protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool ClientIsValid = false; if (Request.QueryString["subdomain"] != null) { Subdomain = Request.QueryString["subdomain"].ToString(); } else { Subdomain = "nosubdomain"; } ClientIsValid = Authentication.Utility.ClientIsValid(Request.Url, Subdomain); //Client Check if (ClientIsValid) { Authentication.Utility.DomainAttributes dm = Authentication.Utility.GetClient(Request.Url, Subdomain); if (dm.IsMultidomain) { Page.Title = dm.DmName; OrgTitle.InnerHtml = dm.DmName; Subclient.InnerHtml = "<static>Print Application for</static><br/>" + "<client>" + dm.SubDmName + "</client>"; } else { Page.Title = dm.DmName; OrgTitle.InnerHtml = dm.DmName; Subclient.InnerHtml = "<static>Print Application</static>"; } Authentication.Utility.checklogo(dm.DmID, OrgTitle, logo); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool ClientIsValid = false; if (Request.QueryString["subdomain"] != null) { Subdomain = Request.QueryString["subdomain"].ToString(); } else { Subdomain = "nosubdomain"; } ClientIsValid = Authentication.Utility.ClientIsValid(Request.Url, Subdomain); //Client Check if (ClientIsValid) { Authentication.Utility.DomainAttributes dm = Authentication.Utility.GetClient(Request.Url, Subdomain); if (dm.IsMultidomain) { Page.Title = dm.DmName; OrgTitle.InnerHtml = dm.DmName; Session["Customer_id"] = dm.SubDmID; } else { Page.Title = dm.DmName; OrgTitle.InnerHtml = dm.DmName; Session["Customer_id"] = dm.DmID; } Authentication.Utility.checklogo(dm.DmID, OrgTitle, logo); } if (!Page.IsPostBack) { //load cost Session["fno"] = Request.QueryString["id"].ToString(); Session["mode"] = Request.QueryString["mode"].ToString(); Credentialpage.Utility.get_Cost(AmountTextBox, Dropcardtype, Session["fno"].ToString(), Session["Customer_id"].ToString()); //year dropdown Credentialpage.Utility.Getyear_Payment(YearDropDownList); btn_submit.Attributes.Add("onclick", "Loading(true);"); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Subdomain = ""; bool ClientIsValid = false; if (Request.QueryString["subdomain"] != null) { Subdomain = Request.QueryString["subdomain"].ToString(); } else { Subdomain = "nosubdomain"; } ClientIsValid = Authentication.Utility.ClientIsValid(Request.Url, Subdomain); //Client Check if (ClientIsValid) { dm = Authentication.Utility.GetClient(Request.Url, Subdomain); sv = new Authentication.Utility.SessionVariable(); int Clientid = 0; if (dm.IsMultidomain) { Page.Title = dm.DmName; OrgTitle.InnerHtml = dm.DmName; Subclient.InnerHtml = "<static>Online Status for</static><br/>" + "<client>" + dm.SubDmName + "</client>"; sv.Customer_id = dm.DmID; sv.SubClient_id = dm.SubDmID; Clientid = dm.SubDmID; } else { Page.Title = dm.DmName; OrgTitle.InnerHtml = dm.DmName; sv.Customer_id = dm.DmID; Clientid = dm.DmID; Subclient.InnerHtml = "<static>Online Status</static>"; } Authentication.Utility.checklogo(dm.DmID, OrgTitle, logo); HtmlGenericControl msg = (HtmlGenericControl)Master.FindControl("Msgbox"); msg.InnerHtml = "<span style='color:Red;font-weight:bold;'>Note:</span> To Check the Application status,please enter the corresponding application file number. "; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool ClientIsValid = false; if (Request.QueryString["subdomain"] != null) { Subdomain = Request.QueryString["subdomain"].ToString(); } else { Subdomain = "nosubdomain"; } ClientIsValid = Authentication.Utility.ClientIsValid(Request.Url, Subdomain); if (ClientIsValid) { Session["Applicant_id"] = 0; Session["Request_id"] = 0; Authentication.Utility.DomainAttributes dm = Authentication.Utility.GetClient(Request.Url, Subdomain); if (dm.IsMultidomain) { Page.Title = dm.SubDmName; clientid = dm.SubDmID; } else { Page.Title = dm.DmName; clientid = dm.DmID; } string identifier = Request.QueryString["id"].ToString(); if (identifier.Contains("|")) { string[] Query_spliter; Query_spliter = identifier.Split('|'); string result = ClientAdmin.Utility.check_filenumber(Query_spliter[1].ToString(), clientid.ToString()); if (result == "Access_Denied") { Response.Redirect("~/Logout_Print.aspx"); } else { DataSet ds = Credentialpage.Utility.check_print(Query_spliter[1].ToString(), Query_spliter[0].ToString()); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { Session["Applicant_id"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["applicantid"].ToString(); Session["Request_id"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["id"].ToString(); } } } if ((dm.IsCreditcard.ToString() == "0") && (dm.Onlinecc.ToString() == "0")) { creditblog.Visible = false; } else { creditblog.Visible = true; } #region section if (!dm.AddSection) { Revsec_Additionalheader.Visible = false; Revsec_Additional.Visible = false; } if (!dm.FaxSection) { Revsec_Faxheader.Visible = false; Revsec_Fax.Visible = false; } if (!dm.EmailSection) { Revsec_Emailheader.Visible = false; Revsec_Email.Visible = false; } #endregion refresh_Click(this, EventArgs.Empty); switch (dm.App_Type) { case 3: edu.Visible = false; break; default: edu.Visible = true; break; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool ClientIsValid = false; if (Request.QueryString["subdomain"] != null) { Subdomain = Request.QueryString["subdomain"].ToString(); } else { Subdomain = "nosubdomain"; } ClientIsValid = Authentication.Utility.ClientIsValid(Request.Url, Subdomain); //Client Check if (ClientIsValid) { int clientid = 0; Authentication.Utility.DomainAttributes dm = Authentication.Utility.GetClient(Request.Url, Subdomain); if (dm.IsMultidomain) { Page.Title = dm.DmName; OrgTitle.InnerHtml = dm.DmName; Session["Customer_id"] = dm.SubDmID; } else { Page.Title = dm.DmName; OrgTitle.InnerHtml = dm.DmName; Session["Customer_id"] = dm.DmID; } Authentication.Utility.checklogo(dm.DmID, OrgTitle, logo); } if (!Page.IsPostBack) { //load cost string status = Request.QueryString["valid"].ToString(); switch (status) { case "True": msg.InnerHtml = "Your transaction has been successfully processed and an E-mail has been sent to your account"; break; case "False": msg.InnerHtml = "Your transaction has been unsuccessfully processed Contact Admin"; break; default: msg.InnerHtml = "you have chosen to pay later..<br/>" + "<ul><li>After printing the application summary/review, please fill out the credit card section by hand.</li>" + "<li>You may also pay with a credit card over the phone.</li></ul>"; break; } string mode = Request.QueryString["mode"].ToString(); switch (mode) { case "1": processctrl.Visible = true; break; case "2": processctrl.Visible = false; break; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool ClientIsValid = false; if (Request.QueryString["subdomain"] != null) { Subdomain = Request.QueryString["subdomain"].ToString(); } else { Subdomain = "nosubdomain"; } ClientIsValid = Authentication.Utility.ClientIsValid(Request.Url, Subdomain); //Client Check if (ClientIsValid) { clientid = 0; Authentication.Utility.DomainAttributes dm = Authentication.Utility.GetClient(Request.Url, Subdomain); if (dm.IsMultidomain) { Page.Title = dm.DmName; OrgTitle.InnerHtml = dm.DmName; OrgTitlepdf.InnerHtml = dm.DmName; Subclient.InnerHtml = "<static>Online Application for</static><br/>" + "<client>" + dm.SubDmName + "</client>"; clientid = dm.SubDmID; } else { Page.Title = dm.DmName; OrgTitle.InnerHtml = dm.DmName; OrgTitlepdf.InnerHtml = dm.DmName; clientid = dm.DmID; Subclient.InnerHtml = "<static>Online Application</static>"; } Authentication.Utility.checklogo(dm.DmID, OrgTitle, logo); Filenumber.Text = Request.QueryString["id"].ToString(); string url = ""; if (Subdomain == "nosubdomain") { url = "Printapplication.aspx?id=" + clientid.ToString() + "|" + Filenumber.Text; pdfurl = "Printapplication.aspx?id=" + clientid.ToString() + "|" + Filenumber.Text; } else { url = "Printapplication.aspx?id=" + clientid.ToString() + "|" + Filenumber.Text + "&subdomain=" + Subdomain; pdfurl = "Printapplication.aspx?id=" + clientid.ToString() + "|" + Filenumber.Text + "&subdomain=" + Subdomain; } frm9_btn_print.Attributes.Add("onclick", "PopupCenter('" + url + "', 'Print_application',0,0);"); // Credentialpage.Utility.thankublock(thblock, clientid.ToString() , cls); if (dm.IsRedirect.ToString() == "1") { thblock.Visible = true; if (dm.RedirectUrl != "") { cls.HRef = "http://" + dm.RedirectUrl.ToString(); } else { cls.HRef = "#"; } } else { thblock.Visible = true; cls.HRef = "http://" + Request.Url.Host; // Request.Url.Scheme + System.Uri.SchemeDelimiter + Request.Url.Host + //(Request.Url.IsDefaultPort ? "" : ":" + Request.Url.Port); } // toc.HRef = "OnlineTermsAndCondition.aspx?cus=" + clientid.ToString(); if (!dm.Talentdb) { frm8_Optional.Visible = false; } if (!Page.IsPostBack) { FormViewcontrol2.ActiveViewIndex = 0; } submitnote.InnerHtml = dm.Completed_Instruction; if (!dm.Appl_Upload) { uploadsection.Visible = false; } else { string appid = Credentialpage.Utility.AppidbyFilenember(Filenumber.Text); uploadurl.HRef = "App_Upload.aspx?id=" + appid; } #region Pdf Session["Applicant_id"] = 0; Session["Request_id"] = 0; DataSet ds = Credentialpage.Utility.check_print(Filenumber.Text, clientid.ToString()); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { Session["Applicant_id"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["applicantid"].ToString(); Session["Request_id"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["id"].ToString(); } if ((dm.IsCreditcard.ToString() == "0") && (dm.Onlinecc.ToString() == "0")) { creditblog.Visible = false; } else { creditblog.Visible = true; } #region section if (!dm.AddSection) { Revsec_Additionalheader.Visible = false; Revsec_Additional.Visible = false; } if (!dm.FaxSection) { Revsec_Faxheader.Visible = false; Revsec_Fax.Visible = false; } if (!dm.EmailSection) { Revsec_Emailheader.Visible = false; Revsec_Email.Visible = false; } #endregion refresh_Click(this, EventArgs.Empty); switch (dm.App_Type) { case 3: edu.Visible = false; break; default: edu.Visible = true; break; } #endregion } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool ClientIsValid = false; if (Request.QueryString["subdomain"] != null) { Subdomain = Request.QueryString["subdomain"].ToString(); } else { Subdomain = "nosubdomain"; } ClientIsValid = Authentication.Utility.ClientIsValid(Request.Url, Subdomain); //Client Check if (ClientIsValid) { int clientid = 0; Authentication.Utility.DomainAttributes dm = Authentication.Utility.GetClient(Request.Url, Subdomain); Authentication.Utility.SessionVariable sv = new Authentication.Utility.SessionVariable(); RossSoft.Utility.AppConfig app = RossSoft.Utility.AppSettings(); if (dm.IsMultidomain) { Page.Title = dm.DmName; OrgTitle.InnerHtml = dm.DmName; Subclient.InnerHtml = "<static>Online Application for</static><br/>" + "<client>" + dm.SubDmName + "</client>"; sv.Customer_id = dm.DmID; sv.SubClient_id = dm.SubDmID; clientid = dm.SubDmID; } else { Page.Title = dm.DmName; OrgTitle.InnerHtml = dm.DmName; sv.Customer_id = dm.DmID; clientid = dm.DmID; Subclient.InnerHtml = "<static>Online Application</static>"; } Authentication.Utility.checklogo(dm.DmID, OrgTitle, logo); Session["Appsettings"] = app; Session["Clientsettings"] = dm; Session["SV"] = sv; // string listcontent = ""; // HtmlGenericControl listcontent = new HtmlGenericControl("div"); DataSet ds = Authentication.Utility.Splashpage(clientid); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { HtmlGenericControl accordion = new HtmlGenericControl("div"); accordion.Attributes.Add("id", "accordion"); //AppInstructions HtmlGenericControl title1 = new HtmlGenericControl("h3"); title1.InnerHtml = "<a href='#'>Instructions</a>"; accordion.Controls.Add(title1); HtmlGenericControl Instruction = new HtmlGenericControl("div"); Instruction.InnerHtml = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["AppInstructions"].ToString(); accordion.Controls.Add(Instruction); //OfflineApp Instructions if (Convert.ToBoolean(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["OfflineApp"].ToString())) { HtmlTable tb = new HtmlTable(); HtmlTableRow tr1 = new HtmlTableRow(); HtmlTableRow tr2 = new HtmlTableRow(); HtmlTableCell c1 = new HtmlTableCell(); HtmlTableCell c2 = new HtmlTableCell(); ImageButton imgbtn = new ImageButton(); imgbtn.Click += new ImageClickEventHandler(Downloadbtn_Click); imgbtn.ImageUrl = "~/Code/menu/pdf_icon.png"; imgbtn.Width = 42; imgbtn.Height = 42; imgbtn.AlternateText = clientid.ToString(); c1.Controls.Add(imgbtn); c2.InnerHtml = "Application.pdf"; tr1.Controls.Add(c1); c1.Align = "Center"; tr2.Controls.Add(c2); tb.Controls.Add(tr1); tb.Controls.Add(tr2); HtmlGenericControl Instruction2 = new HtmlGenericControl("span"); Instruction2.InnerHtml += "<b>Application</b><br/>" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["OfflineAppInstructions"].ToString(); //"<table><tr><td style='text-align:center;' >" + //"<input type='image' name='ctl00$Content$imgbtn' alt='"+clientid+"' width='42px' Height='42px' id='ctl00_Content_imgbtn' src='Code/menu/pdf_icon.png' onclick='javascript:WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions(new WebForm_PostBackOptions("ctl00$Content$imgbtn", "", true, "", "", false, false))' style='border-width:0px;'><a href='Assets/OfflineApp/" + clientid + "/Application.pdf'><img src='Code/menu/pdf_icon.png' width='42px' Height='42px' /></a></td></tr> " + //"<tr><td>Application.pdf</td></tr></table>"; Instruction.Controls.Add(Instruction2); Instruction.Controls.Add(tb); } //BrowserInstructions HtmlGenericControl title2 = new HtmlGenericControl("h3"); title2.InnerHtml = "<a href='#'>Browser Instructions</a>"; accordion.Controls.Add(title2); HtmlGenericControl BrowserInstruction = new HtmlGenericControl("div"); BrowserInstruction.InnerHtml = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["BrowserInstructions"].ToString(); accordion.Controls.Add(BrowserInstruction); list.Controls.Add(accordion); //Online app if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["OnlineApp"].ToString() != "1") { recaptchablk.Visible = false; } } //Application Type switch (dm.App_Type) { case 1: RedirectUrl = "~/Index.aspx"; break; case 2: RedirectUrl = "~/mIndex.aspx"; break; case 3: RedirectUrl = "~/nIndex.aspx"; break; } if (Subdomain != "nosubdomain") { RedirectUrl += "?subdomain=" + Subdomain; } } }