private static void GameLaunher() { UIOrginaizer ui = new UIOrginaizer(); ui.WelcomeMsg(); GameLogic game = new GameLogic(ui.ColumnOrRowSelection("Rows"), ui.ColumnOrRowSelection("Columns"), ui.VerusPlayerOrComputer()); game.InitialysBorad(); ui.DrawBoard(game.GetRow, game.GetColumn, game.GetBoard); GameManager(ui, game); }
private static void GameManager(UIOrginaizer io_UI, GameLogic io_Game) { int MyTurn; bool isQuitPressed = false; bool isWinner = false; bool isBoardFull = false; bool isNextRound = true; while (isNextRound) { // Setting primary randomly turn MyTurn = new Random().Next(1, 3); while (!isBoardFull) { if (io_Game.GetNumberOfPlayers == 1) { if (MyTurn == 1) { isQuitPressed = PlayTurnByUser(io_Game, io_UI, MyTurn); isWinner = io_Game.CheckIfWinner(MyTurn); } else { PlayTurnByComputer(io_Game, io_UI); isWinner = io_Game.CheckIfWinner(MyTurn); } } else { isQuitPressed = PlayTurnByUser(io_Game, io_UI, MyTurn); isWinner = io_Game.CheckIfWinner(MyTurn); } isBoardFull = io_Game.CheckIfBoardIsFull(); if (isBoardFull || isWinner || isQuitPressed) { break; } if (MyTurn == 1) { MyTurn = 2; } else { MyTurn = 1; } } if (isWinner) { Console.WriteLine("Player Number {0} wins!!!", MyTurn); } else { if (isBoardFull) { Console.WriteLine("Game board is full. Draw!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("You chose to quit the game."); } } io_Game.ShowScoreBoard(); isNextRound = io_UI.CheckIfNextRound(); if (isNextRound) { io_Game.InitialysBorad(); io_UI.DrawBoard(io_Game.GetRow, io_Game.GetColumn, io_Game.GetBoard); } } Ex02.ConsoleUtils.Screen.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("========= Final Score =========" + Environment.NewLine); io_Game.ShowScoreBoard(); }