private void Button_accept_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (TextBox_color_code.Text != "" && TextBox_description.Text != "" && TextBox_color_code.Text.Length == 6) { bool success = true; switch (mode) { case QueryMode.add: success = Shortcuts.add("colors", new string[] { "color_code", "description" }, new string[] { TextBox_color_code.Text, TextBox_description.Text }, connection); break; case QueryMode.change: success = Shortcuts.change("colors", new string[] { "color_code", "description" }, new string[] { TextBox_color_code.Text, TextBox_description.Text }, primary_key_value, connection); break; } if (success) { parent.Focus(); parent.fill_table(); Close(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Заполните все пустые поля!", "Ошибка", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } }
public WindowPictures(QueryMode mode, MainWindow parent, string primary_key_value = "") { InitializeComponent(); this.mode = mode; this.parent = parent; this.primary_key_value = primary_key_value; if (mode == QueryMode.add) { Button_reset.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; Button_accept.Content = "Добавить"; } else { Button_accept.Content = "Изменить"; TextBox_name.Text = primary_key_value; byte[] image_bytes = Shortcuts.get_image("pictures", "name", primary_key_value, connection); new_image = image_bytes; Shortcuts.set_image(Image, image_bytes); TextBox_price.Text = Shortcuts.get_one_string_data_from($"select `price` from `pictures` where `name` = '{primary_key_value}'", connection); TextBox_price.Text = TextBox_price.Text.Replace(",", "."); old_values = new object[2] { primary_key_value, image_bytes }; } }
public WindowUsers(QueryMode mode, MainWindow parent, string primary_key_value = "") { InitializeComponent(); this.mode = mode; this.parent = parent; this.primary_key_value = primary_key_value; ComboBox_role.ItemsSource = Shortcuts.get_full_column_from("roles", "role", connection); ComboBox_gender.ItemsSource = Shortcuts.get_full_column_from("genders", "gender", connection); if (mode == QueryMode.add) { Button_reset.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; Button_accept.Content = "Добавить"; } else { Button_accept.Content = "Изменить"; byte[] image_bytes = Shortcuts.get_image("users", "mail", primary_key_value, connection); new_image = image_bytes; Shortcuts.set_image(Image, image_bytes); try { connection.Open(); MySqlCommand comm = new MySqlCommand($"SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `mail` = '{primary_key_value}'", connection); MySqlDataReader data = comm.ExecuteReader(); data.Read(); TextBox_mail.Text = primary_key_value; TextBox_password.Text = data[1].ToString(); TextBox_surname.Text = data[2].ToString(); TextBox_first_name.Text = data[3].ToString(); TextBox_second_name.Text = data[4].ToString(); TextBox_phone.Text = data[5].ToString(); ComboBox_role.Text = data[6].ToString(); ComboBox_gender.Text = data[7].ToString(); old_values = new object[9] { primary_key_value, data[1].ToString(), data[2].ToString(), data[3].ToString(), data[4].ToString(), data[5].ToString(), data[6].ToString(), data[7].ToString(), image_bytes }; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } finally { connection.Close(); } } }
private void Button_accept_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { int dot_count1 = TextBox_product_amount.Text.Split('.').Length - 1; int dot_count2 = TextBox_average_purchase_price.Text.Split('.').Length - 1; if (ComboBox_product_name.Text != "" && TextBox_product_amount.Text != "" && ComboBox_supplier.Text != "" && TextBox_average_purchase_price.Text != "" && dot_count1 <= 1 && dot_count2 <= 1) { string count = Shortcuts.get_one_string_data_from($"SELECT count(*) FROM " + $"`storage` WHERE `product_name` = '{ComboBox_product_name.Text}' AND " + $"`supplier` = '{ComboBox_supplier.Text}';", connection); if (int.Parse(count) >= 1 && mode == QueryMode.add) { MessageBox.Show("Уже существует запись с такой краской и поставщиком!", "Ошибка", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); return; } bool success = true; string measurement = Shortcuts.get_one_string_data_from($"SELECT `measurement` FROM `products` where `name` = '{ComboBox_product_name.Text}';", connection); switch (mode) { case QueryMode.add: success = Shortcuts.execute_command($"INSERT INTO `storage` (`id`, `product_name`, `product_amount`, `measurement`, `supplier`, `average_purchase_price`) " + $"VALUES (DEFAULT, '{ComboBox_product_name.Text}', {TextBox_product_amount.Text}, '{measurement}', " + $"'{ComboBox_supplier.Text}', {TextBox_average_purchase_price.Text});", connection); break; case QueryMode.change: success = Shortcuts.change("storage", new string[] { "id", "product_name", "product_amount", "measurement", "supplier", "average_purchase_price" }, new string[] { primary_key_value, ComboBox_product_name.Text, TextBox_product_amount.Text, measurement, ComboBox_supplier.Text, TextBox_average_purchase_price.Text }, primary_key_value, connection); break; } if (success) { parent.Focus(); if (parent is MainWindow) { ((MainWindow)parent).fill_table(); } if (parent is SupplyManagerWindow) { ((SupplyManagerWindow)parent).fill_table(); } Close(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Заполните корректно все числовые поля и поля с выбором!", "Ошибка", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } }
private void ComboBox_picture_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { if (ComboBox_picture.SelectedItem == null) { Image_pic.Source = null; return; } else { byte[] byte_image = Shortcuts.get_image("pictures", "name", (string)ComboBox_picture.SelectedItem, connection); Shortcuts.set_image(Image_pic, byte_image); } }
private void Button_reset_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { TextBox_mail.Text = (string)old_values[0]; TextBox_password.Text = (string)old_values[1]; TextBox_surname.Text = (string)old_values[2]; TextBox_first_name.Text = (string)old_values[3]; TextBox_second_name.Text = (string)old_values[4]; TextBox_phone.Text = (string)old_values[5]; ComboBox_role.Text = (string)old_values[6]; ComboBox_gender.Text = (string)old_values[7]; new_image = (byte[])old_values[8]; Shortcuts.set_image(Image, (byte[])old_values[8]); }
private void Button_choose_image_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); ofd.Filter = "Изображения(*.BMP;*.JPG;*.JPEG;*.PNG)|*.BMP;*.JPG;*.JPEG;*.PNG"; if (ofd.ShowDialog() == true) { string image_path = ofd.FileName; FileStream fs = new FileStream(image_path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs); new_image = br.ReadBytes((int)fs.Length); Shortcuts.set_image(Image, new_image); } }
public WindowCars(QueryMode mode, Window parent, string primary_key_value = "") { InitializeComponent(); this.mode = mode; this.parent = parent; this.primary_key_value = primary_key_value; List <string> mails = Shortcuts.get_full_column_from("clients", "mail", connection); ComboBox_owner_mail.ItemsSource = mails; if (mode == QueryMode.add) { Button_reset.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; Button_accept.Content = "Добавить"; } else { Button_accept.Content = "Изменить"; try { connection.Open(); MySqlCommand comm = new MySqlCommand($"SELECT * FROM `cars` " + $"WHERE `vin` = '{primary_key_value}';", connection); MySqlDataReader data = comm.ExecuteReader(); data.Read(); TextBox_vin.Text = primary_key_value; TextBox_number.Text = data[1].ToString(); ComboBox_owner_mail.Text = data[2].ToString(); TextBox_color.Text = data[3].ToString(); TextBox_model.Text = data[4].ToString(); old_values = new string[5] { data[0].ToString(), data[1].ToString(), data[2].ToString(), data[3].ToString(), data[4].ToString() }; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } finally { connection.Close(); } } }
public WindowClients(QueryMode mode, Window parent, string primary_key_value = "") { InitializeComponent(); this.mode = mode; this.parent = parent; this.primary_key_value = primary_key_value; ComboBox_gender.ItemsSource = Shortcuts.get_full_column_from("genders", "gender", connection); if (mode == QueryMode.add) { Button_reset.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; Button_accept.Content = "Добавить"; } else { Button_accept.Content = "Изменить"; try { connection.Open(); MySqlCommand comm = new MySqlCommand($"SELECT * FROM `clients` " + $"WHERE `mail` = '{primary_key_value}';", connection); MySqlDataReader data = comm.ExecuteReader(); data.Read(); TextBox_mail.Text = primary_key_value; TextBox_phone.Text = data[1].ToString(); TextBox_surname.Text = data[2].ToString(); TextBox_first_name.Text = data[3].ToString(); TextBox_second_name.Text = data[4].ToString(); ComboBox_gender.Text = data[5].ToString(); old_values = new string[6] { data[0].ToString(), data[1].ToString(), data[2].ToString(), data[3].ToString(), data[4].ToString(), data[5].ToString() }; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } finally { connection.Close(); } } }
public WindowStorage(QueryMode mode, Window parent, string primary_key_value = "") { InitializeComponent(); this.mode = mode; this.parent = parent; this.primary_key_value = primary_key_value; ComboBox_product_name.ItemsSource = Shortcuts.get_full_column_from("products", "name", connection); ComboBox_supplier.ItemsSource = Shortcuts.get_full_column_from("suppliers", "name", connection); if (mode == QueryMode.add) { Button_reset.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; Button_accept.Content = "Добавить"; } else { Button_accept.Content = "Изменить"; try { connection.Open(); MySqlCommand comm = new MySqlCommand($"SELECT * FROM `storage` " + $"WHERE `id` = '{primary_key_value}';", connection); MySqlDataReader data = comm.ExecuteReader(); data.Read(); ComboBox_product_name.Text = data[1].ToString(); TextBox_product_amount.Text = float.Parse(data[2].ToString()).ToString(); TextBox_product_amount.Text = TextBox_product_amount.Text.Replace(",", "."); ComboBox_supplier.Text = data[4].ToString(); TextBox_average_purchase_price.Text = float.Parse(data[5].ToString()).ToString(); TextBox_average_purchase_price.Text = TextBox_average_purchase_price.Text.Replace(",", "."); old_values = new string[4] { data[1].ToString(), data[2].ToString(), data[4].ToString(), data[5].ToString() }; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } finally { connection.Close(); } } }
private void Button_accept_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (TextBox_vin.Text != "" && TextBox_number.Text != "" && ComboBox_owner_mail.Text != "" && TextBox_color.Text != "" && TextBox_model.Text != "") { bool success = true; switch (mode) { case QueryMode.add: success = Shortcuts.add("cars", new string[] { "vin", "number", "owner_mail", "color", "model" }, new string[] { TextBox_vin.Text.ToUpper(), TextBox_number.Text, ComboBox_owner_mail.Text, TextBox_color.Text, TextBox_model.Text }, connection); break; case QueryMode.change: success = Shortcuts.change("cars", new string[] { "vin", "number", "owner_mail", "color", "model" }, new string[] { TextBox_vin.Text.ToUpper(), TextBox_number.Text, ComboBox_owner_mail.Text, TextBox_color.Text, TextBox_model.Text }, primary_key_value, connection); break; } if (success) { parent.Focus(); if (parent is MainWindow) { ((MainWindow)parent).fill_table(); } if (parent is RequestManagerWindow) { ((RequestManagerWindow)parent).fill_table(); } Close(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Заполните все пустые поля!", "Ошибка", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } }
//Удаление выбранной записи private void Button_delete_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { object item = DataGrid.SelectedItem; if (item != null) { switch (current_table) { case Tables.requests: if (((Request)item).request_status == "Обработано") { MessageBox.Show("Нельзя удалить обработанную заявку!", "Внимание", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); return; } if (confirm_action("Вы хотите удалить текущий объект?", "Удаление")) { Shortcuts.execute_command($@"DELETE FROM `requests` where `id` = '{((Request)item).id}';", connection); fill_table(); } break; case if (confirm_action("Вы хотите удалить текущий объект?", "Удаление")) { Shortcuts.execute_command($@"DELETE FROM `cars` where `vin` = '{((Car)item).vin}';", connection); fill_table(); } break; case Tables.clients: if (confirm_action("Вы хотите удалить текущий объект?", "Удаление")) { Shortcuts.execute_command($@"DELETE FROM `clients` where `mail` = '{((Client)item).mail}';", connection); fill_table(); } break; } TextBox_search.Text = ""; fill_table(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Выберите мышью запись перед удалением."); } }
private void Button_accept_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (TextBox_surface_size.Text != "" && TextBox_cost.Text != "") { if (Shortcuts.change("car_parts", new string[] { "id", "name", "surface_size", "cost" }, new string[] { primary_key_value, Label_name.Content.ToString(), TextBox_surface_size.Text, TextBox_cost.Text }, primary_key_value, connection)) { parent.Focus(); parent.fill_table(); Close(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Введите правильные значения и не оставляйте пустых полей!", "Ошибка", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } }
private void Button_accept_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (TextBox_name.Text != "" && ComboBox_city.Text != "" && TextBox_address.Text != "" && TextBox_phone.Text != "") { bool success = true; switch (mode) { case QueryMode.add: success = Shortcuts.add("suppliers", new string[] { "name", "city", "address", "phone" }, new string[] { TextBox_name.Text, ComboBox_city.Text, TextBox_address.Text, TextBox_phone.Text }, connection); break; case QueryMode.change: success = Shortcuts.change("suppliers", new string[] { "name", "city", "address", "phone" }, new string[] { TextBox_name.Text, ComboBox_city.Text, TextBox_address.Text, TextBox_phone.Text }, primary_key_value, connection); break; } if (success) { parent.Focus(); if (parent is MainWindow) { ((MainWindow)parent).fill_table(); } if (parent is SupplyManagerWindow) { ((SupplyManagerWindow)parent).fill_table(); } Close(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Заполните все пустые поля!", "Ошибка", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } }
private void Button_action_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { bool success = true; if (mode == QueryMode.change) { success = Shortcuts.change(table_name, new string[] { field_name }, new string[] { Textbox_item_value.Text }, old_value, connection); } else { success = Shortcuts.add(table_name, new string[] { field_name }, new string[] { Textbox_item_value.Text }, connection); } if (success) { Close(); parent_window.fill_table(); parent_window.Focus(); } }
private void fill_product_with(string measurement) { ComboBox_product_name.Items.Clear(); try { connection.Open(); MySqlCommand comm = new MySqlCommand("SELECT `name`, `color_code` FROM `products`" + $"WHERE `measurement` = '{measurement}';", connection); MySqlDataReader data = comm.ExecuteReader(); while (data.Read()) { ComboBox_product_name.Items.Add(Shortcuts.create_color_box(data[0].ToString(), data[1].ToString())); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } finally { connection.Close(); } }
private void Button_accept_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (TextBox_name.Text != "" && ComboBox_paint_type.Text != "" && ComboBox_color_code.SelectedIndex != -1) { bool success = true; switch (mode) { case QueryMode.add: success = Shortcuts.add("products", new string[] { "name", "paint_type", "color_code", "measurement" }, new string[] { TextBox_name.Text, ComboBox_paint_type.Text, (string)(ComboBox_color_code.Items[ComboBox_color_code.SelectedIndex] as ComboBoxItem).Tag, (ComboBox_paint_type.Text == "Плёнка")? "рулон": "литр" }, connection); break; case QueryMode.change: success = Shortcuts.change("products", new string[] { "name", "paint_type", "color_code", "measurement" }, new string[] { TextBox_name.Text, ComboBox_paint_type.Text, (string)(ComboBox_color_code.Items[ComboBox_color_code.SelectedIndex] as ComboBoxItem).Tag, (ComboBox_paint_type.Text == "Плёнка")? "рулон": "литр" }, primary_key_value, connection); break; } if (success) { parent.Focus(); parent.fill_table(); Close(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Заполните все пустые поля!", "Ошибка", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } }
//Удаление выбранной записи private void Button_delete_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { object item = DataGrid.SelectedItem; if (item != null) { string item_name = ""; switch (current_table) { case Tables.suppliers: item_name = ((Supplier)item).name; break; case if (((Supply)item).user_mail != current_user.mail) { MessageBox.Show("Вы не можете удалять чужие поставки!", "Запрещено", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Exclamation); return; } if (((Supply)item).delivery_date != "") { MessageBox.Show("Нельзя удалить зачисленную поставку!", "Внимание", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); return; } item_name = ((Supply)item).id.ToString(); break; } if (confirm_action("Вы хотите удалить текущий объект?", "Удаление")) { Shortcuts.execute_command($@"DELETE FROM `{tables[(int)current_table]}` where `{current_primary_key_name}` = '{item_name}';", connection); TextBox_search.Text = ""; fill_table(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Выберите мышью запись перед удалением."); } }
private void DataGrid_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { if (DataGrid.SelectedItem != null) { switch (current_table) { case Border_color.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; Supply sup = (Supply)DataGrid.SelectedItem; Border_color.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; string supply_color_code = Shortcuts.get_one_string_data_from($"SELECT `color_code` FROM `products` WHERE `name` = '{sup.product_name}';", connection); Border_color.Background = new SolidColorBrush((System.Windows.Media.Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString("#" + supply_color_code)); break; case Border_color.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; Storage st = (Storage)DataGrid.SelectedItem; Border_color.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; string st_color_code = Shortcuts.get_one_string_data_from($"SELECT `color_code` FROM `products` WHERE `name` = '{st.product_name}';", connection); Border_color.Background = new SolidColorBrush((System.Windows.Media.Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString("#" + st_color_code)); break; } } }
//Отображение изображения или цвета из некоторых таблиц private void DataGrid_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { TextBlock_car_parts.Text = ""; object item = DataGrid.SelectedItem; if (item != null) { switch (current_table) { case Tables.users: Button_image_change.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; Shortcuts.set_image(DataImage, Shortcuts.get_image(tables[(int)current_table], current_primary_key_name, ((User)item).mail, connection)); break; case Button_image_change.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; Shortcuts.set_image(DataImage, Shortcuts.get_image(tables[(int)current_table], current_primary_key_name, ((Picture)item).name, connection)); break; case Tables.colors: Border_color.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; string color_code = "#" + ((Color)item).color_code; Border_color.Background = new SolidColorBrush((System.Windows.Media.Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString(color_code)); break; case Tables.products: Border_color.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; string color = "#" + ((Product)item).color_code; Border_color.Background = new SolidColorBrush((System.Windows.Media.Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString(color)); break; case Supply sup = (Supply)item; Border_color.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; string supply_color_code = Shortcuts.get_one_string_data_from($"SELECT `color_code` FROM `products` WHERE `name` = '{sup.product_name}';", connection); Border_color.Background = new SolidColorBrush((System.Windows.Media.Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString("#" + supply_color_code)); break; case Tables.requests: int numb = ((Request)item).parts_to_paint; TextBlock_car_parts.Text = "Части на покраску:\n"; if (numb == 8191) { TextBlock_car_parts.Text += "Все"; } else { try { connection.Open(); MySqlCommand comm = new MySqlCommand($"SELECT `name` FROM `car_parts` WHERE `id` & {numb};", connection); MySqlDataReader data = comm.ExecuteReader(); while (data.Read()) { TextBlock_car_parts.Text += data[0].ToString() + "\n"; } /* * if (TextBlock_car_parts.Text == "Части на покраску:\n") * { * TextBlock_car_parts.Text += "Все"; * }*/ } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } finally { connection.Close(); } } break; } } }
//Удаление выбранной записи private void Button_delete_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { object item = DataGrid.SelectedItem; if (item != null) { string item_name = primary_key_values[DataGrid.Items.IndexOf(item)]; if (current_table == Tables.users && item_name == current_user.mail) { MessageBox.Show("Вы не можете удалить свой аккаунт."); return; } if (current_table == Tables.measurements) { switch (((Measurement)item).measurement) { case "литр": case "рулон": MessageBox.Show("Вы не можете удалять записи, используемые в системе."); return; } } if (current_table == Tables.request_statuses) { switch (((Request_status)item).request_status) { case "Обработано": case "Ожидает обработки": MessageBox.Show("Вы не можете удалять записи, используемые в системе."); return; } } if (current_table == Tables.roles) { switch (((Role)item).role) { case "администратор": case "менеджер по заявкам": case "менеджер по поставкам": MessageBox.Show("Вы не можете удалять записи, используемые в системе."); return; } } if (current_table == Tables.service_types) { switch (((Service_type)item).service_type) { case "Аэрография": case "Детальная": case "Оклейка плёнкой": case "Полная": MessageBox.Show("Вы не можете удалять записи, используемые в системе."); return; } } if (confirm_action("Вы хотите удалить текущий объект?", "Удаление")) { string primary_key_value = DataGrid.SelectedItem.ToString().Split(' ')[0]; switch (current_table) { case primary_key_value = ((Car)item).vin; break; case Tables.cities: primary_key_value = ((City)item).city; break; case Tables.clients: primary_key_value = ((Client)item).mail; break; case Tables.colors: primary_key_value = ((Color)item).color_code; break; case Tables.genders: primary_key_value = ((Gender)item).gender; break; case Tables.measurements: primary_key_value = ((Measurement)item).measurement; break; case Tables.paint_types: primary_key_value = ((Paint_type)item).paint_type; break; case primary_key_value = ((Picture)item).name; break; case Tables.products: primary_key_value = ((Product)item).name; break; case Tables.requests: primary_key_value = ((Request)item).id.ToString(); break; case Tables.request_statuses: primary_key_value = ((Request_status)item).request_status; break; case Tables.roles: primary_key_value = ((Role)item).role; break; case Tables.service_types: primary_key_value = ((Service_type)item).service_type; break; case primary_key_value = ((Storage)item).id.ToString(); break; case Tables.suppliers: primary_key_value = ((Supplier)item).name; break; case primary_key_value = ((Supply)item).id.ToString(); break; case Tables.users: primary_key_value = ((User)item).mail; break; } Shortcuts.execute_command($@"DELETE FROM `{tables[(int)current_table]}` where `{current_primary_key_name}` = '{primary_key_value}';", connection); TextBox_search.Text = ""; fill_table(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Выберите мышью запись перед удалением."); } }
private void button_delivery_supply_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (DataGrid.SelectedItem == null) { MessageBox.Show("Выберите мышью запись перед совершением поставки."); } else { bool success = true; Supply sup = (Supply)DataGrid.SelectedItem; if (sup.delivery_date != "") { MessageBox.Show("Данная поставка уже зачислена!", "Внимание", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Exclamation); return; } int product_storage_count = int.Parse(Shortcuts.get_one_string_data_from($"SELECT count(*) FROM " + $"`storage` WHERE `product_name` = '{sup.product_name}' AND " + $"`supplier` = '{sup.supplier}';", connection)); if (product_storage_count == 1) { //Записать в существующего поставщика Storage st = new Storage(); try { connection.Open(); MySqlCommand comm = new MySqlCommand("SELECT * FROM " + $"`storage` WHERE `product_name` = '{sup.product_name}' AND " + $"`supplier` = '{sup.supplier}';", connection); MySqlDataReader data = comm.ExecuteReader(); data.Read(); string[] values = new string[data.FieldCount]; for (int i = 0; i < data.FieldCount; i++) { values[i] = data[i].ToString(); } st = (Storage)Container_controller.Create_struct(, values); } catch (Exception ex) { success = false; MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } finally { connection.Close(); } decimal new_prod_amount = st.product_amount + sup.product_amount; decimal new_price = ((st.average_purchase_price * st.product_amount) + sup.price * sup.product_amount) / (new_prod_amount); success = Shortcuts.execute_command("UPDATE `storage` SET " + $"`average_purchase_price` = {new_price.ToString().Replace(',', '.')}, " + $"`product_amount` = {new_prod_amount.ToString().Replace(',', '.')} " + $"WHERE `product_name` = '{sup.product_name.ToString().Replace(',', '.')}' AND " + $"`supplier` = '{sup.supplier}';", connection); success = Shortcuts.execute_command("UPDATE `supplies` SET " + $"`delivery_date` = '{DateTime.Now:yyyy-MM-dd}' " + $"WHERE `id` = {};", connection); if (success) { MessageBox.Show("Поставка на склад произведена!", "Успех", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); } else { MessageBox.Show("Поставка не произведена!", "Ошибка", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } } else if (product_storage_count == 0) { success = Shortcuts.execute_command("INSERT INTO `storage` " + "(`product_name`, `product_amount`, " + "`measurement`, `supplier`, `average_purchase_price`) VALUES " + $"('{sup.product_name}', {sup.product_amount.ToString().Replace(',','.')}, " + $"'{sup.measurement}', '{sup.supplier}', {(sup.price).ToString().Replace(',', '.')});", connection); success = Shortcuts.execute_command("UPDATE `supplies` SET " + $"`delivery_date` = '{DateTime.Now:yyyy-MM-dd}' " + $"WHERE `id` = {};", connection); if (success) { MessageBox.Show("Поставка на склад произведена!", "Успех", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); } else { MessageBox.Show("Поставка не произведена!", "Ошибка", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Произошла ошибка в базе!\nПовторяющиеся записи продукта на одного поставщика. " + "Обратитесь к администратору", "Ошибка", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } fill_table(); } }
private void button_write_check_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (DataGrid.SelectedItem == null) { MessageBox.Show("Выберите мышью запись перед созданием чека!"); return; } else if (((Request)DataGrid.SelectedItem).paint_date == "") { MessageBox.Show("Нельзя выписать чек необработанной заявки!"); return; } SaveFileDialog SFDialog = new SaveFileDialog(); SFDialog.Filter = "Microsoft Word Document (*.docx)|*.docx"; if (SFDialog.ShowDialog() == true) { Request req = (Request)DataGrid.SelectedItem; string cashier_name = current_user.surname + " " + current_user.first_name[0] + ". " + current_user.second_name[0] + "."; string parts_to_paint = ""; decimal price = 0; //Определение цены услуги и списка покрашенных деталей if (req.parts_to_paint == 8191) { parts_to_paint = "Полностью"; //количество краски на всю машину decimal paint_amount = decimal.Parse(Shortcuts.get_one_string_data_from("SELECT SUM(surface_size) FROM `car_parts`;", connection)) / 1000; if (req.product_name == "") { //стоимость за аэрографию price = decimal.Parse(Shortcuts.get_one_string_data_from("SELECT `price` " + $"FROM `pictures` WHERE `name` = '{req.picture_name}';", connection)); } else { try { //стоимость покраски всей машины без учёта краски price = decimal.Parse(Shortcuts.get_one_string_data_from("SELECT SUM(cost) FROM `car_parts`;", connection)); //стоимость использованной краски decimal paint_price = decimal.Parse(Shortcuts.get_one_string_data_from("SELECT `average_purchase_price` " + $"FROM `storage` WHERE `supplier` = '{req.supplier}' AND `product_name` = '{req.product_name}';", connection)); //надбавка цены на краску price = price + paint_price * paint_amount; } catch { MessageBox.Show("Невозможно оформить чек. Отсутствуют данные о цене краски."); return; } } } else //детальная покраска { //перечисление частей на покраску List <string> parts = Shortcuts.get_full_column_from("car_parts", "name", $"`id` & {req.parts_to_paint}", connection); for (int i = 0; i < parts.Count; i++) { parts_to_paint += parts[i]; if (i != parts.Count - 1) { parts_to_paint += "; "; } else { parts_to_paint += "."; } } try { //стоимость за покраску частей без учёта краски price = decimal.Parse(Shortcuts.get_one_string_data_from($"SELECT SUM(cost) FROM `car_parts` WHERE `id` & {req.parts_to_paint};", connection)); decimal paint_price = decimal.Parse(Shortcuts.get_one_string_data_from("SELECT `average_purchase_price` " + $"FROM `storage` WHERE `supplier` = '{req.supplier}' AND `product_name` = '{req.product_name}';", connection)); //общая цена за услугу decimal paint_amount = decimal.Parse(Shortcuts.get_one_string_data_from($"SELECT SUM(surface_size) FROM `car_parts` WHERE `id` & {req.parts_to_paint};", connection)) / 1000; //надбавка цены на краску price = price + paint_price * paint_amount; } catch { MessageBox.Show("Невозможно оформить чек. Отсутствуют данные о цене краски."); return; } } try { Word.Application WordApp = new Word.Application(); WordApp.Visible = false; string price_in_doc = price.ToString().Replace(',', '.'); int dot_pos = price_in_doc.IndexOf('.'); if (dot_pos > 0) { price_in_doc = price_in_doc.Substring(0, dot_pos + 3); } Document word_doc = WordApp.Documents.Open(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + $@"\check.docx"); Shortcuts.replace_word("{vin}",, word_doc); Shortcuts.replace_word("{service_type}", req.service_type, word_doc); Shortcuts.replace_word("{color}", req.product_name, word_doc); Shortcuts.replace_word("{parts_to_paint}", parts_to_paint, word_doc); Shortcuts.replace_word("{picture}", req.picture_name, word_doc); Shortcuts.replace_word("{price}", price_in_doc, word_doc); Shortcuts.replace_word("{cashier_name}", cashier_name, word_doc); Shortcuts.replace_word("{current_date}", req.paint_date, word_doc); word_doc.SaveAs2(FileName: SFDialog.FileName); word_doc.Close(); MessageBox.Show("Файл успешно сохранён!"); } catch { MessageBox.Show("При сохранении чека возникла ошибка. Документ не сохранён.", "Ошибка", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } } }
private void button_accept_request_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { bool success = true; if (DataGrid.SelectedItem != null) { Request req = (Request)DataGrid.SelectedItem; if (req.request_status == "Обработано") { MessageBox.Show("Данная заявка уже обработана!", "Ошибка", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); return; } else if (req.service_type == "Аэрография") { success = Shortcuts.execute_command("UPDATE `requests` " + "SET `request_status` = 'Обработано', " + $"`paint_date` = '{DateTime.Now:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}' " + $"WHERE `id` = {};", connection); fill_table(); if (success) { MessageBox.Show("Заявка успешно обработана!", "Успех", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); } } else { int parts = req.parts_to_paint; string measurement = Shortcuts.get_one_string_data_from($"SELECT `measurement`" + $"FROM `storage` WHERE `product_name` = '{req.product_name}'", connection); decimal paint_amount; if (req.service_type == "Детальная") { paint_amount = decimal.Parse(Shortcuts.get_one_string_data_from($"SELECT SUM(`surface_size`) FROM `car_parts` " + $"WHERE `id` & {parts};", connection)) / 1000; } else { paint_amount = decimal.Parse(Shortcuts.get_one_string_data_from($"SELECT SUM(`surface_size`) FROM `car_parts`;", connection)) / 1000; } int prod_available = int.Parse(Shortcuts.get_one_string_data_from($"SELECT count(*) FROM `storage` " + $"WHERE `product_name` = '{req.product_name}' AND `supplier` = '{req.supplier}';", connection)); decimal paint_cost; switch (prod_available) { case 1: paint_cost = paint_amount * decimal.Parse(Shortcuts.get_one_string_data_from("SELECT `average_purchase_price` " + $"FROM `storage` WHERE `product_name` = '{req.product_name}';", connection)); //Всё норм success = Shortcuts.execute_command("UPDATE `storage` " + $"SET `product_amount` = (`product_amount` - {paint_amount.ToString().Replace(',','.')}) " + $"WHERE `product_name` = '{req.product_name}' AND `supplier` = '{req.supplier}';", connection); success = Shortcuts.execute_command("UPDATE `requests` " + $"SET `request_status` = 'Обработано', " + $"`paint_amount` = {paint_amount.ToString().Replace(',','.')}, " + $"`measurement` = '{measurement}', " + $"`paint_cost` = {paint_cost.ToString().Replace(',', '.')}, " + $"`paint_date` = '{DateTime.Now:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}' " + $"WHERE `id` = {};", connection); fill_table(); if (success) { MessageBox.Show("Заявка успешно обработана!", "Успех", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); } break; case 0: MessageBox.Show("На складе отсутствует краска соответствующего поставщика!", "Нет краски", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Exclamation); break; default: MessageBox.Show("Произошла ошибка в базе!\nПовторяющиеся записи продукта на одного поставщика. " + "Обратитесь к администратору", "Ошибка", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); break; } } } else { MessageBox.Show("Выберите мышью запись перед изменением."); } }
public WindowSupplies(QueryMode mode, Window parent, string primary_key_value = "") { InitializeComponent(); this.mode = mode; this.parent = parent; this.primary_key_value = primary_key_value; DatePicker_order.DisplayDateStart = DateTime.Today; DatePicker_order.DisplayDateEnd = DateTime.Today.AddDays(90); ComboBox_supplier.ItemsSource = Shortcuts.get_full_column_from("suppliers", "name", connection); if (mode == QueryMode.add) { Button_reset.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; Button_accept.Content = "Добавить"; } else { Button_accept.Content = "Изменить"; try { connection.Open(); MySqlCommand comm = new MySqlCommand($"SELECT * FROM `supplies` " + $"WHERE `id` = '{primary_key_value}';", connection); MySqlDataReader data = comm.ExecuteReader(); data.Read(); ComboBox_supplier.Text = data[2].ToString(); TextBox_product_amount.Text = float.Parse(data[4].ToString()).ToString(); TextBox_product_amount.Text = TextBox_product_amount.Text.Replace(",", "."); TextBox_price.Text = float.Parse(data[6].ToString()).ToString(); TextBox_price.Text = TextBox_price.Text.Replace(",", "."); DatePicker_order.SelectedDate = (DateTime)data[7]; //data[5] - невидимая пользователю единица измерения old_values = new object[6] { /*0*/ data[2].ToString(), /*1*/ data[3].ToString(), /*2*/ data[4].ToString(), /*3*/ data[5].ToString(), //measurement /*4*/ data[6].ToString(), /*5*/ data[7] }; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } finally { connection.Close(); } ComboBox_paint_type.SelectedIndex = (old_values[3].ToString() == "литр") ? 0 : 1; for (int i = 0; i < ComboBox_product_name.Items.Count; i++) { if ((string)(ComboBox_product_name.Items[i] as ComboBoxItem).Tag == old_values[1].ToString()) { ComboBox_product_name.SelectedIndex = i; old_color_index = i; break; } } } }
private void Button_accept_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { //Количество точек в введённых числах int dot_count1 = TextBox_product_amount.Text.Split('.').Length - 1; int dot_count2 = TextBox_price.Text.Split('.').Length - 1; if (ComboBox_supplier.Text != "" && (string)(ComboBox_product_name.Items[ComboBox_product_name.SelectedIndex] as ComboBoxItem).Tag != "" && TextBox_product_amount.Text != "" && TextBox_price.Text != "" && DatePicker_order.SelectedDate.HasValue && dot_count1 <= 1 && dot_count2 <= 1) { string mail = ""; if (parent is MainWindow) { mail = ((MainWindow)parent).current_user.mail; } else if (parent is SupplyManagerWindow) { mail = ((SupplyManagerWindow)parent).current_user.mail; } string measurement = Shortcuts.get_one_string_data_from($"SELECT `measurement` FROM `products` where `name` = '{(string)(ComboBox_product_name.Items[ComboBox_product_name.SelectedIndex] as ComboBoxItem).Tag}';", connection); bool success = true; switch (mode) { case QueryMode.add: success = Shortcuts.execute_command($"INSERT INTO `supplies` (`id`, `user_mail`, `supplier`, " + $"`product_name`, `product_amount`, `measurement`, `price`, " + $"`order_date`, `delivery_date`) " + $"VALUES (DEFAULT, '{mail}', '{ComboBox_supplier.Text}', " + $"'{(string)(ComboBox_product_name.Items[ComboBox_product_name.SelectedIndex] as ComboBoxItem).Tag}', {TextBox_product_amount.Text}, '{measurement}', {TextBox_price.Text}, " + $"'{DatePicker_order.SelectedDate.Value:yyyy-MM-dd}', " + $"NULL);", connection); break; case QueryMode.change: success = Shortcuts.execute_command($"UPDATE `supplies` " + $"SET " + $"`user_mail` = '{mail}', " + $"`supplier` = '{ComboBox_supplier.Text}', " + $"`product_name` = '{(string)(ComboBox_product_name.Items[ComboBox_product_name.SelectedIndex] as ComboBoxItem).Tag}', " + $"`product_amount` = '{TextBox_product_amount.Text}'," + $"`measurement` = '{measurement}', " + $"`price` = '{TextBox_price.Text}', " + $"`order_date` = '{DatePicker_order.SelectedDate.Value:yyyy-MM-dd}' " + $"WHERE `id` = {primary_key_value}", connection); break; } if (success) { parent.Focus(); if (parent is MainWindow) { ((MainWindow)parent).fill_table(); } if (parent is SupplyManagerWindow) { ((SupplyManagerWindow)parent).fill_table(); } Close(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Заполните корректно все числовые поля, поля с выбором и даты!", "Ошибка", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } }
private void Button_accept_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (TextBox_mail.Text != "" && TextBox_phone.Text != "" && TextBox_surname.Text != "" && TextBox_first_name.Text != "" && TextBox_second_name.Text != "" && ComboBox_gender.Text != "") { string m = TextBox_mail.Text.ToLower(); if (m.Split('@').Length != 2) { MessageBox.Show("Неправильный ввод почты!"); return; } if (!(m.Contains('.') && m.Split('@')[1].Split('.')[1].Length >= 2 && m.Split('@')[1].Split('.')[1].Length <= 4)) { MessageBox.Show("Неправильный ввод почты!"); return; } if (m.LastIndexOf('.') - m.IndexOf('@') <= 1) { MessageBox.Show("Неправильный ввод почты!"); return; } if (m.IndexOf('@') == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Неправильный ввод почты!"); return; } /*Regex reg = new Regex("^[A-Za-z0-9._-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+.[A-Za-z]{2,4}$"); * if (!reg.IsMatch(TextBox_mail.Text.ToLower())) * { * MessageBox.Show("Неправильный ввод почты!"); * return; * }*/ bool success = true; switch (mode) { case QueryMode.add: success = Shortcuts.add("clients", new string[] { "mail", "phone", "surname", "first_name", "second_name", "gender" }, new string[] { TextBox_mail.Text.ToLower(), TextBox_phone.Text, TextBox_surname.Text, TextBox_first_name.Text, TextBox_second_name.Text, ComboBox_gender.Text }, connection); break; case QueryMode.change: success = Shortcuts.change("clients", new string[] { "mail", "phone", "surname", "first_name", "second_name", "gender" }, new string[] { TextBox_mail.Text.ToLower(), TextBox_phone.Text, TextBox_surname.Text, TextBox_first_name.Text, TextBox_second_name.Text, ComboBox_gender.Text }, primary_key_value, connection); break; } if (success) { parent.Focus(); if (parent is MainWindow) { ((MainWindow)parent).fill_table(); } if (parent is RequestManagerWindow) { ((RequestManagerWindow)parent).fill_table(); } Close(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Заполните все пустые поля!", "Ошибка", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } }
public WindowProducts(QueryMode mode, MainWindow parent, string primary_key_value = "") { InitializeComponent(); this.mode = mode; this.parent = parent; this.primary_key_value = primary_key_value; try { connection.Open(); MySqlCommand comm = new MySqlCommand("SELECT `color_code` FROM `colors`;", connection); MySqlDataReader data = comm.ExecuteReader(); while (data.Read()) { ComboBox_color_code.Items.Add(Shortcuts.create_color_box(data[0].ToString(), data[0].ToString())); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } finally { connection.Close(); } ComboBox_paint_type.ItemsSource = Shortcuts.get_full_column_from("paint_types", "paint_type", connection); if (mode == QueryMode.add) { Button_reset.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; Button_accept.Content = "Добавить"; } else { Button_accept.Content = "Изменить"; try { connection.Open(); MySqlCommand comm = new MySqlCommand($"SELECT * FROM `products` " + $"WHERE `name` = '{primary_key_value}';", connection); MySqlDataReader data = comm.ExecuteReader(); data.Read(); TextBox_name.Text = primary_key_value; for (int i = 0; i < ComboBox_color_code.Items.Count; i++) { if ((string)(ComboBox_color_code.Items[i] as ComboBoxItem).Tag == data[2].ToString()) { ComboBox_color_code.SelectedIndex = i; old_color_index = i; break; } } ComboBox_paint_type.Text = data[1].ToString(); old_values = new string[3] { data[0].ToString(), data[1].ToString(), data[2].ToString() }; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } finally { connection.Close(); } } }
private void Button_reset_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { new_image = (byte[])old_values[1]; TextBox_name.Text = (string)old_values[0]; Shortcuts.set_image(Image, (byte[])old_values[1]); }
public WindowRequests(QueryMode mode, Window parent, string primary_key_value = "") { InitializeComponent(); checks = new CheckBox[] { check_lpk, check_lzk, check_ppk, check_pzk, check_lpd, check_lzd, check_ppd, check_pzd, check_roof, check_hood, check_kb, check_pb, check_zb }; ids = new List <int>(); for (int i = 1; i <= 4096; i *= 2) { ids.Add(i); } this.mode = mode; this.parent = parent; this.primary_key_value = primary_key_value; ComboBox_vin.ItemsSource = Shortcuts.get_full_column_from("cars", "vin", connection); ComboBox_service_type.ItemsSource = Shortcuts.get_full_column_from("service_types", "service_type", connection); ComboBox_picture.ItemsSource = Shortcuts.get_full_column_from("pictures", "name", connection); ComboBox_supplier.ItemsSource = Shortcuts.get_full_column_from("suppliers", "name", connection); if (mode == QueryMode.add) { Button_reset.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; initialized = true; Button_accept.Content = "Добавить"; change_checkbox_ability(false); } else { Button_accept.Content = "Изменить"; try { connection.Open(); MySqlCommand comm = new MySqlCommand($"SELECT * FROM `requests` " + $"WHERE `id` = '{primary_key_value}';", connection); MySqlDataReader data = comm.ExecuteReader(); data.Read(); ComboBox_vin.Text = data[1].ToString(); request_date = (DateTime)data[3]; ComboBox_service_type.Text = data[4].ToString(); ComboBox_supplier.Text = data[8].ToString(); old_values = new object[8] { /*0*/ data[1].ToString(), //VIN /*1*/ data[2].ToString(), //Product_name /*2*/ data[3], //DateTime /*3*/ data[4].ToString(), //service_type /*4*/ data[5], //int parts_to_paint /*5*/ data[6].ToString(), //pic_name /*6*/ data[7].ToString(), //request_status /*7*/ data[8].ToString() }; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message.ToString()); } finally { connection.Close(); initialized = true; ComboBox_service_type.Text = ComboBox_service_type.Text; if (ComboBox_service_type.Text == "Оклейка плёнкой") { fill_product_with("рулон"); } else { fill_product_with("литр"); } if (ComboBox_service_type.Text != "Аэрография") { ComboBox_product_name.IsEnabled = true; ComboBox_supplier.IsEnabled = true; for (int i = 0; i < ComboBox_product_name.Items.Count; i++) { if ((string)(ComboBox_product_name.Items[i] as ComboBoxItem).Tag == (string)old_values[1]) { ComboBox_product_name.SelectedIndex = i; old_color_index = i; break; } } } else { ComboBox_picture.IsEnabled = true; ComboBox_picture.Text = (string)old_values[5]; } change_checkbox_ability(ComboBox_service_type.Text == "Детальная"); if (ComboBox_service_type.Text == "Детальная") { set_checkbox_value((int)old_values[4]); } else { change_checkbox_value(false); change_checkbox_ability(false); } } } }