public void StatusUpdateReject() { vruid = SaoPen.e25; FirebaseResponse resp = client.Get("Venue/VenueReservation/" + vruid); VenueReservation vr = resp.ResultAs <VenueReservation>(); string status1 = "Rejected"; VenueReservation nr = new VenueReservation() { approver = vr.approver, approver_name = vr.approver_name, beneficiaries = vr.beneficiaries, committee_in_charge = vr.committee_in_charge, date =, date_of_event = vr.date_of_event, description = vr.description, id =, incharge = vr.incharge, name_approver = vr.name_approver, name_incharge = vr.name_incharge, name_of_project = vr.name_of_project, nature_of_project = vr.nature_of_project, general_objective = vr.general_objective, specific_objective = vr.specific_objective, planning_statge = vr.planning_statge, implementation = vr.implementation, resource_req = vr.resource_req, evaluation = vr.evaluation, org_adviser = vr.org_adviser, org_adviser_status = vr.org_adviser_status, org_dean = vr.org_dean, org_dean_status = vr.org_dean_status, org_name = vr.org_name, org_president = vr.org_president, org_president_status = vr.org_president_status, org_type = vr.org_type, status = status1, time_from = vr.time_from, time_to = vr.time_to, venue = vr.venue, readap = vr.readap }; var setmeup = client.Set("Venue/VenueReservation/" + vruid, nr); }
public void MarkAsRead() { FirebaseResponse resp = client.Get("Venue/VenueReservation/" + myevents.i33); VenueReservation vr = resp.ResultAs <VenueReservation>(); VenueReservation nr = new VenueReservation() { approver = vr.approver, approver_name = vr.approver_name, beneficiaries = vr.beneficiaries, committee_in_charge = vr.committee_in_charge, date =, date_of_event = vr.date_of_event, description = vr.description, id =, incharge = vr.incharge, name_approver = vr.name_approver, name_incharge = vr.name_incharge, name_of_project = vr.name_of_project, nature_of_project = vr.nature_of_project, general_objective = vr.general_objective, specific_objective = vr.specific_objective, planning_statge = vr.planning_statge, implementation = vr.implementation, resource_req = vr.resource_req, evaluation = vr.evaluation, org_adviser = vr.org_adviser, org_adviser_status = vr.org_adviser_status, org_dean = vr.org_dean, org_dean_status = vr.org_dean_status, org_name = vr.org_name, org_president = vr.org_president, org_president_status = vr.org_president_status, org_type = vr.org_type, status = vr.status, time_from = vr.time_from, time_to = vr.time_to, venue = vr.venue, readap = "Mark As Read", venue_incharge = vr.venue_incharge, numberAttend = vr.numberAttend }; var setmeup = client.Set("Venue/VenueReservation/" + myevents.i33, nr); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string app = "Accepted"; FirebaseResponse resp2 = client.Get("Venue/VenueReservation/" + VenuePen.i0); VenueReservation vr0 = resp2.ResultAs <VenueReservation>(); string appno = vr0.approver; string bene = vr0.beneficiaries; string commit = vr0.committee_in_charge; string dater =; string dateve = vr0.date_of_event; string Des = vr0.description; string oid =; string namep = vr0.name_of_project; string natp = vr0.nature_of_project; string orname = vr0.org_name; string time1 = vr0.time_from; string time2 = vr0.time_to; string venus = vr0.venue; string appna = vr0.approver_name; string type = vr0.org_type; string nin = vr0.name_incharge; string orga = vr0.org_adviser; string orgas = vr0.org_adviser_status; string odean = vr0.org_dean; string odens = vr0.org_dean_status; string orgp = vr0.org_president; string orgps = vr0.org_president_status; string stats = vr0.status; string haha = vr0.name_approver; string gen = vr0.general_objective; string spec = vr0.specific_objective; string plan = vr0.planning_statge; string imp = vr0.implementation; string req = vr0.resource_req; string eva = vr0.evaluation; string incName = loginForm.s1 + "," + loginForm.s3 + " " + loginForm.s4; string numbers = vr0.numberAttend; VenueReservation vr = new VenueReservation() { approver = appno, approver_name = appna, beneficiaries = bene, committee_in_charge = commit, date = dater, date_of_event = dateve, description = Des, id = oid, incharge = app, name_approver = haha, name_incharge = VenuePen.full1, name_of_project = namep, nature_of_project = natp, general_objective = gen, specific_objective = spec, planning_statge = plan, implementation = imp, resource_req = req, evaluation = eva, org_adviser = orga, org_adviser_status = orgas, org_dean = odean, org_dean_status = odens, org_name = orname, org_president = orgp, org_president_status = orgps, org_type = type, status = stats, time_from = time1, time_to = time2, venue = venus, venue_incharge = incName, numberAttend = numbers }; FirebaseResponse resp = client.Set("Venue/VenueReservation/" + VenuePen.i0, vr); MessageBox.Show("Update Successfully"); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { fullname0 = venAppen.full1; key = venAppen.i0; type = venAppen.otype; string app = "Accepted"; FirebaseResponse resp2 = client.Get("Venue/VenueReservation/" + key); VenueReservation vr0 = resp2.ResultAs <VenueReservation>(); string bene = vr0.beneficiaries; string commit = vr0.committee_in_charge; string dater =; string dateve = vr0.date_of_event; string Des = vr0.description; string oid =; string namep = vr0.name_of_project; string natp = vr0.nature_of_project; string orname = vr0.org_name; string time1 = vr0.time_from; string time2 = vr0.time_to; string venus = vr0.venue; string appna = vr0.approver_name; string ins = vr0.incharge; string namins = vr0.name_incharge; string orga = vr0.org_adviser; string orgas = vr0.org_adviser_status; string odean = vr0.org_dean; string odens = vr0.org_dean_status; string orgp = vr0.org_president; string orgps = vr0.org_president_status; string stats = vr0.status; string orgtype = vr0.org_type; string gen = vr0.general_objective; string spec = vr0.specific_objective; string plan = vr0.planning_statge; string imp = vr0.implementation; string req = vr0.resource_req; string eva = vr0.evaluation; string ven_in = vr0.venue_incharge; string nums = vr0.numberAttend; if (ins == "Pending") { MessageBox.Show("Wait for the In Charge to in futher."); } else if (ins == "Denied") { MessageBox.Show("The Following Event is Denied or Rejected Proceed to reject the event."); } else { VenueReservation vr = new VenueReservation() { approver = app, approver_name = appna, beneficiaries = bene, committee_in_charge = commit, date = dater, date_of_event = dateve, description = Des, id = oid, incharge = ins, name_approver = fullname0, name_incharge = namins, name_of_project = namep, nature_of_project = natp, general_objective = gen, specific_objective = spec, planning_statge = plan, implementation = imp, resource_req = req, evaluation = eva, org_adviser = orga, org_adviser_status = orgas, org_dean = odean, org_dean_status = odens, org_name = orname, org_president = orgp, org_president_status = orgps, org_type = orgtype, status = stats, time_from = time1, time_to = time2, venue = venus, venue_incharge = ven_in, numberAttend = nums }; FirebaseResponse resp = client.Set("Venue/VenueReservation/" + key, vr); MessageBox.Show("Update Successfully"); } }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { fullname0 = venAppen.full1; key = venAppen.i0; type = venAppen.otype; string app = "Rejected"; FirebaseResponse resp2 = client.Get("Venue/VenueReservation/" + key); VenueReservation vr0 = resp2.ResultAs <VenueReservation>(); string bene = vr0.beneficiaries; string commit = vr0.committee_in_charge; string dater =; string dateve = vr0.date_of_event; string Des = vr0.description; string oid =; string namep = vr0.name_of_project; string natp = vr0.nature_of_project; string orname = vr0.org_name; string time1 = vr0.time_from; string time2 = vr0.time_to; string venus = vr0.venue; string appna = vr0.approver_name; string ins = vr0.incharge; string namins = vr0.name_incharge; string orga = vr0.org_adviser; string orgas = vr0.org_adviser_status; string odean = vr0.org_dean; string odens = vr0.org_dean_status; string orgp = vr0.org_president; string orgps = vr0.org_president_status; string stats = vr0.status; string ven_in = vr0.venue_incharge; string nums = vr0.numberAttend; VenueReservation vr = new VenueReservation() { approver = app, approver_name = appna, beneficiaries = bene, committee_in_charge = commit, date = dater, date_of_event = dateve, description = Des, id = oid, incharge = ins, name_approver = fullname0, name_incharge = namins, name_of_project = namep, nature_of_project = natp, org_adviser = orga, org_adviser_status = orgas, org_dean = odean, org_dean_status = odens, org_name = orname, org_president = orgp, org_president_status = orgps, org_type = orname, status = stats, time_from = time1, time_to = time2, venue = venus, venue_incharge = ven_in, numberAttend = nums }; FirebaseResponse resp = client.Set("Venue/VenueReservation/" + key, vr); MessageBox.Show("The Event is Rejected Successfully."); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sel1 = this.comboBox1.GetItemText(this.comboBox1.SelectedItem); string pending = "Pending"; string today = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); string timef = dateTimePicker1.Text; string timeU = dateTimePicker2.Text; string dateev = dateTimePicker3.Text; string getNumber = bunifuMaterialTextbox13.Text; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bunifuCustomTextbox1.Text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(bunifuCustomTextbox2.Text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(bunifuCustomTextbox3.Text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(bunifuCustomTextbox4.Text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(bunifuCustomTextbox5.Text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(bunifuMaterialTextbox6.Text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(bunifuMaterialTextbox1.Text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(bunifuCustomTextbox6.Text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(bunifuCustomTextbox7.Text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(bunifuMaterialTextbox13.Text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(bunifuMaterialTextbox7.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Please Specify All Data."); } else if (home.orgtype.Equals("Campus-Wide")) { VenueReservation vr = new VenueReservation() { approver = pending, approver_name = bunifuMaterialTextbox4.Text, beneficiaries = bunifuMaterialTextbox7.Text, committee_in_charge = bunifuMaterialTextbox3.Text, date = today, date_of_event = dateev, description = bunifuCustomTextbox7.Text, id = id, incharge = pending, name_approver = "Nothing Yet", name_incharge = "Nothing Yet", name_of_project = bunifuMaterialTextbox1.Text, nature_of_project = bunifuCustomTextbox5.Text, general_objective = bunifuMaterialTextbox6.Text, specific_objective = bunifuCustomTextbox4.Text, planning_statge = bunifuCustomTextbox1.Text, implementation = bunifuCustomTextbox2.Text, resource_req = bunifuCustomTextbox3.Text, evaluation = bunifuCustomTextbox6.Text, org_adviser = "Nothing Yet", org_adviser_status = pending, org_name = oname, org_president = "Nothing Yet", org_president_status = pending, org_type = home.orgtype, status = pending, time_from = timef, time_to = timeU, venue = sel1, venue_incharge = "Nothing Yet", numberAttend = bunifuMaterialTextbox13.Text }; var set = client.Push(@"Venue/VenueReservation/", vr); MessageBox.Show("Register Success."); bunifuMaterialTextbox1.Text = string.Empty; bunifuCustomTextbox1.Text = string.Empty; bunifuMaterialTextbox3.Text = string.Empty; bunifuMaterialTextbox4.Text = string.Empty; bunifuCustomTextbox7.Text = string.Empty; bunifuMaterialTextbox7.Text = string.Empty; bunifuMaterialTextbox6.Text = string.Empty; bunifuCustomTextbox2.Text = string.Empty; bunifuCustomTextbox3.Text = string.Empty; bunifuCustomTextbox4.Text = string.Empty; bunifuCustomTextbox5.Text = string.Empty; bunifuCustomTextbox6.Text = string.Empty; comboBox1.Text = string.Empty; } else { VenueReservation vr = new VenueReservation() { approver = pending, approver_name = bunifuMaterialTextbox4.Text, beneficiaries = bunifuMaterialTextbox7.Text, committee_in_charge = bunifuMaterialTextbox3.Text, date = today, date_of_event = dateev, description = bunifuCustomTextbox7.Text, id = id, incharge = pending, name_approver = "Nothing Yet", name_incharge = "Nothing Yet", name_of_project = bunifuMaterialTextbox1.Text, nature_of_project = bunifuCustomTextbox5.Text, general_objective = bunifuMaterialTextbox6.Text, specific_objective = bunifuCustomTextbox4.Text, planning_statge = bunifuCustomTextbox1.Text, implementation = bunifuCustomTextbox2.Text, resource_req = bunifuCustomTextbox3.Text, evaluation = bunifuCustomTextbox6.Text, org_adviser = "Nothing Yet", org_adviser_status = pending, org_dean = "Nothing Yet", org_dean_status = pending, org_name = oname, org_president = "Nothing Yet", org_president_status = pending, org_type = home.orgtype, status = pending, time_from = timef, time_to = timeU, venue = sel1, venue_incharge = "Nothing Yet", numberAttend = bunifuMaterialTextbox13.Text }; var set = client.Push(@"Venue/VenueReservation/", vr); MessageBox.Show("Register Success."); bunifuMaterialTextbox1.Text = string.Empty; bunifuCustomTextbox1.Text = string.Empty; bunifuMaterialTextbox3.Text = string.Empty; bunifuMaterialTextbox4.Text = string.Empty; bunifuCustomTextbox7.Text = string.Empty; bunifuMaterialTextbox7.Text = string.Empty; bunifuMaterialTextbox6.Text = string.Empty; bunifuCustomTextbox2.Text = string.Empty; bunifuCustomTextbox3.Text = string.Empty; bunifuCustomTextbox4.Text = string.Empty; bunifuCustomTextbox5.Text = string.Empty; bunifuCustomTextbox6.Text = string.Empty; comboBox1.Text = string.Empty; } }