public WebForm() { InitializeComponent(); Resize += WebForm_Resize; webViewBitmap.MouseMove += WebForm_MouseMove; webViewBitmap.MouseDown += WebForm_MouseDown; webViewBitmap.MouseUp += WebForm_MouseUp; MouseWheel += WebForm_MouseWheel; KeyDown += WebForm_KeyDown; KeyUp += WebForm_KeyUp; KeyPress += WebForm_KeyPress; FormClosed += WebForm_FormClosed; Activated += WebForm_Activated; Deactivate += WebForm_Deactivate; WebCore.Config config = new WebCore.Config(); config.enablePlugins = true; WebCore.Initialize(config); webView = WebCore.CreateWebview(webViewBitmap.Width, webViewBitmap.Height); webView.LoadURL(""); webView.Focus(); timer = new Timer(); timer.Interval = 30; timer.Tick += new EventHandler(timer_Tick); timer.Start(); }
public static void Init(GraphicsDevice Device) { Batch = new SpriteBatch(Device); RenderBuffer = new Texture2D(Device, Device.Viewport.Width, Device.Viewport.Height); ConfigureWebCore(); ScreenRect = new Rectangle() { X = 0, Y = 0, Width = Device.Viewport.Width, Height = Device.Viewport.Height }; UILayer = WebCore.CreateWebView(Device.Viewport.Width, Device.Viewport.Height, false); UILayer.SetTransparent(true); UILayer.LoadFile("UIHolder.html"); UILayer.LoadCompleted += new EventHandler(UILayer_LoadCompleted); UILayer.JSConsoleMessageAdded +=new JSConsoleMessageAddedEventHandler(UILayer_JSConsoleMessageAdded); UILayer.FlushAlpha = false; UILayer.Focus(); ConfigureAPILayer(); EventInput.CharEntered += new CharEnteredHandler(EventInput_CharEntered); EventInput.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(EventInput_KeyDown); EventInput.KeyUp += new KeyEventHandler(EventInput_KeyUp); }
public WebForm() { // Notice that Control.DoubleBuffered has been set to true // in the designer, to prevent flickering. InitializeComponent(); WebCoreConfig config = new WebCoreConfig { EnablePlugins = true }; WebCore.Initialize( config ); webView = WebCore.CreateWebView( this.ClientSize.Width, this.ClientSize.Height ); webView.IsDirtyChanged += OnIsDirtyChanged; webView.SelectLocalFiles += OnSelectLocalFiles; webView.CursorChanged += OnCursorChanged; webView.LoadURL( "" ); webView.Focus(); }
public TabView( TabControl tabControl ) { this.tabControl = tabControl; this.url = ""; this.title = "New Tab"; tab = new TabItem(); img = new Image(); img.Focusable = true; tab.Content = img; tab.Header = title; tabControl.Items.Add( tab ); tab.Height = 25; img.Width = tabControl.Width; img.Height = tabControl.Height - (int)tab.Height - 2; tip = new ToolTip(); tip.IsOpen = false; tab.ToolTip = tip; ToolTipService.SetIsEnabled( tab, false ); src = new WriteableBitmap( (int)tabControl.Width, (int)tabControl.Height - (int)tab.Height - 2, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Bgra32, BitmapPalettes.WebPaletteTransparent ); img.Source = src; tab.Content = img; myRect = new Int32Rect( 0, 0, (int)tabControl.Width, (int)tabControl.Height - (int)tab.Height - 2 ); webView = WebCore.CreateWebview( (int)tabControl.Width, (int)tabControl.Height - (int)tab.Height - 2 ); webView.IsDirtyChanged += OnIsDirtyChanged; webView.Focus(); img.MouseWheel += mainWindowMouseWheel; img.MouseMove += browserImageMouseMove; img.MouseDown += browserImageMouseDown; img.MouseUp += browserImageMouseUp; // Setup Callbacks webView.BeginNavigation += onBeginNavigation; webView.BeginLoading += onBeginLoading; webView.CursorChanged += onChangeCursor; webView.TooltipChanged += onChangeTooltip; webView.LoadCompleted += onFinishLoading; webView.OpenExternalLink += onOpenExternalLink; webView.TitleReceived += onReceiveTitle; webView.Crashed += onWebviewCrashed; }
protected override void LoadContent() { WebCore.Config config = new WebCore.Config(); config.enablePlugins = true; config.enableJavascript = true; WebCore.Initialize(config); thisWidth = Game.GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferWidth; thisHeight = Game.GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferHeight; webView = WebCore.CreateWebview(thisWidth, thisHeight); webRender = new Texture2D(GraphicsDevice, thisWidth, thisHeight, false, SurfaceFormat.Color); webData = new int[thisWidth * thisHeight]; webEffect = assetManager.GetAsset<Effect>("Shaders/webEffect"); LocalURL = URL; //ReLoad(); }
public WebForm() { InitializeComponent(); Resize += WebForm_Resize; webViewBitmap.MouseMove += WebForm_MouseMove; webViewBitmap.MouseDown += WebForm_MouseDown; webViewBitmap.MouseUp += WebForm_MouseUp; MouseWheel += WebForm_MouseWheel; KeyDown += WebForm_KeyDown; KeyUp += WebForm_KeyUp; KeyPress += WebForm_KeyPress; FormClosed += WebForm_FormClosed; Activated += WebForm_Activated; Deactivate += WebForm_Deactivate; WebCoreConfig config = new WebCoreConfig { EnablePlugins = true }; WebCore.Initialize( config ); webView = WebCore.CreateWebview( webViewBitmap.Width, webViewBitmap.Height ); webView.IsDirtyChanged += OnIsDirtyChanged; webView.LoadURL( "" ); webView.Focus(); }
private void OnWebviewCrashed(object sender, EventArgs e) { IsLoading = false; Child = new TextBlock { Text = "Error: This WebView has crashed." }; _webview = null; }
private void LoadWebView(int width, int height) { _webview = WebCore.CreateWebview(width, height); _webview.LoadURL(Source); _webview.Focus(); _webview.LoadCompleted += OnFinishLoading; _webview.OpenExternalLink += OpenExternalLink; _webview.Crashed += OnWebviewCrashed; _webview.CursorChanged += OnChangeCursor; }
private void OpenExternalLink(object sender, WebView.OpenExternalLinkEventArgs e) { if (OnOpenExternalLink != null && e.url.Length > 0) { OnOpenExternalLink(this, new OpenLinkEventArgs(e.url)); } }
private void OnFinishLoading(object sender, WebView.FinishLoadingEventArgs e) { IsLoading = false; }
private void OnChangeCursor(object sender, WebView.ChangeCursorEventArgs e) { if (e.cursorType == AwesomiumSharp.CursorType.Hand) Cursor = Cursors.Hand; else if (e.cursorType == AwesomiumSharp.CursorType.Ibeam) Cursor = Cursors.IBeam; else Cursor = Cursors.Arrow; }
public virtual void CreateObject(string name,string method, WebView.JSCallback callback) { CreateObject(name); webView.SetObjectCallback(name, method, callback); }
void Start() { // Initialize webCore and timer if they haven't been already if(WebCoreHasStarted == false){ WebCore.Config conf = new WebCore.Config(); conf.enablePlugins = true; WebCore.Initialize(conf); webCoreHelper = new GameObject(); webCoreHelper.AddComponent<WebCoreHelper>(); WebCoreHasStarted = true; } // Create a new webView with a width and height of 512 pixels webView = WebCore.CreateWebview(512, 512); // Add webView to list of all open webviews allWebViews.Add(webView); // Load webpage webView.LoadURL(""); // Create texture that will be updated texture = new Texture2D(width, height, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false); // Create the pixel array for the plugin to write into at startup Pixels = texture.GetPixels (0); // "pin" the array in memory, so we can pass direct pointer to it's data to the plugin, // without costly marshaling of array of structures. PixelsHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(Pixels, GCHandleType.Pinned); // Assign texture to the renderer if (renderer) renderer.material.mainTexture = texture; // or gui texture else if (GetComponent(typeof(GUITexture))) { GUITexture gui = GetComponent(typeof(GUITexture)) as GUITexture; gui.texture = texture; } else { Debug.Log("Game object has no renderer or gui texture to assign the generated texture to!"); } }
void OnDisable() { // Free the pinned array handle. PixelsHandle.Free(); allWebViews.Remove(webView); webView.Dispose(); webView = null; }
private static void onFinishLoading(object sender, WebView.FinishLoadingEventArgs e) { finishedLoading = true; }