コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Insert Values into tblGeoOrganization -->> From UserNoteMaker.aspx
        /// UserNoteMaker.aspx is a Customer enable page
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="myInsertGeoOrganization"></param>
        public void InsertGeoOrganization(GeoOrganization myInsertGeoOrganization)
            SqlConnection sqlcon = new SqlConnection(DL.SQL.conn);

                SqlCommand SqlCom = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO tblGeoOrganization (Country,Region,Address,Email,TelNo,lat,lng,OrganizationType,OrganizationName,OrganizationDescription,OrganizationUrl) VALUES ('" + myInsertGeoOrganization.strCountry + "', '" + myInsertGeoOrganization.strRegion + "', '" + myInsertGeoOrganization.strAddress + "', '" + myInsertGeoOrganization.strEmail + "', '" + myInsertGeoOrganization.strTelNo + "', '" + myInsertGeoOrganization.strLat + "', '" + myInsertGeoOrganization.strLng + "', '" + myInsertGeoOrganization.strOrganizationType + "', '" + myInsertGeoOrganization.strOrganizationName + "', '" + myInsertGeoOrganization.strOrganizationDescription + "', '" + myInsertGeoOrganization.strOrganizationUrl + "' )", sqlcon);
            catch (Exception ex)
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Populate the Items in Google Map
        /// </summary>
        public ArrayList DisplayGeoInfo(GeoOrganization myDisplayGeoInfo)
            ArrayList myGeoInfo = new ArrayList();
            int       Key       = 0;

                SqlConnection sqlconn = new SqlConnection(DL.SQL.conn);

                SqlCommand    sqlcom = new SqlCommand("SELECT Country,Region,Address,Email,TelNo,lat,lng,OrganizationType,OrganizationName,OrganizationDescription,OrganizationUrl FROM tblGeoOrganization WHERE OrganizationType='" + myDisplayGeoInfo.strOrganizationType + "'", sqlconn);
                SqlDataReader sqlred = sqlcom.ExecuteReader();

                while (sqlred.Read())
                    GeoOrganization objGeoOrganization = new GeoOrganization();
                    objGeoOrganization.strCountry                 = sqlred["Country"].ToString();
                    objGeoOrganization.strRegion                  = sqlred["Region"].ToString();
                    objGeoOrganization.strAddress                 = sqlred["Address"].ToString();
                    objGeoOrganization.strEmail                   = sqlred["Email"].ToString();
                    objGeoOrganization.strTelNo                   = sqlred["TelNo"].ToString();
                    objGeoOrganization.strLat                     = sqlred["lat"].ToString();
                    objGeoOrganization.strLng                     = sqlred["lng"].ToString();
                    objGeoOrganization.strOrganizationType        = sqlred["OrganizationType"].ToString();
                    objGeoOrganization.strOrganizationName        = sqlred["OrganizationName"].ToString();
                    objGeoOrganization.strOrganizationDescription = sqlred["OrganizationDescription"].ToString();
                    objGeoOrganization.strOrganizationUrl         = sqlred["OrganizationUrl"].ToString();

                    myGeoInfo.Insert(Key, objGeoOrganization);

            catch (Exception ex)
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Find the nearest Geo Coordinate.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="myNearestGeo"></param>
        public void FindNearestGeo(GeoOrganization myNearestGeo)
            SqlConnection sqlcon = new SqlConnection(DL.SQL.conn);
            SqlDataReader sDR    = null;


                string check = myNearestGeo.strOrganizationType;
                if (check == "Police and Hospital")
                    string     hotel  = "Hotel";
                    string     other  = "Other";
                    SqlCommand sqlcom = new SqlCommand("SELECT PlaceID,Email,TelNo,lat,lng,OrganizationType FROM tblGeoOrganization Where OrganizationType != '" + hotel + "' AND  OrganizationType != '" + other + "' ", sqlcon);
                    sDR = sqlcom.ExecuteReader();

                    int Key = 0;

                    ArrayList myNearestArray = new ArrayList();

                    while (sDR.Read())
                        double lat1  = double.Parse(myNearestGeo.strLatPoint);
                        double long1 = double.Parse(myNearestGeo.strLngPoint);

                        /// --- Assign Values ---
                        string plcID    = sDR["PlaceID"].ToString();
                        string plcMail  = sDR["Email"].ToString();
                        string plcTelNo = sDR["TelNo"].ToString();
                        double lat2     = Convert.ToDouble(sDR["lat"]);
                        double long2    = Convert.ToDouble(sDR["lng"]);
                        string orgType  = sDR["OrganizationType"].ToString();
                        /// ---------------------
                        double Distance = 0;

                        double dLat  = (lat2 - lat1) / 180 * Math.PI;
                        double dLong = (long2 - long1) / 180 * Math.PI;

                        double a = Math.Pow(Math.Sin(dLat / 2), 2) + Math.Cos(lat2) * Math.Pow(Math.Sin(dLong / 2), 2);
                        double c = 2 * Math.Atan2(Math.Sqrt(a), Math.Sqrt(1 - a));

                        // Calculate Radius of Earth
                        // For this you can assume any of the two points.
                        double radiusE = 6378135; // Equatorial radius, in metres
                        double radiusP = 6356750; // Polar Radius

                        // Numerator Part of Function
                        double nr = Math.Pow(radiusE * radiusP * Math.Cos(lat1 / 180 * Math.PI), 2);
                        // Denominator Part of the Function
                        double dr     = Math.Pow(radiusE * Math.Cos(lat1 / 180 * Math.PI), 2) + Math.Pow(radiusP * Math.Sin(lat1 / 180 * Math.PI), 2);
                        double radius = Math.Sqrt(nr / dr);

                        //Calaculate Distance in Metres.
                        Distance = radius * c;

                        /// Insert the Distance to an ArrayList --->> myNearestArray.
                        /// To Find the Smallest Value.
                        GeoOrganization obj = new GeoOrganization();
                        obj.intPlaceID          = int.Parse(plcID);
                        obj.strEmail            = plcMail;
                        obj.strTelNo            = plcTelNo;
                        obj.strLat              = lat2.ToString();
                        obj.strLng              = long2.ToString();
                        obj.doubleDiffer        = Distance;
                        obj.strOrganizationType = orgType;

                        myNearestArray.Insert(Key, obj);
                        Key = Key + 1;
                        /// ----------------------------------------------------------
                    /// Sort the ArrayList.
                    /// myNearestArray[0] is contains the least value in the ArrayList.
                    GeoOrganization objCheck  = (GeoOrganization)(myNearestArray[0]);
                    double          DifrCheck = objCheck.doubleDiffer;
                    int             ArrayKey  = 0;

                    int ArrayCount = myNearestArray.Count;
                    for (int i = 1; i < ArrayCount; i++)
                        GeoOrganization objGet  = (GeoOrganization)(myNearestArray[i]);
                        double          Distnce = objGet.doubleDiffer;
                        if (DifrCheck > Distnce)
                            DifrCheck = Distnce;
                            ArrayKey  = i;
                    GeoOrganization objAlert        = (GeoOrganization)(myNearestArray[ArrayKey]);
                    string          Recipient_TelNo = objAlert.strTelNo;
                    string          Org_Type        = objAlert.strOrganizationType;
                    string          mailID          = objAlert.strEmail;

                    int ID = myNearestGeo.intID;

                    string msg      = "Alert..!!,Please Check Your mail." + "Key :" + ID;
                    string errorMsg = "";

                    /// Send Alert Message.
                    BL.DatabaseHandling.insertMessage(Recipient_TelNo, msg, out errorMsg);

                    /// Send Mail
                    MailSender objMailSender = new MailSender();
                    objMailSender.strMailAdd  = mailID;
                    objMailSender.strMailBody = "http://*****:*****@OrganType", myNearestGeo.strOrganizationType);

                    sDR = sqlcom.ExecuteReader();
                    int Key = 0;

                    ArrayList myNearestArray = new ArrayList();

                    while (sDR.Read())
                        double lat1  = double.Parse(myNearestGeo.strLatPoint);
                        double long1 = double.Parse(myNearestGeo.strLngPoint);

                        /// --- Assign Values ---
                        string plcID    = sDR["PlaceID"].ToString();
                        string plcMail  = sDR["Email"].ToString();
                        string plcTelNo = sDR["TelNo"].ToString();
                        double lat2     = Convert.ToDouble(sDR["lat"]);
                        double long2    = Convert.ToDouble(sDR["lng"]);
                        string orgType  = sDR["OrganizationType"].ToString();
                        /// ---------------------
                        double Distance = 0;

                        double dLat  = (lat2 - lat1) / 180 * Math.PI;
                        double dLong = (long2 - long1) / 180 * Math.PI;

                        double a = Math.Pow(Math.Sin(dLat / 2), 2) + Math.Cos(lat2) * Math.Pow(Math.Sin(dLong / 2), 2);
                        double c = 2 * Math.Atan2(Math.Sqrt(a), Math.Sqrt(1 - a));

                        // Calculate Radius of Earth
                        // For this you can assume any of the two points.
                        double radiusE = 6378135; // Equatorial radius, in metres
                        double radiusP = 6356750; // Polar Radius

                        // Numerator Part of Function
                        double nr = Math.Pow(radiusE * radiusP * Math.Cos(lat1 / 180 * Math.PI), 2);
                        // Denominator Part of the Function
                        double dr     = Math.Pow(radiusE * Math.Cos(lat1 / 180 * Math.PI), 2) + Math.Pow(radiusP * Math.Sin(lat1 / 180 * Math.PI), 2);
                        double radius = Math.Sqrt(nr / dr);

                        //Calaculate Distance in Metres.
                        Distance = radius * c;

                        /// Insert the Distance to an ArrayList --->> myNearestArray.
                        /// To Find the Smallest Value.
                        GeoOrganization obj = new GeoOrganization();
                        obj.intPlaceID          = int.Parse(plcID);
                        obj.strEmail            = plcMail;
                        obj.strTelNo            = plcTelNo;
                        obj.strLat              = lat2.ToString();
                        obj.strLng              = long2.ToString();
                        obj.doubleDiffer        = Distance;
                        obj.strOrganizationType = orgType;

                        myNearestArray.Insert(Key, obj);
                        Key = Key + 1;
                        /// ----------------------------------------------------------
                    /// Sort the ArrayList.
                    /// myNearestArray[0] is contains the least value in the ArrayList.
                    GeoOrganization objCheck  = (GeoOrganization)(myNearestArray[0]);
                    double          DifrCheck = objCheck.doubleDiffer;
                    int             ArrayKey  = 0;

                    int ArrayCount = myNearestArray.Count;
                    for (int i = 1; i < ArrayCount; i++)
                        GeoOrganization objGet  = (GeoOrganization)(myNearestArray[i]);
                        double          Distnce = objGet.doubleDiffer;
                        if (DifrCheck > Distnce)
                            DifrCheck = Distnce;
                            ArrayKey  = i;
                    GeoOrganization objAlert        = (GeoOrganization)(myNearestArray[ArrayKey]);
                    string          Recipient_TelNo = objAlert.strTelNo;
                    string          Org_Type        = objAlert.strOrganizationType;
                    string          mailID          = objAlert.strEmail;

                    int ID = myNearestGeo.intID;

                    string msg      = "Alert..!!,Please Check Your mail." + "Key :" + ID;
                    string errorMsg = "";

                    /// Send Alert Message.
                    BL.DatabaseHandling.insertMessage(Recipient_TelNo, msg, out errorMsg);

                    /// Send Mail
                    MailSender objMailSender = new MailSender();
                    objMailSender.strMailAdd  = mailID;
                    objMailSender.strMailBody = "http://localhost:1686/Root/EPI-UserLogin.aspx" + " --- " + "Your Login ID : " + ID;
            catch (Exception ex)