private void randominfo(string bundleId) { string fakeiOSVersion = ""; if (this.fakeversion.Checked) { List <string> avaiableChoose = new List <string>(); if (this.cbFakeIOS12.Checked) { avaiableChoose.Add("12"); } if (this.cbFakeIOS10.Checked) { avaiableChoose.Add("10"); } if (this.cbFakeIOS11.Checked) { avaiableChoose.Add("11"); } fakeiOSVersion = avaiableChoose.OrderBy(x => Guid.NewGuid()).FirstOrDefault(); } var postParams = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "needFakeCarrier", "True" }, { "needFakeOSVersion", fakeiOSVersion != "" ? "True" : "False" }, { "suggestOSVersion", fakeiOSVersion }, { "needFakeModel", this.cbFakeModel.Checked.ToString() }, { "needFakeScreen", this.cbFakeScreen.Checked.ToString() }, { "needFakeNetwork", "True" }, { "origOSVersion", this.DeviceInfo.DeviceOSVersion }, { "origModel", this.DeviceInfo.DeviceModel } }; string currentIp = NetworkHelper.currentFakeIP; if (this.button23.BackColor != System.Drawing.Color.Red) { currentIp = NetworkHelper.getIPData("").query; } var postData = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "ip", currentIp }, { "serial", this.DeviceInfo.SerialNumber }, { "app", bundleId }, { "old_device", this.cbNewDevice.Checked }, { "params", postParams } }; string jsonStr = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(postData); var httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(""); httpWebRequest.ContentType = "application/json"; httpWebRequest.Method = "POST"; using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpWebRequest.GetRequestStream())) { streamWriter.Write(jsonStr); streamWriter.Flush(); streamWriter.Close(); } var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpWebRequest.GetResponse(); var response = ""; using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream())) { response = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); } if (response == "") { MessageBox.Show("Chua add key hoac serial sai"); throw new Exception("get fake info failed"); } this.cmd.randominfo(response); }
// Token: 0x060000D2 RID: 210 RVA: 0x0000D940 File Offset: 0x0000BB40 public static string anaURL(string URL, string curip, string deviceip) { if (!NetworkHelper.validateIP(curip)) { return(URL); } bool flag = curip != ""; if (flag) { string[] array = curip.Split(new string[] { "." }, StringSplitOptions.None); string newValue = array[0] + "." + array[1]; string newValue2 = string.Concat(new string[] { array[0], ".", array[1], ".", array[2] }); URL = URL.Replace("{ip_2}", newValue); URL = URL.Replace("{ip_3}", newValue2); } URL = URL.Replace("{id}", deviceip.Split(new string[] { "." }, StringSplitOptions.None)[3]); Regex regex = new Regex("{number_(.*?)}"); MatchCollection matchCollection = regex.Matches(URL); int num = 0; foreach (object obj in matchCollection) { Match match = (Match)obj; string value = match.Groups[1].Value; Random random5 = new Random(); int count = Convert.ToInt32(value); Random random = new Random(); string text = new string((from s in Enumerable.Repeat <string>("123456789", count) select s[random.Next(s.Length)]).ToArray <char>()); URL = URL.Remove(match.Index - num, match.Length); URL = URL.Insert(match.Index - num, text); num += match.Length - text.Length; Thread.Sleep(10); } regex = new Regex("{randomnum\\((.*?)\\)}"); matchCollection = regex.Matches(URL); num = 0; foreach (object obj2 in matchCollection) { Match match2 = (Match)obj2; string value2 = match2.Groups[1].Value; string[] array2 = value2.Replace(" ", string.Empty).Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.None); bool flag2 = array2.Count <string>() == 2; if (flag2) { Random random2 = new Random(); int count2 = random2.Next(Convert.ToInt32(array2[0]), Convert.ToInt32(array2[1]) + 1); Random random = new Random(); string text2 = new string((from s in Enumerable.Repeat <string>("123456789", count2) select s[random.Next(s.Length)]).ToArray <char>()); URL = URL.Remove(match2.Index - num, match2.Length); URL = URL.Insert(match2.Index - num, text2); num += match2.Length - text2.Length; Thread.Sleep(10); } } regex = new Regex("{string_(.*?)}"); matchCollection = regex.Matches(URL); num = 0; foreach (object obj3 in matchCollection) { Match match3 = (Match)obj3; string value3 = match3.Groups[1].Value; Random random3 = new Random(); int count3 = Convert.ToInt32(value3); Random random = new Random(); string text3 = new string((from s in Enumerable.Repeat <string>("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", count3) select s[random.Next(s.Length)]).ToArray <char>()); URL = URL.Remove(match3.Index - num, match3.Length); URL = URL.Insert(match3.Index - num, text3); num += match3.Length - text3.Length; Thread.Sleep(10); } regex = new Regex("{randomtext\\((.*?)\\)}"); matchCollection = regex.Matches(URL); num = 0; foreach (object obj4 in matchCollection) { Match match4 = (Match)obj4; string value4 = match4.Groups[1].Value; string[] array3 = value4.Replace(" ", string.Empty).Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.None); bool flag3 = array3.Count <string>() == 2; if (flag3) { Random random4 = new Random(); int count4 = random4.Next(Convert.ToInt32(array3[0]), Convert.ToInt32(array3[1]) + 1); Random random = new Random(); string text4 = new string((from s in Enumerable.Repeat <string>("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", count4) select s[random.Next(s.Length)]).ToArray <char>()); URL = URL.Remove(match4.Index - num, match4.Length); URL = URL.Insert(match4.Index - num, text4); num += match4.Length - text4.Length; Thread.Sleep(10); } } return(URL); }
private void singleAutoLead(offerItem item) { int index = this.offerListItem.IndexOf(item); this.lblStatusMsg.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { this.lblStatusMsg.Text = "Running :" + this.listViewOffer.Items[index].Text; this.listViewOffer.Items[index].UseItemStyleForSubItems = false; this.listViewOffer.Items[index].SubItems[0].BackColor = Color.Lime; this.listViewOffer.Items[index].SubItems[1].BackColor = Color.Yellow; this.listViewOffer.Refresh(); })); openOfferLink(item); bool fullWipe = false; this.listViewOffer.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { this.listViewOffer.Items[index].SubItems[2].BackColor = Color.Lime; this.listViewOffer.Items[index].SubItems[3].BackColor = Color.Yellow; this.listViewOffer.Refresh(); fullWipe = this.cbWipeFull.Checked; })); if (fullWipe) { installAppAndWait(item.appID); refreshAppListAndWait(); while (!isAppInstalled(item.appID)) { updateProcessLog("App not installed"); Thread.Sleep(3000); } } int timesleep = item.timeSleepBefore; if (item.timeSleepBeforeRandom) { Random random5 = new Random(); timesleep = random5.Next(item.timeSleepBeforeMin, item.timeSleepBeforeMax); this.listViewOffer.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { this.listViewOffer.Items[index].SubItems[3].Text = timesleep.ToString(); })); } for (int i = 0; i < timesleep; i++) { this.lblStatusMsg.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { this.lblStatusMsg.Text = "Sleeping for " + (timesleep - i - 1).ToString() + " seconds"; })); Thread.Sleep(1000); } if (!NetworkHelper.isHostUp(this.ipProxyHost.Text, (int)this.numProxyPort.Value)) { throw new Exception("Error proxy die"); } this.cmdResult.openApp = 0; this.lblStatusMsg.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { this.lblStatusMsg.Text = "Opening Aplication..."; })); this.cmd.openApp(item.appID); DateTime now4 = DateTime.Now; int maxTimeOpenApp = 0; this.btnConnectDevice.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { maxTimeOpenApp = (int)this.numMaxWait.Value; })); while (this.cmdResult.openApp != 1) { Thread.Sleep(100); if ((DateTime.Now - now4).TotalSeconds > (double)maxTimeOpenApp) { throw new TimeoutException("Open app timeouted"); } } Thread.Sleep(2000); if (this.cmdResult.openApp == 1) { for (int j = 0; j < Convert.ToInt32(item.timeSleep); j++) { Thread.Sleep(1000); int secondRemain = Convert.ToInt32(item.timeSleep) - j; this.listViewOffer.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { this.listViewOffer.Items[index].SubItems[3].Text = secondRemain.ToString(); this.lblStatusMsg.Text = "Application will be closed in " + secondRemain.ToString() + " sec"; })); } this.listViewOffer.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { this.listViewOffer.Items[index].SubItems[3].Text = item.timeSleep.ToString(); this.listViewOffer.Items[index].SubItems[3].BackColor = Color.Lime; this.listViewOffer.Refresh(); })); if (this.cbServerOffer.Checked) { this.excuteScript(item.script); } else { IEnumerable <ScriptEntity> source = this.listScriptAL; ScriptEntity scriptEntity = source.FirstOrDefault(((ScriptEntity x) => x.scriptAppID == item.appID)); if (scriptEntity != null & scriptEntity.scriptDictionary.Keys.Count > 0) { Random random6 = new Random(); string script = (scriptEntity.scriptKey == "Random") ? scriptEntity.scriptDictionary.ElementAt(random6.Next(0, scriptEntity.scriptDictionary.Keys.Count)).Value : scriptEntity.scriptDictionary[scriptEntity.scriptKey]; this.excuteScript(script); } } this.listViewOffer.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { this.listViewOffer.Refresh(); })); this.cmd.closeApp(item.appID); Thread.Sleep(3000); } else { throw new Exception("Open app unknown error"); } }
public bool microFakeIp() { //get current micro index bool result = false; int index = -1; int nextIndex = 0; string currProxyHost = this.ipProxyHost.Text; string currProxyPort = this.numProxyPort.Value.ToString(); for (int i = 0; i < this.microPortList.Count; i++) { if (this.microPortList[i]["host"] == currProxyHost && this.microPortList[i]["port"] == currProxyPort) { index = i; break; } } do { nextIndex = index + 1; if (nextIndex >= this.microPortList.Count) { Thread.Sleep(1000); nextIndex = 0; } string nextHost = this.microPortList[nextIndex]["host"]; int nextPort = Convert.ToInt32(this.microPortList[nextIndex]["port"]); string oldIp = this.microPortList[nextIndex]["ip"]; this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { this.ipProxyHost.Text = nextHost; this.numProxyPort.Value = nextPort; })); this.updateProcessLog("Checking micro sock..."); NetworkHelper.currentFakeIP = NetworkHelper.getMicroIp(nextHost, nextPort); if (NetworkHelper.currentFakeIP != "") { if (NetworkHelper.currentFakeIP != oldIp) { this.microPortList[nextIndex]["ip"] = NetworkHelper.currentFakeIP; if (this.deviceComm.isConnect()) { this.setProxy(); } this.button23.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { this.button23.Text = "Disable Proxy"; this.button23.BackColor = Color.Red; })); result = true; break; } else { this.updateProcessLog("Micro ip not refresh: " + oldIp); Thread.Sleep(1000); } } else { this.updateProcessLog("Micro sock died"); Thread.Sleep(1000); } }while (true); return(result); }
private bool Vip72FakeIp() { bool result = false; vipaccount vipacc = null; try { sshcommand.closebitvise((int)this.numProxyPort.Value); bool flag17 = !this.bitproc.HasExited; if (flag17) { this.bitproc.Kill(); } } catch (Exception) { } this.lblStatusMsg.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { this.lblStatusMsg.Text = "Đang đợi Để sử dụng Vip72..."; })); InterfaceVip72 vip72 = getVip72Instance(); this.lblStatusMsg.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { this.lblStatusMsg.Text = "Getting Vip72 IP..."; })); START_VIP72_FAKEIP: while (true) { vipacc = chooseVip72Account(); if (vipacc == null) { MessageBox.Show("All vip72 are limited or there is no account, Please add other Vip72 account to use", Application.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); this.lblStatusMsg.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { this.lblStatusMsg.Text = "Vip72 account is out"; })); return(false); } else { this.listViewVip72.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { this.listViewVip72.Items[this.listvipacc.IndexOf(vipacc)].BackColor = Color.Yellow; this.listViewVip72.Refresh(); })); bool loginResult = vip72.vip72login(vipacc.username, vipacc.password, (int)this.numProxyPort.Value); if (!loginResult) { = true; vip72.killVipProcess(); Thread.Sleep(5000); this.listViewVip72.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { this.lblStatusMsg.Text = "Vip acc: " + vipacc.username + " login failed"; this.listViewVip72.Items[this.listvipacc.IndexOf(vipacc)].BackColor = Color.Red; this.listViewVip72.Refresh(); })); } else { this.listViewVip72.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { this.listViewVip72.Items[this.listvipacc.IndexOf(vipacc)].BackColor = Color.Lime; this.listViewVip72.Refresh(); })); break; } } } while (true) { string countryTxt = ""; this.lblStatusMsg.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { countryTxt = this.comboProxyGeo.Text; })); if (!vip72.getip(countryTxt)) { result = true; break; } string clickResult = vip72.clickip((int)this.numProxyPort.Value); if (clickResult == "not running") { result = false; break; } else if (clickResult == "no IP") { continue; } else if (clickResult == "dead") { continue; } else if (clickResult == "limited") { = true; this.listViewVip72.Items[this.listvipacc.IndexOf(vipacc)].BackColor = Color.Red; this.listViewVip72.Refresh(); goto START_VIP72_FAKEIP; } else if (clickResult == "maximum") { vip72.clearip(); continue; } else if (clickResult == "timeout") { goto START_VIP72_FAKEIP; } else { //OK if (NetworkHelper.validateIP(clickResult)) { NetworkHelper.currentFakeIP = clickResult; result = true; break; } } } return(result); }
// on proxy type combobox changed private void proxytool_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { NetworkHelper.currentFakeIP = ""; if (this.proxytool.Text != "Micro") { this.ipProxyHost.Text = NetworkHelper.getLocalIpAddress(); Random random = new Random(); this.numProxyPort.Value = random.Next(1000, 50000); } bool flag = this.proxytool.Text == "SSH"; if (flag) { IEnumerable <string> enumerable = (from x in this.listssh select <string>(); this.comboProxyGeo.Items.Clear(); foreach (string item in enumerable) { this.comboProxyGeo.Items.Add(item); } bool flag2 = this.comboProxyGeo.Items.Count > 0; if (flag2) { this.comboProxyGeo.Text = this.comboProxyGeo.Items[0].ToString(); } } else { bool flag3 = this.proxytool.Text == "Vip72"; if (flag3) { this.comboProxyGeo.Items.Clear(); foreach (countrycode ctcode in RunData.getInstance().listCountryCode) { this.comboProxyGeo.Items.Add(; } this.comboProxyGeo.SelectedIndex = 0; } else { if (this.proxytool.Text == "SSHServer") { if (this.tbSSHServer.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Chua config SSH server. Proxy -> SSH -> SSH server"); this.proxytool.Text = "Direct"; return; } HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(this.tbSSHServer.Text + "/getgeo.php"); httpWebRequest.UserAgent = "XXX"; try { System.IO.Stream responseStream = httpWebRequest.GetResponse().GetResponseStream(); StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(responseStream); string text = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); if (text.EndsWith("|")) { text = text.Substring(0, text.Length - 1); } string[] items = text.Split(new string[] { "|" }, StringSplitOptions.None); this.comboProxyGeo.Items.Clear(); this.comboProxyGeo.Items.AddRange(items); this.comboProxyGeo.SelectedIndex = 0; } catch (Exception ex) { this.proxytool.Text = "Direct"; MessageBox.Show("Error connect to SSH Server"); } } else { this.comboProxyGeo.Items.Clear(); } } } this.saveothersetting(); }
public Form1(string param) { this.settingUpdateTimer = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer(); this.changesssh = 0; this.scriptstatus = "stop"; this._sshssh = false; this.documentfolder = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal) + "\\"; this.offerListItem = new List <offerItem>(); this.deviceComm = new DeviceCommunicator(); this.cmd = new command(this.deviceComm); this.cmdResult = new commandResult(); this.DeviceInfo = new deviceInfo(); this.AppList = new List <appDetail>(); this.listbackup = new List <BackupObj>(); this.listvipacc = new List <vipaccount>(); this.maxwait = 120; // thoi gian timeout cua wipe - backup this.bitproc = new Process(); //bitvise process this.runningstt = EnumRunningSTT.NOT_RUN; this.currentOfferProfile = ""; this.components = null; Random random = new Random(); this.InitializeComponent(); //init port connect this.numProxyPort.Value = random.Next(1000, 50000); //init ip connect this.DeviceIpControl.Text = Settings.Default.ipaddress; RunData.getInstance().loadAllData(); this.lvwColumnSorter = new ListViewColumnSorter(); this.listViewRRS.ListViewItemSorter = this.lvwColumnSorter; this.listViewRRS.OwnerDraw = true; this.ipProxyHost.Text = NetworkHelper.getLocalIpAddress(); ImageList imageList = new ImageList(); imageList.ImageSize = new Size(1, 50); this.listViewOffer.SmallImageList = imageList; this.proxytool.Text = "SSH"; try { this.Text = this.DeviceIpControl.Text.Split(new string[] { "." }, StringSplitOptions.None)[3] + "|disconnected"; } catch (Exception) { } initAutoLeadTab(); Dictionary <string, ThreadStart> initParams = new Dictionary <string, ThreadStart>(); initParams.Add("AutoLeadThread", new ThreadStart(this.autoLeadThread)); initParams.Add("RRSThread", new ThreadStart(this.autoRRS)); initParams.Add("BackupThread", new ThreadStart(this.backupthread)); initParams.Add("WipeThread", new ThreadStart(this.wipethread)); initParams.Add("ChangeIpThread", new ThreadStart(this.threadchangeIP)); initParams.Add("ReconnectThread", new ThreadStart(this.reconnect)); initParams.Add("ExeScriptThread", new ThreadStart(this.excutescriptthread1)); ThreadManager.getInstance().init(initParams); }