protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { // Verify user has completed the checkout process. if ((string)Session["userCheckoutCompleted"] != "true") { Session["userCheckoutCompleted"] = string.Empty; Response.Redirect("CheckoutError.aspx?" + "Desc=Unvalidated%20Checkout."); } NVPAPICaller payPalCaller = new NVPAPICaller(); string retMsg = ""; string token = ""; string finalPaymentAmount = ""; string PayerID = ""; NVPCodec decoder = new NVPCodec(); token = Session["token"].ToString(); PayerID = Session["payerId"].ToString(); finalPaymentAmount = Session["payment_amt"].ToString(); bool ret = payPalCaller.DoCheckoutPayment(finalPaymentAmount, token, PayerID, ref decoder, ref retMsg); if (ret) { // Retrieve PayPal confirmation value. string PaymentConfirmation = decoder["PAYMENTINFO_0_TRANSACTIONID"].ToString(); TransactionId.Text = PaymentConfirmation; BCM.DAL.ApplicationDbContext _db = new BCM.DAL.ApplicationDbContext(); // Get the current order id. int currentOrderId = -1; if (((string)Session["currentOrderId"]) != string.Empty) { currentOrderId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["currentOrderID"]); } Order myCurrentOrder; if (currentOrderId >= 0) { // Get the order based on order id. myCurrentOrder = _db.Orders.Single(o => o.ID == currentOrderId); // Update the order to reflect payment has been completed. myCurrentOrder.PaymentTransactionId = PaymentConfirmation; // Save to DB. _db.SaveChanges(); } // Clear shopping cart. using (BCM.WebFormsApplication.BLL.ShoppingCartActions usersShoppingCart = new BCM.WebFormsApplication.BLL.ShoppingCartActions()) { usersShoppingCart.EmptyCart(); } // Clear order id. Session["currentOrderId"] = string.Empty; } else { Response.Redirect("CheckoutError.aspx?" + retMsg); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { NVPAPICaller payPalCaller = new NVPAPICaller(); string retMsg = ""; string token = ""; string PayerID = ""; NVPCodec decoder = new NVPCodec(); token = Session["token"].ToString(); bool ret = payPalCaller.GetCheckoutDetails(token, ref PayerID, ref decoder, ref retMsg); if (ret) { Session["payerId"] = PayerID; var myOrder = new Order(); myOrder.OrderDate = Convert.ToDateTime(decoder["TIMESTAMP"].ToString()); myOrder.UserName = User.Identity.Name; myOrder.FirstName = decoder["FIRSTNAME"].ToString(); myOrder.LastName = decoder["LASTNAME"].ToString(); myOrder.Address = decoder["SHIPTOSTREET"].ToString(); myOrder.City = decoder["SHIPTOCITY"].ToString(); myOrder.State = decoder["SHIPTOSTATE"].ToString(); myOrder.PostalCode = decoder["SHIPTOZIP"].ToString(); myOrder.Country = decoder["SHIPTOCOUNTRYCODE"].ToString(); myOrder.Email = decoder["EMAIL"].ToString(); myOrder.Total = Convert.ToDecimal(decoder["AMT"].ToString()); // Verify total payment amount as set on CheckoutStart.aspx. try { decimal paymentAmountOnCheckout = Convert.ToDecimal(Session["payment_amt"].ToString()); decimal paymentAmoutFromPayPal = Convert.ToDecimal(decoder["AMT"].ToString()); if (paymentAmountOnCheckout != paymentAmoutFromPayPal) { Response.Redirect("CheckoutError.aspx?" + "Desc=Amount%20total%20mismatch."); } } catch (Exception) { Response.Redirect("CheckoutError.aspx?" + "Desc=Amount%20total%20mismatch."); } // Get DB context. BCM.DAL.ApplicationDbContext _db = new BCM.DAL.ApplicationDbContext(); // Add order to DB. _db.Orders.Add(myOrder); _db.SaveChanges(); // Get the shopping cart items and process them. using (BCM.WebFormsApplication.BLL.ShoppingCartActions usersShoppingCart = new BCM.WebFormsApplication.BLL.ShoppingCartActions()) { List <CartItem> myOrderList = usersShoppingCart.GetCartItems(); // Add OrderDetail information to the DB for each product purchased. for (int i = 0; i < myOrderList.Count; i++) { // Create a new OrderDetail object. var myOrderDetail = new OrderDetail(); myOrderDetail.OrderId = myOrder.ID; myOrderDetail.UserName = User.Identity.Name; myOrderDetail.BookId = myOrderList[i].BookId; myOrderDetail.Quantity = myOrderList[i].Quantity; myOrderDetail.ListPrice = myOrderList[i].Book.ListPrice; // Add OrderDetail to DB. _db.OrderDetails.Add(myOrderDetail); _db.SaveChanges(); } // Set OrderId. Session["currentOrderId"] = myOrder.ID; // Display Order information. List <Order> orderList = new List <Order>(); orderList.Add(myOrder); ShipInfo.DataSource = orderList; ShipInfo.DataBind(); // Display OrderDetails. OrderItemList.DataSource = myOrderList; OrderItemList.DataBind(); } } else { Response.Redirect("CheckoutError.aspx?" + retMsg); } } }