public DFA(NFA nfa) { description = nfa.Description; alph = nfa.Alph; i_string = nfa.IString; int count = 1; string istr = ""; foreach (string sub in nfa.IStates) { if (count++ != nfa.IStates.Length) istr += sub + ":"; else istr += sub; } string [] istate = new string [1]; istate[0] = istr; i_state = istate; current_state = istr; GetDeltaFinal (nfa); }
public bool RunMachine() { NFA nfa = new NFA (this); return nfa.RunMachine (); }
private void GetDeltaFinal(NFA nfa) { Queue newstates = new Queue (); Queue queue = new Queue (); Hashtable odelta = nfa.Delta; Hashtable ndelta = new Hashtable (); newstates.Enqueue (current_state); queue.Enqueue (current_state); while (queue.Count != 0) { string substate = (string) queue.Dequeue (); string [] states = substate.Split (':'); foreach (string sym in alph) { int icount = 0; string [] nstates = new string [states.Length]; foreach (string sub in states) { nstates [icount++] = (string) odelta [new Context (sub, sym)]; } string union = Union (nstates); if (union == null) union = "ERROR"; if (!newstates.Contains (union)) { newstates.Enqueue (union); queue.Enqueue (union); } ndelta.Add (new Context (substate, sym), union); } } = ndelta; int qcount = 0; string [] qstates = new string [newstates.Count]; foreach (object o in newstates) qstates [qcount++] = (string) o; this.states = qstates; string [] ofstates = nfa.FState; ArrayList list = new ArrayList (); foreach (string sub in states) foreach (string asub in ofstates) if (sub.IndexOf (asub) != -1) { list.Add (sub); break; } string [] farray = new string [list.Count]; list.CopyTo (farray); f_states = farray; }
public static void Main(string[] args) { bool help = false; bool adfa = false; bool anfa = false; bool gram = false; string filename = null; string input = null; Header (); try { for (int i = 0; i < args.Length - 2; i++ ) { switch (args [i]) { case "--dfa": adfa = true; filename = args [i+1]; input = args [i+2]; break; case "--nfa": anfa = true; filename = args [i+1]; input = args [i+2]; break; case "--gra": gram = true; filename = args [i+1]; input = args [i+2]; break; case "-h": case "--help": help = true; break; } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine ("Error: " + e.ToString ()); } if (help) Help (); if (adfa) { IFA fa = new DFA (filename, input); Console.WriteLine ("Input: {0} was {1} by the DFA", input == ""? "epsilon" : input, fa.RunMachine ()? "accepted" : "not accepted"); } else if (anfa) { IFA fa = new NFA (filename, input); Console.WriteLine ("Input: {0} was {1} by the NFA", input == ""? "epsilon" : input, fa.RunMachine ()? "accepted" : "not accepted"); } else if (gram) { RegGram rg = new RegGram (filename, input); Console.WriteLine ("Input: {0} was {1} by the grammar", input == ""? "epsilon" : input, rg.RunMachine ()? "accepted" : "not accepted"); } else Help (); }