Normalize() public static method

Ensures the quaternion has unit length.
public static Normalize ( quaternion ) : Quaternion
quaternion Quaternion to normalize.
return Quaternion
コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Lerps a rotation by time.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aTime">The time.</param>
        /// <returns>The rotation.</returns>
        public BEPUutilities.Quaternion LerpRotate(double aTime)
            if (Rotations.Count == 0)
            if (Rotations.Count == 1)
            int index     = FindRotate(aTime);
            int nextIndex = index + 1;

            if (nextIndex >= Rotations.Count)
            double deltaT = RotTimes[nextIndex] - RotTimes[index];
            double factor = (aTime - RotTimes[index]) / deltaT;

            if (factor < 0 || factor > 1)
            BEPUutilities.Quaternion start = Rotations[index];
            BEPUutilities.Quaternion end   = Rotations[nextIndex];
            BEPUutilities.Quaternion res   = BEPUutilities.Quaternion.Slerp(start, end, (double)factor);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the angle around an axis for a specific quaternion.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rotation">The quaternion.</param>
        /// <param name="axis">The relative axis.</param>
        /// <returns>The angle.</returns>
        public static double AxisAngleFor(this BEPUutilities.Quaternion rotation, Vector3 axis)
            Vector3 ra = new Vector3(rotation.X, rotation.Y, rotation.Z);
            Vector3 p  = Utilities.Project(ra, axis);

            BEPUutilities.Quaternion twist = new BEPUutilities.Quaternion(p.X, p.Y, p.Z, rotation.W);
            Vector3 new_forward = BEPUutilities.Quaternion.Transform(Vector3.UnitX, twist);

            return(Utilities.VectorToAngles(new Location(new_forward)).Yaw *Math.PI / 180.0);
コード例 #3
            public override void ExclusiveUpdate()
                if (Plane.PlanePilot == null)
                    return; // Don't fly when there's nobody driving this!
                // TODO: Special case for motion on land: only push forward if W key is pressed? Or maybe apply that rule in general?
                // Collect the plane's relative vectors
                BEPUutilities.Vector3 forward = BEPUutilities.Quaternion.Transform(BEPUutilities.Vector3.UnitY, Entity.Orientation);
                BEPUutilities.Vector3 side    = BEPUutilities.Quaternion.Transform(BEPUutilities.Vector3.UnitX, Entity.Orientation);
                BEPUutilities.Vector3 up      = BEPUutilities.Quaternion.Transform(BEPUutilities.Vector3.UnitZ, Entity.Orientation);
                // Engines!
                if (Plane.PlanePilot.SprintOrWalk >= 0.0)
                    BEPUutilities.Vector3 force = forward * (Plane.PlaneRegularStrength + Plane.PlaneFastStrength) * Delta;
                    entity.ApplyLinearImpulse(ref force);
                double dotforw = BEPUutilities.Vector3.Dot(entity.LinearVelocity, forward);

                entity.ApplyImpulse(side * 5 + entity.Position, up * -Plane.PlanePilot.XMove * entity.Mass * dotforw * 0.5 * Delta);
                entity.ApplyImpulse(forward * 5 + entity.Position, side * ((Plane.PlanePilot.ItemRight ? 1 : 0) + (Plane.PlanePilot.ItemLeft ? -1 : 0)) * entity.Mass * dotforw * 0.5 * Delta);
                entity.ApplyImpulse(forward * 5 + entity.Position, up * Plane.PlanePilot.YMove * entity.Mass * 0.5 * Delta * dotforw);
                // Rotate the entity pre-emptively, and re-apply the movement velocity in this new direction!
                double vellen = entity.LinearVelocity.Length();

                BEPUutilities.Vector3    normvel         = entity.LinearVelocity / vellen;
                BEPUutilities.Vector3    norm_vel_transf = BEPUutilities.Quaternion.Transform(normvel, BEPUutilities.Quaternion.Inverse(entity.Orientation)); // Probably just 1,0,0 on whichever axis... can be simplified!
                BEPUutilities.Vector3    inc             = entity.AngularVelocity * Delta * 0.5;
                BEPUutilities.Quaternion quat            = new BEPUutilities.Quaternion(inc.X, inc.Y, inc.Z, 0);
                quat = quat * entity.Orientation;
                BEPUutilities.Quaternion orient = entity.Orientation;
                BEPUutilities.Quaternion.Add(ref orient, ref quat, out orient);
                entity.Orientation      = orient;
                entity.LinearVelocity   = BEPUutilities.Quaternion.Transform(norm_vel_transf, orient) * vellen;
                entity.AngularVelocity *= 0.1;
                // Apply air drag
                Entity.ModifyLinearDamping(Plane.PlanePilot.SprintOrWalk < 0.0 ? 0.6 : 0.1); // TODO: arbitrary constant
                Entity.ModifyAngularDamping(0.5);                                            // TODO: arbitrary constant
                // Ensure we're active if flying!