コード例 #1
        public async Task <Tuple <bool, string> > UploadUserProfilePictureAsync(IWebHostEnvironment env, IFormFile imagefile, int userID)
            if (imagefile == null || imagefile.Length < 0 || imagefile.Length > ConfigContex.GetProfileImageMaxSizeInBytes())
                return(Tuple.Create(false, "File is to large or none existing"));

            //store old image url, if it exist
            string oldImageUrl = GetUsersData(userID).profileImageUrl;

            // Start image upload

            // Create Directory
            if (!Directory.Exists(env.WebRootPath))
                Console.WriteLine("wwwRoot does not exist");

            // Create file uniq name
            var    fileName   = ImageProcessing.GenerateUniqFileNameFromOldName(imagefile.FileName);
            string wwrootPath = env.WebRootPath;

            wwrootPath = wwrootPath + "/";
            string fullPath = wwrootPath + fileName;

                // Upload file to local storage (wwwroot)
                using (var fileStream = Image.FromStream(imagefile.OpenReadStream()))
                    // Copy image, resize it, make new image
                    int    newSize     = ConfigContex.GetProfileImagePixelSize(); // Get size from appsettings
                    Bitmap resultImage = ImageProcessing.Resize(fileStream, newSize, newSize);

                // Upload file to dropbox, then get shared link
                string sharedUrl = await DropboxApi.Upload(fullPath, fileName, true);

                // Upload url to database
                AddProfilePictureByUrl(sharedUrl, userID);
                // Delete local stored image
                // Succes
                return(Tuple.Create(true, "Profile image successfully created."));
            catch (Exception e)
                return(Tuple.Create(false, "Error in uploading file, check if its the correct extenstion (PNG, JPG)."));