public Edit(string Mode,string sObject, string Id) { InitializeComponent(); Utility.setTheme(this); if (Mode != "") { _axObj = new SForceEdit.AxObject(Mode,sObject, this, Id); g1.Children.Add(_axObj); this.Show(); var window1 = this.ParentOfType<Window>(); window1.ShowInTaskbar = true; window1.Title = "IRIS - Zoom"; var uri = new Uri("pack://application:,,,/AxiomIRISRibbon;component/Resources/Iris-Logo-Solo-Orange-40.png"); window1.Icon = BitmapFrame.Create(uri); window1.Show(); window1.Activate(); window.Show(); window.Focus(); window.Top = window.Top - 20; // having issues getting the window to come to the front - find this trick // on stachexchange basically just waits and then brings Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(delegate { window1.Activate(); }), System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.ContextIdle, null); } }
public Edit(string sObject,string Id) { InitializeComponent(); Utility.setTheme(this); _axObj = new SForceEdit.AxObject(sObject, this,Id); g1.Children.Add(_axObj); this.Show(); var window = this.ParentOfType<Window>(); window.ShowInTaskbar = true; window.Title = "IRIS - Edit"; var uri = new Uri("pack://application:,,,/AxiomIRISRibbon;component/Resources/Iris-Logo-Solo-Orange-40.png"); window.Icon = BitmapFrame.Create(uri); }
public AxObject(string sObject, string Relation,AxObject parent,string tabfilters) { _zoom = false; InitAxObject(); _parentObject = parent; SetupAxObject(sObject, Relation, null,"",tabfilters); }