private ColumnChooser GetTheColumns() { myCC = new ColumnChooser(TabThatNeedsCols.ToString(), this); getColsSQL = "select column_name, data_type, character_maximum_length "; getColsSQL += "from information_schema.columns where (table_name = '"; getColsSQL += TabThatNeedsCols.ToString() + "')"; colListing.Clear(); SqlCommand cmd = DBConnection.CreateCommand(); using (SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd)) { cmd.CommandText = getColsSQL; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; colCounter = sda.Fill(colListing); } myCC.lbColumnLister.Items.Clear(); foreach (DataRow oneCol in colListing.Rows) { myCC.lbColumnLister.Items.Add(oneCol[0] + "\t" + oneCol[1] + "\t" + oneCol[2]); } return(myCC); }
private void JoinButtonLogic(string JoinType) { // fill the column textboxes with column info saveJoinType = JoinType; LeftSideJoinTab = lbJoined.CheckedItems[0].ToString(); RightSideJoinTab = lbUnjoined.CheckedItems[0].ToString(); queryTabInfo LeftTabInfo = getQTinfoFor(LeftSideJoinTab); List <string> LeftTabCols = LeftTabInfo.showColumns; lblJoinedTab.Text = LeftSideJoinTab; lblUnjoinedTab.Text = RightSideJoinTab; clbLeftCols.Items.Clear(); foreach (string OneCol in LeftTabCols) { clbLeftCols.Items.Add(OneCol); } TabThatNeedsCols = lbUnjoined.CheckedItems[0]; myCC = GetTheColumns(); clbRightCols.Items.Clear(); foreach (object OneCol in myCC.lbColumnLister.Items) { clbRightCols.Items.Add(OneCol); } // auto check columns with same names this.gbColsJoin.Visible = true; this.Refresh(); Application.DoEvents(); }
private void btnEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TabThatNeedsCols = lbJoined.CheckedItems[0]; queryTabInfo myTabInfo = getQTinfoFor(TabThatNeedsCols.ToString()); List <string> alreadyChecked = myTabInfo.showColumns; myCC = GetTheColumns(alreadyChecked); Application.DoEvents(); myCC.ShowDialog(); if (GetReturnedColumns().Count == 0) { // what happens if they deselect all the columns? } myTabInfo.showColumns = GetReturnedColumns(); queryParms[qpIndex] = myTabInfo; myCC.Close(); }
public void JFinitialize() { frmTabDispParent.Hide(); this.Top = frmTabDispParent.PlaceForms.topForm; this.Left = frmTabDispParent.PlaceForms.LeftForm; Application.DoEvents(); bool firstObj = true; foreach (object OneTab in passedJoinedTabs) { if (firstObj) { lbJoined.Items.Add(OneTab); TabThatNeedsCols = OneTab; firstObj = false; } else { lbUnjoined.Items.Add(OneTab); } } myCC = GetTheColumns(); Application.DoEvents(); myCC.ShowDialog(); if (GetReturnedColumns().Count == 0) { // what happens if they didn't select any columns the first time? } var myqTinfo = new queryTabInfo(); myqTinfo.TableName = TabThatNeedsCols.ToString(); myqTinfo.showColumns = GetReturnedColumns(); queryParms.Add(myqTinfo); myCC.Close(); }
private bool GetColsToShowRight(ColumnChooser myCC) { this.Hide(); Application.DoEvents(); myCC.ShowDialog(); if (GetReturnedColumns().Count == 0) { UndoTheJoin(); myCC.Close(); return(false); } var myqTinfo = new queryTabInfo(); myqTinfo.TableName = TabThatNeedsCols.ToString(); myqTinfo.showColumns = GetReturnedColumns(); myCC.Close(); return(true); }