コード例 #1
        public async Task ShouldStartAllVms()
            var step1 = new BotTestCase()
                Action        = "start all vms",
                ExpectedReply = "You are trying to start the following virtual machines",

            var step2 = new BotTestCase()
                Action        = "Yes",
                ExpectedReply = "Starting the following virtual machines",

            var completionTestCase = new BotTestCase()
                ExpectedReply = "virtual machine was started successfully",

            var steps = new List <BotTestCase> {
                step1, step2

            await TestRunner.RunTestCases(steps, completionTestCase, 3);
コード例 #2
        public async Task ShouldStartAllVmsFromSpecifiedResourceGroup()
            var resourceGroup = this.TestContext.GetResourceGroup();

            var step1 = new BotTestCase()
                Action        = $"start all vms from {resourceGroup} resource group",
                ExpectedReply = "You are trying to start the following virtual machines",

            var step2 = new BotTestCase()
                Action        = "Yes",
                ExpectedReply = "Starting the following virtual machines",

            var completionTestCase = new BotTestCase()
                ExpectedReply = "virtual machine was started successfully",

            var steps = new List <BotTestCase> {
                step1, step2

            await TestRunner.RunTestCases(steps, completionTestCase, 2);
コード例 #3
        public static void CleanUp()
            if (testContext.DeallocateResourcesOnCleanup())
                var step1 = new BotTestCase()
                    Action        = "stop all vms",
                    ExpectedReply = "You are trying to stop the following virtual machines",

                var step2 = new BotTestCase()
                    Action        = "Yes",
                    ExpectedReply = "Stopping the following virtual machines",

                var completionTestCase = new BotTestCase()
                    ExpectedReply = $"virtual machine was stopped successfully.",

                var steps = new List <BotTestCase> {
                    step1, step2

                TestRunner.RunTestCases(steps, completionTestCase, 2).Wait();

            if (botHelper != null)
コード例 #4
        public async Task ShouldStartSpecifiedVm()
            var virtualMachine = this.TestContext.GetVirtualMachine();

            var step1 = new BotTestCase()
                Action        = $"start vm {virtualMachine}",
                ExpectedReply = $"Would you like to start virtual machine '{virtualMachine}",

            var step2 = new BotTestCase()
                Action        = "Yes",
                ExpectedReply = $"Starting the '{virtualMachine}' virtual machine...",

            var completionTestCase = new BotTestCase()
                ExpectedReply = $"The '{virtualMachine}' virtual machine was started successfully.",

            var steps = new List <BotTestCase> {
                step1, step2

            await TestRunner.RunTestCases(steps, completionTestCase);
コード例 #5
        public async Task ShouldStartVm()
            var step1 = new BotTestCase()
                Action        = "start vm",
                ExpectedReply = "Please select the virtual machine you want to start",

            var step2 = new BotTestCase()
                Action        = "1",
                ExpectedReply = "Would you like to start virtual machine",

            var step3 = new BotTestCase()
                Action        = "Yes",
                ExpectedReply = "Starting the",

            var completionTestCase = new BotTestCase()
                ExpectedReply = "virtual machine was started successfully",

            var steps = new List <BotTestCase> {
                step1, step2, step3

            await TestRunner.RunTestCases(steps, completionTestCase);
コード例 #6
        public static void SetUp(TestContext context)
            testContext = context;
            string directLineToken = context.Properties["DirectLineToken"].ToString();
            string microsoftAppId  = context.Properties["MicrosoftAppId"].ToString();
            string fromUser        = context.Properties["FromUser"].ToString();
            string botId           = context.Properties["BotId"].ToString();

            botHelper = new BotHelper(directLineToken, microsoftAppId, fromUser, botId);

            var subscription = context.GetSubscription();

            var testCase = new BotTestCase()
                Action        = $"select subscription {subscription}",
                ExpectedReply = $"Setting {subscription} as the current subscription. What would you like to do next?",


                Console.WriteLine("CleanUp called from SetUp failed");
コード例 #7
        public async Task ShutdownVmShouldNotifyWhenNoVmsAreAvailableToStart()
            var testCase = new BotTestCase()
                Action        = "shutdown vm",
                ExpectedReply = "No virtual machines that can be shut down were found in the current subscription.",

            await TestRunner.RunTestCase(testCase);
コード例 #8
        public async Task StopAllVmsShouldNotifyWhenNoVmsAreAvailableToStop()
            var testCase = new BotTestCase()
                Action        = "stop all vms",
                ExpectedReply = "No virtual machines that can be stopped were found in the current subscription.",

            await TestRunner.RunTestCase(testCase);
コード例 #9
        public async Task ShowJobOutputShouldNotifyWhenJobIsNotSpecified()
            var testCase = new BotTestCase()
                Action        = $"show output",
                ExpectedReply = "No runbook job id was specified. Try 'show <jobId> output'.",

            await TestRunner.RunTestCase(testCase);
コード例 #10
        public async Task ShowRunbookDescriptionShouldNotifyWhenRunbookIsNotSpecified()
            var testCase = new BotTestCase()
                Action        = $"show runbook description",
                ExpectedReply = "No runbook was specified. Please try again specifying a runbook name.",

            await TestRunner.RunTestCase(testCase);
コード例 #11
        public async Task ShouldShowHelp()
            var testCase = new BotTestCase()
                Action        = "help",
                ExpectedReply = "I can help you",

            await TestRunner.RunTestCase(testCase);
コード例 #12
        public async Task ShouldShowStatusOfJobs()
            var testCase = new BotTestCase()
                Action        = $"show status of my jobs",
                ExpectedReply = "|job",

            await TestRunner.RunTestCase(testCase);
コード例 #13
        public async Task ShoudListRunbooks()
            var testCase = new BotTestCase()
                Action        = "list my runbooks",
                ExpectedReply = "Available runbooks are",

            await TestRunner.RunTestCase(testCase);
コード例 #14
        public async Task ShoudListAutomationAccounts()
            var testCase = new BotTestCase()
                Action        = "list automation accounts",
                ExpectedReply = "Available automations accounts are",

            await TestRunner.RunTestCase(testCase);
コード例 #15
        public async Task ShouldShowCurrentSubscription()
            var testCase = new BotTestCase()
                Action        = "What's my current subscription?",
                ExpectedReply = "Your current subscription is",

            await TestRunner.RunTestCase(testCase);
コード例 #16
        public async Task ShoudListSubscriptions()
            var testCase = new BotTestCase()
                Action        = "list subscriptions",
                ExpectedReply = "Your subscriptions are",

            await TestRunner.RunTestCase(testCase);
コード例 #17
        public async Task ShouldShowHelp()
            var testCase = new BotTestCase()
                Action        = "help",
                ExpectedReply = "Hello! You can use the Azure Bot to",

            await TestRunner.RunTestCase(testCase);
コード例 #18
        public async Task ShouldShowJobOutput()
            var runbook = this.TestContext.GetRunbookWithDescription();

            var step1 = new BotTestCase()
                Action        = $"run runbook {runbook}",
                ExpectedReply = $"Would you like to run runbook '{runbook}' of automation acccount",

            var step2 = new BotTestCase()
                Action        = $"Yes",
                ExpectedReply = $"Created Job",

            var steps = new List <BotTestCase>()
                step1, step2

            var completionStep1 = new BotTestCase()
                ExpectedReply = $"is currently in 'Running' status",

            string jobId = null;

            var completionStep2 = new BotTestCase()
                ExpectedReply = $"Runbook '{runbook}' is currently in 'Completed' status. Type **show job",
                Verified      = (reply) =>
                    var jobIndex = reply.LastIndexOf("job");
                    jobId = reply.Substring(jobIndex, reply.Substring(jobIndex).IndexOf(" "));

            var completionSteps = new List <BotTestCase>()
                completionStep1, completionStep2

            await TestRunner.RunTestCases(steps, completionSteps, completionSteps.Count);

            var jobOutput = this.TestContext.GetJobOutput();

            var showOutputTestCase = new BotTestCase()
                Action        = $"show {jobId} output",
                ExpectedReply = jobOutput,

            await TestRunner.RunTestCase(showOutputTestCase);
コード例 #19
        public async Task ShouldNotifyIfActionIsNotUnderstood()
            var message  = "I love AzureBot";
            var testCase = new BotTestCase()
                Action        = message,
                ExpectedReply = $"Sorry, I did not understand '{message}'. Type 'help' if you need assistance.",

            await TestRunner.RunTestCase(testCase);
コード例 #20
        public async Task SwitchSubscriptionShouldNotifyWhenTheSpecifiedSubscriptionDoesNotExist()
            var subscription = "notfound";

            var testCase = new BotTestCase()
                Action        = $"switch subscription {subscription}",
                ExpectedReply = $"The '{subscription}' subscription was not found.",

            await TestRunner.RunTestCase(testCase);
コード例 #21
        public async Task ShouldShowRunbookDescription()
            var runbook = this.TestContext.GetRunbookWithDescription();

            var testCase = new BotTestCase()
                Action        = $"show runbook {runbook} description",
                ExpectedReply = this.TestContext.GetRunbookDescription(),

            await TestRunner.RunTestCase(testCase);
コード例 #22
        public async Task ShouldSwitchToSpecifiedSubscription()
            var subscription = this.TestContext.GetSubscription();

            var testCase = new BotTestCase()
                Action        = $"switch subscription {subscription}",
                ExpectedReply = $"Setting {subscription} as the current subscription. What would you like to do next?",

            await TestRunner.RunTestCase(testCase);
コード例 #23
        public async Task RunRunbookShouldNotifyWhenTheSpecifiedRunbookIsNotPublished()
            var runbook = this.TestContext.GetRunbookNotPublished();

            var testCase = new BotTestCase()
                Action        = $"run runbook {runbook}",
                ExpectedReply = $"The '{runbook}' runbook that you are trying to run is not Published. Please go the Azure Portal and publish the runbook.",

            await TestRunner.RunTestCase(testCase);
コード例 #24
        public async Task RunRunbookShouldNotifyWhenTheSpecifiedRunbookDoesNotExist()
            var runbook = "notfoundRunbook";

            var testCase = new BotTestCase()
                Action        = $"run runbook {runbook}",
                ExpectedReply = $"The '{runbook}' runbook was not found in any of your automation accounts.",

            await TestRunner.RunTestCase(testCase);
コード例 #25
        public async Task StopVmShouldNotifyWhenTheSpecifiedVmDoesNotExist()
            var virtualMachine = "notfound-stop";

            var testCase = new BotTestCase()
                Action        = $"stop vm {virtualMachine}",
                ExpectedReply = $"The '{virtualMachine}' virtual machine was not found in the current subscription.",

            await TestRunner.RunTestCase(testCase);
コード例 #26
        public async Task ShowJobOutputShouldNotifyWhenTheSpecifiedJobDoesNotExist()
            var jobId = "job0";

            var testCase = new BotTestCase()
                Action        = $"show {jobId} output",
                ExpectedReply = $"The job with id '{jobId}' was not found.",

            await TestRunner.RunTestCase(testCase);
コード例 #27
        public async Task StartAllVmsFromSpecifiedResourceGroupShouldNotifyWhenNoVmsInTheResourceGroupAreAvailableToStart()
            var resourceGroup = this.TestContext.GetResourceGroup();

            var testCase = new BotTestCase()
                Action        = $"start all vms from {resourceGroup} resource group",
                ExpectedReply = $"No virtual machines that can be started were found in the {resourceGroup} resource group of the current subscription.",

            await TestRunner.RunTestCase(testCase);
コード例 #28
        public async Task ShowRunbookDescriptionShouldNotifyWhenTheSpecifiedRunbookDoesntHaveDescription()
            var runbook = this.TestContext.GetRunbookWithoutDescription();

            var testCase = new BotTestCase()
                Action        = $"show runbook {runbook} description",
                ExpectedReply = "No description",

            await TestRunner.RunTestCase(testCase);
コード例 #29
        public async Task ShouldShowRunbookDescriptionsWhenSpecifiedRunbookExistsInMultipleAutomationAccounts()
            var runbook = this.TestContext.GetRunbookInMultipleAutomationAccounts();

            var testCase = new BotTestCase()
                Action        = $"show runbook {runbook} description",
                ExpectedReply = $"I found the runbook '{runbook}' in multiple automation accounts. Showing the description of all of them:",

            await TestRunner.RunTestCase(testCase);
コード例 #30
        public async Task StartAllVmsFromSpecifiedResourceGroupShouldNotifyWhenTheSpecifiedResourceGroupDoesNotExist()
            var resourceGroup = "NOTFOUND";

            var testCase = new BotTestCase()
                Action        = $"start all vms from {resourceGroup} resource group",
                ExpectedReply = $"The {resourceGroup} resource group doesn't contain VMs or doesn't exist in the current subscription.",

            await TestRunner.RunTestCase(testCase);