internal MASPagePolygon(ConfigNode config, InternalProp prop, MASFlightComputer comp, MASMonitor monitor, Transform pageRoot, float depth) : base(config, prop, comp) { string colorString = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("color", ref colorString)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'color' in POLYGON " + name); } string[] vertexStrings = config.GetValues("vertex"); if (vertexStrings.Length < 3) { throw new ArgumentException("Insufficient number of 'vertex' entries in POLYGON " + name + " (must have at least 3)"); } string variableName = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("variable", ref variableName)) { variableName = variableName.Trim(); } polygonOrigin = new GameObject(); = Utility.ComposeObjectName(, this.GetType().Name, name, (int)(-depth / MASMonitor.depthDelta)); polygonOrigin.layer = pageRoot.gameObject.layer; polygonOrigin.transform.parent = pageRoot; polygonOrigin.transform.position = pageRoot.position; polygonOrigin.transform.Translate(monitor.screenSize.x * -0.5f + position.x, monitor.screenSize.y * 0.5f - position.y, depth); origin = pageRoot.position + new Vector3(monitor.screenSize.x * -0.5f, monitor.screenSize.y * 0.5f, depth); string positionString = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("position", ref positionString)) { position =; throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'position' in POLYGON " + name); } else { string[] pos = Utility.SplitVariableList(positionString); if (pos.Length != 2) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid number of values for 'position' in POLYGON " + name); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(pos[0], (double newValue) => { position.x = (float)newValue; polygonOrigin.transform.position = origin + new Vector3(position.x, -position.y, 0.0f); }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(pos[1], (double newValue) => { position.y = (float)newValue; polygonOrigin.transform.position = origin + new Vector3(position.x, -position.y, 0.0f); }); } // add renderer stuff MeshFilter meshFilter = polygonOrigin.AddComponent <MeshFilter>(); meshRenderer = polygonOrigin.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>(); mesh = new Mesh(); meshFilter.mesh = mesh; int numVertices = vertexStrings.Length; vertices = new Vector3[numVertices]; polygonMaterial = new Material(MASLoader.shaders["MOARdV/Monitor"]); polygonMaterial.color = color; meshRenderer.material = polygonMaterial; for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; ++i) { // Need to make a copy of the value for the lambda capture, // otherwise we'll try using i = numVertices in the callbacks. int index = i; vertices[i] =; string[] vtx = Utility.SplitVariableList(vertexStrings[i]); if (vtx.Length != 2) { throw new ArgumentException("vertex " + (i + 1).ToString() + " does not contain two values in POLYGON " + name); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(vtx[0], (double newValue) => { vertices[index].x = (float)newValue; retriangulate = true; }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(vtx[1], (double newValue) => { // Invert the value, since we stipulate +y is down on the monitor. vertices[index].y = -(float)newValue; retriangulate = true; }); } mesh.vertices = vertices; // For 3 or 4 vertices, the index array is invariant. Load it now and be done with it. if (numVertices == 3) { mesh.triangles = new[] { 0, 2, 1 }; } else if (numVertices == 4) { mesh.triangles = new[] { 0, 2, 1, 0, 3, 2 }; } RenderPage(false); string rotationVariableName = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("rotation", ref rotationVariableName)) { variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(rotationVariableName, RotationCallback); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(variableName)) { // Disable the mesh if we're in variable mode polygonOrigin.SetActive(false); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(variableName, VariableCallback); } else { currentState = true; polygonOrigin.SetActive(true); } Color32 col; if (comp.TryGetNamedColor(colorString, out col)) { color = col; polygonMaterial.color = color; } else { string[] colors = Utility.SplitVariableList(colorString); if (colors.Length < 3 || colors.Length > 4) { throw new ArgumentException("color does not contain 3 or 4 values in POLYGON " + name); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(colors[0], (double newValue) => { color.r = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); polygonMaterial.color = color; }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(colors[1], (double newValue) => { color.g = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); polygonMaterial.color = color; }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(colors[2], (double newValue) => { color.b = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); polygonMaterial.color = color; }); if (colors.Length == 4) { variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(colors[3], (double newValue) => { color.a = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); polygonMaterial.color = color; }); } } }
internal MASPageText(ConfigNode config, InternalProp prop, MASFlightComputer comp, MASMonitor monitor, Transform pageRoot, float depth) : base(config, prop, comp) { if (!config.TryGetValue("text", ref text)) { string textfile = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("textfile", ref textfile)) { string rpmModText = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("textmethod", ref rpmModText)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'text', 'textfile', or 'textmethod' in TEXT " + name); } string[] rpmMod = rpmModText.Split(':'); if (rpmMod.Length != 2) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid 'textmethod' in TEXT " + name); } bool moduleFound = false; int numModules = prop.internalModules.Count; int moduleIndex; for (moduleIndex = 0; moduleIndex < numModules; ++moduleIndex) { if (prop.internalModules[moduleIndex].ClassName == rpmMod[0]) { moduleFound = true; break; } } if (moduleFound) { rpmModule = prop.internalModules[moduleIndex]; Type moduleType = prop.internalModules[moduleIndex].GetType(); MethodInfo method = moduleType.GetMethod(rpmMod[1]); if (method != null && method.GetParameters().Length == 2 && method.GetParameters()[0].ParameterType == typeof(int) && method.GetParameters()[1].ParameterType == typeof(int)) { rpmModuleTextMethod = DynamicMethodFactory.CreateFunc <object, int, int, string>(method); } } if (rpmModuleTextMethod != null) { this.comp = comp; this.prop = prop; } text = " "; } else { // Load text text = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, File.ReadAllLines(KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath + "GameData/" + textfile.Trim(), Encoding.UTF8)); } } string localFonts = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("font", ref localFonts)) { localFonts = string.Empty; } string styleStr = string.Empty; FontStyle style = FontStyle.Normal; if (config.TryGetValue("style", ref styleStr)) { style = MdVTextMesh.FontStyle(styleStr); } else { style = monitor.defaultStyle; } Vector2 fontSize =; if (!config.TryGetValue("fontSize", ref fontSize) || fontSize.x < 0.0f || fontSize.y < 0.0f) { fontSize = monitor.fontSize; } Color32 textColor; string textColorStr = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("textColor", ref textColorStr) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(textColorStr)) { textColor = monitor.textColor_; } else { textColor = Utility.ParseColor32(textColorStr, comp); } // Position is based on default font size fontScale = monitor.fontSize; // Position is based on local font size. //fontScale = fontSize; string variableName = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("variable", ref variableName)) { variableName = variableName.Trim(); } // Set up our text. imageOrigin = pageRoot.position + new Vector3(monitor.screenSize.x * -0.5f, monitor.screenSize.y * 0.5f, depth); meshObject = new GameObject(); = Utility.ComposeObjectName(, this.GetType().Name, name, (int)(-depth / MASMonitor.depthDelta)); meshObject.layer = pageRoot.gameObject.layer; meshObject.transform.parent = pageRoot; meshObject.transform.position = imageOrigin; string positionString = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("position", ref positionString)) { string[] positions = Utility.SplitVariableList(positionString); if (positions.Length != 2) { throw new ArgumentException("position does not contain 2 values in TEXT " + name); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(positions[0], (double newValue) => { position.x = (float)newValue * fontScale.x; meshObject.transform.position = imageOrigin + new Vector3(position.x, -position.y, 0.0f); }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(positions[1], (double newValue) => { position.y = (float)newValue * fontScale.y; meshObject.transform.position = imageOrigin + new Vector3(position.x, -position.y, 0.0f); }); } textObj = meshObject.gameObject.AddComponent <MdVTextMesh>(); Font font; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(localFonts)) { font = monitor.defaultFont; } else { font = MASLoader.GetFont(localFonts.Trim()); } // We want to use a different shader for monitor displays. textObj.material = new Material(MASLoader.shaders["MOARdV/TextMonitor"]); textObj.SetFont(font, fontSize); textObj.SetColor(textColor); textObj.material.SetFloat(Shader.PropertyToID("_EmissiveFactor"), 1.0f); textObj.fontStyle = style; // text, immutable, preserveWhitespace, comp, prop textObj.SetText(text, false, true, comp, prop); RenderPage(false); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(variableName)) { // Disable the mesh if we're in variable mode meshObject.SetActive(false); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(variableName, VariableCallback); } else { currentState = true; } if (rpmModuleTextMethod != null) { comp.StartCoroutine(TextMethodUpdate()); } }
internal MASPageRpmModule(ConfigNode config, InternalProp prop, MASFlightComputer comp, MASMonitor monitor, Transform pageRoot, float depth) : base(config, prop, comp) { this.comp = comp; Vector2 size =; if (!config.TryGetValue("size", ref size)) { size = monitor.screenSize; } string variableName = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("variable", ref variableName)) { variableName = variableName.Trim(); } displayTexture = new RenderTexture(((int)size.x) >> MASConfig.CameraTextureScale, ((int)size.y) >> MASConfig.CameraTextureScale, 24, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32); displayTexture.Create(); string moduleNameString = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("moduleName", ref moduleNameString)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'moduleName' in RPM_MODULE " + name); } bool moduleFound = false; int numModules = prop.internalModules.Count; int moduleIndex; for (moduleIndex = 0; moduleIndex < numModules; ++moduleIndex) { if (prop.internalModules[moduleIndex].ClassName == moduleNameString) { moduleFound = true; break; } } if (moduleFound) { rpmModule = prop.internalModules[moduleIndex]; Type moduleType = prop.internalModules[moduleIndex].GetType(); string renderMethodName = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("renderMethod", ref renderMethodName)) { MethodInfo method = moduleType.GetMethod(renderMethodName); if (method != null && method.GetParameters().Length == 2 && method.GetParameters()[0].ParameterType == typeof(RenderTexture) && method.GetParameters()[1].ParameterType == typeof(float)) { renderMethod = DynamicMethodFactory.CreateFunc <object, RenderTexture, float, object>(method); } if (renderMethod != null) { Vector2 renderSize =; if (!config.TryGetValue("renderSize", ref renderSize)) { renderSize = size; } if (renderSize != size) { temporarySizeX = (int)renderSize.x; temporarySizeY = (int)renderSize.y; useTemporaryTexture = true; float xScaling = size.x / renderSize.x; float yScaling = size.y / renderSize.y; float aspectRatio = xScaling / yScaling; if (aspectRatio > 1.0f) { // wide aspect ratio uvScale.y = 1.0f / aspectRatio; uvOffset.y = uvScale.y * 0.5f; } else if (aspectRatio < 1.0f) { uvScale.x = aspectRatio; uvOffset.x = uvScale.x * 0.5f; } } } else { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to initialize 'renderMethod' " + renderMethodName + " in RPM_MODULE " + name); } } string pageActiveMethodName = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("pageActiveMethod", ref pageActiveMethodName)) { MethodInfo method = moduleType.GetMethod(pageActiveMethodName); if (method != null && method.GetParameters().Length == 2 && method.GetParameters()[0].ParameterType == typeof(bool) && method.GetParameters()[1].ParameterType == typeof(int)) { pageActiveMethod = DynamicMethodFactory.CreateFunc <object, bool, int, object>(method); } else { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to initialize 'pageActiveMethod' " + pageActiveMethodName + " in RPM_MODULE " + name); } } string buttonClickMethodName = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("buttonClickMethod", ref buttonClickMethodName)) { MethodInfo method = moduleType.GetMethod(buttonClickMethodName); if (method != null && method.GetParameters().Length == 1 && method.GetParameters()[0].ParameterType == typeof(int)) { buttonClickMethod = DynamicMethodFactory.CreateDynFunc <object, int, object>(method); } } } else { string textureName = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("texture", ref textureName)) { Texture missingTexture = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture(textureName, false); if (missingTexture != null) { Graphics.Blit(missingTexture, displayTexture); } } } componentOrigin = pageRoot.position + new Vector3(monitor.screenSize.x * -0.5f + size.x * 0.5f, monitor.screenSize.y * 0.5f - size.y * 0.5f, depth); // Set up our surface. imageObject = new GameObject(); = Utility.ComposeObjectName(, this.GetType().Name, name, (int)(-depth / MASMonitor.depthDelta)); imageObject.layer = pageRoot.gameObject.layer; imageObject.transform.parent = pageRoot; imageObject.transform.position = pageRoot.position; imageObject.transform.Translate(monitor.screenSize.x * -0.5f + position.x + size.x * 0.5f, monitor.screenSize.y * 0.5f - position.y - size.y * 0.5f, depth); // add renderer stuff MeshFilter meshFilter = imageObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter>(); meshRenderer = imageObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>(); Mesh mesh = new Mesh(); mesh.vertices = new[] { new Vector3(-0.5f * size.x, 0.5f * size.y, depth), new Vector3(0.5f * size.x, 0.5f * size.y, depth), new Vector3(-0.5f * size.x, -0.5f * size.y, depth), new Vector3(0.5f * size.x, -0.5f * size.y, depth), }; mesh.uv = new[] { new Vector2(0.0f, 1.0f),,, new Vector2(1.0f, 0.0f), }; mesh.triangles = new[] { 0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2 }; mesh.RecalculateBounds(); mesh.UploadMeshData(true); meshFilter.mesh = mesh; string positionString = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("position", ref positionString)) { positionString = "0,0"; } string[] pos = Utility.SplitVariableList(positionString); if (pos.Length != 2) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid number of values for 'position' in RPM_MODULE " + name); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(pos[0], (double newValue) => { position.x = (float)newValue; imageObject.transform.position = componentOrigin + new Vector3(position.x, -position.y, 0.0f); }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(pos[1], (double newValue) => { position.y = (float)newValue; imageObject.transform.position = componentOrigin + new Vector3(position.x, -position.y, 0.0f); }); imageMaterial = new Material(MASLoader.shaders["MOARdV/Monitor"]); imageMaterial.mainTexture = displayTexture; meshRenderer.material = imageMaterial; RenderPage(false); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(variableName)) { // Disable the mesh if we're in variable mode imageObject.SetActive(false); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(variableName, VariableCallback); } else { currentState = true; imageObject.SetActive(true); } if (renderMethod != null) { comp.StartCoroutine(QueryModule()); } }
internal MASPageImage(ConfigNode config, InternalProp prop, MASFlightComputer comp, MASMonitor monitor, Transform pageRoot, float depth) : base(config, prop, comp) { string textureName = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("texture", ref textureName)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'texture' in IMAGE " + name); } Texture2D mainTexture = null; if (textureName == "%MAP_ICON%") { mainTexture = MASLoader.OrbitIconsAtlas(); } else if (textureName == "%NAVBALL_ICON%") { mainTexture = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture("Squad/Props/IVANavBall/ManeuverNode_vectors", false); } else { if (textureName == "%FLAG%") { textureName = prop.part.flagURL; } mainTexture = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture(textureName, false); } if (mainTexture == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'texture' " + textureName + " for IMAGE " + name); } bool wrap = true; if (config.TryGetValue("wrap", ref wrap)) { mainTexture.wrapMode = (wrap) ? TextureWrapMode.Repeat : TextureWrapMode.Clamp; } string variableName = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("variable", ref variableName)) { variableName = variableName.Trim(); } string rotationVariableName = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("rotation", ref rotationVariableName)) { config.TryGetValue("rotationOffset", ref rotationOffset); } // Need Mesh for UpdateVertices. mesh = new Mesh(); string sizeString = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("size", ref sizeString)) { size = new Vector2(mainTexture.width, mainTexture.height); UpdateVertices(); } else { string[] sizes = Utility.SplitVariableList(sizeString); if (sizes.Length != 2) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid number of values for 'size' in IMAGE " + name); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(sizes[0], (double newValue) => { size.x = (float)newValue; UpdateVertices(); }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(sizes[1], (double newValue) => { size.y = (float)newValue; UpdateVertices(); }); } imageOrigin = pageRoot.position + new Vector3(monitor.screenSize.x * -0.5f, monitor.screenSize.y * 0.5f, depth); // Need imageObject for UpdatePosition. imageObject = new GameObject(); imageObject.transform.parent = pageRoot; string positionString = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("position", ref positionString)) { position =; imageObject.transform.position = imageOrigin + new Vector3(position.x + rotationOffset.x + size.x * 0.5f, -(position.y + rotationOffset.y + size.y * 0.5f), 0.0f); } else { string[] pos = Utility.SplitVariableList(positionString); if (pos.Length != 2) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid number of values for 'position' in IMAGE " + name); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(pos[0], (double newValue) => { position.x = (float)newValue; imageObject.transform.position = imageOrigin + new Vector3(position.x + rotationOffset.x + size.x * 0.5f, -(position.y + rotationOffset.y + size.y * 0.5f), 0.0f); }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(pos[1], (double newValue) => { position.y = (float)newValue; imageObject.transform.position = imageOrigin + new Vector3(position.x + rotationOffset.x + size.x * 0.5f, -(position.y + rotationOffset.y + size.y * 0.5f), 0.0f); }); } // Set up our surface. = Utility.ComposeObjectName(, this.GetType().Name, name, (int)(-depth / MASMonitor.depthDelta)); imageObject.layer = pageRoot.gameObject.layer; // add renderer stuff MeshFilter meshFilter = imageObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter>(); meshRenderer = imageObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>(); mesh.uv = new[] { new Vector2(0.0f, 1.0f),,, new Vector2(1.0f, 0.0f), }; mesh.triangles = new[] { 0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2 }; mesh.RecalculateBounds(); mesh.UploadMeshData(false); meshFilter.mesh = mesh; imageMaterial = new Material(MASLoader.shaders["MOARdV/Monitor"]); imageMaterial.mainTexture = mainTexture; meshRenderer.material = imageMaterial; RenderPage(false); currentBlend = 0.0f; passiveColor = Color.white; activeColor = Color.white; string passiveColorName = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("passiveColor", ref passiveColorName)) { Color32 color32; if (comp.TryGetNamedColor(passiveColorName, out color32)) { passiveColor = color32; } else { string[] startColors = Utility.SplitVariableList(passiveColorName); if (startColors.Length < 3 || startColors.Length > 4) { throw new ArgumentException("'passiveColor' does not contain 3 or 4 values in IMAGE " + name); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[0], (double newValue) => { passiveColor.r = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); UpdateColor(); }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[1], (double newValue) => { passiveColor.g = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); UpdateColor(); }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[2], (double newValue) => { passiveColor.b = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); UpdateColor(); }); if (startColors.Length == 4) { variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[3], (double newValue) => { passiveColor.a = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); UpdateColor(); }); } } } string colorVariableName = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("colorVariable", ref colorVariableName)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(passiveColorName)) { throw new ArgumentException("'colorVariable' found, but no 'passiveColor' in IMAGE " + name); } string activeColorName = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("activeColor", ref activeColorName)) { throw new ArgumentException("'colorVariable' found, but no 'activeColor' in IMAGE " + name); } string colorRangeString = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("colorRange", ref colorRangeString)) { string[] colorRanges = Utility.SplitVariableList(colorRangeString); if (colorRanges.Length != 2) { throw new ArgumentException("Expected 2 values for 'colorRange' in IMAGE " + name); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(colorRanges[0], (double newValue) => colorRange1 = (float)newValue); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(colorRanges[1], (double newValue) => colorRange2 = (float)newValue); bool colorBlend = false; if (config.TryGetValue("colorBlend", ref colorBlend) && colorBlend == true) { variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(colorVariableName, (double newValue) => { float newBlend = Mathf.InverseLerp(colorRange1, colorRange2, (float)newValue); if (!Mathf.Approximately(newBlend, currentBlend)) { currentBlend = newBlend; UpdateColor(); } }); } else { variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(colorVariableName, (double newValue) => { float newBlend = (newValue.Between(colorRange1, colorRange2)) ? 1.0f : 0.0f; if (newBlend != currentBlend) { currentBlend = newBlend; UpdateColor(); } }); } } else { variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(colorVariableName, (double newValue) => { float newBlend = (newValue > 0.0) ? 1.0f : 0.0f; if (newBlend != currentBlend) { currentBlend = newBlend; UpdateColor(); } }); } Color32 color32; if (comp.TryGetNamedColor(activeColorName, out color32)) { activeColor = color32; } else { string[] activeColors = Utility.SplitVariableList(activeColorName); if (activeColors.Length < 3 || activeColors.Length > 4) { throw new ArgumentException("'activeColor' does not contain 3 or 4 values in IMAGE " + name); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(activeColors[0], (double newValue) => { activeColor.r = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); UpdateColor(); }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(activeColors[1], (double newValue) => { activeColor.g = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); UpdateColor(); }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(activeColors[2], (double newValue) => { activeColor.b = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); UpdateColor(); }); if (activeColors.Length == 4) { variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(activeColors[3], (double newValue) => { activeColor.a = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); UpdateColor(); }); } } } // In case fixed colors are being used. UpdateColor(); string uvTilingString = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("tiling", ref uvTilingString)) { string[] uvTile = Utility.SplitVariableList(uvTilingString); if (uvTile.Length != 2) { throw new ArgumentException("'tiling' does not contain 2 values in IMAGE " + name); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(uvTile[0], (double newValue) => { float rescale = Mathf.Max((float)newValue, 0.0f); if (!Mathf.Approximately(rescale, uvScale.x)) { uvScale.x = rescale; imageMaterial.SetTextureScale("_MainTex", uvScale); } }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(uvTile[1], (double newValue) => { float rescale = Mathf.Max((float)newValue, 0.0f); if (!Mathf.Approximately(rescale, uvScale.y)) { uvScale.y = rescale; imageMaterial.SetTextureScale("_MainTex", uvScale); } }); } string uvShiftString = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("uvShift", ref uvShiftString)) { string[] uvShifting = Utility.SplitVariableList(uvShiftString); if (uvShifting.Length != 2) { throw new ArgumentException("'uvShift' does not contain 2 values in IMAGE " + name); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(uvShifting[0], (double newValue) => { float reshift = (float)newValue; uvShift.x = reshift; imageMaterial.SetTextureOffset("_MainTex", uvShift); }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(uvShifting[1], (double newValue) => { float reshift = (float)newValue; uvShift.y = reshift; imageMaterial.SetTextureOffset("_MainTex", uvShift); }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(variableName)) { // Disable the mesh if we're in variable mode imageObject.SetActive(false); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(variableName, VariableCallback); } else { imageObject.SetActive(true); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rotationVariableName)) { variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(rotationVariableName, RotationCallback); } }
internal MASPageCompoundText(ConfigNode config, InternalProp prop, MASFlightComputer comp, MASMonitor monitor, Transform pageRoot, float depth) : base(config, prop, comp) { this.comp = comp; if (!config.TryGetValue("maxLines", ref maxLines)) { throw new ArgumentException("Missing 'maxLines' in COMPOUND_TEXT " + name); } if (maxLines < 1) { throw new ArgumentException("'maxLines' must be greater than zero in COMPOUND_TEXT " + name); } string localFonts = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("font", ref localFonts)) { localFonts = string.Empty; } string styleStr = string.Empty; FontStyle style = FontStyle.Normal; if (config.TryGetValue("style", ref styleStr)) { style = MdVTextMesh.FontStyle(styleStr); } else { style = monitor.defaultStyle; } Vector2 fontSize =; if (!config.TryGetValue("fontSize", ref fontSize) || fontSize.x < 0.0f || fontSize.y < 0.0f) { fontSize = monitor.fontSize; } lineAdvance = fontSize.y; Color32 textColor; string textColorStr = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("textColor", ref textColorStr) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(textColorStr)) { textColor = monitor.textColor_; } else { textColor = Utility.ParseColor32(textColorStr, comp); } // Set up our text. textOrigin = pageRoot.position + new Vector3(monitor.screenSize.x * -0.5f, monitor.screenSize.y * 0.5f, depth); rootObject = new GameObject(); = Utility.ComposeObjectName(, this.GetType().Name, name, (int)(-depth / MASMonitor.depthDelta)); rootObject.layer = pageRoot.gameObject.layer; rootObject.transform.parent = pageRoot; rootObject.transform.position = textOrigin; string positionString = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("position", ref positionString)) { string[] positions = Utility.SplitVariableList(positionString); if (positions.Length != 2) { throw new ArgumentException("position does not contain 2 values in COMPOUND_TEXT " + name); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(positions[0], (double newValue) => { position.x = (float)newValue * monitor.fontSize.x; rootObject.transform.position = textOrigin + new Vector3(position.x, -position.y, 0.0f); }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(positions[1], (double newValue) => { position.y = (float)newValue * monitor.fontSize.y; rootObject.transform.position = textOrigin + new Vector3(position.x, -position.y, 0.0f); }); } Font font; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(localFonts)) { font = monitor.defaultFont; } else { font = MASLoader.GetFont(localFonts.Trim()); } List <CompoundPageText> textNodes = new List <CompoundPageText>(); ConfigNode[] textConfigNodes = config.GetNodes("TEXT"); foreach (ConfigNode textNode in textConfigNodes) { CompoundPageText cpt = new CompoundPageText(); if (!textNode.TryGetValue("name", ref { = "anonymous"; } string variableName = string.Empty; if (!textNode.TryGetValue("variable", ref variableName)) { variableName.Trim(); } string text = string.Empty; if (textNode.TryGetValue("text", ref text)) { cpt.textObject = new GameObject(); = Utility.ComposeObjectName(, this.GetType().Name + textNodes.Count,, (int)(-depth / MASMonitor.depthDelta)); cpt.textObject.layer = rootObject.layer; cpt.textObject.transform.parent = rootObject.transform; cpt.textObject.transform.position = rootObject.transform.position; cpt.textMesh = cpt.textObject.AddComponent <MdVTextMesh>(); cpt.textMesh.material = new Material(MASLoader.shaders["MOARdV/TextMonitor"]); cpt.textMesh.SetFont(font, fontSize); cpt.textMesh.SetColor(textColor); cpt.textMesh.material.SetFloat(Shader.PropertyToID("_EmissiveFactor"), 1.0f); cpt.textMesh.fontStyle = style; // text, immutable, preserveWhitespace, comp, prop cpt.textMesh.SetText(text, false, true, comp, prop); } // Process callbacks if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(variableName)) { if (cpt.textObject != null) { cpt.textObject.SetActive(false); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(variableName, (double newValue) => VariableCallback(newValue, cpt)); } else { cpt.currentState = true; if (!coroutineActive) { coroutineActive = true; comp.StartCoroutine(TextMethodUpdate()); } } textNodes.Add(cpt); } textElements = textNodes.ToArray(); string masterVariableName = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("variable", ref masterVariableName)) { rootObject.SetActive(false); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(masterVariableName, VariableCallback); } else { rootObject.SetActive(true); } RenderPage(false); }
internal MASPageCamera(ConfigNode config, InternalProp prop, MASFlightComputer comp, MASMonitor monitor, Transform pageRoot, float depth) : base(config, prop, comp) { this.comp = comp; Vector2 position =; if (!config.TryGetValue("position", ref position)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'position' in CAMERA " + name); } Vector2 size =; if (!config.TryGetValue("size", ref size)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'size' in CAMERA " + name); } float aspectRatio = size.x / size.y; rentexWidth = ((int)size.x) >> MASConfig.CameraTextureScale; rentexHeight = ((int)size.y) >> MASConfig.CameraTextureScale; cameraTexture = new RenderTexture(rentexWidth, rentexHeight, 24, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32); string cameraName = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("camera", ref cameraName)) { cameraName = cameraName.Trim(); } else { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'cameraName' in CAMERA " + name); } string missingTextureName = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("missingTexture", ref missingTextureName)) { missingCameraTexture = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture(missingTextureName, false); } string variableName = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("variable", ref variableName)) { variableName = variableName.Trim(); } imageObject = new GameObject(); = Utility.ComposeObjectName(, this.GetType().Name, name, (int)(-depth / MASMonitor.depthDelta)); imageObject.layer = pageRoot.gameObject.layer; imageObject.transform.parent = pageRoot; imageObject.transform.position = pageRoot.position; imageObject.transform.Translate(monitor.screenSize.x * -0.5f + position.x, monitor.screenSize.y * 0.5f - position.y, depth); // add renderer stuff MeshFilter meshFilter = imageObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter>(); meshRenderer = imageObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>(); Mesh mesh = new Mesh(); mesh.vertices = new[] { new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), new Vector3(size.x, 0.0f, 0.0f), new Vector3(0.0f, -size.y, 0.0f), new Vector3(size.x, -size.y, 0.0f), }; mesh.uv = new[] { new Vector2(0.0f, 1.0f),,, new Vector2(1.0f, 0.0f), }; mesh.triangles = new[] { 0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2 }; mesh.RecalculateBounds(); mesh.UploadMeshData(true); meshFilter.mesh = mesh; string shader = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("shader", ref shader)) { Shader ppShader; if (MASLoader.shaders.TryGetValue(shader, out ppShader)) { monitorMaterial = new Material(ppShader); } } if (monitorMaterial != null) { string textureName = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("texture", ref textureName)) { Texture auxTexture = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture(textureName, false); if (auxTexture == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'texture' " + textureName + " for CAMERA " + name); } monitorMaterial.SetTexture("_AuxTex", auxTexture); } string concatProperties = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("properties", ref concatProperties)) { string[] propertiesList = concatProperties.Split(';'); int listLength = propertiesList.Length; if (listLength > 0) { propertyId = new int[listLength]; propertyValue = new string[listLength]; for (int i = 0; i < listLength; ++i) { string[] pair = propertiesList[i].Split(':'); if (pair.Length != 2) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Incorrect number of parameters for property: requires 2, found " + pair.Length + " in property " + propertiesList[i] + " for CAMERA " + name); } propertyId[i] = Shader.PropertyToID(pair[0].Trim()); propertyValue[i] = pair[1].Trim(); } for (int i = 0; i < propertyValue.Length; ++i) { int id = propertyId[i]; variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(propertyValue[i], (double newValue) => monitorMaterial.SetFloat(id, (float)newValue)); } } } } imageMaterial = new Material(MASLoader.shaders["MOARdV/Monitor"]); imageMaterial.mainTexture = cameraTexture; meshRenderer.material = imageMaterial; RenderPage(false); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(variableName)) { currentState = false; // Disable the mesh if we're in variable mode imageObject.SetActive(false); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(variableName, VariableCallback); } else { currentState = true; imageObject.SetActive(true); } if (!cameraTexture.IsCreated()) { cameraTexture.Create(); } cameraTexture.DiscardContents(); ApplyMissingCamera(); cameraSelector = variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(cameraName, CameraSelectCallback, false); CameraSelectCallback(0.0); }
internal MASPageVerticalBar(ConfigNode config, InternalProp prop, MASFlightComputer comp, MASMonitor monitor, Transform pageRoot, float depth) : base(config, prop, comp) { string textureName = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("texture", ref textureName)) { textureName = string.Empty; } Texture2D mainTexture = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(textureName)) { mainTexture = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture(textureName, false); if (mainTexture == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'texture' " + textureName + " for VERTICAL_BAR " + name); } mainTexture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp; } Vector2 size =; if (!config.TryGetValue("size", ref size)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'size' in VERTICAL_BAR " + name); } barHeight = size.y; string sourceName = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("source", ref sourceName)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'input' in VERTICAL_BAR " + name); } string sourceRange = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("sourceRange", ref sourceRange)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'sourceRange' in VERTICAL_BAR " + name); } string[] ranges = Utility.SplitVariableList(sourceRange); if (ranges.Length != 2) { throw new ArgumentException("Incorrect number of values in 'sourceRange' in VERTICAL_BAR " + name); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(ranges[0], (double newValue) => sourceRange1 = (float)newValue); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(ranges[1], (double newValue) => sourceRange2 = (float)newValue); string anchorName = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("anchor", ref anchorName)) { anchorName = anchorName.Trim(); if (anchorName == VBarAnchor.Top.ToString()) { anchor = VBarAnchor.Top; } else if (anchorName == VBarAnchor.Bottom.ToString()) { anchor = VBarAnchor.Bottom; } else if (anchorName == VBarAnchor.Middle.ToString()) { anchor = VBarAnchor.Middle; } else { throw new ArgumentException("Uncrecognized 'anchor' " + anchorName + " in VERTICAL_BAR " + name); } } else { anchor = VBarAnchor.Bottom; } float borderWidth = 0.0f; if (!config.TryGetValue("borderWidth", ref borderWidth)) { borderWidth = 0.0f; } else { borderWidth = Math.Max(1.0f, borderWidth); } string borderColorName = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("borderColor", ref borderColorName)) { borderColorName = string.Empty; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(borderColorName) == (borderWidth > 0.0f)) { throw new ArgumentException("Only one of 'borderColor' and 'borderWidth' are defined in VERTICAL_BAR " + name); } string variableName = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("variable", ref variableName)) { variableName = variableName.Trim(); } // Set up our display surface. imageOrigin = pageRoot.position + new Vector3(monitor.screenSize.x * -0.5f, monitor.screenSize.y * 0.5f, depth); if (borderWidth > 0.0f) { borderObject = new GameObject(); = Utility.ComposeObjectName(, this.GetType().Name, name + "-border", (int)(-depth / MASMonitor.depthDelta)); borderObject.layer = pageRoot.gameObject.layer; borderObject.transform.parent = pageRoot; borderObject.transform.position = imageOrigin + new Vector3(position.x, -(position.y + size.y), 0.0f); borderMaterial = new Material(MASLoader.shaders["MOARdV/Monitor"]); lineRenderer = borderObject.AddComponent <LineRenderer>(); lineRenderer.useWorldSpace = false; lineRenderer.material = borderMaterial; lineRenderer.startColor = borderColor; lineRenderer.endColor = borderColor; lineRenderer.startWidth = borderWidth; lineRenderer.endWidth = borderWidth; Color32 namedColor; if (comp.TryGetNamedColor(borderColorName, out namedColor)) { borderColor = namedColor; lineRenderer.startColor = borderColor; lineRenderer.endColor = borderColor; } else { string[] startColors = Utility.SplitVariableList(borderColorName); if (startColors.Length < 3 || startColors.Length > 4) { throw new ArgumentException("borderColor does not contain 3 or 4 values in VERTICAL_BAR " + name); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[0], (double newValue) => { borderColor.r = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); lineRenderer.startColor = borderColor; lineRenderer.endColor = borderColor; }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[1], (double newValue) => { borderColor.g = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); lineRenderer.startColor = borderColor; lineRenderer.endColor = borderColor; }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[2], (double newValue) => { borderColor.b = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); lineRenderer.startColor = borderColor; lineRenderer.endColor = borderColor; }); if (startColors.Length == 4) { variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[3], (double newValue) => { borderColor.a = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); lineRenderer.startColor = borderColor; lineRenderer.endColor = borderColor; }); } } float halfWidth = borderWidth * 0.5f - 0.5f; Vector3[] borderPoints = new Vector3[] { new Vector3(-halfWidth, -halfWidth, 0.0f), new Vector3(size.x + halfWidth, -halfWidth, 0.0f), new Vector3(size.x + halfWidth, size.y + halfWidth, 0.0f), new Vector3(-halfWidth, size.y + halfWidth, 0.0f), new Vector3(-halfWidth, -halfWidth, 0.0f) }; lineRenderer.positionCount = 5; lineRenderer.SetPositions(borderPoints); } imageObject = new GameObject(); = Utility.ComposeObjectName(, this.GetType().Name, name, (int)(-depth / MASMonitor.depthDelta)); imageObject.layer = pageRoot.gameObject.layer; imageObject.transform.parent = pageRoot; imageObject.transform.position = imageOrigin + new Vector3(position.x, -position.y, 0.0f); string positionString = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("position", ref positionString)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'position' in VERTICAL_BAR " + name); } else { string[] pos = Utility.SplitVariableList(positionString); if (pos.Length != 2) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid number of values for 'position' in VERTICAL_BAR " + name); } if (borderWidth > 0.0f) { variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(pos[0], (double newValue) => { position.x = (float)newValue; borderObject.transform.position = imageOrigin + new Vector3(position.x, -(position.y + size.y), 0.0f); imageObject.transform.position = imageOrigin + new Vector3(position.x, -position.y, 0.0f); }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(pos[1], (double newValue) => { position.y = (float)newValue; borderObject.transform.position = imageOrigin + new Vector3(position.x, -(position.y + size.y), 0.0f); imageObject.transform.position = imageOrigin + new Vector3(position.x, -position.y, 0.0f); }); } else { variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(pos[0], (double newValue) => { position.x = (float)newValue; imageObject.transform.position = imageOrigin + new Vector3(position.x, -position.y, 0.0f); }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(pos[1], (double newValue) => { position.y = (float)newValue; imageObject.transform.position = imageOrigin + new Vector3(position.x, -position.y, 0.0f); }); } } // add renderer stuff MeshFilter meshFilter = imageObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter>(); meshRenderer = imageObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>(); mesh = new Mesh(); vertices[0] = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); vertices[1] = new Vector3(size.x, 0.0f, 0.0f); vertices[2] = new Vector3(0.0f, -size.y, 0.0f); vertices[3] = new Vector3(size.x, -size.y, 0.0f); mesh.vertices = vertices; uv[0] = new Vector2(0.0f, 1.0f); uv[1] =; uv[2] =; uv[3] = new Vector2(1.0f, 0.0f); mesh.uv = uv; mesh.triangles = new[] { 0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2 }; mesh.RecalculateBounds(); mesh.UploadMeshData(false); meshFilter.mesh = mesh; imageMaterial = new Material(MASLoader.shaders["MOARdV/Monitor"]); if (mainTexture != null) { imageMaterial.mainTexture = mainTexture; } imageMaterial.SetColor(colorField, sourceColor); meshRenderer.material = imageMaterial; RenderPage(false); string sourceColorName = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("sourceColor", ref sourceColorName)) { Color32 namedColor; if (comp.TryGetNamedColor(sourceColorName, out namedColor)) { sourceColor = namedColor; imageMaterial.SetColor(colorField, sourceColor); } else { string[] startColors = Utility.SplitVariableList(sourceColorName); if (startColors.Length < 3 || startColors.Length > 4) { throw new ArgumentException("sourceColor does not contain 3 or 4 values in VERTICAL_BAR " + name); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[0], (double newValue) => { sourceColor.r = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); imageMaterial.SetColor(colorField, sourceColor); }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[1], (double newValue) => { sourceColor.g = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); imageMaterial.SetColor(colorField, sourceColor); }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[2], (double newValue) => { sourceColor.b = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); imageMaterial.SetColor(colorField, sourceColor); }); if (startColors.Length == 4) { variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[3], (double newValue) => { sourceColor.a = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); imageMaterial.SetColor(colorField, sourceColor); }); } } } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(sourceName, SourceCallback); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(variableName)) { // Disable the mesh if we're in variable mode imageObject.SetActive(false); if (borderObject != null) { borderObject.SetActive(false); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(variableName, VariableCallback); } else { if (borderObject != null) { borderObject.SetActive(true); } imageObject.SetActive(true); } }
internal MASPageHorizon(ConfigNode config, InternalProp prop, MASFlightComputer comp, MASMonitor monitor, Transform pageRoot, float depth) : base(config, prop, comp) { string textureName = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("texture", ref textureName)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'texture' in HORIZON " + name); } Texture2D mainTexture = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture(textureName, false); if (mainTexture == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'texture' " + textureName + " for HORIZON " + name); } mainTexture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp; Vector2 position =; if (!config.TryGetValue("position", ref position)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'position' in HORIZON " + name); } Vector2 size =; if (!config.TryGetValue("size", ref size)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'size' in HORIZON " + name); } string variableName = string.Empty; string pitchName = string.Empty; string rollName = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("pitch", ref pitchName)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'pitch' in HORIZON " + name); } string pitchRange = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("pitchRange", ref pitchRange)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'pitchRange' in HORIZON " + name); } string[] ranges = Utility.SplitVariableList(pitchRange); if (ranges.Length != 2) { throw new ArgumentException("Incorrect number of values in 'pitchRange' in HORIZON " + name); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(ranges[0], (double newValue) => pitchRange1 = (float)newValue); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(ranges[1], (double newValue) => pitchRange2 = (float)newValue); string displayPitchRange = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("displayPitchRange", ref displayPitchRange)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'displayPitchRange' in HORIZON " + name); } ranges = Utility.SplitVariableList(displayPitchRange); if (ranges.Length != 2) { throw new ArgumentException("Incorrect number of values in 'displayPitchRange' in HORIZON " + name); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(ranges[0], (double newValue) => displayPitchRange1 = (float)newValue); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(ranges[1], (double newValue) => displayPitchRange2 = (float)newValue); if (!config.TryGetValue("roll", ref rollName)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'roll' in HORIZON " + name); } string rollRange = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("rollRange", ref rollRange)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'rollRange' in HORIZON " + name); } ranges = Utility.SplitVariableList(rollRange); if (ranges.Length != 2) { throw new ArgumentException("Incorrect number of values in 'rollRange' in HORIZON " + name); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(ranges[0], (double newValue) => rollRange1 = (float)newValue); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(ranges[1], (double newValue) => rollRange2 = (float)newValue); string displayRollRange = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("displayRollRange", ref displayRollRange)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'displayRollRange' in HORIZON " + name); } ranges = Utility.SplitVariableList(displayRollRange); if (ranges.Length != 2) { throw new ArgumentException("Incorrect number of values in 'displayRollRange' in HORIZON " + name); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(ranges[0], (double newValue) => displayRollRange1 = (float)newValue); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(ranges[1], (double newValue) => displayRollRange2 = (float)newValue); texelSize = mainTexture.texelSize; // Infer the scaling of the source image to the display size, fixing // the width as 100% of the texel width of the source. float texelsPerPixel = (float)mainTexture.width / size.x; // Get the inverse aspect ratio of the display float aspectRatio = size.y / size.x; float texelsHeight = aspectRatio * size.y * texelsPerPixel; Vector2 textureScale = new Vector2(1.0f, texelsHeight * texelSize.y); textureOffset = 0.5f * texelsHeight * texelSize.y; if (config.TryGetValue("variable", ref variableName)) { variableName = variableName.Trim(); } // Set up our display surface. imageObject = new GameObject(); = Utility.ComposeObjectName(, this.GetType().Name, name, (int)(-depth / MASMonitor.depthDelta)); imageObject.layer = pageRoot.gameObject.layer; imageObject.transform.parent = pageRoot; imageObject.transform.position = pageRoot.position; imageObject.transform.Translate(position.x, -position.y, depth); // Determine the extents of the horizon in clip coordinates for // feeding the shader. Vector4 clipCoords = new Vector4( position.x - size.x * 0.5f, position.y - size.y * 0.5f, position.x + size.x * 0.5f, position.y + size.y * 0.5f ); clipCoords.x /= monitor.screenSize.x * 0.5f; clipCoords.y /= monitor.screenSize.y * 0.5f; clipCoords.z /= monitor.screenSize.x * 0.5f; clipCoords.w /= monitor.screenSize.y * 0.5f; // add renderer stuff MeshFilter meshFilter = imageObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter>(); meshRenderer = imageObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>(); Mesh mesh = new Mesh(); mesh.vertices = new[] { new Vector3(-size.x * 0.75f, size.y * 0.75f, depth), new Vector3(size.x * 0.75f, size.y * 0.75f, depth), new Vector3(-size.x * 0.75f, -size.y * 0.75f, depth), new Vector3(size.x * 0.75f, -size.y * 0.75f, depth), }; mesh.uv = new[] { new Vector2(-0.5f, 1.5f), new Vector2(1.5f, 1.5f), new Vector2(-0.5f, -0.5f), new Vector2(1.5f, -0.5f), }; mesh.triangles = new[] { 0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2 }; mesh.RecalculateBounds(); mesh.UploadMeshData(true); meshFilter.mesh = mesh; Shader imageShader = MASLoader.shaders["MOARdV/Monitor"]; imageMaterial = new Material(imageShader); imageMaterial.mainTexture = mainTexture; imageMaterial.mainTextureScale = textureScale; meshRenderer.material = imageMaterial; imageMaterial.SetVector("_ClipCoords", clipCoords); RenderPage(false); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(pitchName, PitchCallback); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(rollName, RollCallback); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(variableName)) { // Disable the mesh if we're in variable mode imageObject.SetActive(false); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(variableName, VariableCallback); } else { imageObject.SetActive(true); } }
internal MASPage(ConfigNode config, InternalProp prop, MASFlightComputer comp, MASMonitor monitor, Transform rootTransform) { if (!config.TryGetValue("name", ref name)) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid or missing 'name' in MASPage"); } variableRegistrar = new VariableRegistrar(comp, prop); string[] softkeys = config.GetValues("softkey"); int numSoftkeys = softkeys.Length; for (int i = 0; i < numSoftkeys; ++i) { string[] pair = Utility.SplitVariableList(softkeys[i]); if (pair.Length == 2) { int id; if (int.TryParse(pair[0], out id)) { Action action = comp.GetAction(pair[1], prop); if (action != null) { softkeyAction[id] = action; } } } } ConfigNode[] hitboxes = config.GetNodes("hitbox"); int numHitboxes = hitboxes.Length; for (int i = 0; i < numHitboxes; ++i) { HitBox hb = InitHitBox(i, hitboxes[i], prop, comp); if (hb != null) { hitboxActions.Add(hb); } } string entryMethod = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("onEntry", ref entryMethod)) { onEntry = comp.GetAction(entryMethod, prop); } string exitMethod = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("onExit", ref exitMethod)) { onExit = comp.GetAction(exitMethod, prop); } pageRoot = new GameObject(); = Utility.ComposeObjectName(this.GetType().Name, name, prop.propID); pageRoot.layer = rootTransform.gameObject.layer; pageRoot.transform.parent = rootTransform; pageRoot.transform.Translate(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); float depth = 0.0f; ConfigNode[] components = config.GetNodes(); int numComponents = components.Length; if (Array.Exists(components, x => == "SUB_PAGE")) { // Need to collate List <ConfigNode> newComponents = new List <ConfigNode>(); for (int i = 0; i < numComponents; ++i) { ConfigNode node = components[i]; if ( == "SUB_PAGE") { newComponents.AddRange(ResolveSubPage(node, monitor.fontSize)); } else { newComponents.Add(node); } } components = newComponents.ToArray(); numComponents = components.Length; } for (int i = 0; i < numComponents; ++i) { try { var pageComponent = CreatePageComponent(components[i], prop, comp, monitor, pageRoot.transform, depth); if (pageComponent != null) { component.Add(pageComponent); depth -= MASMonitor.depthDelta; } } catch (Exception e) { string componentName = string.Empty; if (!components[i].TryGetValue("name", ref componentName)) { componentName = "anonymous"; } string error = string.Format("Error configuring MASPage " + name + " " + + " " + componentName + ":"); Utility.LogError(this, error); Utility.LogError(this, "{0}", e.ToString()); Utility.ComplainLoudly(error); } } if (numComponents > 256) { Utility.LogWarning(this, "{0} elements were used in MASPage {1}. This may exceed the number of supported elements.", numComponents, name); } }
internal MASPageGroundTrack(ConfigNode config, InternalProp prop, MASFlightComputer comp, MASMonitor monitor, Transform pageRoot, float depth) : base(config, prop, comp) { this.comp = comp; if (!config.TryGetValue("vertexCount", ref vertexCount)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'vertexCount' in GROUND_TRACK " + name); } if (vertexCount < 2) { throw new ArgumentException("'vertexCount' needs to be at least 2 in GROUND_TRACK " + name); } vesselVertex1 = new Vector3[vertexCount]; vesselVertex2 = new Vector3[vertexCount]; targetVertex1 = new Vector3[vertexCount]; targetVertex2 = new Vector3[vertexCount]; maneuverVertex1 = new Vector3[vertexCount]; maneuverVertex2 = new Vector3[vertexCount]; positions = new Vector3d[vertexCount]; float width = 0.0f; if (!config.TryGetValue("size", ref width)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'size' in GROUND_TRACK " + name); } size.x = width; size.y = width * 0.5f; float lineWidth = 1.0f; if (!config.TryGetValue("lineWidth", ref lineWidth)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'lineWidth' in GROUND_TRACK " + name); } componentOrigin = pageRoot.position + new Vector3(monitor.screenSize.x * -0.5f, monitor.screenSize.y * 0.5f, depth); for (int i = 0; i < numObjects; ++i) { lineOrigin[i] = new GameObject(); lineOrigin[i].transform.parent = pageRoot; lineOrigin[i].transform.position = pageRoot.position; lineOrigin[i].transform.Translate(monitor.screenSize.x * -0.5f + position.x, monitor.screenSize.y * 0.5f - position.y, depth); lineOrigin[i].name = Utility.ComposeObjectName(, this.GetType().Name, name + "-" + i.ToString(), (int)(-depth / MASMonitor.depthDelta)); lineOrigin[i].layer = pageRoot.gameObject.layer; lineMaterial[i] = new Material(MASLoader.shaders["MOARdV/Monitor"]); lineRenderer[i] = lineOrigin[i].AddComponent <LineRenderer>(); lineRenderer[i].useWorldSpace = false; lineRenderer[i].material = lineMaterial[i]; lineRenderer[i].startWidth = lineWidth; lineRenderer[i].endWidth = lineWidth; lineRenderer[i].positionCount = vertexCount; lineRenderer[i].enabled = false; } lineRenderer[0].SetPositions(vesselVertex1); lineRenderer[1].SetPositions(vesselVertex2); lineRenderer[2].SetPositions(targetVertex1); lineRenderer[3].SetPositions(targetVertex2); lineRenderer[4].SetPositions(maneuverVertex1); lineRenderer[5].SetPositions(maneuverVertex2); string positionString = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("position", ref positionString)) { position =; throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'position' in GROUND_TRACK " + name); } else { string[] pos = Utility.SplitVariableList(positionString); if (pos.Length != 2) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid number of values for 'position' in GROUND_TRACK " + name); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(pos[0], (double newValue) => { position.x = (float)newValue; UpdateComponentPositions(); }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(pos[1], (double newValue) => { position.y = (float)newValue; UpdateComponentPositions(); }); } string vesselColorString = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("vesselColor", ref vesselColorString)) { Color32 color; if (comp.TryGetNamedColor(vesselColorString, out color)) { vesselColor = color; lineRenderer[0].startColor = vesselColor; lineRenderer[0].endColor = vesselColor; lineRenderer[1].startColor = vesselColor; lineRenderer[1].endColor = vesselColor; } else { string[] vesselColors = Utility.SplitVariableList(vesselColorString); if (vesselColors.Length < 3 || vesselColors.Length > 4) { throw new ArgumentException("vesselColor does not contain 3 or 4 values in GROUND_TRACK " + name); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(vesselColors[0], (double newValue) => { vesselColor.r = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); lineRenderer[0].startColor = vesselColor; lineRenderer[0].endColor = vesselColor; lineRenderer[1].startColor = vesselColor; lineRenderer[1].endColor = vesselColor; }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(vesselColors[1], (double newValue) => { vesselColor.g = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); lineRenderer[0].startColor = vesselColor; lineRenderer[0].endColor = vesselColor; lineRenderer[1].startColor = vesselColor; lineRenderer[1].endColor = vesselColor; }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(vesselColors[2], (double newValue) => { vesselColor.b = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); lineRenderer[0].startColor = vesselColor; lineRenderer[0].endColor = vesselColor; lineRenderer[1].startColor = vesselColor; lineRenderer[1].endColor = vesselColor; }); if (vesselColors.Length == 4) { variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(vesselColors[3], (double newValue) => { vesselColor.a = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); lineRenderer[0].startColor = vesselColor; lineRenderer[0].endColor = vesselColor; lineRenderer[1].startColor = vesselColor; lineRenderer[1].endColor = vesselColor; }); } } updateVessel = true; } else { lineOrigin[0].SetActive(false); lineOrigin[1].SetActive(false); updateVessel = false; } string maneuverColorString = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("maneuverColor", ref maneuverColorString)) { Color32 color; if (comp.TryGetNamedColor(maneuverColorString, out color)) { maneuverColor = color; lineRenderer[4].startColor = maneuverColor; lineRenderer[4].endColor = maneuverColor; lineRenderer[5].startColor = maneuverColor; lineRenderer[5].endColor = maneuverColor; } else { string[] maneuverColors = Utility.SplitVariableList(maneuverColorString); if (maneuverColors.Length < 3 || maneuverColors.Length > 4) { throw new ArgumentException("maneuverColor does not contain 3 or 4 values in GROUND_TRACK " + name); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(maneuverColors[0], (double newValue) => { maneuverColor.r = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); lineRenderer[4].startColor = maneuverColor; lineRenderer[4].endColor = maneuverColor; lineRenderer[5].startColor = maneuverColor; lineRenderer[5].endColor = maneuverColor; }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(maneuverColors[1], (double newValue) => { maneuverColor.g = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); lineRenderer[4].startColor = maneuverColor; lineRenderer[4].endColor = maneuverColor; lineRenderer[5].startColor = maneuverColor; lineRenderer[5].endColor = maneuverColor; }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(maneuverColors[2], (double newValue) => { maneuverColor.b = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); lineRenderer[4].startColor = maneuverColor; lineRenderer[4].endColor = maneuverColor; lineRenderer[5].startColor = maneuverColor; lineRenderer[5].endColor = maneuverColor; }); if (maneuverColors.Length == 4) { variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(maneuverColors[3], (double newValue) => { maneuverColor.a = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); lineRenderer[4].startColor = maneuverColor; lineRenderer[4].endColor = maneuverColor; lineRenderer[5].startColor = maneuverColor; lineRenderer[5].endColor = maneuverColor; }); } } updateManeuver = true; } else { lineOrigin[4].SetActive(false); lineOrigin[5].SetActive(false); updateManeuver = false; } string targetColorString = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("targetColor", ref targetColorString)) { Color32 color; if (comp.TryGetNamedColor(targetColorString, out color)) { targetColor = color; lineRenderer[2].startColor = targetColor; lineRenderer[2].endColor = targetColor; lineRenderer[3].startColor = targetColor; lineRenderer[3].endColor = targetColor; } else { string[] targetColors = Utility.SplitVariableList(targetColorString); if (targetColors.Length < 3 || targetColors.Length > 4) { throw new ArgumentException("targetColor does not contain 3 or 4 values in GROUND_TRACK " + name); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(targetColors[0], (double newValue) => { targetColor.r = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); lineRenderer[2].startColor = targetColor; lineRenderer[2].endColor = targetColor; lineRenderer[3].startColor = targetColor; lineRenderer[3].endColor = targetColor; }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(targetColors[1], (double newValue) => { targetColor.g = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); lineRenderer[2].startColor = targetColor; lineRenderer[2].endColor = targetColor; lineRenderer[3].startColor = targetColor; lineRenderer[3].endColor = targetColor; }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(targetColors[2], (double newValue) => { targetColor.b = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); lineRenderer[2].startColor = targetColor; lineRenderer[2].endColor = targetColor; lineRenderer[3].startColor = targetColor; lineRenderer[3].endColor = targetColor; }); if (targetColors.Length == 4) { variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(targetColors[3], (double newValue) => { targetColor.a = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); lineRenderer[2].startColor = targetColor; lineRenderer[2].endColor = targetColor; lineRenderer[3].startColor = targetColor; lineRenderer[3].endColor = targetColor; }); } } updateTarget = true; } else { lineOrigin[2].SetActive(false); lineOrigin[3].SetActive(false); updateTarget = false; } string startLongitudeString = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("startLongitude", ref startLongitudeString)) { startLongitude = -180.0f; startLongitudeNormalized = startLongitude / 360.0f; } else { variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startLongitudeString, (double newValue) => { float longitude = (float)Utility.NormalizeLongitude(newValue); if (!Mathf.Approximately(longitude, startLongitude)) { startLongitude = longitude; startLongitudeNormalized = startLongitude / 360.0f; } }); } string variableName = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("variable", ref variableName)) { // Disable the mesh if we're in variable mode SetAllActive(false); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(variableName, (double newValue) => { if (EvaluateVariable(newValue)) { SetAllActive(currentState); } }); } else { currentState = true; SetAllActive(true); } comp.StartCoroutine(LineUpdateCoroutine()); }
internal MASPageHorizontalStrip(ConfigNode config, InternalProp prop, MASFlightComputer comp, MASMonitor monitor, Transform pageRoot, float depth) : base(config, prop, comp) { string textureName = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("texture", ref textureName)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'texture' in HORIZONTAL_STRIP " + name); } Texture2D mainTexture = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture(textureName, false); if (mainTexture == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'texture' " + textureName + " for HORIZONTAL_STRIP " + name); } bool wrapMode = false; if (!config.TryGetValue("wrap", ref wrapMode)) { wrapMode = false; } mainTexture.wrapMode = (wrapMode) ? TextureWrapMode.Repeat : TextureWrapMode.Clamp; Vector2 size =; if (!config.TryGetValue("size", ref size)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'size' in HORIZONTAL_STRIP " + name); } string variableName = string.Empty; string inputName = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("input", ref inputName)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'input' in HORIZONTAL_STRIP " + name); } string inputRange = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("inputRange", ref inputRange)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'inputRange' in HORIZONTAL_STRIP " + name); } string[] ranges = Utility.SplitVariableList(inputRange); if (ranges.Length != 2) { throw new ArgumentException("Incorrect number of values in 'inputRange' in HORIZONTAL_STRIP " + name); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(ranges[0], (double newValue) => inputRange1 = (float)newValue); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(ranges[1], (double newValue) => inputRange2 = (float)newValue); string displayRange = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("displayRange", ref displayRange)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'displayRange' in HORIZONTAL_STRIP " + name); } ranges = Utility.SplitVariableList(displayRange); if (ranges.Length != 2) { throw new ArgumentException("Incorrect number of values in 'displayRange' in HORIZONTAL_STRIP " + name); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(ranges[0], (double newValue) => displayRange1 = (float)newValue); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(ranges[1], (double newValue) => displayRange2 = (float)newValue); float displayWidth = 0.0f; if (!config.TryGetValue("displayWidth", ref displayWidth)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'displayWidth' in HORIZONTAL_STRIP " + name); } texelWidth = mainTexture.texelSize.x; float textureSpan = displayWidth * texelWidth; textureOffset = textureSpan * -0.5f; if (config.TryGetValue("variable", ref variableName)) { variableName = variableName.Trim(); } componentOrigin = pageRoot.position + new Vector3(monitor.screenSize.x * -0.5f, monitor.screenSize.y * 0.5f, depth); // Set up our display surface. imageObject = new GameObject(); = Utility.ComposeObjectName(, this.GetType().Name, name, (int)(-depth / MASMonitor.depthDelta)); imageObject.layer = pageRoot.gameObject.layer; imageObject.transform.parent = pageRoot; imageObject.transform.position = pageRoot.position; imageObject.transform.Translate(monitor.screenSize.x * -0.5f + position.x, monitor.screenSize.y * 0.5f - position.y, depth); // add renderer stuff MeshFilter meshFilter = imageObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter>(); meshRenderer = imageObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>(); Mesh mesh = new Mesh(); mesh.vertices = new[] { new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), new Vector3(size.x, 0.0f, 0.0f), new Vector3(0.0f, -size.y, 0.0f), new Vector3(size.x, -size.y, 0.0f), }; mesh.uv = new[] { new Vector2(0.0f, 1.0f),,, new Vector2(1.0f, 0.0f), }; mesh.triangles = new[] { 0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2 }; mesh.RecalculateBounds(); mesh.UploadMeshData(true); meshFilter.mesh = mesh; imageMaterial = new Material(MASLoader.shaders["MOARdV/Monitor"]); imageMaterial.mainTexture = mainTexture; imageMaterial.mainTextureScale = new Vector2(textureSpan, 1.0f); meshRenderer.material = imageMaterial; RenderPage(false); string positionString = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("position", ref positionString)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'position' in HORIZONTAL_STRIP " + name); } else { string[] pos = Utility.SplitVariableList(positionString); if (pos.Length != 2) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid number of values for 'position' in HORIZONTAL_STRIP " + name); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(pos[0], (double newValue) => { position.x = (float)newValue; imageObject.transform.position = componentOrigin + new Vector3(position.x, -position.y, 0.0f); }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(pos[1], (double newValue) => { position.y = (float)newValue; imageObject.transform.position = componentOrigin + new Vector3(position.x, -position.y, 0.0f); }); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(inputName, InputCallback); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(variableName)) { // Disable the mesh if we're in variable mode imageObject.SetActive(false); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(variableName, VariableCallback); } else { imageObject.SetActive(true); } }
internal MASPageRollingDigit(ConfigNode config, InternalProp prop, MASFlightComputer comp, MASMonitor monitor, Transform pageRoot, float depth) : base(config, prop, comp) { string localFonts = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("font", ref localFonts)) { localFonts = string.Empty; } string styleStr = string.Empty; style = FontStyle.Normal; if (config.TryGetValue("style", ref styleStr)) { style = MdVTextMesh.FontStyle(styleStr); } else { style = monitor.defaultStyle; } Vector2 fontDimensions =; if (!config.TryGetValue("fontSize", ref fontDimensions) || fontDimensions.x < 0.0f || fontDimensions.y < 0.0f) { fontDimensions = monitor.fontSize; } Color32 textColor; string textColorStr = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("textColor", ref textColorStr) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(textColorStr)) { textColor = monitor.textColor_; } else { textColor = Utility.ParseColor32(textColorStr, comp); } // Position is based on default font size Vector2 fontScale = monitor.fontSize; string variableName = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("variable", ref variableName)) { variableName = variableName.Trim(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(localFonts)) { font = monitor.defaultFont; } else { font = MASLoader.GetFont(localFonts.Trim()); } // Set up our text. imageOrigin = pageRoot.position + new Vector3(monitor.screenSize.x * -0.5f, monitor.screenSize.y * 0.5f, depth); meshObject = new GameObject(); = Utility.ComposeObjectName(, this.GetType().Name, name, (int)(-depth / MASMonitor.depthDelta)); meshObject.layer = pageRoot.gameObject.layer; meshObject.transform.parent = pageRoot; meshObject.transform.position = imageOrigin; meshFilter = meshObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter>(); meshRenderer = meshObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>(); meshRenderer.material = new Material(MASLoader.shaders["MOARdV/TextMonitor"]); meshRenderer.material.mainTexture = font.material.mainTexture; string positionString = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("position", ref positionString)) { string[] positions = Utility.SplitVariableList(positionString); if (positions.Length != 2) { throw new ArgumentException("position does not contain 2 values in ROLLING_DIGIT " + name); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(positions[0], (double newValue) => { position.x = (float)newValue * fontScale.x; meshObject.transform.position = imageOrigin + new Vector3(position.x, -position.y, 0.0f); }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(positions[1], (double newValue) => { position.y = (float)newValue * fontScale.y; meshObject.transform.position = imageOrigin + new Vector3(position.x, -position.y, 0.0f); }); } int maxDigits = 0; if (!config.TryGetValue("maxDigits", ref maxDigits)) { throw new ArgumentException("'maxDigits' missing in ROLLING_DIGIT " + name); } if (!config.TryGetValue("numRolling", ref numRolling)) { throw new ArgumentException("'numRolling' missing in ROLLING_DIGIT " + name); } if (numRolling < 1) { throw new ArgumentException("numRolling must be greater than zero in ROLLING_DIGIT " + name); } valueScalar = Mathf.Pow(10.0f, numRolling); numDigits = maxDigits - numRolling; if (numDigits < 0) { throw new ArgumentException("'numRolling' must be less than 'maxDigits' in ROLLING_DIGIT " + name); } scrollingVerticesOffset = 4 * numDigits; upperLimit = Mathf.Pow(10.0f, maxDigits) - 1.0f; lowerLimit = -Mathf.Pow(10.0f, maxDigits - 1) + 1.0f; bool padZero = false; if (!config.TryGetValue("padZero", ref padZero)) { padZero = false; } int numVertices = 4 * numDigits + 12 * numRolling; int numIndices = 6 * numDigits + 18 * numRolling; vertices = new Vector3[numVertices]; colors32 = new Color32[numVertices]; tangents = new Vector4[numVertices]; uv = new Vector2[numVertices]; triangles = new int[numIndices]; // These values are invariant: Vector4 tangent = new Vector4(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; ++i) { colors32[i] = textColor; tangents[i] = tangent; } for (int i = 0; i < numIndices / 6; ++i) { triangles[i * 6 + 0] = i * 4 + 0; triangles[i * 6 + 1] = i * 4 + 3; triangles[i * 6 + 2] = i * 4 + 2; triangles[i * 6 + 3] = i * 4 + 0; triangles[i * 6 + 4] = i * 4 + 1; triangles[i * 6 + 5] = i * 4 + 3; } if (numDigits > 0) { StringBuilder sb = StringBuilderCache.Acquire(); sb.AppendFormat("{{0,{0}:0", numDigits); if (padZero) { sb.Append('0', numDigits - 1); } sb.Append("}"); digitsFormat = sb.ToStringAndRelease(); } string valueString = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("value", ref valueString)) { throw new ArgumentException("'value' missing in ROLLING_DIGIT " + name); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(valueString, ValueCallback); RenderPage(false); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(variableName)) { // Disable the mesh if we're in variable mode meshObject.SetActive(false); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(variableName, VariableCallback); } else { currentState = true; } dynamic = font.dynamic; float characterScalar; if (dynamic) { characterScalar = fontDimensions.y / (float)font.lineHeight; this.fontSize = font.fontSize; } else { // Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a way to set the font metrics when // creating a bitmap font, so I have to play games here by fetching the values // I stored in the character info. CharacterInfo ci = font.characterInfo[0]; characterScalar = fontDimensions.y / (float)ci.glyphHeight; this.fontSize = ci.glyphHeight; } this.fixedAdvance = (int)fontDimensions.x; this.fixedLineSpacing = Mathf.Floor(fontDimensions.y); this.characterScalar = characterScalar; ascent = (dynamic) ? font.ascent : (int)(0.8125f * fixedLineSpacing); yMaxLimit = 0.5f * fixedLineSpacing; yMinLimit = -1.5f * fixedLineSpacing; Font.textureRebuilt += FontRebuiltCallback; font.RequestCharactersInTexture(charactersUsed, fontSize, style); digitsChanged = true; fractionChanged = true; }
internal MASPageMenu(ConfigNode config, InternalProp prop, MASFlightComputer comp, MASMonitor monitor, Transform pageRoot, float depth) : base(config, prop, comp) { this.prop = prop; this.comp = comp; if (!config.TryGetValue("maxLines", ref maxLines)) { maxLines = int.MaxValue; } if (maxLines < 1) { throw new ArgumentException("'maxLines' must be greater than zero in MENU " + name); } int itemPositionShift = 0; if (!config.TryGetValue("itemPositionShift", ref itemPositionShift)) { itemPositionShift = 0; } if (!config.TryGetValue("cursorPersistentName", ref cursorPersistentName)) { throw new ArgumentException("Missing 'cursorPersistentName' in MENU " + name); } config.TryGetValue("upSoftkey", ref upSoftkey); config.TryGetValue("downSoftkey", ref downSoftkey); config.TryGetValue("enterSoftkey", ref enterSoftkey); config.TryGetValue("homeSoftkey", ref homeSoftkey); config.TryGetValue("endSoftkey", ref endSoftkey); string localFonts = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("font", ref localFonts)) { localFonts = string.Empty; } string styleStr = string.Empty; style = FontStyle.Normal; if (config.TryGetValue("style", ref styleStr)) { style = MdVTextMesh.FontStyle(styleStr); } else { style = monitor.defaultStyle; } fontSize =; if (!config.TryGetValue("fontSize", ref fontSize) || fontSize.x < 0.0f || fontSize.y < 0.0f) { fontSize = monitor.fontSize; } charAdvance = fontSize.x * itemPositionShift; lineAdvance = fontSize.y; defaultColor = monitor.textColor_; Color32 cursorColor; string cursorColorStr = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("cursorColor", ref cursorColorStr) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(cursorColorStr)) { cursorColor = monitor.textColor_; } else { cursorColor = Utility.ParseColor32(cursorColorStr, comp); } // Set up our text. textOrigin = pageRoot.position + new Vector3(monitor.screenSize.x * -0.5f, monitor.screenSize.y * 0.5f, depth); rootObject = new GameObject(); = Utility.ComposeObjectName(, this.GetType().Name, name, (int)(-depth / MASMonitor.depthDelta)); rootObject.layer = pageRoot.gameObject.layer; rootObject.transform.parent = pageRoot; rootObject.transform.position = textOrigin; string positionString = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("position", ref positionString)) { string[] positions = Utility.SplitVariableList(positionString); if (positions.Length != 2) { throw new ArgumentException("position does not contain 2 values in MENU " + name); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(positions[0], (double newValue) => { position.x = (float)newValue * monitor.fontSize.x; rootObject.transform.position = textOrigin + new Vector3(position.x, -position.y, 0.0f); updateMenu = true; }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(positions[1], (double newValue) => { position.y = (float)newValue * monitor.fontSize.y; rootObject.transform.position = textOrigin + new Vector3(position.x, -position.y, 0.0f); updateMenu = true; }); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(localFonts)) { font = monitor.defaultFont; } else { font = MASLoader.GetFont(localFonts.Trim()); } cursorObject = new GameObject(); = + "_cursor"; cursorObject.layer = rootObject.layer; cursorObject.transform.parent = rootObject.transform; cursorObject.transform.position = textOrigin; cursorText = cursorObject.AddComponent <MdVTextMesh>(); cursorText.material = new Material(MASLoader.shaders["MOARdV/TextMonitor"]); cursorText.SetFont(font, fontSize); cursorText.SetColor(cursorColor); cursorText.material.SetFloat(Shader.PropertyToID("_EmissiveFactor"), 1.0f); cursorText.fontStyle = style; string cursorPrompt = string.Empty; config.TryGetValue("cursor", ref cursorPrompt); // text, immutable, preserveWhitespace, comp, prop cursorText.SetText(cursorPrompt, false, true, comp, prop); string itemCountStr = string.Empty; config.TryGetValue("itemCount", ref itemCountStr); List <MenuItem> itemNodes = new List <MenuItem>(); ConfigNode[] menuItemConfigNodes = config.GetNodes("ITEM"); foreach (ConfigNode itemNode in menuItemConfigNodes) { try { MenuItem cpt = new MenuItem(itemNode, rootObject, font, fontSize, style, defaultColor, comp, prop, variableRegistrar, itemNodes.Count); itemNodes.Add(cpt); } catch (Exception e) { Utility.LogError(this, "Exception creating ITEM in MENU " + name); Utility.LogError(this, e.ToString()); } } if (itemNodes.Count == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("No valid ITEM nodes in MENU " + name); } menuItems = itemNodes.ToArray(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemCountStr)) { numMenuItems = menuItems.Length; softkeyUpAction = comp.GetAction(string.Format("fc.AddPersistentWrapped(\"{0}\", -1, 0, {1})", cursorPersistentName, numMenuItems), prop); softkeyDownAction = comp.GetAction(string.Format("fc.AddPersistentWrapped(\"{0}\", 1, 0, {1})", cursorPersistentName, numMenuItems), prop); softkeyEndAction = comp.GetAction(string.Format("fc.SetPersistent(\"{0}\", {1})", cursorPersistentName, numMenuItems - 1), prop); } else if (itemNodes.Count > 1) { throw new ArgumentException("Only one valid ITEM node may be used in dynamic MENU " + name); } else { dynamicMenuTemplate = menuItemConfigNodes[0].CreateCopy(); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(string.Format("fc.GetPersistentAsNumber(\"{0}\")", cursorPersistentName), CursorMovedCallback); softkeyHomeAction = comp.GetAction(string.Format("fc.SetPersistent(\"{0}\", 0)", cursorPersistentName), prop); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemCountStr)) { variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(itemCountStr, MenuCountCallback); } string masterVariableName = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("variable", ref masterVariableName)) { rootObject.SetActive(false); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(masterVariableName, VariableCallback); } else { currentState = true; rootObject.SetActive(true); } RenderPage(false); }
internal MASPageViewport(ConfigNode config, InternalProp prop, MASFlightComputer comp, MASMonitor monitor, Transform pageRoot, float depth) : base(config, prop, comp) { string variableName = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("variable", ref variableName)) { variableName = variableName.Trim(); } screenSize = monitor.screenSize; // Set up our surface. imageObject = new GameObject(); = Utility.ComposeObjectName(, this.GetType().Name, name, (int)(-depth / MASMonitor.depthDelta)); imageObject.layer = pageRoot.gameObject.layer; imageObject.transform.parent = pageRoot; imageObject.transform.position = pageRoot.position; imageObject.transform.Translate(monitor.screenSize.x * -0.5f, monitor.screenSize.y * -0.5f, depth); // add renderer stuff MeshFilter meshFilter = imageObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter>(); meshRenderer = imageObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>(); mesh = new Mesh(); mesh.vertices = new[] { // LEFT new Vector3(-1.0f, screenSize.y + 1.0f, 0.0f), new Vector3(64.0f, screenSize.y + 1.0f, 0.0f), new Vector3(-1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f), new Vector3(64.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f), // RIGHT new Vector3(394.0f, screenSize.y + 1.0f, 0.0f), new Vector3(screenSize.x + 1.0f, screenSize.y + 1.0f, 0.0f), new Vector3(394.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f), new Vector3(screenSize.x + 1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f), // BOTTOM - note that Y increases from the bottom new Vector3(-1.0f, screenSize.y - 32.0f, 0.0f), new Vector3(screenSize.x + 1.0f, screenSize.y - 32.0f, 0.0f), new Vector3(-1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f), new Vector3(screenSize.x + 1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f), // TOP - note that Y increases from the bottom new Vector3(-1.0f, screenSize.y + 1.0f, 0.0f), new Vector3(screenSize.x + 1.0f, screenSize.y + 1.0f, 0.0f), new Vector3(-1.0f, screenSize.y - 256.0f, 0.0f), new Vector3(screenSize.x + 1.0f, screenSize.y - 256.0f, 0.0f), }; mesh.uv = new[] { new Vector2(0.0f, 1.0f),,, new Vector2(1.0f, 0.0f), new Vector2(0.0f, 1.0f),,, new Vector2(1.0f, 0.0f), new Vector2(0.0f, 1.0f),,, new Vector2(1.0f, 0.0f), new Vector2(0.0f, 1.0f),,, new Vector2(1.0f, 0.0f), }; mesh.triangles = new[] { 0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5, 6, 5, 7, 6, 8, 9, 10, 9, 11, 10, 12, 13, 14, 13, 15, 14 }; mesh.RecalculateBounds(); mesh.UploadMeshData(false); meshFilter.mesh = mesh; imageMaterial = new Material(MASLoader.shaders["MOARdV/Monitor"]); imageMaterial.color = materialColor; meshRenderer.material = imageMaterial; RenderPage(false); string upperLeftCornerName = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("upperLeftCorner", ref upperLeftCornerName)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'upperLeftCorner' in VIEWPORT " + name); } string[] cornerVars = Utility.SplitVariableList(upperLeftCornerName); if (cornerVars.Length != 2) { throw new ArgumentException("Incorrect number of entries in 'upperLeftCorner' in VIEWPORT " + name); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(cornerVars[0], UpdateLeft); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(cornerVars[1], UpdateTop); string lowerRightCornerName = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("lowerRightCorner", ref lowerRightCornerName)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'lowerRightCorner' in VIEWPORT " + name); } cornerVars = Utility.SplitVariableList(lowerRightCornerName); if (cornerVars.Length != 2) { throw new ArgumentException("Incorrect number of entries in 'lowerRightCorner' in VIEWPORT " + name); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(cornerVars[0], UpdateRight); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(cornerVars[1], UpdateBottom); string colorString = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("color", ref colorString)) { string[] startColors = Utility.SplitVariableList(colorString); if (startColors.Length < 3 || startColors.Length > 4) { throw new ArgumentException("color does not contain 3 or 4 values in VIEWPORT " + name); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[0], (double newValue) => { materialColor.r = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); imageMaterial.color = materialColor; }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[1], (double newValue) => { materialColor.g = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); imageMaterial.color = materialColor; }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[2], (double newValue) => { materialColor.b = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); imageMaterial.color = materialColor; }); if (startColors.Length == 4) { variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[3], (double newValue) => { materialColor.a = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); imageMaterial.color = materialColor; }); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(variableName)) { // Disable the mesh if we're in variable mode imageObject.SetActive(false); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(variableName, VariableCallback); } else { imageObject.SetActive(true); } }
internal MASPageLineString(ConfigNode config, InternalProp prop, MASFlightComputer comp, MASMonitor monitor, Transform pageRoot, float depth) : base(config, prop, comp) { string startColorString = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("startColor", ref startColorString)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'startColor' in LINE_STRING " + name); } string endColorString = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("endColor", ref endColorString)) { endColorString = string.Empty; } string startWidthString = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("startWidth", ref startWidthString)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'startWidth' in LINE_STRING " + name); } string endWidthString = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("endWidth", ref endWidthString)) { endWidthString = string.Empty; } string[] vertexStrings = config.GetValues("vertex"); if (vertexStrings.Length < 2) { throw new ArgumentException("Insufficient number of 'vertex' entries in LINE_STRING " + name + " (must have at least 2)"); } Vector2 position =; if (!config.TryGetValue("position", ref position)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'position' in LINE_STRING " + name); } string variableName = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("variable", ref variableName)) { variableName = variableName.Trim(); } string rotationVariableName = string.Empty; config.TryGetValue("rotation", ref rotationVariableName); bool loop = false; config.TryGetValue("loop", ref loop); lineOrigin = new GameObject(); = Utility.ComposeObjectName(, this.GetType().Name, name, (int)(-depth / MASMonitor.depthDelta)); lineOrigin.layer = pageRoot.gameObject.layer; lineOrigin.transform.parent = pageRoot; lineOrigin.transform.position = pageRoot.position; lineOrigin.transform.Translate(monitor.screenSize.x * -0.5f + position.x, monitor.screenSize.y * 0.5f - position.y, depth); // add renderer stuff lineMaterial = new Material(MASLoader.shaders["MOARdV/Monitor"]); lineRenderer = lineOrigin.AddComponent <LineRenderer>(); lineRenderer.useWorldSpace = false; lineRenderer.material = lineMaterial; lineRenderer.startColor = startColor; lineRenderer.endColor = endColor; lineRenderer.startWidth = startWidth; lineRenderer.endWidth = endWidth; lineRenderer.loop = loop; int numVertices = vertexStrings.Length; lineRenderer.positionCount = numVertices; vertices = new Vector3[numVertices]; string textureName = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("texture", ref textureName)) { Texture tex = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture(textureName, false); if (tex != null) { lineMaterial.mainTexture = tex; inverseTextureWidth = 1.0f / (float)tex.width; usesTexture = true; } } for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; ++i) { // Need to make a copy of the value for the lambda capture, // otherwise we'll try using i = numVertices in the callbacks. int index = i; vertices[i] =; string[] vtx = Utility.SplitVariableList(vertexStrings[i]); if (vtx.Length != 2) { throw new ArgumentException("vertex " + (i + 1).ToString() + " does not contain two value in LINE_STRING " + name); } Action <double> vertexX = (double newValue) => { vertices[index].x = (float)newValue; lineRenderer.SetPosition(index, vertices[index]); if (usesTexture) { RecalculateTextureScale(); } }; variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(vtx[0], vertexX); Action <double> vertexY = (double newValue) => { // Invert the value, since we stipulate +y is down on the monitor. vertices[index].y = -(float)newValue; lineRenderer.SetPosition(index, vertices[index]); if (usesTexture) { RecalculateTextureScale(); } }; variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(vtx[1], vertexY); } lineRenderer.SetPositions(vertices); RenderPage(false); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(variableName)) { // Disable the lines if we're in variable mode lineOrigin.SetActive(false); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(variableName, VariableCallback); } else { lineOrigin.SetActive(true); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rotationVariableName)) { variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(rotationVariableName, RotationCallback); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(endColorString)) { Color32 col; if (comp.TryGetNamedColor(startColorString, out col)) { startColor = col; endColor = col; } else { string[] startColors = Utility.SplitVariableList(startColorString); if (startColors.Length < 3 || startColors.Length > 4) { throw new ArgumentException("startColor does not contain 3 or 4 values in LINE_STRING " + name); } Action <double> startColorR = (double newValue) => { startColor.r = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); lineRenderer.startColor = startColor; lineRenderer.endColor = startColor; }; variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[0], startColorR); Action <double> startColorG = (double newValue) => { startColor.g = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); lineRenderer.startColor = startColor; lineRenderer.endColor = startColor; }; variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[1], startColorG); Action <double> startColorB = (double newValue) => { startColor.b = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); lineRenderer.startColor = startColor; lineRenderer.endColor = startColor; }; variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[2], startColorB); if (startColors.Length == 4) { Action <double> startColorA = (double newValue) => { startColor.a = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); lineRenderer.startColor = startColor; lineRenderer.endColor = startColor; }; variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[3], startColorA); } } lineRenderer.startColor = startColor; lineRenderer.endColor = startColor; } else { Color32 col; if (comp.TryGetNamedColor(startColorString, out col)) { startColor = col; } else { string[] startColors = Utility.SplitVariableList(startColorString); if (startColors.Length < 3 || startColors.Length > 4) { throw new ArgumentException("startColor does not contain 3 or 4 values in LINE_STRING " + name); } Action <double> startColorR = (double newValue) => { startColor.r = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); lineRenderer.startColor = startColor; }; variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[0], startColorR); Action <double> startColorG = (double newValue) => { startColor.g = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); lineRenderer.startColor = startColor; }; variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[1], startColorG); Action <double> startColorB = (double newValue) => { startColor.b = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); lineRenderer.startColor = startColor; }; variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[2], startColorB); if (startColors.Length == 4) { Action <double> startColorA = (double newValue) => { startColor.a = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); lineRenderer.startColor = startColor; }; variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[3], startColorA); } } if (comp.TryGetNamedColor(endColorString, out col)) { endColor = col; } else { string[] endColors = Utility.SplitVariableList(endColorString); if (endColors.Length < 3 || endColors.Length > 4) { throw new ArgumentException("endColor does not contain 3 or 4 values in LINE_STRING " + name); } Action <double> endColorR = (double newValue) => { endColor.r = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); lineRenderer.endColor = endColor; }; variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(endColors[0], endColorR); Action <double> endColorG = (double newValue) => { endColor.g = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); lineRenderer.endColor = endColor; }; variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(endColors[1], endColorG); Action <double> endColorB = (double newValue) => { endColor.b = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); lineRenderer.endColor = endColor; }; variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(endColors[2], endColorB); if (endColors.Length == 4) { Action <double> endColorA = (double newValue) => { endColor.a = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); lineRenderer.endColor = endColor; }; variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(endColors[3], endColorA); } } lineRenderer.startColor = startColor; lineRenderer.endColor = endColor; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(endWidthString)) { // Monowidth line Action <double> startWidthAction = (double newValue) => { startWidth = (float)newValue; lineRenderer.startWidth = startWidth; lineRenderer.endWidth = startWidth; }; variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startWidthString, startWidthAction); } else { Action <double> startWidthAction = (double newValue) => { startWidth = (float)newValue; lineRenderer.startWidth = startWidth; }; variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startWidthString, startWidthAction); Action <double> endWidthAction = (double newValue) => { endWidth = (float)newValue; lineRenderer.endWidth = endWidth; }; variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(endWidthString, endWidthAction); } }
private static IMASMonitorComponent CreatePageComponent(ConfigNode config, InternalProp prop, MASFlightComputer comp, MASMonitor monitor, Transform pageRoot, float depth) { switch ( { case "CAMERA": return(new MASPageCamera(config, prop, comp, monitor, pageRoot, depth)); case "COMPOUND_TEXT": return(new MASPageCompoundText(config, prop, comp, monitor, pageRoot, depth)); case "ELLIPSE": return(new MASPageEllipse(config, prop, comp, monitor, pageRoot, depth)); case "GROUND_TRACK": return(new MASPageGroundTrack(config, prop, comp, monitor, pageRoot, depth)); case "HORIZON": return(new MASPageHorizon(config, prop, comp, monitor, pageRoot, depth)); case "HORIZONTAL_BAR": return(new MASPageHorizontalBar(config, prop, comp, monitor, pageRoot, depth)); case "HORIZONTAL_STRIP": return(new MASPageHorizontalStrip(config, prop, comp, monitor, pageRoot, depth)); case "IMAGE": return(new MASPageImage(config, prop, comp, monitor, pageRoot, depth)); case "LINE_GRAPH": return(new MASPageLineGraph(config, prop, comp, monitor, pageRoot, depth)); case "LINE_STRING": return(new MASPageLineString(config, prop, comp, monitor, pageRoot, depth)); case "MENU": return(new MASPageMenu(config, prop, comp, monitor, pageRoot, depth)); case "NAVBALL": return(new MASPageNavBall(config, prop, comp, monitor, pageRoot, depth)); case "ORBIT_DISPLAY": return(new MASPageOrbitDisplay(config, prop, comp, monitor, pageRoot, depth)); case "POLYGON": return(new MASPagePolygon(config, prop, comp, monitor, pageRoot, depth)); case "ROLLING_DIGIT": return(new MASPageRollingDigit(config, prop, comp, monitor, pageRoot, depth)); case "RPM_MODULE": return(new MASPageRpmModule(config, prop, comp, monitor, pageRoot, depth)); case "TEXT": return(new MASPageText(config, prop, comp, monitor, pageRoot, depth)); case "VERTICAL_BAR": return(new MASPageVerticalBar(config, prop, comp, monitor, pageRoot, depth)); case "VERTICAL_STRIP": return(new MASPageVerticalStrip(config, prop, comp, monitor, pageRoot, depth)); case "VIEWPORT": return(new MASPageViewport(config, prop, comp, monitor, pageRoot, depth)); case "hitbox": return(null); // Not an error - these nodes are handled separately. default: Utility.LogError(config, "Unrecognized MASPage child node {0} found",; return(null); } }
internal MASPageNavBall(ConfigNode config, InternalProp prop, MASFlightComputer comp, MASMonitor monitor, Transform pageRoot, float depth) : base(config, prop, comp) { this.comp = comp; string modelName = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("model", ref modelName)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'model' in NAVBALL " + name); } navballModel = GameDatabase.Instance.GetModel(modelName); if (navballModel == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'model' " + modelName + " for NAVBALL " + name); } try { Vector3 extents = navballModel.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh.bounds.extents; navballExtents = Mathf.Max(extents.x, extents.y) * 1.01f; } catch { navballExtents = 1.0f; } iconDepth = 1.4f - navballExtents - 0.01f; iconAlphaScalar = 0.6f / navballExtents; string textureName = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("texture", ref textureName)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'texture' in NAVBALL " + name); } Texture2D navballTexture = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture(textureName, false); if (navballTexture == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'texture' " + textureName + " for NAVBALL " + name); } Vector2 size =; if (!config.TryGetValue("size", ref size)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'size' in NAVBALL " + name); } size = size * 0.5f; float opacity = 1.0f; if (!config.TryGetValue("opacity", ref opacity)) { opacity = 1.0f; } else { opacity = Mathf.Clamp01(opacity); } string variableName = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("variable", ref variableName)) { variableName = variableName.Trim(); } // Set up our navball renderer Shader displayShader = MASLoader.shaders["MOARdV/Monitor"]; navballRenTex = new RenderTexture(512, 512, 24, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32); navballRenTex.Create(); navballRenTex.DiscardContents(); componentOrigin = pageRoot.position + new Vector3(monitor.screenSize.x * -0.5f, monitor.screenSize.y * 0.5f, depth); // Set up our display surface. imageObject = new GameObject(); = Utility.ComposeObjectName(, this.GetType().Name, name, (int)(-depth / MASMonitor.depthDelta)); imageObject.layer = pageRoot.gameObject.layer; imageObject.transform.parent = pageRoot; imageObject.transform.position = pageRoot.position; imageObject.transform.Translate(monitor.screenSize.x * -0.5f + position.x, monitor.screenSize.y * 0.5f - position.y, depth); // add renderer stuff MeshFilter meshFilter = imageObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter>(); rentexRenderer = imageObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>(); Mesh mesh = new Mesh(); mesh.vertices = new[] { new Vector3(-size.x, size.y, 0.0f), new Vector3(size.x, size.y, 0.0f), new Vector3(-size.x, -size.y, 0.0f), new Vector3(size.x, -size.y, 0.0f), }; mesh.uv = new[] { new Vector2(0.0f, 1.0f),,, new Vector2(1.0f, 0.0f), }; mesh.triangles = new[] { 0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2 }; mesh.RecalculateBounds(); mesh.UploadMeshData(true); meshFilter.mesh = mesh; imageMaterial = new Material(displayShader); imageMaterial.mainTexture = navballRenTex; rentexRenderer.material = imageMaterial; string positionString = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("position", ref positionString)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'position' in NAVBALL " + name); } else { string[] pos = Utility.SplitVariableList(positionString); if (pos.Length != 2) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid number of values for 'position' in NAVBALL " + name); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(pos[0], (double newValue) => { position.x = (float)newValue; imageObject.transform.position = componentOrigin + new Vector3(position.x, -position.y, 0.0f); }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(pos[1], (double newValue) => { position.y = (float)newValue; imageObject.transform.position = componentOrigin + new Vector3(position.x, -position.y, 0.0f); }); } //cameraObject cameraObject = new GameObject(); = + "-MASPageNavBallCamera-" + name + "-" + depth.ToString(); cameraObject.layer = pageRoot.gameObject.layer; cameraObject.transform.parent = pageRoot; cameraObject.transform.position = pageRoot.position; navballCamera = cameraObject.AddComponent <Camera>(); navballCamera.enabled = true; navballCamera.orthographic = true; navballCamera.aspect = 1.0f; navballCamera.eventMask = 0; navballCamera.farClipPlane = 13.0f; navballCamera.orthographicSize = navballExtents; navballCamera.cullingMask = 1 << navballLayer; // TODO: Different shader... clearing to a=0 hides the navball navballCamera.backgroundColor = new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); //navballCamera.backgroundColor = new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); navballCamera.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.SolidColor; navballCamera.transparencySortMode = TransparencySortMode.Orthographic; navballCamera.targetTexture = navballRenTex; Camera.onPreCull += CameraPrerender; Camera.onPostRender += CameraPostrender; navballModel.layer = navballLayer; navballModel.transform.parent = cameraObject.transform; // TODO: this isn't working when the camera is shifted. Camera needs // to be on a separate GO than the display. navballModel.transform.Translate(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 2.4f)); navballRenderer = null; navballModel.GetComponentCached <Renderer>(ref navballRenderer); navballMaterial = new Material(displayShader); navballMaterial.shader = displayShader; navballMaterial.mainTexture = navballTexture; navballMaterial.SetFloat("_Opacity", opacity); navballRenderer.material = navballMaterial; navballRenderer.shadowCastingMode = UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode.Off; navballRenderer.enabled = false; navballModel.SetActive(true); navballCamera.transform.LookAt(navballModel.transform, Vector3.up); float iconScale = 1.0f; if (!config.TryGetValue("iconScale", ref iconScale)) { iconScale = 1.0f; } InitMarkers(cameraObject.transform, iconScale); RenderPage(false); // Following icons are not currently supported: markers[9].SetActive(false); // Waypoint if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(variableName)) { // Disable the mesh if we're in variable mode imageObject.SetActive(false); cameraObject.SetActive(false); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(variableName, VariableCallback); } else { imageObject.SetActive(true); cameraObject.SetActive(true); } }
internal MASPageEllipse(ConfigNode config, InternalProp prop, MASFlightComputer comp, MASMonitor monitor, Transform pageRoot, float depth) : base(config, prop, comp) { string startColorString = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("startColor", ref startColorString)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'startColor' in ELLIPSE " + name); } string endColorString = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("endColor", ref endColorString)) { endColorString = string.Empty; } string startWidthString = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("startWidth", ref startWidthString)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'startWidth' in ELLIPSE " + name); } string endWidthString = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("endWidth", ref endWidthString)) { endWidthString = string.Empty; } numVertices = 0; if (!config.TryGetValue("vertexCount", ref numVertices)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'vertexCount' in ELLIPSE " + name); } else if (numVertices < 3) { throw new ArgumentException("'vertexCount' must be at least 3 in ELLIPSE " + name); } string variableName = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("variable", ref variableName)) { variableName = variableName.Trim(); } string rotationVariableName = string.Empty; config.TryGetValue("rotation", ref rotationVariableName); lineOrigin = new GameObject(); = Utility.ComposeObjectName(, this.GetType().Name, name, (int)(-depth / MASMonitor.depthDelta)); lineOrigin.layer = pageRoot.gameObject.layer; lineOrigin.transform.parent = pageRoot; lineOrigin.transform.position = pageRoot.position; lineOrigin.transform.Translate(monitor.screenSize.x * -0.5f + position.x, monitor.screenSize.y * 0.5f - position.y, depth); ellipseOrigin = pageRoot.position + new Vector3(monitor.screenSize.x * -0.5f, monitor.screenSize.y * 0.5f, depth); string positionString = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("position", ref positionString)) { position =; throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'position' in ELLIPSE " + name); } else { string[] pos = Utility.SplitVariableList(positionString); if (pos.Length != 2) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid number of values for 'position' in ELLIPSE " + name); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(pos[0], (double newValue) => { position.x = (float)newValue; lineOrigin.transform.position = ellipseOrigin + new Vector3(position.x, -position.y, 0.0f); }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(pos[1], (double newValue) => { position.y = (float)newValue; lineOrigin.transform.position = ellipseOrigin + new Vector3(position.x, -position.y, 0.0f); }); } // add renderer stuff lineMaterial = new Material(MASLoader.shaders["MOARdV/Monitor"]); lineRenderer = lineOrigin.AddComponent <LineRenderer>(); lineRenderer.useWorldSpace = false; lineRenderer.material = lineMaterial; lineRenderer.startColor = startColor; lineRenderer.endColor = endColor; lineRenderer.startWidth = startWidth; lineRenderer.endWidth = endWidth; ++numVertices; lineRenderer.positionCount = numVertices; vertices = new Vector3[numVertices]; string textureName = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("texture", ref textureName)) { Texture tex = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture(textureName, false); if (tex != null) { lineMaterial.mainTexture = tex; inverseTextureWidth = 1.0f / (float)tex.width; usesTexture = true; } } string startAngleName = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("startAngle", ref startAngleName)) { variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startAngleName, (double newValue) => { startAngle = (float)newValue; RecalculateVertices(); }); } else { startAngle = 0.0f; } string endAngleName = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("endAngle", ref endAngleName)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(startAngleName)) { throw new ArgumentException("Missing 'startAngle', but found 'endAngle' in ELLIPSE " + name); } else { variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(endAngleName, (double newValue) => { endAngle = (float)newValue; RecalculateVertices(); }); } } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(startAngleName)) { throw new ArgumentException("Found 'startAngle', but missing 'endAngle' in ELLIPSE " + name); } else { endAngle = 360.0f; } string radiusXName = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("radiusX", ref radiusXName)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'radiusX' in ELLIPSE " + name); } string radiusYName = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("radiusY", ref radiusYName)) { Action <double> newRadius = (double newValue) => { radiusX = (float)newValue; radiusY = radiusX; RecalculateVertices(); }; variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(radiusXName, newRadius); } else { Action <double> newRadiusX = (double newValue) => { radiusX = (float)newValue; RecalculateVertices(); }; variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(radiusXName, newRadiusX); Action <double> newRadiusY = (double newValue) => { radiusY = (float)newValue; RecalculateVertices(); }; variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(radiusYName, newRadiusY); } RenderPage(false); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(variableName)) { // Disable the lines if we're in variable mode lineOrigin.SetActive(false); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(variableName, VariableCallback); } else { lineOrigin.SetActive(true); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rotationVariableName)) { variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(rotationVariableName, RotationCallback); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(endColorString)) { Color32 namedColor; if (comp.TryGetNamedColor(startColorString, out namedColor)) { startColor = namedColor; lineRenderer.startColor = startColor; lineRenderer.endColor = startColor; } else { string[] startColors = Utility.SplitVariableList(startColorString); if (startColors.Length < 3 || startColors.Length > 4) { throw new ArgumentException("startColor does not contain 3 or 4 values in ELLIPSE " + name); } Action <double> startColorR = (double newValue) => { startColor.r = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); lineRenderer.startColor = startColor; lineRenderer.endColor = startColor; }; variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[0], startColorR); Action <double> startColorG = (double newValue) => { startColor.g = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); lineRenderer.startColor = startColor; lineRenderer.endColor = startColor; }; variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[1], startColorG); Action <double> startColorB = (double newValue) => { startColor.b = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); lineRenderer.startColor = startColor; lineRenderer.endColor = startColor; }; variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[2], startColorB); if (startColors.Length == 4) { Action <double> startColorA = (double newValue) => { startColor.a = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); lineRenderer.startColor = startColor; lineRenderer.endColor = startColor; }; variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[3], startColorA); } } } else { Color32 namedColor; if (comp.TryGetNamedColor(startColorString, out namedColor)) { startColor = namedColor; lineRenderer.startColor = startColor; lineRenderer.endColor = endColor; } else { string[] startColors = Utility.SplitVariableList(startColorString); if (startColors.Length < 3 || startColors.Length > 4) { throw new ArgumentException("startColor does not contain 3 or 4 values in ELLIPSE " + name); } Action <double> startColorR = (double newValue) => { startColor.r = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); lineRenderer.startColor = startColor; }; variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[0], startColorR); Action <double> startColorG = (double newValue) => { startColor.g = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); lineRenderer.startColor = startColor; }; variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[1], startColorG); Action <double> startColorB = (double newValue) => { startColor.b = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); lineRenderer.startColor = startColor; }; variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[2], startColorB); if (startColors.Length == 4) { Action <double> startColorA = (double newValue) => { startColor.a = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); lineRenderer.startColor = startColor; }; variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[3], startColorA); } } if (comp.TryGetNamedColor(endColorString, out namedColor)) { endColor = namedColor; lineRenderer.startColor = startColor; lineRenderer.endColor = endColor; } else { string[] endColors = Utility.SplitVariableList(endColorString); if (endColors.Length < 3 || endColors.Length > 4) { throw new ArgumentException("endColor does not contain 3 or 4 values in ELLIPSE " + name); } Action <double> endColorR = (double newValue) => { endColor.r = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); lineRenderer.endColor = endColor; }; variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(endColors[0], endColorR); Action <double> endColorG = (double newValue) => { endColor.g = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); lineRenderer.endColor = endColor; }; variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(endColors[1], endColorG); Action <double> endColorB = (double newValue) => { endColor.b = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); lineRenderer.endColor = endColor; }; variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(endColors[2], endColorB); if (endColors.Length == 4) { Action <double> endColorA = (double newValue) => { endColor.a = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); lineRenderer.endColor = endColor; }; variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(endColors[3], endColorA); } } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(endWidthString)) { // Monowidth line Action <double> startWidthAction = (double newValue) => { startWidth = (float)newValue; lineRenderer.startWidth = startWidth; lineRenderer.endWidth = startWidth; }; variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startWidthString, startWidthAction); } else { Action <double> startWidthAction = (double newValue) => { startWidth = (float)newValue; lineRenderer.startWidth = startWidth; }; variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startWidthString, startWidthAction); Action <double> endWidthAction = (double newValue) => { endWidth = (float)newValue; lineRenderer.endWidth = endWidth; }; variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(endWidthString, endWidthAction); } }
internal MASPageLineGraph(ConfigNode config, InternalProp prop, MASFlightComputer comp, MASMonitor monitor, Transform pageRoot, float depth) : base(config, prop, comp) { Vector2 size =; if (!config.TryGetValue("size", ref size)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'size' in LINE_GRAPH " + name); } verticalSpan = size.y; if (!config.TryGetValue("sampleRate", ref sampleRate)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'sampleRate' in LINE_GRAPH " + name); } maxSamples = (int)(size.x / sampleRate); graphPoints = new Vector3[maxSamples]; string sourceName = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("source", ref sourceName)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'source' in LINE_GRAPH " + name); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(sourceName, (double newValue) => sourceValue = (float)newValue); string sourceRange = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("sourceRange", ref sourceRange)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'sourceRange' in LINE_GRAPH " + name); } string[] ranges = Utility.SplitVariableList(sourceRange); if (ranges.Length != 2) { throw new ArgumentException("Incorrect number of values in 'sourceRange' in LINE_GRAPH " + name); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(ranges[0], (double newValue) => sourceRange1 = (float)newValue); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(ranges[1], (double newValue) => sourceRange2 = (float)newValue); float borderWidth = 0.0f; if (!config.TryGetValue("borderWidth", ref borderWidth)) { borderWidth = 0.0f; } else { borderWidth = Math.Max(1.0f, borderWidth); } string borderColorName = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("borderColor", ref borderColorName)) { borderColorName = string.Empty; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(borderColorName) == (borderWidth > 0.0f)) { throw new ArgumentException("Only one of 'borderColor' and 'borderWidth' are defined in LINE_GRAPH " + name); } string variableName = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("variable", ref variableName)) { variableName = variableName.Trim(); } componentOrigin = pageRoot.position + new Vector3(monitor.screenSize.x * -0.5f, monitor.screenSize.y * 0.5f, depth); // Set up our display surface. if (borderWidth > 0.0f) { borderObject = new GameObject(); = Utility.ComposeObjectName(, this.GetType().Name, name + "-border", (int)(-depth / MASMonitor.depthDelta)); borderObject.layer = pageRoot.gameObject.layer; borderObject.transform.parent = pageRoot; borderObject.transform.position = pageRoot.position; borderObject.transform.Translate(monitor.screenSize.x * -0.5f + position.x, monitor.screenSize.y * 0.5f - position.y - size.y, depth); borderMaterial = new Material(MASLoader.shaders["MOARdV/Monitor"]); borderRenderer = borderObject.AddComponent <LineRenderer>(); borderRenderer.useWorldSpace = false; borderRenderer.material = borderMaterial; borderRenderer.startColor = borderColor; borderRenderer.endColor = borderColor; borderRenderer.startWidth = borderWidth; borderRenderer.endWidth = borderWidth; borderRenderer.positionCount = 4; borderRenderer.loop = true; Color32 namedColor; if (comp.TryGetNamedColor(borderColorName, out namedColor)) { borderColor = namedColor; lineRenderer.startColor = borderColor; lineRenderer.endColor = borderColor; } else { string[] startColors = Utility.SplitVariableList(borderColorName); if (startColors.Length < 3 || startColors.Length > 4) { throw new ArgumentException("borderColor does not contain 3 or 4 values in LINE_GRAPH " + name); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[0], (double newValue) => { borderColor.r = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); borderRenderer.startColor = borderColor; borderRenderer.endColor = borderColor; }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[1], (double newValue) => { borderColor.g = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); borderRenderer.startColor = borderColor; borderRenderer.endColor = borderColor; }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[2], (double newValue) => { borderColor.b = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); borderRenderer.startColor = borderColor; borderRenderer.endColor = borderColor; }); if (startColors.Length == 4) { variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(startColors[3], (double newValue) => { borderColor.a = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); borderRenderer.startColor = borderColor; borderRenderer.endColor = borderColor; }); } } float halfWidth = borderWidth * 0.5f; Vector3[] borderPoints = new Vector3[] { new Vector3(-halfWidth, -halfWidth, 0.0f), new Vector3(size.x + halfWidth, -halfWidth, 0.0f), new Vector3(size.x + halfWidth, size.y + halfWidth, 0.0f), new Vector3(-halfWidth, size.y + halfWidth, 0.0f) }; borderRenderer.SetPositions(borderPoints); } graphObject = new GameObject(); = Utility.ComposeObjectName(, this.GetType().Name, name, (int)(-depth / MASMonitor.depthDelta)); graphObject.layer = pageRoot.gameObject.layer; graphObject.transform.parent = pageRoot; graphObject.transform.position = pageRoot.position; graphObject.transform.Translate(monitor.screenSize.x * -0.5f + position.x, monitor.screenSize.y * 0.5f - position.y - size.y, depth); // add renderer stuff graphMaterial = new Material(MASLoader.shaders["MOARdV/Monitor"]); lineRenderer = graphObject.AddComponent <LineRenderer>(); lineRenderer.useWorldSpace = false; lineRenderer.material = graphMaterial; lineRenderer.startColor = sourceColor; lineRenderer.endColor = sourceColor; lineRenderer.startWidth = 2.5f; lineRenderer.endWidth = 2.5f; lineRenderer.positionCount = maxSamples; lineRenderer.loop = false; RenderPage(false); string positionString = string.Empty; if (!config.TryGetValue("position", ref positionString)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find 'position' in LINE_GRAPH " + name); } else { string[] pos = Utility.SplitVariableList(positionString); if (pos.Length != 2) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid number of values for 'position' in LINE_GRAPH " + name); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(pos[0], (double newValue) => { position.x = (float)newValue; graphObject.transform.position = componentOrigin + new Vector3(position.x, -position.y, 0.0f); if (borderWidth > 0.0f) { borderObject.transform.position = componentOrigin + new Vector3(position.x, -position.y, 0.0f); } }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(pos[1], (double newValue) => { position.y = (float)newValue; graphObject.transform.position = componentOrigin + new Vector3(position.x, -position.y, 0.0f); if (borderWidth > 0.0f) { borderObject.transform.position = componentOrigin + new Vector3(position.x, -position.y, 0.0f); } }); } for (int i = 0; i < maxSamples; ++i) { graphPoints[i] =; } string sourceColorName = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("sourceColor", ref sourceColorName)) { Color32 namedColor; if (comp.TryGetNamedColor(sourceColorName, out namedColor)) { sourceColor = namedColor; lineRenderer.startColor = sourceColor; lineRenderer.endColor = sourceColor; } else { string[] sourceColors = Utility.SplitVariableList(sourceColorName); if (sourceColors.Length < 3 || sourceColors.Length > 4) { throw new ArgumentException("sourceColor does not contain 3 or 4 values in LINE_GRAPH " + name); } variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(sourceColors[0], (double newValue) => { sourceColor.r = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); lineRenderer.startColor = sourceColor; lineRenderer.endColor = sourceColor; }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(sourceColors[1], (double newValue) => { sourceColor.g = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); lineRenderer.startColor = sourceColor; lineRenderer.endColor = sourceColor; }); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(sourceColors[2], (double newValue) => { sourceColor.b = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); lineRenderer.startColor = sourceColor; lineRenderer.endColor = sourceColor; }); if (sourceColors.Length == 4) { variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(sourceColors[3], (double newValue) => { sourceColor.a = Mathf.Clamp01((float)newValue * (1.0f / 255.0f)); lineRenderer.startColor = sourceColor; lineRenderer.endColor = sourceColor; }); } } } currentSample = 0; comp.StartCoroutine(SampleData()); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(variableName)) { // Disable the mesh if we're in variable mode if (borderObject != null) { borderObject.SetActive(false); } graphObject.SetActive(false); variableRegistrar.RegisterVariableChangeCallback(variableName, VariableCallback); } else { currentState = true; if (borderObject != null) { borderObject.SetActive(true); } graphObject.SetActive(true); } }
internal MASPage(ConfigNode config, InternalProp prop, MASFlightComputer comp, MASMonitor monitor, Transform rootTransform) { if (!config.TryGetValue("name", ref name)) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid or missing 'name' in MASPage"); } string[] softkeys = config.GetValues("softkey"); int numSoftkeys = softkeys.Length; for (int i = 0; i < numSoftkeys; ++i) { string[] pair = Utility.SplitVariableList(softkeys[i]); if (pair.Length == 2) { int id; if (int.TryParse(pair[0], out id)) { Action action = comp.GetAction(pair[1], prop); if (action != null) { softkeyAction[id] = action; } } } } string entryMethod = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("onEntry", ref entryMethod)) { onEntry = comp.GetAction(entryMethod, prop); } string exitMethod = string.Empty; if (config.TryGetValue("onExit", ref exitMethod)) { onExit = comp.GetAction(exitMethod, prop); } pageRoot = new GameObject(); = Utility.ComposeObjectName(this.GetType().Name, name, prop.propID); pageRoot.layer = rootTransform.gameObject.layer; pageRoot.transform.parent = rootTransform; pageRoot.transform.Translate(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); float depth = 0.0f; ConfigNode[] components = config.GetNodes(); int numComponents = components.Length; if (Array.Exists(components, x => == "SUB_PAGE")) { // Need to collate List <ConfigNode> newComponents = new List <ConfigNode>(); for (int i = 0; i < numComponents; ++i) { ConfigNode node = components[i]; if ( == "SUB_PAGE") { string subPageName = string.Empty; // Test for 'name' if (!node.TryGetValue("name", ref subPageName)) { throw new ArgumentException("No 'name' field in SUB_PAGE found in MASPage " + name); } // Test for 'variable' string variableString = string.Empty; bool editVariable = (node.TryGetValue("variable", ref variableString)); // Test for 'position' bool editPosition = false; string[] position = new string[0]; string positionString = string.Empty; if (node.TryGetValue("position", ref positionString)) { position = Utility.SplitVariableList(positionString); if (position.Length != 2) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid number of entries in 'position' for SUB_PAGE '" + subPageName + "' in MASPage " + name); } editPosition = true; } // Find the sub page. List <ConfigNode> subPageNodes; if (!MASLoader.subPages.TryGetValue(subPageName, out subPageNodes)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unable to find MAS_SUB_PAGE '" + subPageName + "' for SUB_PAGE found in MASPage " + name); } if (editVariable || editPosition) { for (int subPageNodeIdx = 0; subPageNodeIdx < subPageNodes.Count; ++subPageNodeIdx) { ConfigNode subNode = subPageNodes[subPageNodeIdx].CreateCopy(); string subNodeName = string.Empty; if (!subNode.TryGetValue("name", ref subNodeName)) { subNodeName = "anonymous"; } if (editVariable) { string currentVariable = string.Empty; if (subNode.TryGetValue("variable", ref currentVariable)) { subNode.SetValue("variable", string.Format("({0}) and ({1})", variableString, currentVariable)); } else { subNode.SetValue("variable", variableString, true); } } if (editPosition) { string currentPositionString = string.Empty; if (subNode.TryGetValue("position", ref currentPositionString)) { string[] currentPosition = Utility.SplitVariableList(currentPositionString); if (currentPosition.Length != 2) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid number of values in 'position' for node '" + subNodeName + "' in MAS_SUB_PAGE " + subPageName); } if (IsTextNode(subNode)) { subNode.SetValue("position", string.Format("{4} * ({0}) + ({1}), {5} * ({2}) + ({3})", position[0], currentPosition[0], position[1], currentPosition[1], 1.0f / monitor.fontSize.x, 1.0f / monitor.fontSize.y)); } else { subNode.SetValue("position", string.Format("({0}) + ({1}), ({2}) + ({3})", position[0], currentPosition[0], position[1], currentPosition[1])); } } else { if (IsTextNode(subNode)) { subNode.SetValue("position", string.Format("{2} * {0}, {3} * {1}", position[0], position[1], 1.0f / monitor.fontSize.x, 1.0f / monitor.fontSize.y), true); } else { subNode.SetValue("position", string.Format("{0}, {1}", position[0], position[1]), true); } } } newComponents.Add(subNode); } } else { // Simple and fast case: no edits required. newComponents.AddRange(subPageNodes); } } else { newComponents.Add(node); } } components = newComponents.ToArray(); numComponents = components.Length; } for (int i = 0; i < numComponents; ++i) { try { var pageComponent = CreatePageComponent(components[i], prop, comp, monitor, pageRoot.transform, depth); if (pageComponent != null) { component.Add(pageComponent); depth -= MASMonitor.depthDelta; } } catch (Exception e) { string componentName = string.Empty; if (!components[i].TryGetValue("name", ref componentName)) { componentName = "anonymous"; } string error = string.Format("Error configuring MASPage " + name + " " + + " " + componentName + ":"); Utility.LogError(this, error); Utility.LogError(this, "{0}", e.ToString()); Utility.ComplainLoudly(error); } } if (numComponents > 256) { Utility.LogWarning(this, "{0} elements were used in MASPage {1}. This may exceed the number of supported elements.", numComponents, name); } }