public override void BindProgramParameters( GpuProgramParameters parms, GpuProgramParameters.GpuParamVariability mask ) { var type = programType; // only supports float constants var floatStruct = parms.FloatLogicalBufferStruct; foreach ( var i in floatStruct.Map ) { if ( ( i.Value.Variability & mask ) != 0 ) { var logicalIndex = i.Key; var pFloat = parms.GetFloatConstantList(); var ptr = i.Value.PhysicalIndex; { for ( var j = 0; j < i.Value.CurrentSize; j += 4 ) { var x = pFloat[ ptr + j ]; var y = pFloat[ ptr + j + 1 ]; var z = pFloat[ ptr + j + 2 ]; var w = pFloat[ ptr + j + 3 ]; Gl.glProgramLocalParameter4fARB( type, logicalIndex, x, y, z, w ); ++logicalIndex; } } } } }
public override void BindProgramParameters( GpuProgramParameters parms, GpuProgramParameters.GpuParamVariability mask ) { // Register combiners uses 2 constants per texture stage (0 and 1) // We have stored these as (stage * 2) + const_index in the physical buffer // There are no other parameters in a register combiners shader var floatList = parms.GetFloatConstantList(); var index = 0; for ( var i = 0; i < floatList.Length; ++i, ++index ) { var combinerStage = Gl.GL_COMBINER0_NV + ( index/2 ); var pname = Gl.GL_CONSTANT_COLOR0_NV + ( index%2 ); Gl.glCombinerStageParameterfvNV( combinerStage, pname, ref floatList[ i ] ); } }