コード例 #1
        private bool GetQueryDetails(cDBTools dbt, ref string sql, ref string queryDB, ref Dictionary <string, string> queryParams)
            string _stage = "";

                _stage = $"Getting SQL for query {QueryNumber}";
                dbt.Query($"select SQL,Base_Datos from cabecera_consultas where idreg={QueryNumber}");
                if (dbt.EOF)
                    throw new Exception("Query not found");
                sql     = "set dateformat dmy " + dbt.FieldValue(0).ToString();
                queryDB = dbt.FieldValue(1);

                _stage = $"Getting parameters for query {QueryNumber}";
                dbt.Query($"select Param=Nombre_Parametro from detalle_consultas where consulta={QueryNumber} order by linea");
                queryParams = dbt.ToDictionaryKeys();
            catch (Exception ex)
                //Console.WriteLine($"[cProcess/GetQueryDetails#{_stage}] {ex.Message}.");
                //return false;
                throw new Exception($"[cProcess/GetQueryDetails#{_stage}] {ex.Message}");
コード例 #2
        public async Task Process()
            string _stage = "";
            Dictionary <string, string> _params = null;
            string _sql = "", _queryDB = "";

                _stage = $"Connecting to {ConnDetailsDB.Server}";
                cDBTools _dbt = new cDBTools(ConnDetailsDB);

                _stage = "Getting query details";
                if (!GetQueryDetails(_dbt, ref _sql, ref _queryDB, ref _params))
                    throw new Exception("Unknown error!");

                _stage = "Processing args string";
                Args   = cMiscFunctions.CheckArgs(ArgsString);

                _stage = "Parsing SQL";
                if (!ParseSQL(ref _sql, Args, _params))
                    throw new Exception("Unknown error!");

                _stage = $"Changing to {_queryDB} DB";

                _stage = "Executing query";
                if (!_dbt.Query(_sql))
                    throw new Exception("Unknown error!");

                _stage = "Converting data to dictionary";
                if (_dbt.RS.HasRows)
                    Results = _dbt.ToDictionary();

                // Disconnect from DB

                // If no results, exit with empty content. This also works for queries with SubQuery, which have to be treated in a different way
                if (Results == null || SubQueryNumber != null)
                    Contents = null;
                    FileName = null;
                    Console.WriteLine($">> {QueryNumber}/{ArgsString} completed!");

                switch (FileType)
                case cMiscFunctions.eFileType.TXT:

                    // For TXT queries
                    _stage = "Converting data to TXT";

                case cMiscFunctions.eFileType.HTML:
                case cMiscFunctions.eFileType.XLS:
                case cMiscFunctions.eFileType.PDF:

                    // Create HTML contents
                    _stage = "Converting data to HTML";

                // For XLS and PDF
                if (FileType == cMiscFunctions.eFileType.XLS || FileType == cMiscFunctions.eFileType.PDF || FileType == cMiscFunctions.eFileType.TXT)
                    _stage   = $"Converting data to {FileType} file";
                    FileName = ToFile();
            catch (Exception ex)
                //Console.WriteLine($"[cProcess#Process] {QueryNumber}/{ArgsString}: {ex.Message}");
                ErrorMessage = $"[cProcess#Process] {ex.Message}";

                // Prepare the _result message for the email.
                string _processQueryParams = String.IsNullOrEmpty(ArgsString) ? "NONE" : ArgsString;
                string _processQuery       = (QueryNumber == null) ? "NONE" : QueryNumber.ToString();

                // Match the last occurrence of [xxx#xxx] to ensure it's part of our error message, not part of the system error. This is to show the error message in bold.
                Match _match = Regex.Match(ErrorMessage, @"\[([^\[]*)#([^\[]*)\]", RegexOptions.RightToLeft);
                int   _i     = _match.Index + _match.Length;

                // Set to bold the error message, ignoring all the "call stack" string, and prepare the html code.
                Contents = ErrorMessage.Substring(0, _i) + "<ul><strong>" + ErrorMessage.Substring(_i + 1);
                Contents = $"<html><body>Query: {_processQuery}<br>Params: {_processQueryParams}<br>Error:<br>" + Contents.Replace("] ", "]<ul>") + "</strong></body></html>";

                Error = true;