public SpecFlowTestReportBuilder(CommandLineParameterValues values) { _values = values; }
void ParseParameters(IEnumerable<string> args) { const string shortHelpText = "Try `runSpecflowTests.exe --help' for more information."; var arguments = new CommandLineParameterValues(); var p = new OptionSet() { { "p=|projectFile=", "The path to the csproj file which contain the SpecFlow tests.", v => { arguments.ProjectFile = "\"" + v + "\"" ?? string.Empty; } }, { "t=|testContainer=", "The path to the assembly file which contain the Specflow tests.", v => { arguments.TestContainer = "\"" + v + "\"" ?? string.Empty; } }, { "o=|outputLocation=", "The path where the output will be stored.", v => { arguments.OutputLocation = "\"" + v ?? string.Empty; } }, { "of=|outputFilename=", "The name of the output file which will be stored in the output location.", v => { arguments.OutputFilename = v ?? string.Empty; } }, { "h|help", "show this message and exit", v => { arguments.ShowHelp = (v != null); } } }; try { p.Parse(args); var messages = new List<string>(); // var reportBuilder = new SpecFlowTestReportBuilder(arguments); // var result = reportBuilder.Build(out messages); // Console.ReadLine(); } catch (OptionException e) { ShowShortHelp(shortHelpText); return; } if (arguments.ShowHelp) { ShowHelp(p); return; } if (! arguments.EnsureCommandLineParameterValuesAreSet()) { ShowShortHelp(shortHelpText); } else { var errors = new List<string>(); if (!arguments.CheckArguments(out errors)) { if (errors != null && errors.Count > 0) { ShowErrors(errors); } } } }