (user.RowCount > 0) { lblDeletedBy.Text = string.Format("Deleted By {0}", string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.FullName) ? user.UserName : user.FullName); } } gridOrderDetail.DataSource = tbl; } }
//更新用户信息 public JsonResult updateUserInfo(string deviceId, string fieldName, string fieldValue) { var res = new JsonResult(); BLL.User user = new BLL.User(); bool flag = user.UpdateUserInfo(deviceId, fieldName, fieldValue); if (flag) { res.Data = new { success = true }; } else { res.Data = new { success = false, backMsg = "修改失败,请重试" }; } res.JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet;//允许使用GET方式获取,否则用GET获取是会报错。 return(res); }
private void registering_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (UserHelper.Inspecter == "") { new check_login(this).ShowDialog(); } if (UserHelper.Inspecter != "") { BLL.User user = new BLL.User(); string msg = ""; if (user.Register(username.Text, password.Text, check_passwrod.Text, name.Text, phone.Text, occupation.Text, out msg)) { MessageBox.Show("注册成功"); } else { MessageBox.Show(msg); } } }
//获取用户信息 public JsonResult getUserInfo(string deviceId) { var res = new JsonResult(); BLL.User _user = new BLL.User(); DataTable dt = _user.getUserInfo(deviceId); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { user u = new user(); u.id = dt.Rows[0]["id"].ToString(); u.open_id = dt.Rows[0]["open_id"].ToString(); u.name = dt.Rows[0]["name"].ToString(); u.age = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["age"].ToString()); u.sex = dt.Rows[0]["sex"].ToString(); u.telephone = dt.Rows[0]["telephone"].ToString(); u.period = dt.Rows[0]["period"].ToString(); u.height = Convert.ToSingle(dt.Rows[0]["height"].ToString()); u.weight = Convert.ToSingle(dt.Rows[0]["weight"].ToString()); u.waistline = Convert.ToSingle(dt.Rows[0]["waistline"].ToString()); u.workingType = dt.Rows[0]["workingType"].ToString(); res.Data = new { success = true, backData = u }; } else { res.Data = new { success = false, backMsg = "用户查询失败" }; } res.JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet;//允许使用GET方式获取,否则用GET获取是会报错。 return(res); }
private void LogUserIn(User us) { // Now change the connection string to have the user id in the application name... ConnectionHelper.CurrentConnection.ApplicationName = string.Format("HCMIS-Warehouse-V-{0}-U-{1}", Program.HCMISVersionString, us.ID); // Re-register the connection string manager here. MyGeneration.dOOdads.BusinessEntity.RegistryConnectionString = ConnectionHelper.CurrentConnection.ToString(); ConnectionManager.ConnectionString = ConnectionHelper.CurrentConnection.ToString(); if (BLL.Settings.UseNewUserManagement) { // Idealy, this has to work, but we don't know the kind of code that depends on the legacy new main window object. var menuItems = MenuListViewModel.GenerateMenuForUser(((UserIdentity)Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity).UserID); MainWindow mainWindow = new MainWindow(menuItems); //Legacy Code ... Remove this when not in use. CurrentContext main = new CurrentContext(); CurrentContext.UserId = us.ID; CurrentContext.LoggedInUser = us; CurrentContext.LoggedInUserName = string.Format("{0} {1}", us.FirstName, us.LastName); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CurrentContext.LoggedInUserName)) { CurrentContext.LoggedInUserName = us.UserName; } mainWindow.Show(); this.Hide(); } if (!System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached) { BLL.LogLogin newLoginLog = new LoginLog(); newLoginLog.AddNew(us.ID, DateTimeHelper.ServerDateTime, true, Environment.MachineName, "", "", false, "", Program.HCMISVersionString); // Also update the last login time on the User Object } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool isNew = false; if (txtConfirm.Text == txtPassword.Text && cboUserType.SelectedValue != null) { User us = new User(); if (userId != 0) { us.LoadByPrimaryKey(userId); } else { us.AddNew(); isNew = true; } us.UserName = txtUsername.Text; us.FullName = txtFullName.Text; us.Address = txtAddress.Text; us.Mobile = txtMobile.Text; us.Active = ckActive.Checked; us.UserType = Convert.ToInt32(cboUserType.SelectedValue); us.Save(); int userID = us.ID; // DO MD5 if (txtPassword.Text != "") { us.SavePassword(txtPassword.Text); } RefreshUserStoreGrid(userID); PopulateUser(); XtraMessageBox.Show("Your changes have been saved!", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else XtraMessageBox.Show("Password doesnt match or you didnt select User Type!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); }
public List<User> GetUsers() { List<User> users = new List<User>(); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); DataSetTableAdapters.usersTableAdapter adapter = new DataSetTableAdapters.usersTableAdapter(); adapter.Fill(ds.users); DataSet.usersDataTable table = adapter.GetUserData(); // load all users into the list foreach (DataSet.usersRow row in table.Rows) { // create memory for new user & fill in properties User u = new User(); u.Name = row.userName; u.Password = row.userPassword; u.Email = row.userEmail; u.ClientId = row.clientId; // add this user to the list users.Add(u); } // returns the list w/ 0 or more Users return users; }
/// <summary> /// Save user information /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtConfirm.Text == txtPassword.Text) { User us = new User(); if (_userId != 0) us.LoadByPrimaryKey(_userId); else { us.AddNew(); us.UserName = txtUsername.Text; us.Password = txtPassword.Text; } us.FullName = txtFullName.Text; us.Address = txtAddress.Text; us.Mobile = txtMobile.Text; us.Active = ckActive.Checked; us.UserType = Convert.ToInt32(cboUserType.SelectedValue); us.Save(); PopulateUser(); } else XtraMessageBox.Show("Password doesnt match!","Error",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Error); }
private void toolStripMenuItem2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var us = new User(); var userID = MainWindow.LoggedinId; us.LoadByPrimaryKey(userID); var dr = gridView1.GetFocusedDataRow(); if (dr == null) return; int tranId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ID"]); var rec = new ReceiveDoc(); rec.LoadByPrimaryKey(tranId); var iss = new IssueDoc(); iss.GetIssueByBatchAndId(rec.ItemID, rec.BatchNo, rec.ID); _dtDate.CustomFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy"; DateTime dtCurrent = ConvertDate.DateConverter(_dtDate.Text); if ((rec.Date.Year != dtCurrent.Year && rec.Date.Month < 11) || (iss.RowCount != 0)) { XtraMessageBox.Show("Unable to Delete, This Transaction has been processed. Try Loss and Adjustment.", "Unable to Delete", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); } else { if ( XtraMessageBox.Show( "Are You Sure, You want to delete this Transaction? You will not be able to restore this data.", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { //AddDeletedRecieveDoc(rec); rec.MarkAsDeleted(); rec.Save(); _dtDate.Value = DateTime.Now; _dtDate.CustomFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy"; dtCurrent = ConvertDate.DateConverter(_dtDate.Text); int yr = ((dtCurrent.Month > 10) ? dtCurrent.Year : dtCurrent.Year - 1); DateTime dt1 = new DateTime(yr, 11, 1); DateTime dt2 = new DateTime(dtCurrent.Year, dtCurrent.Month, dtCurrent.Day); DataTable dtRec = rec.GetTransactionByDateRange(Convert.ToInt32(cboStores.EditValue), dt1, dt2); gridReceives.DataSource = dtRec; } } }
private void OnApprovedOrderRowClicked(object sender, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.RowClickEventArgs e) { if (e != null && e.RowHandle < -1) { return; } var gv = (GridView)sender; var dr = gv.GetFocusedDataRow(); _orderID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ID"].ToString()); order.LoadByPrimaryKey(_orderID); // populate the general order variables txtPickListFromStore.Text = order.GetFromStore(); lblMode.Text = order.GetFromStore() ?? "-"; txtPickListRequestedBy.Text = order.GetRequestedBy(); labelControl9.Text = order.GetRequestedBy() ?? "-"; var us = new BLL.User(); us.LoadByPrimaryKey(order.FilledBy); lblFilledBy.Text = us.FullName ?? "-"; string s = ""; lblLetterNum.Text = String.IsNullOrEmpty(order.LetterNo) ? "-" : order.LetterNo; var orderDetail = new OrderDetail(); orderDetail.LoadAllByOrderID(order.ID); var paymentType = new BLL.PaymentType(); paymentType.LoadByPrimaryKey(order.PaymentTypeID); if (!orderDetail.IsColumnNull("StoreID")) { var activity = new Activity(); activity.LoadByPrimaryKey(orderDetail.StoreID); lblMode.Text = activity.ModeName ?? "-"; } lblIssueStatus.Text = (string)dr["OrderStatus"] ?? "-"; lblIssueType.Text = (string)dr["Description"] ?? "-"; if (!order.IsColumnNull("RequestedBy")) { var ins = new Institution(); ins.LoadByPrimaryKey(order.RequestedBy); var ownership = new BLL.OwnershipType(); ownership.LoadByPrimaryKey(ins.Ownership); int length = ins.Name.Length; HeaderSection.Text = ins.Name + s.PadRight(150 - length) + "Order Number: " + order.RefNo; lblOwnership.Text = ownership.Name ?? "-"; lblZone.Text = ins.ZoneName ?? "-"; lblWoreda.Text = ins.WoredaName ?? "-"; lblRegion.Text = ins.RegionName ?? "-"; lblInstitutionType.Text = ins.InstitutionTypeName ?? "-"; } else { HeaderSection.Text = lblOwnership.Text = lblZone.Text = lblWoreda.Text = lblRegion.Text = lblInstitutionType.Text = "-"; } lblPaymentType.Text = paymentType.Name; lblOrderDate.Text = order.Date.ToShortDateString(); txtPickListOrderNumber.Text = order.RefNo; labelControl12.Text = order.RefNo; txtPickListApprovedBy.Text = order.GetApprovedBy(); labelControl13.Text = order.GetApprovedBy(); if (order.OrderStatusID == OrderStatus.Constant.PICK_LIST_GENERATED) { PickList pl = new PickList(); gridPickListDetail.DataSource = pl.GetPickListDetailsForOrder(_orderID); btnPrintAndSavePickList.Text = @"Confirm"; colPrice.FieldName = "Cost"; colSKU.FieldName = "Packs"; btnCancelPickList.Enabled = (BLL.Settings.UseNewUserManagement)? this.HasPermission("Cancel-Pick-List"):true; pl.LoadByOrderID(_orderID); if (!pl.IsColumnNull("PickedBy")) { us.LoadByPrimaryKey(pl.PickedBy); lblPicklistPrintedBy.Text = us.FullName; } else { lblPicklistPrintedBy.Text = "-"; } lblPicklistPrintedDate.Text = !pl.IsColumnNull("SavedDate") ? pl.SavedDate.ToShortDateString() : "-"; lblPicklistNo.Text = !pl.IsColumnNull("PrintedID") ? pl.PrintedID.ToString() : "-"; } //gridPickListView.EndSummaryUpdate(); }
/// <summary> /// Populates user related info /// </summary> private void PopulateUser() { User us = new User(); DataTable dtUser = us.GetUsers(); int count = 1; int col = 0; lstUsers.Items.Clear(); foreach (DataRow dv in dtUser.Rows) { string[] str = { count.ToString(), dv["FullName"].ToString(), dv["Mobile"].ToString(), dv["UserName"].ToString(), dv["Type"].ToString() }; ListViewItem lst = new ListViewItem(str) {Tag = dv["ID"]}; if (col != 0) { lst.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(233, 247, 248); col = 0; } else col++; lstUsers.Items.Add(lst); count++; } UserType uType = new UserType(); uType.LoadAll(); cboUserType.DataSource = uType.DefaultView; }
private void gridUserView_FocusedRowChanged(object sender, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base.FocusedRowChangedEventArgs e) { DataRow dr = gridUserView.GetFocusedDataRow(); if (dr != null) { int selected = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ID"]); User us = new User(); us.LoadByPrimaryKey(selected); txtFullName.Text = us.FullName; txtAddress.Text = us.Address; txtMobile.Text = us.Mobile; ckActive.Checked = us.Active; cboUserType.SelectedValue = us.UserType.ToString(); txtUsername.Text = us.UserName; userId = us.ID; RefreshUserStoreGrid(us.ID); RefreshUserPhysicalStoreGrid(us.ID); } }
private void OnApprovedOrderRowClicked(object sender, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.RowClickEventArgs e) { var gv = (GridView)sender; var dr = gv.GetFocusedDataRow(); var or = new BLL.Order(); _orderID = Convert.ToInt32(gv.GetFocusedDataRow()["ID"].ToString()); order.LoadByPrimaryKey(_orderID); // populate the general order variables txtPickListFromStore.Text = order.GetFromStore(); lblMode.Text = order.GetFromStore(); txtPickListRequestedBy.Text = order.GetFilledBy(); if (!order.IsColumnNull("RequestedBy")) { var ins = new Institution(); ins.LoadByPrimaryKey(order.RequestedBy); var ownership = new BLL.OwnershipType(); ownership.LoadByPrimaryKey(ins.Ownership); lblOwnership.Text = ownership.Name; lblInstitutionType.Text = ins.InstitutionTypeName; lblFacility.Text = ins.Name; lblWoreda.Text = ins.WoredaName; lblZone.Text = ins.ZoneName; lblRegion.Text = ins.RegionName; lblLetterNum.Text = String.IsNullOrEmpty(order.LetterNo) ? "-" : order.LetterNo; } else { lblFacility.Text = lblWoreda.Text = lblZone.Text = lblRegion.Text = lblOwnership.Text = "";// lblType.Text = ""; } int length = order.GetRequestedBy().Length; string s = ""; HeaderLayoutGroup.Text = order.GetRequestedBy() + s.PadRight(150 - length) + "Order Number:" + order.RefNo; txtPickListOrderNumber.Text = order.RefNo; lblOrderNum.Text = order.RefNo; txtPickListApprovedBy.Text = order.GetApprovedBy(); lblApprovedBy.Text = order.GetApprovedBy(); var orderDetail = new OrderDetail(); orderDetail.LoadAllByOrderID(order.ID); if (!orderDetail.IsColumnNull("StoreID")) { var activity = new Activity(); activity.LoadByPrimaryKey(orderDetail.StoreID); lblMode.Text = activity.ModeName; } lblOrderDate.Text = order.Date.ToShortDateString(); var us = new BLL.User(); us.LoadByPrimaryKey(order.FilledBy); lblFilledBy.Text = us.FirstName; lblIssueStatus.Text = (string)dr["OrderStatus"] ?? "-"; lblIssueType.Text = (string)dr["Description"] ?? "-"; var paymentType = new BLL.PaymentType(); paymentType.LoadByPrimaryKey(order.PaymentTypeID); lblPaymentType.Text = paymentType.Name; if (order.OrderStatusID == OrderStatus.Constant.ORDER_APPROVED) { progressBarControl.Properties.Maximum = order.CountOfDetailItems(); progressBarControl.Properties.DisplayFormat.FormatString = "{0: #,##0}" + string.Format(" of {0}", progressBarControl.Properties.Maximum); progressBarControl.Properties.DisplayFormat.FormatType = FormatType.Custom; progressBarControl.EditValue = 0; this.Enabled = false; progressBarControl.Visible = true; bgWorker.RunWorkerAsync(_orderID); } }
public List<Order> GetStandardRRFOrders() { var client = new ServiceRRFLookupClient(); var orders = new List<Order>(); var ginfo = new GeneralInfo(); ginfo.LoadAll(); var dataView = gridItemChoiceView.DataSource as DataView; if (dataView != null) { dataView.RowFilter = gridItemChoiceView.ActiveFilterString; tblRRF = dataView.ToTable(); } var periods = client.GetCurrentReportingPeriod(ginfo.FacilityID, ginfo.ScmsWSUserName, ginfo.ScmsWSPassword); var form = client.GetForms(ginfo.FacilityID, ginfo.ScmsWSUserName, ginfo.ScmsWSPassword); var rrfs = client.GetFacilityRRForm(ginfo.FacilityID, form[0].Id, periods[0].Id, 1, ginfo.ScmsWSUserName, ginfo.ScmsWSPassword); var formCategories = rrfs.First().FormCategories; var chosenCategoryBody = formCategories.First(x => x.Id == 1); //TODO:Hard coding to be removed. var items = chosenCategoryBody.Pharmaceuticals; var user = new User(); user.LoadByPrimaryKey(MainWindow.LoggedinId); var order = new Order { RequestCompletedDate = DateTime.Now, OrderCompletedBy = user.FullName, RequestVerifiedDate = DateTime.Now, OrderTypeId = STANDARD_ORDER, SubmittedBy = user.FullName, SubmittedDate = DateTime.Now, SupplyChainUnitId = ginfo.FacilityID, OrderStatus = 1, //TODO: hardcoding FormId = form[0].Id, //TODO: hardcoding ReportingPeriodId = periods[0].Id //TODO: hardcoding }; var details = new List<RRFTransactionService.OrderDetail>(); foreach (DataRow rrfLine in tblRRF.Rows) { var detail = new RRFTransactionService.OrderDetail(); var hcmisItemID = Convert.ToInt32(rrfLine["DSItemID"]); var rrFormPharmaceutical = items.SingleOrDefault(x => x.PharmaceuticalId == hcmisItemID); if (rrFormPharmaceutical != null && Convert.ToString(rrfLine["Status"]) != "Below EOP") { detail.BeginningBalance = Convert.ToInt32(rrfLine["BeginingBalance"]); detail.EndingBalance = Convert.ToInt32(rrfLine["SOH"]); detail.QuantityReceived = Convert.ToInt32(rrfLine["Received"]); detail.QuantityOrdered = Convert.ToInt32(rrfLine["Quantity"]); detail.LossAdjustment = Convert.ToInt32(rrfLine["LossAdj"]); detail.ItemId = rrFormPharmaceutical.ItemId; var rdDoc = new ReceiveDoc(); var disposal = new Disposal(); rdDoc.GetAllWithQuantityLeft(hcmisItemID, _storeID); disposal.GetLossAdjustmentsForLastRrfPeriod(hcmisItemID, _storeID, periods[0].StartDate, periods[0].EndDate); int receiveDocEntries = rdDoc.RowCount; int disposalEntries = disposal.RowCount; if (rdDoc.RowCount == 0 && detail.EndingBalance == 0) detail.Expiries = null; detail.Expiries = new Expiry[receiveDocEntries]; detail.Adjustments = new Adjustment[disposalEntries]; rdDoc.Rewind(); int expiryAmountTotal = 0; for (int j = 0; j < receiveDocEntries; j++) { var exp = new Expiry { Amount = Convert.ToInt32(rdDoc.QuantityLeft) }; expiryAmountTotal += exp.Amount; exp.BatchNo = rdDoc.BatchNo; exp.ExpiryDate = rdDoc.ExpDate; if(exp.ExpiryDate > periods[0].EndDate.AddDays(ExpiryTreshHold)) exp.Amount = Convert.ToInt32(rdDoc.QuantityLeft); exp.ExpiryDate = periods[0].EndDate; detail.Expiries[j] = exp; rdDoc.MoveNext(); } disposal.Rewind(); int lossadjamt = 0; for (int j = 0; j < disposalEntries; j++) { var adj = new Adjustment { Amount = Convert.ToInt32(disposal.Quantity), TypeId = 1, ReasonId = 1 }; lossadjamt += adj.Amount; if (lossadjamt >= detail.LossAdjustment) detail.LossAdjustment = lossadjamt; detail.Adjustments[j] = adj; disposal.MoveNext(); } var stockoutIndexedLists = StockoutIndexBuilder.Builder.GetStockOutHistory(hcmisItemID, _storeID); var DOSPerStockOut = stockoutIndexedLists.Count(); detail.DaysOutOfStocks = new DaysOutOfStock[stockoutIndexedLists.Count()]; for (int j = 0; j < stockoutIndexedLists.Count(); j++) { var dos = new DaysOutOfStock { NumberOfDaysOutOfStock = 5, StockOutReasonId = 5 }; detail.DaysOutOfStocks[j] = dos; } } else if(rrFormPharmaceutical != null && Convert.ToString(rrfLine["Status"]) == "Below EOP") { detail.BeginningBalance = null; detail.EndingBalance = null; detail.QuantityReceived = null; detail.QuantityOrdered = null; detail.LossAdjustment = null; detail.ItemId = rrFormPharmaceutical.ItemId; var rdDoc = new ReceiveDoc(); var disposal = new Disposal(); rdDoc.GetAllWithQuantityLeft(hcmisItemID, _storeID); disposal.GetLossAdjustmentsForLastRrfPeriod(hcmisItemID, _storeID, periods[0].StartDate,periods[0].EndDate); int receiveDocEntries = rdDoc.RowCount; int disposalEntries = disposal.RowCount; if (rdDoc.RowCount == 0 && detail.EndingBalance == 0) detail.Expiries = null; detail.Expiries = new Expiry[receiveDocEntries]; detail.Adjustments = new Adjustment[disposalEntries]; rdDoc.Rewind(); int expiryAmountTotal = 0; for (int j = 0; j < receiveDocEntries; j++) { var exp = new Expiry {Amount = Convert.ToInt32(rdDoc.QuantityLeft)}; expiryAmountTotal += exp.Amount; exp.BatchNo = rdDoc.BatchNo; exp.ExpiryDate = rdDoc.ExpDate; if (expiryAmountTotal >= detail.EndingBalance) if (detail.EndingBalance != null) exp.Amount = exp.Amount - (expiryAmountTotal - detail.EndingBalance.Value); detail.Expiries[j] = null; rdDoc.MoveNext(); } disposal.Rewind(); int lossadjamt = 0; for (int j = 0; j < disposalEntries; j++) { var adj = new Adjustment { Amount = Convert.ToInt32(disposal.Quantity), TypeId = 11, ReasonId = 39 }; lossadjamt += adj.Amount; if (lossadjamt >= detail.LossAdjustment) detail.LossAdjustment = lossadjamt; detail.Adjustments[j] = null; disposal.MoveNext(); } var stockoutIndexedLists = StockoutIndexBuilder.Builder.GetStockOutHistory(hcmisItemID, _storeID); var DOSPerStockOut = stockoutIndexedLists.Count(); detail.DaysOutOfStocks = new DaysOutOfStock[stockoutIndexedLists.Count()]; for (int j = 0; j < stockoutIndexedLists.Count(); j++) { var dos = new DaysOutOfStock(); dos.NumberOfDaysOutOfStock = 5; dos.StockOutReasonId = 5; detail.DaysOutOfStocks[j] = null; } } details.Add(detail); } order.OrderDetails = details.ToArray(); orders.Add(order); // loop through each record and create order & order details objects return orders; }
private void gridOrderView_FocusedRowChanged(object sender, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base.FocusedRowChangedEventArgs e) { if (e != null && e.PrevFocusedRowHandle < -1) return; if (gridOrderView.GetFocusedDataRow() != null) { var dr = gridOrderView.GetFocusedDataRow(); int OrderID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ID"]); string sharps = Helpers.FormattingHelpers.GetNumberFormatting(); Order = new PO(OrderID); RefreshInvoice(); RefreshPoDetail(); // Layout ... Show the damn correct layout // Hide the empty layout LayoutEmptyDetails.Visibility = LayoutVisibility.Never; LayoutSelectedOrderDetail.Visibility = LayoutVisibility.Always; int Currency = 0x0409; if(!Order.IsColumnNull("LCID")) Currency = Order.LCID; if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Order.s_PurchaseType)) PurchaseTypes = POType.GetAllPOTypes().Find(t => t.ID == Order.PurchaseType); string space = ""; DataRow dar = gridInvoiceView.GetFocusedDataRow(); HeaderGroup.Text = "PO No: " + dr["OrderNumber"].ToString(); if (dar != null) { HeaderGroup.Text = HeaderGroup.Text + space.PadRight(160) + "Invoice No: " + gridInvoiceView.GetFocusedDataRow()["STVOrInvoiceNo"]; } // lblOrderType.Text = PurchaseTypes != null ? string.Format("{0} : {1}" ,PurchaseTypes.Group , PurchaseTypes.Name) : ""; lblPONumber.Text = Order.PONumber; lblTotalValue.Text = Order.TotalValue.ToString(Helpers.FormattingHelpers.GetCurrencyFormatByLCID(Currency)); lblInsurance.Text = Order.Insurance.ToString(Helpers.FormattingHelpers.GetBirrFormatting()); lblNBE.Text = Order.NBE.ToString(Helpers.FormattingHelpers.GetBirrFormatting()); lblSupplier.Text = Order.Supplier.CompanyName; lblShipper.Text = String.IsNullOrEmpty(Order.ShippingSite) ? "-" : Order.ShippingSite; lblLetterNo.Text = String.IsNullOrEmpty(Order.LetterNo) ? "-" : Order.LetterNo; lblPOType.Text = dr["Name"].ToString(); var PaymentType = new PaymentType(); PaymentType.LoadByPrimaryKey(Order.PaymentTypeID); lblPaymentType.Text = String.IsNullOrEmpty(PaymentType.Name) ? "-" : PaymentType.Name ; var User = new User(); User.LoadByPrimaryKey(Order.SavedbyUserID); lblPOBy.Text = String.IsNullOrEmpty(User.FullName) ? "-" : User.FullName; if (!Order.IsColumnNull("ModeID")) { var Mode = new Mode(); Mode.LoadByPrimaryKey(Order.ModeID); lblMode.Text = Mode.TypeName; } else lblMode.Text = "-"; if (!Order.IsColumnNull("PurchaseOrderStatusID")) { var poStatus = new PurchaseOrderStatus(); poStatus.LoadByPrimaryKey(Order.PurchaseOrderStatusID); lblPOStatus.Text = poStatus.Name; } chkboxIsElectronic.Checked = Order.IsElectronic; lblOrderDate.Text = Order.PODate.ToShortDateString(); lblSyncDate.Text = Order.ModifiedDate == DateTime.MinValue ? "NA" : Order.ModifiedDate.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (!Order.IsColumnNull("StoreID")) { Activity act = new Activity(); act.LoadByPrimaryKey(Order.StoreID); lblAccount.Text = act.AccountName; lblSubAccount.Text = act.SubAccountName; lblActivity.Text = act.Name; } else { lblAccount.Text = lblSubAccount.Text = lblActivity.Text = "-"; } lblRefNo.Text = String.IsNullOrEmpty(Order.RefNo) ? "-" : Order.RefNo; lblRemainingValue.Text = Order.Remaining.ToString(Helpers.FormattingHelpers.GetCurrencyFormatByLCID(Currency)); if (BLL.Settings.UseNewUserManagement && this.HasPermission("Add-Invoice")) { btnAddInvoice.Enabled = true; } else if (BLL.Settings.UseNewUserManagement) { btnAddInvoice.Enabled = false; } btnAddInvoice.Enabled = btnEditOrder.Enabled =btnAddOrderDetail.Enabled = !Order.IsElectronic; if (Order.IsElectronic) { grdPoDetail.Enabled = false; gridInvoice.Enabled = false; } else { grdPoDetail.Enabled = true ; gridInvoice.Enabled = true; } //purchse order details grdPoDetail.DataSource = Order.PurchaseOrderDetail.DefaultView; } else { // Hide the empty layout LayoutEmptyDetails.Visibility = LayoutVisibility.Always; LayoutSelectedOrderDetail.Visibility = LayoutVisibility.Never; } }
private void bw_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { int userID = Convert.ToInt32(e.Argument); BLL.User user = new User(); user.LoadByPrimaryKey(userID); try { HelperClasses.DirectoryServices.RefreshFromDirectoryServices(); BLL.GeneralInfo info = new GeneralInfo(); info.LoadAll(); info.LastSync = DateTime.Now; info.Save(); e.Result = "Completed!"; } catch (Exception ex) { if (user.UserType != UserType.Constants.SYSTEM_ADMIN) e.Result = "There has been a network error. The database is not in sync with directory services. Please connect to the Internet and try again."; else e.Result = ex.Message; } }
/// <summary> /// Populate the lookups and item lists. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void ReceiveingForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //gridRecieveView.Columns[4].Visible = VisibilitySetting.HandleUnits; var UnitColumn = ((GridView)receivingGrid.MainView).Columns[12]; var UnitColumn1 = ((GridView)receivingGrid.MainView).Columns[5]; var UnitColumn2 = ((GridView)gridItemsChoice.MainView).Columns[4]; var qtyperpack = ((GridView)receivingGrid.MainView).Columns[3]; var buqty = ((GridView)receivingGrid.MainView).Columns[4]; switch (VisibilitySetting.HandleUnits) { case 3: UnitColumn.Visible = true; UnitColumn1.Visible = false; UnitColumn2.Visible = false; qtyperpack.Visible = false; buqty.Visible = false; break; case 2: UnitColumn.Visible = true; UnitColumn1.Visible = false; UnitColumn2.Visible = false; qtyperpack.Visible = false; buqty.Visible = false; break; case 1: UnitColumn.Visible = false; UnitColumn1.Visible = true; qtyperpack.Visible = true; UnitColumn2.Visible = true; buqty.Visible = true; break; } var stor = new Stores(); stor.GetActiveStores(); cboStores.Properties.DataSource = stor.DefaultView; cboStores.ItemIndex = 0; Programs prog = new Programs(); DataTable dtProg = prog.GetSubPrograms(); cboProgram.Properties.DataSource = dtProg; cboProgram.Properties.DisplayMember = "Name"; cboProgram.Properties.ValueMember = "ID"; var unit = new ItemUnit(); var units = unit.GetAllUnits(); UnitsbindingSource.DataSource = units.DefaultView; Supplier sup = new Supplier(); DataTable dtSup = new DataTable(); sup.GetActiveSuppliers(); dtSup = sup.DefaultView.ToTable(); cboSuppliers.DataSource = dtSup; cboSupplier.Properties.DataSource = sup.DefaultView; cboSuppliers.Text = "Select Supplier"; cboSuppliers.ValueMember = "ID"; cboSuppliers.DisplayMember = "CompanyName"; // Bind the grid with only active items Items itm = new Items(); //DataTable dtItem = itm.GetAllItems(1); DataTable dtItem = BLL.Items.GetActiveItemsByCommodityType(0); lkCategories.Properties.DataSource = BLL.Type.GetAllTypes(); lkCategories.ItemIndex = 0; PopulateItemList(dtItem); selectedType = radioGroup1.EditValue.ToString(); PopulateCatTree(selectedType); int userID = MainWindow.LoggedinId; User us = new User(); us.LoadByPrimaryKey(userID); txtReceivedBy.Text = us.FullName; // bind the current date as the datetime field dtRecDate.Value = DateTime.Now; }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var rec = new ReceiveDoc(); var itm = new Items(); var itemprogram = new ProgramProduct(); string valid = ValidateFields(); if (valid == "true") { if ( XtraMessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to save this transaction?", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { try { for (int i = 0; i < dtRecGrid.Rows.Count; i++) { if (dtRecGrid.Rows[i]["Expiry Date"] != DBNull.Value) { if (Convert.ToDateTime(dtRecGrid.Rows[i]["Expiry Date"]) <= DateTime.Now) { var dialog = XtraMessageBox.Show( "The item " + dtRecGrid.Rows[i]["Item Name"].ToString() + " has already expired. Are you sure you want to receive it?", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (dialog == DialogResult.No) { return; } } } rec.AddNew(); rec.StoreID = Convert.ToInt32(cboStores.EditValue); rec.RefNo = txtRefNo.Text.Trim(); rec.Remark = txtRemark.Text; rec.ReceivedBy = txtReceivedBy.Text; DateTime xx = dtRecDate.Value; dtRecDate.CustomFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy"; DateTime dtRec = new DateTime(); rec.Date = ConvertDate.DateConverter(dtRecDate.Text); dtRec = ConvertDate.DateConverter(dtRecDate.Text); dtRecDate.IsGregorianCurrentCalendar = true; rec.EurDate = dtRecDate.Value; dtRecDate.IsGregorianCurrentCalendar = false; rec.ItemID = Convert.ToInt32(dtRecGrid.Rows[i][0]); switch (VisibilitySetting.HandleUnits) { case 1: rec.UnitID = 0; rec.QtyPerPack = Convert.ToInt32(dtRecGrid.Rows[i]["Qty/Pack"]); break; case 2: rec.UnitID = Convert.ToInt32(dtRecGrid.Rows[i]["UnitID"]); rec.QtyPerPack = 1; break; case 3: rec.UnitID = Convert.ToInt32(dtRecGrid.Rows[i]["UnitID"]); rec.QtyPerPack = 1; break; } rec.NoOfPack = Convert.ToInt32(dtRecGrid.Rows[i]["Pack Qty"]); rec.Quantity = rec.NoOfPack * rec.QtyPerPack; rec.QuantityLeft = rec.Quantity; if (dtRecGrid.Rows[i]["Price/Pack"] != null && dtRecGrid.Rows[i]["Price/Pack"].ToString() != "") { double pre = Convert.ToDouble(dtRecGrid.Rows[i]["Price/Pack"]) / rec.QtyPerPack; rec.Cost = Convert.ToDouble(pre); } else { rec.Cost = 0; } itm.LoadByPrimaryKey(Convert.ToInt32(dtRecGrid.Rows[i]["ID"])); rec.BatchNo = dtRecGrid.Rows[i][8].ToString(); if (dtRecGrid.Rows[i]["Expiry Date"] != DBNull.Value) { rec.ExpDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dtRecGrid.Rows[i]["Expiry Date"]); } rec.SupplierID = Convert.ToInt32(cboSupplier.EditValue); rec.SubProgramID = Convert.ToInt32(cboProgram.EditValue); string batch = DateTime.Now.Day.ToString() + DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString() + DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString() + rec.ItemID.ToString(); rec.LocalBatchNo = batch; rec.Out = false; rec.IsApproved = false; dtRecDate.Value = xx; rec.Save(); //check if there is any data on stockoutLog about this item on this store //and update its enddate to today StockoutLog stockoutLog = new StockoutLog(); DataTable tblStockoutLog = stockoutLog.LoadByStoreAndItemId(rec.ItemID, rec.StoreID, true); if (tblStockoutLog != null) { if (tblStockoutLog.Rows.Count > 0) { stockoutLog.LoadByPrimaryKey(int.Parse(tblStockoutLog.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString())); stockoutLog.EndDate = DateTime.Today; stockoutLog.Save(); } } itemprogram.LoadByOldProgramIdAndItemId(Convert.ToInt32(dtRecGrid.Rows[i][0]), Convert.ToInt32(cboProgram.EditValue)); if (itemprogram.RowCount != 0) { continue; } else { itemprogram.AddNew(); itemprogram.ItemID = Convert.ToInt32(dtRecGrid.Rows[i][0]); itemprogram.ProgramID = Convert.ToInt32(cboProgram.EditValue); itemprogram.Save(); } } XtraMessageBox.Show("Transaction Successfully Saved!", "Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); ResetFields(); // mgr.CommitTransaction(); } catch (Exception exp) { //mgr.RollbackTransaction(); BLL.User user = new User(); user.LoadByPrimaryKey(MainWindow.LoggedinId); if (user.UserType == UserType.Constants.SYSTEM_ADMIN) XtraMessageBox.Show(exp.Message); else XtraMessageBox.Show("Saving Error!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } } } else { XtraMessageBox.Show(valid, "Validation", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop); } }
private void LayoutByAccessMode() { User user = new User(); user.LoadByPrimaryKey(CurrentContext.UserId); }
private void gridMasterView_CellValueChanged(object sender, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base.CellValueChangedEventArgs e) { if (lkWarehouse.EditValue != null && lkAccount.EditValue != null) { double NewUnitCost; double Margin; string ReceiveDocIDs; DataRow Masterdr = gridMasterView.GetFocusedDataRow(); if (gridMasterView.GetFocusedRow() != null) { if (Masterdr["PricePerPack"] != DBNull.Value) { Masterdr.ClearErrors(); if (Convert.ToDouble(Masterdr["PricePerPack"]) < 0) { Masterdr.SetColumnError("PricePerPack","Negative value is not allowed"); Masterdr["PricePerPack"] = DBNull.Value; return; } Masterdr["TotalReceived"] = Convert.ToDouble(Masterdr["NoOfPack"]) * Convert.ToDouble(Masterdr["PricePerPack"]); NewUnitCost = Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(Masterdr["PricePerPack"]),2); ReceiveDocIDs = Masterdr["ReceiveDocIDs"].ToString(); Margin = Masterdr["Margin"] != DBNull.Value ? Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(Masterdr["Margin"])/100, 4) : 0; User user = new User(); user.LoadByPrimaryKey(CurrentContext.UserId); BLL.ReceiveDoc.SetBegginingBalanceCostByReceiveDocIDs(NewUnitCost,Margin, ReceiveDocIDs, user.ID, "Beginning Inventory"); BLL.ReceiveDoc.SetUnitCostByReceivedocIDs(NewUnitCost,ReceiveDocIDs,user.ID,"Beginning Inventory"); } else { Masterdr["TotalReceived"] = DBNull.Value; } } } }
private void BtnLoginClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { UserInformation userInfo = null; try { if (BLL.Settings.UseNewUserManagement) { userInfo = Auth.Authenticate(txtUsername.Text, txtPassword.Text); if (userInfo == null) { //errorLogger.SaveError(0, 1, 1, 2, "Login Attempt", "Warehouse", new InvalidCredentialException("Invalid credentials, Username = "******"", "", true, txtUsername.Text, Program.HCMISVersionString); if (XtraMessageBox.Show(@"Invalid Username or Password!", @"Login Failed", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Stop) == DialogResult.Cancel) { Application.Exit(); } else { } } } catch { if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached) { //ConnectionStringManager.ConnectionStringManager connMgr = // new ConnectionStringManager.ConnectionStringManager(Program.RegKey, // Program.PrevConnectionStringKey); //connMgr.ShowDialog(); } else { XtraMessageBox.Show("Network error. Please make sure your network connection is working.", "Connection Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } // Clear the login form txtPassword.Text = ""; txtUsername.Text = ""; txtUsername.Focus(); }
private void OnUndispatchedIssueClicked(object sender, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.RowClickEventArgs e) { var dr = gridUndispatchedIssuesView.GetFocusedDataRow(); _activeSTVID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["STVID"]); gridUndispatchedIssueDetails.DataSource = BLL.Issue.GetIssueDetails(_activeSTVID); User usr = new User(); //usr.LoadByPrimaryKey(NewMainWindow.UserId); usr = CurrentContext.LoggedInUser; BLL.Issue stv = new BLL.Issue(); stv.LoadByPrimaryKey(_activeSTVID); var activity = new Activity(); activity.LoadByPrimaryKey(stv.StoreID); lblMode.Text = activity.ModeName ?? "-"; lblAccount.Text = activity.AccountName ?? "-"; lblActivity.Text = activity.FullActivityName ?? "-"; lblSubAccount.Text = activity.SubAccountName ?? "-"; lblIssueStatus.Text = (string)dr["OrderStatus"] ?? "-"; lblIssueType.Text = (string)dr["OrderType"] ?? "-"; if (!stv.IsColumnNull("ReceivingUnitID")) { var institution = new Institution(); institution.LoadByPrimaryKey(stv.ReceivingUnitID); var ownership = new BLL.OwnershipType(); ownership.LoadByPrimaryKey(institution.Ownership); lblRegion.Text = institution.RegionName ?? "-"; lblZone.Text = institution.ZoneName ?? "-"; lblWoreda.Text = institution.WoredaName ?? "-"; var space = ""; int length = (institution.Name).Length; if (stv.IsColumnNull("IsReprintOf")) { FacilityGroup.Text = institution.Name ?? "" + space.PadRight(180 - length) + "Invoice No: " + stv.IDPrinted.ToString("00000"); } lblInstitutionType.Text = institution.InstitutionTypeName; lblOwnership.Text = ownership.Name; } else { lblRegion.Text = lblZone.Text = lblWoreda.Text = "NA"; lblInstitutionType.Text = lblOwnership.Text = "-"; FacilityGroup.Text = ""; } if (!stv.IsColumnNull("PaymentTypeID")) { var paymentType = new BLL.PaymentType(); paymentType.LoadByPrimaryKey(stv.PaymentTypeID); lblPaymentType.Text = paymentType.Name; } else { lblPaymentType.Text = "-"; } if (!stv.IsColumnNull("DocumentTypeID")) { lblDocumentedType.Text = DocumentType.GetDocumentType(stv.DocumentTypeID).Name; } else { lblDocumentedType.Text = "-"; } lblRequistedDate.Text = dr["VoidRequestDateTime"] == DBNull.Value ? "NA" : DateTime.Parse(dr["VoidRequestDateTime"].ToString()).ToShortDateString(); lblVoidRequestedBy.Text = dr["VoidRequestedBy"] == DBNull.Value ? "NA" : (string)dr["VoidRequestedBy"]; var user = new BLL.User(); if (dr["VoidApprovedByUserID"] != DBNull.Value) { user.LoadByPrimaryKey(Convert.ToInt32(dr["VoidApprovedByUserID"])); lblVoidConfirmedBy.Text = user.FullName; } else { lblVoidConfirmedBy.Text = "NA"; } lblVoidConfirmedDate.Text = dr["VoidApprovalDateTime"] == DBNull.Value ? "NA" : DateTime.Parse(dr["VoidApprovalDateTime"].ToString()).ToShortDateString(); stv.LoadLatestReprint(); txtIssuedBy.Text = usr.FullName ?? "-"; lblDispatchConfirmedBy.Text = usr.FullName ?? "-"; // txtSTVInvoiceNo.Text = stv.IDPrinted.ToString("00000"); lblSTVNo.Text = stv.IDPrinted.ToString("00000") ?? "-"; lblSTVDate.Text = stv.PrintedDate.ToShortDateString() ?? "-"; user.LoadByPrimaryKey(stv.UserID); lblSTVPrintedBy.Text = user.FullName ?? "-"; txtPreprintedInvoiceNo.Text = stv.IsColumnNull("PrePrintedInvoiceNo") ? "" : stv.PrePrintedInvoiceNo.ToString(); }
private void gridItemsView_FocusedRowChanged(object sender, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base.FocusedRowChangedEventArgs e) { DataRow dr = gridItemsView.GetFocusedDataRow(); lblIssueType.Text = dr["OrderType"]!=DBNull.Value ? (string) dr["OrderType"] : "-"; if ((dr["ReceivingUnitID"]) != DBNull.Value) { var ins = new Institution(); ins.LoadByPrimaryKey(Convert.ToInt32(dr["ReceivingUnitID"])); lblRegion.Text = ins.RegionName ?? "-"; lblWoreda.Text = ins.WoredaName ?? "-"; lblZone.Text = ins.ZoneName ?? "-"; var own = new OwnershipType(); own.LoadByPrimaryKey(ins.Ownership); lblOwnership.Text = own.Name ?? "-"; var iss = new Issue(); iss.LoadByPrimaryKey(Convert.ToInt32(dr["STVID"])); if (!iss.IsColumnNull("PaymentTypeID")) { var pType = new PaymentType(); pType.LoadByPrimaryKey(iss.PaymentTypeID); lblPaymentType.Text = pType.Name; } lblPaymentType.Text = "-"; if (!iss.IsColumnNull("VoidRequestDateTime")) lblVoidRequestedDate.Text = iss.VoidRequestDateTime.ToShortDateString(); else { lblVoidRequestedDate.Text = "-"; } if(!iss.IsColumnNull("VoidApprovalDateTime")) lblVoidConfirmedDate.Text= iss.VoidApprovalDateTime.ToShortDateString(); else { lblVoidConfirmedDate.Text = "-"; } var user = new User(); if (!iss.IsColumnNull("VoidRequestUserID")) { user.LoadByPrimaryKey(iss.VoidRequestUserID); lblVoidRequestedBy.Text = user.FullName; } else lblVoidRequestedBy.Text = "-"; if (!iss.IsColumnNull("VoidApprovedByUserID")) { user.LoadByPrimaryKey(iss.VoidApprovedByUserID); lblVoidConfirmedBy.Text = user.FullName; } else lblVoidConfirmedBy.Text = "-"; lblInstitutionType.Text = ins.InstitutionTypeName; if (!iss.IsColumnNull("DocumentTypeID")) { lblDocumentType.Text = DocumentType.GetDocumentType(iss.DocumentTypeID).Name; } else lblDocumentType.Text = ""; } else { lblRegion.Text = lblWoreda.Text = lblZone.Text = "-"; } lblPrintedDate.Text = string.IsNullOrEmpty((Convert.ToDateTime(dr["PrintedDate"].ToString())).ToShortDateString()) ? "-" : (Convert.ToDateTime(dr["PrintedDate"].ToString())).ToShortDateString(); lblAccount.Text = string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["AccountName"].ToString()) ? "-" : dr["AccountName"].ToString(); lblSubAccount.Text = string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["SubAccountName"].ToString()) ? "-" : dr["SubAccountName"].ToString(); lblActivity.Text = string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["ActivityName"].ToString()) ? "-" : dr["ActivityName"].ToString(); lblPrintedBy.Text = string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["IssuedBy"].ToString()) ? "-" : dr["IssuedBy"].ToString(); lblIssueStatus.Text = string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["Status"].ToString()) ? "-" : dr["Status"].ToString(); int accountid = Convert.ToInt32(dr["AccountID"]); Account account = new Account(); account.LoadByPrimaryKey(accountid); Mode mode = new Mode(); mode.LoadByPrimaryKey(account.ModeID); lblMode.Text = mode.TypeName; }
public static void Add(User user) { _users.Add(user); }
private void lkReceiptInvoice_EditValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { ResetFields(); if (lkReceiptInvoice.EditValue != null) { if ((standardRecType == StandardReceiptType.iGRVOnline || deliveryNoteType == DeliveryNoteType.Automatic) && lkReceiptInvoice.EditValue.Equals(-1)) { HandleReceiptTypeChange(true); return; } if (standardRecType == StandardReceiptType.iGRV && !lkReceiptInvoice.EditValue.Equals(-1)) { //This means, the hub has chosen an invoice other than "Not Found" from the list of invoices. Therefore, we want to change the receipt type to be iGRV-Online. HandleReceiptTypeChange(); } BLL.ReceiptInvoice rctInvoice = new ReceiptInvoice(); rctInvoice.LoadByPrimaryKey(Convert.ToInt32(lkReceiptInvoice.EditValue)); var po = new PO(); po.LoadByPrimaryKey(rctInvoice.POID); if (po.IsElectronic == true) { rdIsElectronic.Checked = true; lblSyncDate.Text = rctInvoice.DateOfEntry.ToShortDateString(); txtPassCode.Enabled = true; lcPassCode.Visibility = DevExpress.XtraLayout.Utils.LayoutVisibility.Always; } else { rdIsElectronic.Checked = false; lblSyncDate.Text = "-"; txtPassCode.Enabled = false; lcPassCode.Visibility = DevExpress.XtraLayout.Utils.LayoutVisibility.Never; } lblOrderNo.Text = po.PONumber; lblOrderNum.Text = po.PONumber; if (!rctInvoice.IsColumnNull("DocumentTypeID")) { var doctype = new BLL.DocumentType(); doctype.LoadByPrimaryKey(rctInvoice.DocumentTypeID); lblDeliveryNote.Text = doctype.Name; lblHeaderDoc.Text = doctype.Name; } else { lblDeliveryNote.Text = "-"; lblHeaderDoc.Text = "-"; } var mode = new Mode(); mode.LoadByPrimaryKey(po.ModeID); lblMode.Text = mode.TypeName; lblAccount.Text = "-"; lblSubAccount.Text = "-"; lblActivity.Text = "-"; lblReferenceNo.Text = po.RefNo; var payment = new PaymentType(); payment.LoadByPrimaryKey(po.PaymentTypeID); lblPaymentType.Text = payment.Name; lblHeaderPayment.Text = payment.Name; //if (po.IsColumnNull("NBE")) //{ // lblNebService.Text = Convert.ToString(po.NBE); //} //else //{ // lblNebService.Text = "-"; //} if (po.Remaining != -1) lblRemainingValue.Text = po.Remaining.ToString(); else lblRemainingValue.Text = "-"; if (po.TotalValue != -1) lblTotalValue.Text = po.Remaining.ToString(); else lblTotalValue.Text = "-"; if (po.Insurance != -1) lblChargeInsurance.Text = po.Insurance.ToString(); else lblChargeInsurance.Text = "-"; if (po.NBE != -1) lblNebService.Text = po.NBE.ToString(); else lblNebService.Text = "-"; lblOrderDate.Text = po.PODate.ToShortDateString(); lblReceiptDate.Text = rctInvoice.DateOfEntry.ToShortDateString(); var user = new User(); user.LoadByPrimaryKey(po.SavedbyUserID); lblOrderBy.Text = user.FullName; var sup = new Supplier(); lkAccounts.EditValue = rctInvoice.ActivityID; var act = new Activity(); act.LoadByPrimaryKey(rctInvoice.ActivityID); _supplierID = rctInvoice.GetSupplier(); sup.LoadByPrimaryKey(_supplierID); lblSupplier.Text = sup.CompanyName; lblOrdSup.Text = sup.CompanyName; lblInvoiceNo.Text = rctInvoice.STVOrInvoiceNo; lblInvAccount.Text = act.AccountName ?? "-"; lblInvActivity.Text = act.Name ?? "-"; lblAct.Text = act.FullActivityName ?? "-"; lblInvSubAccount.Text = act.SubAccountName ?? "-"; lblInvMode.Text = act.ModeName ?? "-"; lblInvTotalValue.Text = rctInvoice.TotalFOBValue.ToString("N"); lblInsurancePolicy.Text = rctInvoice.InsurancePolicyNo == " "? rctInvoice.InsurancePolicyNo : "-"; var poType = new POType(); poType.LoadByPrimaryKey(po.PurchaseType); lblOrderType.Text = poType.Name ?? "-"; lblPOType.Text = poType.Name ?? "-"; var poStatus = new PurchaseOrderStatus(); poStatus.LoadByPrimaryKey(po.PurchaseOrderStatusID); lblOrderStatus.Text = poStatus.Name ?? "-"; var it = new InvoiceType(); it.LoadByPrimaryKey(rctInvoice.InvoiceTypeID); lblInvType.Text = it.Name; lblInvDate.Text = rctInvoice.DateOfEntry.ToShortDateString(); mode.LoadByPrimaryKey(rctInvoice.ActivityID); lblWayBillNo.Text = rctInvoice.WayBillNo; txtTransitTransferVoucherNo.Text = rctInvoice.TransitTransferNo; txtEditTransferNo.Text = rctInvoice.TransitTransferNo; lblInsurancePolicyNo.Text = rctInvoice.InsurancePolicyNo; BLL.PO order = new PO(); order.LoadByPrimaryKey(rctInvoice.POID); lblRefNo.Text = order.RefNo; lblPoNo.Text = order.PONumber; DataTable relatedReceives = rctInvoice.GetRelatedReceives(); hasPreviousReceive = false; if (relatedReceives.Rows.Count > 0) { XtraMessageBox.Show( "The Invoice you have selected has previous associated receives", "Invoice Detail", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); colSelectedManufactuerer.Visible = true; colSelectedUnit.Visible = true; colSelectionLineNo.Visible = true; colSelectedReceiveQty.Visible = true; colSelectedInvoiceQty.Visible = true; hasPreviousReceive = true; gridItemsChoice.Enabled = false; colRemainingQty.VisibleIndex = 9; lcItemChoiceGrid.Visibility = DevExpress.XtraLayout.Utils.LayoutVisibility.Never; _dtSelectedTable = relatedReceives.Clone(); gridSelected.DataSource = _dtSelectedTable; foreach (DataRow dr in relatedReceives.Rows) { SelectAnItem(dr); } } else { hasPreviousReceive = false; colSelectedManufactuerer.Visible = false; colSelectedUnit.Visible = false; colSelectionLineNo.Visible = false; colSelectedReceiveQty.Visible = false; colSelectedInvoiceQty.Visible = false; colRemainingQty.Visible = false; gridItemsChoice.Enabled = true; lcItemChoiceGrid.Visibility = DevExpress.XtraLayout.Utils.LayoutVisibility.Always; } if (lkAccounts.EditValue != null) { // lcInvoiceDetail.Visibility = DevExpress.XtraLayout.Utils.LayoutVisibility.Never; } if (standardRecType == StandardReceiptType.iGRVOnline || standardRecType == StandardReceiptType.GRV || deliveryNoteType == DeliveryNoteType.Automatic) { if (!hasPreviousReceive) LoadItemsFromTransferredReceiptInvoiceDetail(rctInvoice.ID); txtRefNo.Text = lkReceiptInvoice.Text; colSelectedReceiveQty.Visible = true; lcItemChoiceGrid.Visibility = DevExpress.XtraLayout.Utils.LayoutVisibility.Never; lkAccounts.Enabled = false; } else { lkAccounts.Enabled = !BLL.Settings.IsCenter; } if(!BLL.Settings.IsCenter) { //Passcode Textbox var dataRowView = lkReceiptInvoice.GetSelectedDataRow() as DataRowView; if (dataRowView != null) _isElectronic = Convert.ToBoolean(dataRowView["IsElectronic"]); lcPassCode.Visibility = (!_isNonElectronicReceiveOnly) && (_isElectronic) && (standardRecType == StandardReceiptType.iGRVOnline || deliveryNoteType == DeliveryNoteType.Automatic) ? LayoutVisibility.Always : LayoutVisibility.Never; txtPassCode.Text = "HHMM"; } } }
public Collection<Order> GetOrders() { var orders = new Collection<Order>(); _tblRrf = (DataTable)gridItemsChoice.DataSource; tblRRF = (DataTable)gridItemsChoice.DataSource; var info = new GeneralInfo(); info.LoadAll(); var client1 = new ServiceRRFLookupClient(); var req = new GetCurrentReportingPeriodRequest { Password = RRFServiceIntegration.PlitsPassword, UserName = RRFServiceIntegration.PlitsUserName, Supplychainunitid = RRFServiceIntegration.GetBranchID() }; var branchReq = new GetBranchRRFormRequest { UserName = RRFServiceIntegration.PlitsUserName, Password = RRFServiceIntegration.PlitsPassword, Supplychainunitid = RRFServiceIntegration.GetBranchID() }; var formReq = new GetFormsRequest { Password = RRFServiceIntegration.PlitsPassword, UserName = RRFServiceIntegration.PlitsUserName, Supplychainunitid = RRFServiceIntegration.GetBranchID() }; var forms = client1.GetForms(formReq).GetFormsResult; var formid = forms[0].Id; var periods = client1.GetCurrentReportingPeriod(req).GetCurrentReportingPeriodResult; var period = periods[0].Id; branchReq.Formid = formid; branchReq.Reportingperiodid = period; var chosenCatId = 91;//RRFHelper.GetRrfCategoryId(cboStores.Text); var rrfs = client1.GetBranchRRForm(branchReq).GetBranchRRFormResult; var formCategories = rrfs.First().FormCategories; var chosenCategoryBody = formCategories.First(x => x.Id == chosenCatId); //Hard coding to be removed. var items = chosenCategoryBody.Pharmaceuticals; //Let's just store the items here (May not be required) var user = new User(); user.LoadByPrimaryKey(CurrentContext.LoggedInUser.ID); var order = new HCMIS.Desktop.PLITSTransactionalService.Order { //Id = (int)rrf["Id"], RequestCompletedDate = BLL.DateTimeHelper.ServerDateTime,//Convert.ToDateTime(rrf["DateOfSubmissionEth"]), OrderCompletedBy = user.FullName, RequestVerifiedDate = BLL.DateTimeHelper.ServerDateTime, OrderTypeId = 1, //This needs to be changed to constant class or something. 1 - Regular, 2 - Emergency' SubmittedBy = user.FullName, SubmittedDate = BLL.DateTimeHelper.ServerDateTime, SupplyChainUnitId = Helpers.RRFServiceIntegration.GetBranchID(), OrderStatus = 1,//TODO: hardcoding FormId = formid,//TODO: hardcoding ReportingPeriodId = period //TODO: hardcoding }; // order.OrderTypeId = (int)tblrrf.Rows[i]["RRfTpyeId"]; // Set order properties //order.FormId = rrfForm.Id; //Form.ID? or RRFForm.ID? - doesn't make sense // order.ReportingPeriodId = periods[0].Id; //Asked again here? Because RRFForm already contains this. var details = new Collection<OrderDetail>(); int i = 0; var xx = tblRRF.Rows.Count; foreach (DataRow rrfLine in tblRRF.Rows) { var detail = new PLITSTransactionalService.OrderDetail(); var hcmisItemID = Convert.ToInt32(rrfLine["ID"]); var rrFormPharmaceutical = items.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PharmaceuticalId == Convert.ToInt32(rrfLine["ID"])); if (rrfLine != null && rrFormPharmaceutical!=null) { detail.BeginningBalance = Convert.ToInt32(rrfLine["BeginingBalance"]); //DaysOutOfStock daysOfStockOut = new DaysOutOfStock() { NumberOfDaysOutOfStock = 1 }; //detail.DaysOutOfStocks.Add(daysOfStockOut);//Convert.ToInt32(rrfLine["DaysOutOfStock"]); int eBalance = Convert.ToInt32(rrfLine["SOH"]); detail.EndingBalance = eBalance == 0 ? 1 : eBalance; //To make sure ending balance is not zero. //detail.ItemId = Convert.ToInt32(rrfLine["ID"]); //Needs to come from the Code column of Items table. detail.QuantityReceived = Convert.ToInt32(rrfLine["Received"]); detail.QuantityOrdered = Convert.ToInt32(rrfLine["Quantity"]); detail.LossAdjustment = Convert.ToInt32(rrfLine["LossAdj"]); if (rrFormPharmaceutical != null) detail.ItemId = rrFormPharmaceutical.ItemId; else throw new Exception("Item ID Mismatch"); var rdDoc = new ReceiveDoc(); var lossAndAdjustment = new LossAndAdjustment(); rdDoc.GetAllWithQuantityLeft(hcmisItemID, _storeID); lossAndAdjustment.GetLossAdjustmentsForLastRRFPeriod(hcmisItemID, _storeID, periods[0].StartDate, periods[0].EndDate); int receiveDocEntries = rdDoc.RowCount; int disposalEntries = lossAndAdjustment.RowCount; rdDoc.Rewind(); for (var j = 0; j < receiveDocEntries; j++) { var exp = new Expiry { Amount = Convert.ToInt32(rdDoc.QuantityLeft), BatchNo = rdDoc.BatchNo, ExpiryDate = rdDoc.ExpDate }; detail.Expiries.Add(exp); rdDoc.MoveNext(); } lossAndAdjustment.Rewind(); for (var j = 0; j < disposalEntries; j++) { var adj = new Adjustment {Amount = Convert.ToInt32(lossAndAdjustment.Quantity), TypeId = 11, ReasonId = 39}; detail.Adjustments.Add(adj); lossAndAdjustment.MoveNext(); } var stockoutIndexedLists = StockoutIndexBuilder.Builder.GetStockOutHistory(hcmisItemID, _storeID); for (int j = 0; j < stockoutIndexedLists.Count; j++) { var dos = new DaysOutOfStock { NumberOfDaysOutOfStock = stockoutIndexedLists[j].NumberOfDays, StockOutReasonId = 5 }; detail.DaysOutOfStocks.Add(dos); } details.Add(detail); } } order.OrderDetails = details; orders.Add(order); // loop through each record and create order & order details objects return orders; //var user = new User(); //user.LoadByPrimaryKey(NewMainWindow.LoggedInUser.ID); //foreach (DataRow rrf in tblRRF.Rows) //{ // var order = new HCMIS.Desktop.PLITSTransactionalService.Order // { // Id = (int)rrf["Id"], // RequestCompletedDate = DateTime.Now,//Convert.ToDateTime(rrf["DateOfSubmissionEth"]), // OrderCompletedBy = user.FullName, // RequestVerifiedDate = DateTime.Now, // OrderTypeId = 1, //This needs to be changed to constant class or something. 1 - Regular, 2 - Emergency' // SubmittedBy = user.FullName, // SubmittedDate = DateTime.Now, // SupplyChainUnitId = RRFServiceIntegration.BranchID, // OrderStatus = 1, // FormId = formid // }; // // order.OrderTypeId = (int)tblrrf.Rows[i]["RRfTpyeId"]; // // Set order properties // //order.FormId = rrfForm.Id; //Form.ID? or RRFForm.ID? - doesn't make sense // // order.ReportingPeriodId = periods[0].Id; //Asked again here? Because RRFForm already contains this. // var details = new Collection<OrderDetail>(); // foreach (DataRow rrfLine in tblRRF.Rows) // { // var detail = new PLITSTransactionalService.OrderDetail(); // var rrFormPharmaceutical = items.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ItemId == Convert.ToInt32(rrfLine["ID"])); // if (rrfLine != null && rrFormPharmaceutical != null) // //detail.Adjustments[0].Amount = (int)rrfLine["Adjustments"]; // { // detail.BeginningBalance = Convert.ToInt32(rrfLine["BeginingBalance"]); // //detail.DaysOutOfStocks = Convert.ToInt32(rrfLine["DaysOutOfStock"]); // detail.EndingBalance = Convert.ToInt32(rrfLine["SOH"]); // //detail.ItemId = Convert.ToInt32(rrfLine["ID"]); //Needs to come from the Code column of Items table. // detail.QuantityReceived = Convert.ToInt32(rrfLine["Received"]); // detail.QuantityOrdered = Convert.ToInt32(rrfLine["Quantity"]); // detail.LossAdjustment = Convert.ToInt32(rrfLine["LossAdj"]); // if (rrFormPharmaceutical != null) // detail.PharmaceuticalId = rrFormPharmaceutical.PharmaceuticalId; // // detail.PharmaceuticalId = Convert.ToInt32(rrfLine["ItemID"]); // // detail.PharmaceuticalId = pharId; // } // details.Add(detail); // } // order.OrderDetails = details; // orders.Add(order); //} //// loop through each record and create order & order details objects //return orders; }
private void btnSaveReceipt_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsDuplicateRowsInPutAway() || !IsPutawayValid() || !IsSumOfPalletizedQtyEqualsToReceivedQty()) { return; } if ( XtraMessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to save this transaction?", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { try { UpdateQuantityAndPhysicalStores(); } catch (Exception ex) { tabReceiveTabs.SelectedTabPageIndex = 1; XtraMessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } // start the transaction MyGeneration.dOOdads.TransactionMgr mgr = MyGeneration.dOOdads.TransactionMgr.ThreadTransactionMgr(); try { mgr.BeginTransaction(); // save the recieve SaveReceive(); // save the palletization // save the put away. mgr.CommitTransaction(); PrintPutaway(); XtraMessageBox.Show("Your Receive has been saved!", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); ResetFields(); } catch (Exception exp) { mgr.RollbackTransaction(); BLL.User user = new User(); //user.LoadByPrimaryKey(NewMainWindow.UserId); user = CurrentContext.LoggedInUser; if (user.UserType == UserType.Constants.ADMIN || user.UserType == UserType.Constants.SUPER_ADMINISTRATOR) { XtraMessageBox.Show(exp.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); ErrorHandler.Handle(exp); } else { XtraMessageBox.Show( "There was an Error saving this receipt. Please contact the administrator for support!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); ErrorHandler.Handle(exp); } } } else { } _revDocRelatePalletGuid.Clear(); // clear cached pallets }
/// <summary> /// Called when [outstanding picklist selected]. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The sender.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.RowClickEventArgs" /> instance containing the event data.</param> private void OnOutstandingPicklistSelected(object sender, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.RowClickEventArgs e) { var dr = gridOutstandingPickListView.GetFocusedDataRow(); _orderID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ID"]); var order = new BLL.Order(); order.LoadByPrimaryKey(_orderID); // load payment type options int? requestedBy = null; var usr = new User(); lblIssueStatus.Text = (string)dr["OrderStatus"]; lblIssueTypes.Text = (string) dr["Description"]; if (!order.IsColumnNull("RequestedBy")) { var ins = new Institution(); requestedBy = order.RequestedBy; lkPaymentType.Properties.DataSource = PaymentType.GetAllowedTypes(order.FromStore, requestedBy); ins.LoadByPrimaryKey(order.RequestedBy); try { lblWoreda.Text = ins.WoredaName ?? "-"; lblRegion.Text = ins.RegionName ?? "-"; lblZone.Text = ins.ZoneName ?? "-"; lblInstitutionType.Text = ins.InstitutionTypeName ?? "-"; var ownership = new BLL.OwnershipType(); if (!ins.IsColumnNull("Ownership")) { ownership.LoadByPrimaryKey(ins.Ownership); lblOwnership.Text = ownership.Name; } } catch (NullReferenceException ex) { //when transfer, institution has no woreda, zone or region, ignore the error } } else lblWoreda.Text = lblRegion.Text = lblZone.Text = lblInstitutionType.Text = lblOwnership.Text = "NA"; //usr.LoadByPrimaryKey(NewMainWindow.UserId); usr = CurrentContext.LoggedInUser; txtIssuedBy.Text = usr.FullName ?? "-"; PickList pl = new PickList(); _dvOutstandingPickList = pl.GetPickListDetailsForOrder(_orderID, CurrentContext.LoggedInUserName); gridOutstandingPicklistDetail.DataSource = _dvOutstandingPickList; if (order.FromStore != Mode.Constants.HEALTH_PROGRAM) { colSKUPicked.Visible = false; } else { colSKUPicked.Visible = true; } txtConfirmFromStore.Text = order.GetFromStore(); txtConfirmRequestedBy.Text = order.GetRequestedBy(); int length = order.GetRequestedBy().Length; string s = ""; HeaderSection.Text = order.GetRequestedBy() + s.PadRight(150-length)+"Order Number: " + order.RefNo; txtConfirmOrderNumber.Text = order.RefNo; //txtConfirmApprovedBy.Text = order.GetApprovedBy() ?? "-"; lblApprovedBy.Text = order.GetApprovedBy() ?? "-"; lkPaymentType.EditValue = order.PaymentTypeID; // Temporarily copy the STV txtIssueRefNo.Text = order.RefNo; //""; lblRefNo.Text = order.RefNo ?? "-"; var paymentType = new BLL.PaymentType(); paymentType.LoadByPrimaryKey(order.PaymentTypeID); lblPaymentType.Text = paymentType.Name ?? "-"; lblMode.Text = order.GetFromStore() ?? "-"; lblissuedDate.Text = order.Date.ToShortDateString(); lblIssuedBy.Text = order.GetFilledBy(); lblPicklistPrintedDate.Text = pl.PickedDate.ToShortDateString()!="" ? pl.PickedDate.ToShortDateString() : "-"; var us = new User(); pl.LoadByOrderID(_orderID); if (!pl.IsColumnNull("PickedBy")) { us.LoadByPrimaryKey(pl.PickedBy); lblPicklistConfirmedBy.Text = us.FullName; } else lblPicklistConfirmedBy.Text = "-"; }
private void gridDetailReport_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { // this has to be removed after development BLL.User user = new User(); //user.LoadByPrimaryKey(NewMainWindow.UserId); user = CurrentContext.LoggedInUser; if (e.Control && e.Alt && user.UserType == UserType.Constants.SUPER_ADMINISTRATOR) { DataRow dr = (gridDetailReport.MainView as GridView).GetFocusedDataRow(); //gridReadinessView.GetFocusedDataRow(); if (dr != null) { int itemId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ID"]); Diagnostics diagnostics = new Diagnostics(itemId); diagnostics.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; diagnostics.Show(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Update the form based on the selected user /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void lstUsers_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lstUsers.SelectedItems.Count > 0) { int selected = Convert.ToInt32(lstUsers.SelectedItems[0].Tag); User us = new User(); us.LoadByPrimaryKey(selected); txtFullName.Text = us.FullName; txtAddress.Text = us.Address; txtMobile.Text = us.Mobile; ckActive.Checked = us.Active; cboUserType.SelectedValue = us.UserType.ToString(); _userId = us.ID; groupBox3.Enabled = false; } }
/// <summary> /// Load all the stores and put them in the combo box /// Set the logged in user name in the issued by text box. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void IssuingForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { var unitcolumn = ((GridView)gridItemsChoice.MainView).Columns[4]; var unitid = ((GridView)issueGrid.MainView).Columns[14]; var unitcolumn1 = ((GridView)issueGrid.MainView).Columns[2]; var duamc = ((GridView)issueGrid.MainView).Columns[8]; var mrdusoh = ((GridView)issueGrid.MainView).Columns[6]; var recommendedqty = ((GridView)issueGrid.MainView).Columns[9]; var requestedqty = ((GridView)issueGrid.MainView).Columns[12]; var qtyperpack = ((GridView)issueGrid.MainView).Columns[11]; var unitcolumn3 = ((GridView)gridItemsChoice.MainView).Columns[14]; switch (VisibilitySetting.HandleUnits) { case 3: unitcolumn.Visible = false; unitcolumn1.Visible = false; unitid.Visible = true; qtyperpack.Visible = true; mrdusoh.Visible = true; duamc.Visible = true; recommendedqty.Visible = true; duamc.Visible = true; requestedqty.Visible = false; unitcolumn3.Visible = true; break; case 2: unitcolumn.Visible = false; unitcolumn1.Visible = false; unitid.Visible = true; qtyperpack.Visible = true; mrdusoh.Visible = false; recommendedqty.Visible = false; duamc.Visible = false; requestedqty.Visible = false; unitcolumn3.Visible = true; break; default: unitcolumn.Visible = true; unitcolumn1.Visible = true; unitid.Visible = false; qtyperpack.Visible = true; duamc.Visible = true; unitcolumn3.Visible = false; break; } PopulateCatTree(_selectedType); var stor = new Stores(); stor.GetActiveStores(); storebindingSource.DataSource = stor.DefaultView; cboStores.Properties.DataSource = storebindingSource.DataSource; cboStores.ItemIndex = 0; cboStores.Properties.DisplayMember = "StoreName"; cboStores.Properties.ValueMember = "ID"; cboStoreConf.Properties.DataSource = stor.DefaultView; lkCategories.Properties.DataSource = BLL.Type.GetAllTypes(); lkCategories.ItemIndex = 0; var unit = new ItemUnit(); var xx = unit.GetAllUnits(); UnitsbindingSource.DataSource = xx.DefaultView; var userID = MainWindow.LoggedinId; var us = new User(); us.LoadByPrimaryKey(userID); txtIssuedBy.Text = us.FullName; if (!chkExcludeStockedOut.Checked) gridItemChoiceView.ActiveFilterString = String.Format("TypeID={0}", Convert.ToInt32(lkCategories.EditValue)); }
private void gridReceiveView_FocusedRowChanged(object sender, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base.FocusedRowChangedEventArgs e) { // Bind the detail grid PalletLocation pl = new PalletLocation(); try { ReceiptID = Convert.ToInt32(gridReceiveView.GetFocusedDataRow()["ReceiptID"]); BLL.Receipt receiptDoc = new BLL.Receipt(); var rd = new ReceiveDoc(); rd.LoadByReceiptID(ReceiptID); var ps = new PhysicalStore(); ps.LoadByPrimaryKey(rd.PhysicalStoreID); var w = new BLL.Warehouse(); w.LoadByPrimaryKey(ps.PhysicalStoreTypeID); lblWarehouse.Text = w.Name ?? "-"; var c = new Cluster(); c.LoadByPrimaryKey(w.ClusterID); lblCluster.Text = c.Name ?? "-"; receiptDoc.LoadByPrimaryKey(ReceiptID); DataTable GRNFDetail = receiptDoc.GetDetailsForGRNF(); gridDetails.DataSource = GRNFDetail; gridShortage.DataSource = receiptDoc.GetDiscrepancyForGRNF(); int status = Convert.ToInt32(gridReceiveView.GetFocusedDataRow()["Status"]); var SelectGRV = gridReceiveView.GetFocusedDataRow(); lblMode.Text = (string)SelectGRV["ModeName"]; lblAccount.Text = (string)SelectGRV["AccountName"]; lblSubAccount.Text = (string)SelectGRV["SubAccountName"]; lblActivity.Text = (string)SelectGRV["ActivityName"]; lblSupplier.Text = (string)SelectGRV["SupplierName"]; lblPONumber.Text = (string)SelectGRV["PONo"]; lblType.Text = (string)SelectGRV["ReceiptType"]; lblStatus.Text = (string)SelectGRV["CurrentStatus"]; var lgs = new LogReceiptStatus(); lgs.LoadByReceiptID(ReceiptID); lblCalculatedDate.Text = lgs.StatusChangedDate.ToShortDateString(); var user = new User(); if (SelectGRV["calculatedBy"] != DBNull.Value) { user.LoadByPrimaryKey(Convert.ToInt32(SelectGRV["calculatedBy"])); lblCalculatedBy.Text = user.FullName; } else { lblCalculatedBy.Text = "-"; } lblCostConfirmedBy.Text = SelectGRV["confirmedBy"] != DBNull.Value ? SelectGRV["confirmedBy"].ToString() : "-"; //lblGRVNumber.Text = reference; //lblRecivedDate.Text = ((DateTime)SelectGRV["Date"]).ToShortDateString(); lblCostConfirmedDate.Text = SelectGRV["confirmedDate"] != DBNull.Value ? Convert.ToDateTime(SelectGRV["confirmedDate"]).ToShortDateString() : "-"; string s = ""; int length = ((string)SelectGRV["STVOrInvoiceNo"]).Length; string grv = (Convert.ToInt32(SelectGRV["IDPrinted"])).ToString(); HeaderGroup.Text = "Invoice No: " + (string)SelectGRV["STVOrInvoiceNo"] + s.PadRight(240 - length) + "GRV No: " + grv ; //ReceiptID = Convert.ToInt32(gridReceiveView.GetFocusedDataRow()["ReceiptID"]); //ds = new DataSet(); //DataTable dvMaster = pl.GetDetailsOfByReceiptID(ReceiptID); //dvMaster.TableName = "Master"; //ds.Tables.Add(dvMaster); //gridDetails.DataSource = ds.Tables[dvMaster.TableName]; //var receipt = new BLL.Receipt(); //receipt.LoadByPrimaryKey(ReceiptID); //int receiptTypeID = receipt.ReceiptTypeID; if (currentMode == Modes.GRVPrinting) { if (status != ReceiptConfirmationStatus.Constants.PRICE_CONFIRMED) { gridDetails.Enabled = false; btnConfirm.Enabled = false; btnPrint.Enabled = false; btnReturn.Enabled = false; } else { gridDetails.Enabled = true; btnConfirm.Enabled = true; btnPrint.Enabled = true; btnReturn.Enabled = true; } } } catch { gridDetails.DataSource = null; gridShortage.DataSource = null; } }
private void PopulateUser() { User us = new User(); gridUsers.DataSource = us.GetUsers(); UserType uType = new UserType(); uType.LoadAllButSysAdmin(); cboUserType.DataSource = uType.DefaultView; }