private async void LoadFtp(string ftpDir, string locDir) { // Cancellation token CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource(); // The Progress<T> constructor captures our UI context, // so the lambda will be run on the UI thread. var progress1 = new Progress <int>(percent1 => { Var.TaskProgress1 = percent1; }); var progressIndex = new Progress <int>(i => { ListView1.SelectedIndex = i; }); var progress2 = new Progress <int>(percent2 => { Var.TaskProgress2 = percent2; }); /* Create Object Instance */ Ftp ftpClient = new Ftp(ftpDir, Var.FtpUsername1, Var.FtpPassword1); /* Get Contents of a Directory (Names Only) */ IEnumerable <string> filesToLoad = ftpClient.DirectoryListSimple("").Except(IO.ListFileNamesFromFolder(locDir, "*.csv")).Take(Var.MaxFilesCount); await Task.Run(() => Var.ListView1Content = filesToLoad); // DoProcessing is run on the thread pool. await Task.Run(() => Ftp.LoadFtpFiles(filesToLoad, ftpDir, locDir, progress1, progress2, progressIndex)); Var.TaskProgress1 = 0; Var.TaskProgress2 = 0; }
void Useftp() { /* Create Object Instance */ Ftp ftpClient = new Ftp(@"", "user", "password"); /* Upload a File */ ftpClient.Upload("etc/test.txt", @"C:\Users\metastruct\Desktop\test.txt"); /* Download a File */ ftpClient.Download("etc/test.txt", @"C:\Users\metastruct\Desktop\test.txt"); /* Delete a File */ ftpClient.Delete("etc/test.txt"); /* Rename a File */ ftpClient.Rename("etc/test.txt", "test2.txt"); /* Create a New Directory */ ftpClient.CreateDirectory("etc/test"); /* Get the Date/Time a File was Created */ string fileDateTime = ftpClient.GetFileCreatedDateTime("etc/test.txt"); //Console.WriteLine(fileDateTime); /* Get the Size of a File */ string fileSize = ftpClient.GetFileSize("etc/test.txt"); //Console.WriteLine(fileSize); /* Get Contents of a Directory (Names Only) */ string[] simpleDirectoryListing = ftpClient.DirectoryListSimple("/etc"); for (int i = 0; i < simpleDirectoryListing.Count(); i++) { Console.WriteLine(simpleDirectoryListing[i]); } /* Get Contents of a Directory with Detailed File/Directory Info */ string[] detailDirectoryListing = ftpClient.DirectoryListDetailed("/etc"); for (int i = 0; i < detailDirectoryListing.Count(); i++) { Console.WriteLine(detailDirectoryListing[i]); } /* Release Resources */ ftpClient = null; }
public static async void LoadFtpFiles(IEnumerable <string> filesToLoad, string ftpDirSource, string locDirTarget, IProgress <int> progress1, IProgress <int> progress2, IProgress <int> progressIndex) { CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource(); int i = 0; int maxi = filesToLoad.Count(); foreach (string fileName in filesToLoad) { //Fortschrittsanzeige if (progress1 != null) { progress1.Report(++i * 100 / maxi); } if (progressIndex != null) { progressIndex.Report(i); } //Wenn fileName leer, dann Schleife überspringen. if (fileName.Length == 0) { continue; } Thread.Sleep(Var.SleepingMilliSec); // CPU-bound work // Start asyn operation Uri ftpSite = new Uri(Path.Combine(ftpDirSource, fileName)); string locFileTarget = Path.Combine(locDirTarget, fileName); try { await Ftp.DownloadFileAsync(ftpSite, locFileTarget, progress2, cts.Token); } catch (Exception ex) { IO.Log(2018062005, ftpSite + " => " + locFileTarget + " | " + ex.Message); } } }
private void Button_ListFilesFromFolder_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { switch (ComboBox_ListToShow.SelectedIndex) { case 0: ListView1.ItemsSource = IO.ListFileNamesFromFolder(Var.LocDirInput, "*.csv"); break; case 1: Ftp ftp1 = new Ftp(Var.FtpDirInput, Var.FtpUsername1, Var.FtpPassword1); ListView1.ItemsSource = ftp1.DirectoryListSimple(""); break; case 2: ListView1.ItemsSource = IO.ListFileNamesFromFolder(Var.LocDirOperation, "*.csv"); break; case 3: Ftp ftp3 = new Ftp(Var.FtpDirOperation, Var.FtpUsername1, Var.FtpPassword1); ListView1.ItemsSource = ftp3.DirectoryListSimple(""); break; case 4: ListView1.ItemsSource = IO.ListFileNamesFromFolder(Var.LocDirScales, "*.csv"); break; case 5: Ftp ftp5 = new Ftp(Var.FtpDirScales, Var.FtpUsername1, Var.FtpPassword1); ListView1.ItemsSource = ftp5.DirectoryListSimple(""); break; default: ListView1.ItemsSource = null; break; } }
private void Button_CheckFtpDir_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { status_FtpDirInput.Fill = Ftp.DoesFtpDirectoryExist(Var.FtpDirInput); status_FtpDirOperation.Fill = Ftp.DoesFtpDirectoryExist(Var.FtpDirOperation); status_FtpDirScales.Fill = Ftp.DoesFtpDirectoryExist(Var.FtpDirScales); }