コード例 #1
        public OpenVASTask CreateTask(OpenVASTask task)
            if (task.RemoteTaskID != Guid.Empty)
                throw new Exception("This task has been created already.");

            string name, comment, configID, targetID, escalatorID, scheduleID, slaveID;

            name        = task.Name;
            comment     = task.Comment;
            configID    = task.Config == null ? string.Empty : task.Config.RemoteConfigID.ToString();
            targetID    = task.Target == null ? string.Empty : task.Target.RemoteTargetID.ToString();
            escalatorID = task.Escalator == null ? string.Empty : task.Escalator.RemoteEscalatorID.ToString();
            scheduleID  = task.Schedule == null ? string.Empty : task.Schedule.RemoteScheduleID.ToString();
            slaveID     = task.Slave == null ? string.Empty : task.Slave.RemoteSlaveID.ToString();

            XmlDocument response = this.CreateTask(name, comment, configID, targetID, escalatorID, scheduleID, slaveID);

            foreach (XmlAttribute attr in response.FirstChild.Attributes)
                if (attr.Name == "id")
                    task.RemoteTaskID = new Guid(attr.Value);

コード例 #2
 public PersistentOpenVASTask(OpenVASTask task)
     base.Comment = task.Comment;
     base.Config = task.Config;
     base.Escalator = task.Escalator;
     base.Name = task.Name;
     base.RemoteTaskID = task.RemoteTaskID;
     base.Schedule = task.Schedule;
     base.Slave = task.Slave;
     base.Target = task.Target;
     base.TaskReport = task.TaskReport;
     base.FullReport = task.FullReport;
コード例 #3
        public void DeleteTask(OpenVASTask task)
            if (task.RemoteTaskID == Guid.Empty)
                throw new Exception("Can't delete task that hasn't been created.");

            XmlDocument response = this.DeleteTask(task.RemoteTaskID.ToString());

            foreach (XmlAttribute attr in response.Attributes)
                if (attr.Name == "status" && attr.Value != "200")
                    throw new Exception("Deleting task failed.");
コード例 #4
ファイル: Scan.cs プロジェクト: karuna/rising_sun
        public virtual void Run(out NessusScan nessusScan, out NexposeScan nexposeScan, out OpenVASScan openvasScan, out MetasploitScan metasploitScan, out Dictionary<NMapHost, IList<IToolResults>> toolResults)
            if (this.Configuration == null)
                throw new Exception ("Configuration not set");

            DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
            metasploitScan = null;
            nessusScan = null;
            nexposeScan = null;
            openvasScan = null;

            string openvasTaskID = string.Empty;
            string nessusScanID = string.Empty;
            string nexposeScanID = string.Empty;

            int uniqueNo = new Random ().Next ();

            IList<NMapHost > hosts = this.ParentProfile.CurrentResults.Hosts;

            if (hosts.Count() == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("ERROR: no hosts in the profile. Aborting.");
                toolResults = null;

            csv = string.Empty;

            foreach (NMapHost host in hosts)
                csv = csv + host.IPAddressv4 + ", "; //trailing , is OK in this case

            string openvasReportID = string.Empty;
            if (this.ScanOptions.IsOpenVASAssessment) {
                Console.WriteLine ("Creating OpenVAS Scan...");

                OpenVASTarget target = new OpenVASTarget ();
                target.Hosts = csv;
                target.Name = this.ParentProfile.Name + uniqueNo.ToString ();
                target.SMBCredentials = new OpenVASLSCCredential ();
                target.SSHCredentials = new OpenVASLSCCredential ();

                using (OpenVASManagerSession ovasSession = new OpenVASManagerSession(this.Configuration ["openvasUser"], this.Configuration ["openvasPass"], this.Configuration ["openvasHost"])) {

                    using (OpenVASObjectManager openvasManager = new OpenVASObjectManager(ovasSession)) {

                        target = openvasManager.CreateTarget (target);

                        OpenVASConfig config = openvasManager.GetAllConfigs ()
                            .Where (c => c.RemoteConfigID == new Guid (this.Configuration["openvasConfig"]))
                            .SingleOrDefault ();

                        OpenVASTask task = new OpenVASTask ();

                        task.Comment = string.Format ("Task for scan {0}", this.Name);
                        task.Target = target;
                        task.Config = config;

                        task = openvasManager.CreateTask (task);

                        XmlDocument taskResponse = openvasManager.StartTask (task.RemoteTaskID.ToString ());

                        if (!taskResponse.FirstChild.Attributes ["status"].Value.StartsWith ("20"))
                            throw new Exception ("Creating OpenVAS scan failed: " +
                                taskResponse.FirstChild.Attributes ["status_text"].Value);

                        openvasReportID = taskResponse.FirstChild.FirstChild.InnerText;
                        openvasTaskID = task.RemoteTaskID.ToString ();

                    Console.WriteLine ("Done creating and starting OpenVAS scan.");

            if (this.ScanOptions.IsNessusAssessment) {
                Console.WriteLine ("Creating Nessus scan...");
                using (NessusManagerSession nessusSession = new NessusManagerSession (this.Configuration["nessusHost"])) {

                    bool loggedIn = false;
                    nessusSession.Authenticate (this.Configuration ["nessusUser"], this.Configuration ["nessusPass"], 1234, out loggedIn);

                    if (!loggedIn)
                        throw new Exception ("Invalid username/password");

                    using (NessusObjectManager nessusManager = new NessusObjectManager (nessusSession)) {

                    var tmp = nessusManager.CreateAndStartScan (csv, -2, this.Name + uniqueNo.ToString ());

                        string scanName = tmp.Name;
                        nessusScanID = scanName;

                        string reportID = string.Empty;
                        foreach (XmlNode node in nessusManager.ListReports().LastChild.ChildNodes) {
                            if (node.Name == "contents") {
                                string tmpReportID = string.Empty;
                                foreach (XmlNode child in node.FirstChild.ChildNodes) {
                                    foreach (XmlNode c in child.ChildNodes) {
                                        if (c.Name == "name")
                                            tmpReportID = c.InnerText;
                                        else if (c.Name == "readableName" && c.InnerText == scanName)
                                            reportID = tmpReportID;

                                tmpReportID = string.Empty;

                    Console.WriteLine ("Done creating and starting Nessus scan.");
            if (this.ScanOptions.IsNexposeAssessment) {
                Console.WriteLine ("Creating NeXpose scan...");
                int siteID = 0;
                if (this.ScanOptions.RemoteNexposeSiteID <= 0) {
                    XmlDocument d = null;
                    string id = "-1";
                    string template = "full-audit";
                    string name = this.Name + uniqueNo.ToString ();
                    string description = "A site for the the profile " + this.ParentProfile.Name;

                    string siteXml = "<Site id=\"" + id + "\" name=\"" + name + "\" description=\"" + description + "\">";

                    siteXml = siteXml + "<Hosts>";

                    foreach (string host in csv.Split(','))
                        siteXml = siteXml + "<host>" + host + "</host>";

                    siteXml = siteXml + "</Hosts>" +
                                        "<Credentials></Credentials>" +
                                        "<Alerting></Alerting>" +
                                        "<ScanConfig configID=\"" + id + "\" name=\"" + name + "\" templateID=\"" + template + "\"></ScanConfig>" +

                    XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument ();
                    doc.LoadXml (siteXml);

                    using (NexposeSession session = new NexposeSession(this.Configuration["nexposeHost"])) {
                        session.Authenticate (this.Configuration ["nexposeUser"], this.Configuration ["nexposePass"]);

                        using (NexposeManager11 manager = new NexposeManager11(session)) {
                            XmlDocument response = manager.SaveOrUpdateSite (doc.FirstChild);

                            d = response;

                    siteID = int.Parse (d.FirstChild.Attributes ["site-id"].Value);

                    this.ScanOptions.RemoteNexposeSiteID = siteID;
                } else {
                    siteID = this.ScanOptions.RemoteNexposeSiteID;

                using (NexposeSession session = new NexposeSession(this.Configuration["nexposeHost"])) {
                    session.Authenticate (this.Configuration ["nexposeUser"], this.Configuration ["nexposePass"]);

                    using (NexposeManager11 manager = new NexposeManager11(session)) {
                        XmlDocument response = manager.ScanSite (siteID.ToString ());

                        nexposeScanID = response.FirstChild.FirstChild.Attributes ["scan-id"].Value;

                Console.WriteLine ("Done creating and starting NeXpose scan.");

            Dictionary<NMapHost, IList<IToolResults >> results = new Dictionary<NMapHost, IList<IToolResults>> ();
            services = new List<string> ();

            foreach (var host in hosts) {

                foreach (Port port in (host as NMapHost).Ports)
                    services.Add (port.Service);

                NMapHost threadHost = host as NMapHost;

                Console.WriteLine ("Starting scan for host: " + threadHost.Hostname + "(" + threadHost.IPAddressv4 + ")");

                results.Add (threadHost, ScanHost (threadHost, this.ScanOptions.SQLMapOptions, this.Configuration));


            toolResults = results;
            bool done = false;

            if (this.ScanOptions.IsNessusAssessment || this.ScanOptions.IsNexposeAssessment || this.ScanOptions.IsOpenVASAssessment) {
                while (!done) {
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (openvasTaskID) && this.OpenVASScanIsRunning (openvasTaskID)) {
                        Console.WriteLine ("Waiting on OpenVAS scan " + openvasTaskID);
                        Thread.Sleep (new TimeSpan (0, 0, 60));

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (nessusScanID) && this.NessusScanIsRunning (nessusScanID)) {
                        Console.WriteLine ("Waiting on Nessus scan " + nessusScanID);
                        Thread.Sleep (new TimeSpan (0, 0, 60));

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (nexposeScanID) && this.NexposeScanIsRunning (nexposeScanID)) {
                        Console.WriteLine ("Waiting on NeXpose scan " + nexposeScanID);
                        Thread.Sleep (new TimeSpan (0, 0, 60));

                    done = true;

                Dictionary<VulnerabilityScanType, string> scans = new Dictionary<VulnerabilityScanType, string> ();

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (openvasReportID))
                    scans.Add (VulnerabilityScanType.OpenVAS, openvasReportID);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (nexposeScanID))
                    scans.Add (VulnerabilityScanType.Nexpose, this.ScanOptions.RemoteNexposeSiteID.ToString ());

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (nessusScanID))
                    scans.Add (VulnerabilityScanType.Nessus, nessusScanID);

                Dictionary<VulnerabilityScanType, XmlNode> reports = this.GetReports (scans);
                foreach (var report in reports) {
                    if (report.Key == VulnerabilityScanType.Nessus)
                        nessusScan = new NessusScan(report.Value);
                    else if (report.Key == VulnerabilityScanType.Nexpose)
                        nexposeScan = new NexposeScan(report.Value);
                    else if (report.Key == VulnerabilityScanType.OpenVAS)
                        openvasScan = new OpenVASScan(report.Value);
                        throw new Exception ("Don't know this scan type");

                if (this.ScanOptions.IsMetasploitAssessment) {
                    string workspace = Guid.NewGuid ().ToString ();
                    this.CreateNewMetasploitWorkspace (workspace);
                    this.ImportScansIntoMetasploitPro (reports, workspace);

                    string proTaskID = this.BeginMetasploitProAssessment (workspace, csv, false);

                    while (this.MetasploitProAssessmentIsRunning(proTaskID)) {
                        Console.WriteLine ("Waiting on exploit assessment from metasploit: task " + proTaskID);
                        System.Threading.Thread.Sleep (new TimeSpan (0, 0, 30));

                    metasploitScan = new MetasploitScan(this.GetMetasploitProReport (workspace));

            TimeSpan duration = DateTime.Now - start;

            this.Duration = duration.TotalSeconds.ToString ();

            this.HasRun = true;
コード例 #5
        public void DeleteTask(OpenVASTask task)
            if (task.RemoteTaskID == Guid.Empty)
                throw new Exception("Can't delete task that hasn't been created.");

            XmlDocument response = this.DeleteTask(task.RemoteTaskID.ToString());

            foreach (XmlAttribute attr in response.Attributes)
                if (attr.Name == "status" && attr.Value != "200")
                    throw new Exception("Deleting task failed.");
コード例 #6
        public OpenVASTask CreateTask(OpenVASTask task)
            if (task.RemoteTaskID != Guid.Empty)
                throw new Exception("This task has been created already.");

            string name, comment, configID, targetID, escalatorID, scheduleID, slaveID;

            name = task.Name;
            comment = task.Comment;
            configID = task.Config == null ? string.Empty : task.Config.RemoteConfigID.ToString();
            targetID = task.Target == null ? string.Empty : task.Target.RemoteTargetID.ToString();
            escalatorID = task.Escalator == null ? string.Empty : task.Escalator.RemoteEscalatorID.ToString();
            scheduleID = task.Schedule == null ? string.Empty : task.Schedule.RemoteScheduleID.ToString();
            slaveID = task.Slave == null ? string.Empty : task.Slave.RemoteSlaveID.ToString();

            XmlDocument response = this.CreateTask(name, comment, configID, targetID, escalatorID, scheduleID, slaveID);

            foreach (XmlAttribute attr in response.FirstChild.Attributes)
                if (attr.Name == "id")
                    task.RemoteTaskID = new Guid(attr.Value);

            return task;
コード例 #7
        public virtual OpenVASTask ToBusinessObject()
            OpenVASTask task = new OpenVASTask();

            task.Comment = base.Comment;
            task.Config = base.Config;
            task.Escalator = base.Escalator;
            task.Name = base.Name;
            task.RemoteTaskID = base.RemoteTaskID;
            task.Schedule = base.Schedule;
            task.Slave = base.Slave;
            task.Target = base.Target;
            task.TaskReport = base.TaskReport;

            return task;