protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { if (CatID != 0) { ProductCategories cat = new ProductCategories(); cat.LoadByPrimaryKey(CatID); uiTextBoxName.Text = cat.NameEn; uiTextBoxDesc.Text = cat.DescriptionEn; uiImageMain.ImageUrl = cat.ImagePath; uiPanelEdit.Visible = true; } else if(AddNew == 1) uiPanelEdit.Visible = true; else { uiPanelEdit.Visible = false; } // Bind Categories from the DB. FillCategories(); } }
private void GetCategories(TreeNode TNN) { // Fill child categories for certain Parent .. and loop inside it to bind all leafs under it. ProductCategories objCat = new ProductCategories(); TreeNode TN = new TreeNode(); DataTable dt = objCat.GetSubCategories(Int32.Parse(TNN.Value)); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { TN = new TreeNode(dr[ProductCategories.ColumnNames.NameEn].ToString(), dr[ProductCategories.ColumnNames.ProductCategoryID].ToString(), "", "products.aspx?cid=" + dr[ProductCategories.ColumnNames.ProductCategoryID].ToString(), ""); TN.SelectAction = TreeNodeSelectAction.Expand; //TN.Expanded = true; TNN.ChildNodes.Add(TN); GetCategories(TN); } }
private void FillCategories() { uiTreeViewCats.Nodes.Clear(); // Fill Main Categories and loop with each nood to bind it's childs ProductCategories objCat = new ProductCategories(); TreeNode TN = new TreeNode(); DataTable dt = objCat.GetMainCategories(); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { TN = new TreeNode(dr[ProductCategories.ColumnNames.NameEn].ToString(), dr[ProductCategories.ColumnNames.ProductCategoryID].ToString(), "", "products.aspx?cid=" + dr[ProductCategories.ColumnNames.ProductCategoryID].ToString(), ""); TN.SelectAction = TreeNodeSelectAction.Expand; //TN.Expanded = true; GetCategories(TN); uiTreeViewCats.Nodes.Add(TN); } }
public string GetAllSubCats(int CategoryID) { string subcats = ""; ProductCategories subcat = new ProductCategories(); DataTable dt = subcat.GetSubCategories(CategoryID); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { ProductCategories ch = new ProductCategories(); DataTable children = ch.GetSubCategories(Convert.ToInt32(dr[ProductCategories.ColumnNames.ProductCategoryID])); if (children.Rows.Count > 0) { subcats += "," + dr["ProductCategoryID"].ToString() + GetAllSubCats(Convert.ToInt32(dr[ProductCategories.ColumnNames.ProductCategoryID])); } else subcats += "," + dr["ProductCategoryID"].ToString(); } return subcats; }
private string getCatName() { ProductCategories Cats = new ProductCategories(); Cats.LoadByPrimaryKey(int.Parse(Session["CategoryID"].ToString())); return Cats.NameEn; }
protected void uiLinkButtonSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ProductCategories cat = new ProductCategories(); if (AddNew != 0) cat.AddNew(); else cat.LoadByPrimaryKey(CatID); cat.NameEn = uiTextBoxName.Text; cat.DescriptionEn = uiTextBoxDesc.Text; if (!IsParent && ParentCatID !=0) { cat.CategoryParentID = ParentCatID; } if (uiFileUploadImg.HasFile) { string filepath = "/admin/UploadedFiles/cats/" + DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyyhhmmss") + "_" + uiFileUploadImg.FileName; uiFileUploadImg.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~" + filepath)); cat.ImagePath= filepath; } cat.Save(); FillCategories(); uiPanelEdit.Visible = false; clearFields(); }
protected void uiLinkButtonDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ProductCategories cat = new ProductCategories(); cat.LoadByPrimaryKey(CatID); cat.MarkAsDeleted(); cat.Save(); FillCategories(); uiPanelEdit.Visible = false; }