public GitHubActions.Job ProcessJob(AzurePipelines.Job job, AzurePipelines.Resources resources) { GeneralProcessing generalProcessing = new GeneralProcessing(_verbose); VariablesProcessing vp = new VariablesProcessing(_verbose); StepsProcessing sp = new StepsProcessing(); GitHubActions.Job newJob = new GitHubActions.Job { name = job.displayName, needs = job.dependsOn, _if = ConditionsProcessing.TranslateConditions(job.condition), runs_on = generalProcessing.ProcessPool(job.pool), strategy = generalProcessing.ProcessStrategy(job.strategy), container = generalProcessing.ProcessContainer(resources), env = vp.ProcessSimpleVariables(job.variables), timeout_minutes = job.timeoutInMinutes, steps = sp.AddSupportingSteps(job.steps) }; MatrixVariableName = generalProcessing.MatrixVariableName; VariableList = vp.VariableList; if (newJob.steps == null & job.template != null) { //Initialize the array with no items job.steps = new AzurePipelines.Step[0]; //Process the steps, adding the default checkout step newJob.steps = sp.AddSupportingSteps(job.steps, true); //TODO: There is currently no conversion path for templates newJob.job_message += "Note: Azure DevOps template does not have an equivalent in GitHub Actions yet"; } else if (newJob.steps == null && job.strategy?.runOnce?.deploy?.steps != null) { //Initialize the array with no items job.steps = new AzurePipelines.Step[0]; //Process the steps, adding the default checkout step newJob.steps = sp.AddSupportingSteps(job.strategy?.runOnce?.deploy?.steps, false); //TODO: There is currently no conversion path for templates newJob.job_message += "Note: Azure DevOps strategy>runOnce>deploy does not have an equivalent in GitHub Actions yet"; } if (job.environment != null) { newJob.job_message += "Note: Azure DevOps job environment does not have an equivalent in GitHub Actions yet"; } if (job.continueOnError == true) { newJob.continue_on_error = job.continueOnError; } return(newJob); }
private GitHubActions.Step CreateScriptStep(string shellType, AzurePipelines.Step step) { GitHubActions.Step gitHubStep = new GitHubActions.Step { run = step.script, shell = shellType }; if ( == null) { if (step.powershell != null) { = step.powershell; } else if (step.pwsh != null) { = step.pwsh; } else if (step.bash != null) { = step.bash; } else { if (step.inputs != null) { string runValue = GetStepInput(step, "script"); = runValue; } } } if ( == "") { = null; } if (step.condition != null) { gitHubStep._if = ConditionsProcessing.TranslateConditions(step.condition); } return(gitHubStep); }
public AzurePipelines.Job[] ExtractAzurePipelinesJobsV2(JToken jobsJson, string strategyYaml) { GeneralProcessing gp = new GeneralProcessing(_verbose); AzurePipelines.Job[] jobs = new AzurePipelines.Job[jobsJson.Count()]; if (jobsJson != null) { int i = 0; foreach (JToken jobJson in jobsJson) { AzurePipelines.Job job = new AzurePipelines.Job { job = jobJson["job"]?.ToString(), deployment = jobJson["deployment"]?.ToString(), displayName = jobJson["displayName"]?.ToString(), template = jobJson["template"]?.ToString() }; if (jobJson["pool"] != null) { job.pool = gp.ProcessPoolV2(jobJson["pool"].ToString()); } if (jobJson["strategy"] != null) { job.strategy = gp.ProcessStrategyV2(jobJson["strategy"].ToString()); } else if (strategyYaml != null) { job.strategy = gp.ProcessStrategyV2(strategyYaml); } if (jobJson["dependsOn"] != null) { job.dependsOn = gp.ProcessDependsOnV2(jobJson["dependsOn"].ToString()); } if (jobJson["condition"] != null) { job.condition = ConditionsProcessing.TranslateConditions(jobJson["condition"].ToString()); } if (jobJson["environment"] != null) { job.environment = gp.ProcessEnvironmentV2(jobJson["environment"].ToString()); } if (jobJson["timeoutInMinutes"] != null) { int.TryParse(jobJson["timeoutInMinutes"].ToString(), out int timeOut); if (timeOut > 0) { job.timeoutInMinutes = timeOut; } } if (jobJson["continueOnError"] != null) { bool.TryParse(jobJson["continueOnError"].ToString(), out bool continueOnError); job.continueOnError = continueOnError; } if (jobJson["variables"] != null) { VariablesProcessing vp = new VariablesProcessing(_verbose); job.variables = vp.ProcessParametersAndVariablesV2(null, jobJson["variables"].ToString()); } if (jobJson["steps"] != null) { try { job.steps = GenericObjectSerialization.DeserializeYaml <AzurePipelines.Step[]>(jobJson["steps"].ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { ConversionUtility.WriteLine($"DeserializeYaml<AzurePipelines.Step[]>(jobJson[\"steps\"].ToString() swallowed an exception: " + ex.Message, _verbose); } } jobs[i] = job; i++; } } return(jobs); }
//process the conditions private string ProcessCondition(string condition) { return(ConditionsProcessing.TranslateConditions(condition)); }
//TODO: Add more task types public GitHubActions.Step ProcessStep(AzurePipelines.Step step) { GitHubActions.Step gitHubStep = null; if (step.task != null) { step = CleanStepInputs(step); //TODO: Should we be handling versions seperately? switch (step.task) { case "Ant@1": gitHubStep = CreateAntStep(step); break; case "ArchiveFiles@2": gitHubStep = CreateArchiveFilesStep(step); break; case "AzureAppServiceManage@0": gitHubStep = CreateAzureAppServiceManageStep(step); break; case "AzureResourceGroupDeployment@2": gitHubStep = CreateAzureManageResourcesStep(step); break; case "AzureFunctionAppContainer@1": case "AzureRmWebAppDeployment@3": case "AzureWebAppContainer@1": case "AzureRmWebAppDeployment@4": gitHubStep = CreateAzureWebAppDeploymentStep(step); break; case "CmdLine@2": gitHubStep = CreateScriptStep("cmd", step); break; case "CopyFiles@2": gitHubStep = CreateCopyFilesStep(step); break; case "Docker@1": case "Docker@2": gitHubStep = CreateDockerStep(step); break; case "DotNetCoreCLI@2": gitHubStep = CreateDotNetCommandStep(step); break; case "DownloadBuildArtifacts@0": gitHubStep = CreateDownloadBuildArtifacts(step); break; case "Gradle@2": gitHubStep = CreateGradleStep(step); break; case "Maven@3": gitHubStep = CreateMavenStep(step); break; case "NodeTool@0": gitHubStep = CreateNodeToolStep(step); break; case "NuGetCommand@2": gitHubStep = CreateNuGetCommandStep(step); break; case "NuGetToolInstaller@1": gitHubStep = CreateNuGetToolInstallerStep(); break; case "PowerShell@2": gitHubStep = CreateScriptStep("powershell", step); break; case "PublishPipelineArtifact@0": case "PublishBuildArtifacts@1": gitHubStep = CreatePublishBuildArtifactsStep(step); break; case "PythonScript@0": gitHubStep = CreatePythonStep(step); break; case "SqlAzureDacpacDeployment@1": gitHubStep = CreateSQLAzureDacPacDeployStep(step); break; case "UseDotNet@2": gitHubStep = CreateUseDotNetStep(step); break; case "UsePythonVersion@0": gitHubStep = CreateUsePythonStep(step); break; case "UseRubyVersion@0": gitHubStep = CreateUseRubyStep(step); break; case "VSBuild@1": gitHubStep = CreateMSBuildStep(step); break; case "VSTest@2": gitHubStep = CreateFunctionalTestingStep(step); break; case "XamarinAndroid@1": gitHubStep = CreateXamarinAndroidStep(step); break; case "XamariniOS@2": gitHubStep = CreateXamariniOSStep(step); break; default: gitHubStep = CreateScriptStep("powershell", step); string newYaml = GenericObjectSerialization.SerializeYaml <AzurePipelines.Step>(step); string[] newYamlSplit = newYaml.Split(Environment.NewLine); StringBuilder yamlBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < newYamlSplit.Length; i++) { string line = newYamlSplit[i]; if (line.Trim().Length > 0) { yamlBuilder.Append("#"); yamlBuilder.Append(line); } } gitHubStep.step_message = "Note: This step does not have a conversion path yet: " + step.task; = "Write-Host " + gitHubStep.step_message + " " + yamlBuilder.ToString(); break; } } else if (step.script != null) { gitHubStep = new GitHubActions.Step { run = step.script, with = step.inputs }; } else if (step.pwsh != null) { gitHubStep = CreateScriptStep("pwsh", step); } else if (step.powershell != null) { gitHubStep = CreateScriptStep("powershell", step); } else if (step.bash != null) { gitHubStep = CreateScriptStep("bash", step); } else if (step.publish != null) { //The shortcut to the build publish step // gitHubStep = CreatePublishBuildArtifactsStep(step); } if (gitHubStep != null) { //Add in generic name and conditions if (step.displayName != null) { = step.displayName; } if (step.condition != null) { gitHubStep._if = ConditionsProcessing.TranslateConditions(step.condition); } //Double check the with. Sometimes we start to add a property, but for various reasons, we don't use it, and have to null out the with so it doesn't display an empty node in the final yaml if (gitHubStep.with != null) { if (gitHubStep.with.Count >= 0) { //Look to see if there is non-null data in the collection bool foundData = false; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> item in gitHubStep.with) { //If data was found, break out of the loop, we don't need to look anymore if (item.Value != null) { foundData = true; break; } } //If no data was found, null out the with property if (foundData == false) { gitHubStep.with = null; } } } } return(gitHubStep); }