private static async Task <string> CreatePartWorkItem() { Console.WriteLine("Creating part work item..."); ForgeRestResponse response = await s_ForgeDmClient.CreateSignedUrl(getInputBucketKey(), s_Config.InputPartFile); if (response.ReportIfError("Exception creating signed url for work item input.")) { return(null); } string inputSignedUrl = response.GetResponseContentProperty("signedUrl"); JObject payload = new JObject( new JProperty("activityId", $"{s_nickname}.{s_Config.PartAssemblyActivityId}+{s_alias}"), // Must match the input parameter in activity new JProperty("arguments", new JObject( new JProperty(s_Config.ReqInputArgName, new JObject( new JProperty("url", inputSignedUrl) )), // This shows passing parameters and values into the plug-in new JProperty($"{s_Config.ParamArgName}", new JObject( new JProperty("url", "data:application/json,{\"height\":\"16 in\", \"width\":\"10 in\"}") )), // must match the output parameter in activity new JProperty(s_Config.OutputPartArgName, new JObject( new JProperty("url", s_Config.ForgeDMBaseUrl + "buckets/" + getOutputBucketKey() + "/objects/" + s_Config.OutputPartFile), new JProperty("verb", "put"), new JProperty("headers", new JObject( new JProperty("Authorization", s_ForgeDmClient.Authorization), new JProperty("Content-type", "application/octet-stream") )) )), new JProperty(s_Config.OutputImageArgName, new JObject( new JProperty("url", s_Config.ForgeDMBaseUrl + "buckets/" + getOutputBucketKey() + "/objects/" + s_Config.OutputImageFile), new JProperty("verb", "put"), new JProperty("headers", new JObject( new JProperty("Authorization", s_ForgeDmClient.Authorization), new JProperty("Content-type", "application/octet-stream") )) )) )) ); response = await s_ForgeDaClient.PostWorkItem(payload.ToString()); if (response.ReportIfError("Exception creating work item.")) { return(null); } string workItemId = response.GetResponseContentProperty("id"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(workItemId)) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to post work item"); return(null); } return(workItemId); }
private static async Task <string> CreateAssemblyWorkItem() { Console.WriteLine("Creating assembly work item..."); ForgeRestResponse response = await s_ForgeDmClient.CreateSignedUrl(getInputBucketKey(), s_Config.InputAssemblyZipFile); if (response.ReportIfError("Exception creating signed url for work item input.")) { return(null); } string inputSignedUrl = response.GetResponseContentProperty("signedUrl"); JObject payload = new JObject( new JProperty("activityId", $"{s_nickname}.{s_Config.PartAssemblyActivityId}+{s_alias}"), new JProperty("arguments", new JObject( new JProperty(s_Config.ReqInputArgName, new JObject( new JProperty("url", inputSignedUrl), new JProperty("zip", false), new JProperty("pathInZip", s_Config.InputTopLevelAssembly), new JProperty("localName", "Assy") )), // This shows passing parameters and values into the plug-in new JProperty($"{s_Config.ParamArgNameSmall}", new JObject( new JProperty("url", "data:application/json,{\"handleOffset\":\"9 in\", \"height\":\"16 in\"}") )), // This one must duplicate the previous here just because we added this extra parameter to the activity to show more when processing the part WI new JProperty($"{s_Config.ParamArgNameLarge}", new JObject( new JProperty("url", "data:application/json,{\"handleOffset\":\"9 in\", \"height\":\"16 in\"}") )), // must match the output parameter in activity new JProperty(s_Config.OutputAssemblyArgName, new JObject( new JProperty("url", s_Config.ForgeDMBaseUrl + "buckets/" + getOutputBucketKey() + "/objects/" + s_Config.OutputZipAssemblyFile), new JProperty("verb", "put"), new JProperty("headers", new JObject( new JProperty("Authorization", s_ForgeDmClient.Authorization), new JProperty("Content-type", "application/octet-stream") )) )) )) ); response = await s_ForgeDaClient.PostWorkItem(payload.ToString()); if (response.ReportIfError("Exception creating work item.")) { return(null); } string workItemId = response.GetResponseContentProperty("id"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(workItemId)) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to post work item"); return(null); } return(workItemId); }
private static async Task <bool> EnsureBucketExists(string bucketId) { Console.WriteLine($"Checking if bucket {bucketId} exists..."); // Check to see if the app exists ForgeRestResponse response = await s_ForgeDmClient.GetBuckets(); string items = response.GetResponseContentProperty("items"); bool bucketExists = items.Contains(bucketId); if (!bucketExists) { dynamic payload = new JObject(); payload.bucketKey = bucketId; payload.policyKey = $"persistent"; // see for options Console.WriteLine($"Creating bucket {bucketId}..."); response = await s_ForgeDmClient.CreateBucket(payload.ToString()); if (response.ReportIfError("Exception when creating bucket.")) { return(false); } } return(true); }
private static async Task <string> GetSignedOutputUrl(string strFile) { ForgeRestResponse responseFile = await s_ForgeDmClient.CreateSignedUrl(getOutputBucketKey(), strFile); if (responseFile.ReportIfError("Exception creating signed url")) { return(null); } return(responseFile.GetResponseContentProperty("signedUrl")); }
static async Task MainAsync(string[] args) { try { LoadConfig(); // Create DesignAutomation object for making REST calls to the DesignAutomation APIs s_ForgeDaClient = new ForgeDaClient(s_Config.InventorIOBaseUrl, s_Creds.ConsumerKey, s_Creds.ConsumerSecret); // Get the user's nickname for querying if apps and activities exist. If no nickname is set, the forge app id will be returned ForgeRestResponse response = await s_ForgeDaClient.GetNickname(); if (!response.ReportIfError("Error retrieving nickname for user.")) { string content = response.ResponseContent; s_nickname = content.Replace("\"", String.Empty); } else { return; } // Create Forge DM object for making REST calls to the Forge Data Management APIs s_ForgeDmClient = new ForgeDmClient(s_Config.ForgeDMBaseUrl, s_Creds.ConsumerKey, s_Creds.ConsumerSecret); // Create the input bucket for input files if necessary if (!await EnsureBucketExists(getInputBucketKey())) { return; } // Upload part input if necessary if (!await EnsureInputExists(s_Config.InputPartFile)) { return; } // Upload part params if necessary if (!await EnsureInputExists(s_Config.ParamFileLarge)) { return; } // Upload images if (!await EnsureInputExists(s_Config.LightFile)) { return; } if (!await EnsureInputExists(s_Config.HeavyFile)) { return; } // Upload assembly input if necessary if (!await EnsureInputExists(s_Config.InputAssemblyZipFile)) { return; } // Create the output bucket for result files if necessary if (!await EnsureBucketExists(getOutputBucketKey())) { return; } if (!await CreateApp()) { return; } // Setup a part & assembly activity to show how to interact with an Inventor Part file and assembly zip file if (!await CreatePartAssemblyActivity()) { return; } // Create a part activity work item string workItemId = await CreatePartWorkItem(); if (workItemId == null) { return; } // Wait for the result of the work item string status; do { Console.WriteLine("Sleeping for 2 sec..."); Thread.Sleep(2000); response = await s_ForgeDaClient.GetWorkItem(workItemId); if (response.ReportIfError("Exception getting work item status.")) { return; } status = response.GetResponseContentProperty("status"); Console.WriteLine($"Work item status: {status}"); }while (status == "pending" || status == "inprogress"); string reportUrl = response.GetResponseContentProperty("reportUrl"); if (status != "success") { Console.WriteLine("Work item failed. Writing report log to: " + s_Config.ErrorReport); DownloadToDocs(reportUrl, s_Config.ErrorReport); return; } Console.WriteLine("Writing report log to: " + s_Config.partReport); DownloadToDocs(reportUrl, s_Config.partReport); DownloadToDocs(await GetSignedOutputUrl(s_Config.OutputPartSmallFile), s_Config.OutputPartSmallFile); DownloadToDocs(await GetSignedOutputUrl(s_Config.OutputPartLargeFile), s_Config.OutputPartLargeFile); DownloadToDocs(await GetSignedOutputUrl(s_Config.OutputPartSmallThumb), s_Config.OutputPartSmallThumb); DownloadToDocs(await GetSignedOutputUrl(s_Config.OutputPartLargeThumb), s_Config.OutputPartLargeThumb); DownloadToDocs(await GetSignedOutputUrl(s_Config.OutputImageSmallFile), s_Config.OutputImageSmallFile); DownloadToDocs(await GetSignedOutputUrl(s_Config.OutputImageLargeFile), s_Config.OutputImageLargeFile); // Create an assembly activity work item workItemId = await CreateAssemblyWorkItem(); if (workItemId == null) { return; } // Wait for the result of the work item do { Console.WriteLine("Sleeping for 2 sec..."); Thread.Sleep(2000); response = await s_ForgeDaClient.GetWorkItem(workItemId); if (response.ReportIfError("Exception getting work item status.")) { return; } status = response.GetResponseContentProperty("status"); Console.WriteLine($"Work item status: {status}"); }while (status == "pending" || status == "inprogress"); reportUrl = response.GetResponseContentProperty("reportUrl"); if (status != "success") { Console.WriteLine("Work item failed. Writing report log to: " + s_Config.ErrorReport); DownloadToDocs(reportUrl, s_Config.ErrorReport); return; } Console.WriteLine("Writing report log to: " + s_Config.assemblyReport); DownloadToDocs(reportUrl, s_Config.assemblyReport); DownloadToDocs(await GetSignedOutputUrl(s_Config.OutputZipAssemblyFile), s_Config.OutputZipAssemblyFile); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"Exception: {e.ToString()}"); } finally { Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit."); Console.ReadKey(); } }
/// <summary> /// Create an activity (or new version of it) /// </summary> /// <returns>true if successful, false otherwise</returns> private static async Task <bool> CreateActivity(string id, string commandLineParameters, JObject parameters) { Console.WriteLine($"Checking if activity {id} exists..."); ForgeRestResponse response = await s_ForgeDaClient.GetActivities(); string activities = response.GetResponseContentProperty("data"); bool activityExists = activities.Contains(id); dynamic payload = new JObject(); payload.engine = s_Config.EngineName; payload.appbundles = new JArray($"{s_nickname}.{s_Config.AppId}+{s_alias}"); payload.commandLine = $"$(engine.path)\\InventorCoreConsole.exe /i \"$(args[{s_Config.ReqInputArgName}].path)\" /al \"$(appbundles[{s_Config.AppId}].path)\" \"$(args[{s_Config.ParamArgNameSmall}].path)\" \"$(args[{s_Config.ParamArgNameLarge}].path)\""; payload.settings = new JObject(); payload.parameters = parameters; if (!activityExists) { Console.WriteLine($"Creating activity {id}..."); = id; response = await s_ForgeDaClient.PostActivity(payload.ToString()); if (response.ReportIfError("Exception creating activity.")) { return(false); } } else { Console.WriteLine($"Creating new version for activity {id}..."); response = await s_ForgeDaClient.PostActivityVersion(id, payload.ToString()); if (response.ReportIfError("Exception creating activity version.")) { return(false); } } string version = response.GetResponseContentProperty("version"); Console.WriteLine($"Checking if \"{s_alias}\" alias exists for activity {id}"); response = await s_ForgeDaClient.GetActivityAlias(id, s_alias); if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode() && !(response.Status == HttpStatusCode.NotFound)) { response.ReportError("Exception getting activity alias."); return(false); } payload = new JObject(); payload.version = version; if (response.Status == HttpStatusCode.NotFound) { Console.WriteLine($"Creating new \"{s_alias}\" alias for activity {id}"); = s_alias; response = await s_ForgeDaClient.PostActivityAlias(id, payload.ToString()); if (response.ReportIfError("Exception creating activity alias.")) { return(false); } } else { Console.WriteLine($"Updating \"{s_alias}\" alias for activity {id}"); response = await s_ForgeDaClient.PatchActivityAlias(id, s_alias, payload.ToString()); if (response.ReportIfError("Exception updating activity alias.")) { return(false); } } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Create the app (or new version of it) that will be used with both the assembly and part activities and workItems /// </summary> /// <returns>true if successful, false otherwise</returns> private static async Task <bool> CreateApp() { Console.WriteLine($"Checking if app {s_Config.AppId} exists..."); // Check to see if the app exists ForgeRestResponse response = await s_ForgeDaClient.GetAppBundles(); string appsData = response.GetResponseContentProperty("data"); string appName = $"{s_nickname}.{s_Config.AppId}+{s_alias}"; bool appExists = appsData.Contains(appName); dynamic payload = new JObject(); payload.engine = s_Config.EngineName; if (!appExists) { Console.WriteLine($"Creating app {s_Config.AppId}..."); = s_Config.AppId; response = await s_ForgeDaClient.PostAppBundle(payload.ToString()); if (response.ReportIfError("Exception creating app.")) { return(false); } } else { Console.WriteLine($"Creating new version for app {s_Config.AppId}..."); response = await s_ForgeDaClient.PostAppBundleVersion(s_Config.AppId, payload.ToString()); if (response.ReportIfError("Exception creating app version.")) { return(false); } } JObject responseObj = JObject.Parse(response.ResponseContent); JToken uploadParams = responseObj["uploadParameters"]; if (uploadParams == null) { Console.WriteLine($"App {s_Config.AppId} does not provide upload data."); return(false); } string uploadUrl = uploadParams["endpointURL"]?.ToString(); string version = responseObj["version"]?.ToString(); Console.WriteLine($"Checking if \"{s_alias}\" alias exists for app {s_Config.AppId}"); response = await s_ForgeDaClient.GetAppBundleAlias(s_Config.AppId, s_alias); if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode() && !(response.Status == HttpStatusCode.NotFound)) { response.ReportError("Exception getting app alias."); return(false); } payload = new JObject(); payload.version = version.ToString(); if (response.Status == HttpStatusCode.NotFound) { Console.WriteLine($"Creating new \"{s_alias}\" alias for app {s_Config.AppId}"); = s_alias; response = await s_ForgeDaClient.PostAppBundleAlias(s_Config.AppId, payload.ToString()); if (response.ReportIfError("Exception creating app alias.")) { return(false); } } else { Console.WriteLine($"Updating \"{s_alias}\" alias for app {s_Config.AppId}"); response = await s_ForgeDaClient.PatchAppBundleAlias(s_Config.AppId, s_alias, payload.ToString()); if (response.ReportIfError("Exception updating app alias.")) { return(false); } } string absolutePath = Path.GetFullPath("../../" + s_Config.LocalAppPackage); Console.WriteLine($"Uploading zip file " + absolutePath + "..."); bool uploadSuccessful = await UploadFileAsync(uploadParams["formData"], uploadUrl, absolutePath); if (!uploadSuccessful) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to upload zip file."); return(false); } return(true); }