コード例 #1
        public void SpecTest(JsonSchemaSpecTest jsonSchemaSpecTest)
            //if (jsonSchemaSpecTest.ToString() == "enum.json - simple enum validation - something else is invalid")
                Console.WriteLine("Running JSON Schema test " + jsonSchemaSpecTest.TestNumber + ": " + jsonSchemaSpecTest);

                JsonSchema s = JsonSchema.Read(jsonSchemaSpecTest.Schema.CreateReader());

                IList <string> errorMessages;
                bool           v = jsonSchemaSpecTest.Data.IsValid(s, out errorMessages);
                errorMessages = errorMessages ?? new List <string>();

                Assert.AreEqual(jsonSchemaSpecTest.IsValid, v, jsonSchemaSpecTest.TestCaseDescription + " - " + jsonSchemaSpecTest.TestDescription + " - errors: " + string.Join(", ", errorMessages));
コード例 #2
        public IList <JsonSchemaSpecTest> GetSpecTestDetails()
            IList <JsonSchemaSpecTest> specTests = new List <JsonSchemaSpecTest>();

            // get test files location relative to the test project dll
            string baseDirectory = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
            string baseTestPath  = Path.Combine(baseDirectory, "Schema", "Specs");

            string[] testFiles = Directory.GetFiles(baseTestPath, "*.json", SearchOption.AllDirectories);

            // read through each of the *.json test files and extract the test details
            foreach (string testFile in testFiles)
                string testJson = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(testFile);

                JArray a = JArray.Parse(testJson);

                foreach (JObject testCase in a)
                    foreach (JObject test in testCase["tests"])
                        JsonSchemaSpecTest jsonSchemaSpecTest = new JsonSchemaSpecTest();

                        jsonSchemaSpecTest.FileName            = Path.GetFileName(testFile);
                        jsonSchemaSpecTest.TestCaseDescription = (string)testCase["description"];
                        jsonSchemaSpecTest.Schema = (JObject)testCase["schema"];

                        jsonSchemaSpecTest.TestDescription = (string)test["description"];
                        jsonSchemaSpecTest.Data            = test["data"];
                        jsonSchemaSpecTest.IsValid         = (bool)test["valid"];
                        jsonSchemaSpecTest.TestNumber      = specTests.Count + 1;


            specTests = specTests.Where(s => s.FileName != "dependencies.json" &&
                                        s.TestCaseDescription != "multiple disallow subschema" &&
                                        s.TestCaseDescription != "types from separate schemas are merged" &&
                                        s.TestCaseDescription != "when types includes a schema it should fully validate the schema" &&
                                        s.TestCaseDescription != "types can include schemas").ToList();
