コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs the menustrip.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent">The panel that the menustrip is in.</param>
        public PanelMenuStrip(AudioPanel parent)
            this.window = parent;


            InfoLabel           = new ToolStripLabel();
            InfoLabel.Margin    = new Padding(50, 0, 0, 0);
            InfoLabel.ForeColor = Color.SpringGreen;

            this.BackColor = ColorSettings.BLACKGRAY;
            this.ForeColor = ColorSettings.GRAY;
            this.Name      = "PanelMenuStrip";
            this.Margin    = new Padding(0);

            // Setup default selected windowing function
            this.WindowFunc = WindowFunction.RectangularWindow;

            this.RenderMode = ToolStripRenderMode.Professional;
            this.Renderer   = new MenuToolStripRenderer();
コード例 #2
ファイル: Recorder.cs プロジェクト: dacosta-t/Audio-Editor
 /// <summary>
 /// Records audio.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="panel">The panel to record data into.</param>
 public void RecordAudio(AudioPanel panel)
     recordData = new IntPtr();
     SetData(recordData, 0);
     this.RecordPanel        = panel;
     this.RecordPanel.Header = panel.Header;
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs the channel.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="title">Title to display above the channel.</param>
        /// <param name="size">Size of the channel.</param>
        /// <param name="parent">Panel that holds the channel.</param>
        public Channel(String title, Size size, AudioPanel parent)
            this.Chart     = new Chart();
            this.ChartArea = new ChartArea();
            this.parent    = parent;

            this.InitChart(title, size);

            // Adds event handlers to the chart
            this.Chart.KeyDown    += new KeyEventHandler(this.KeyDown);
            this.Chart.KeyUp      += new KeyEventHandler(this.KeyUp);
            this.Chart.MouseEnter += new EventHandler(this.Focus);
            this.Chart.MouseWheel += new MouseEventHandler(this.Zoom);
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new audio panel and starts an audio recording.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Unused.</param>
        /// <param name="e">Unused.</param>
        private void StartRecord(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.record.Visible     = false;
            this.stopRecord.Visible = true;
            WaveParser parser   = new WaveParser();
            AudioPanel newPanel = this.NewAudioPanel();

            if (this.window.IsScrollable)
                int val = this.window.VScrollBar.Maximum - this.window.VScrollBar.Value;
                this.window.VScrollBar.Value  = this.window.VScrollBar.Maximum;
                this.window.MainContainer.Top = this.window.MainContainer.Location.Y - val;
            newPanel.Header = parser.CreateHeader(this.window.SampleRate, this.window.BitRate);
            newPanel.MenuStrip.InfoLabel.Text = newPanel.Header.SampleRate + " Sample rate" + " | " + newPanel.Header.BitsPerSample + " Bit rate";
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes the selected range in the time domain. If there is two channels, it will delete the selected range in both.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="window">The audio panel that the time domain is in.</param>
        /// <param name="dualChannel">Whether the audio stream has two channels or not.</param>
        public static void Delete(AudioPanel window, bool dualChannel)
            // Gets the range of the selection
            int startPos = (int)Math.Min(window.LTimeChannel.ChartArea.CursorX.SelectionStart, window.LTimeChannel.ChartArea.CursorX.SelectionEnd);
            int endPos   = (int)Math.Max(window.LTimeChannel.ChartArea.CursorX.SelectionStart, window.LTimeChannel.ChartArea.CursorX.SelectionEnd);

            // Maps the position of the start and end positions of the selection to indexes in the data
            if (endPos != startPos && window.LTimeChannel.Series.Points.Count != 0)
                int startSample = (int)window.LTimeChannel.Series.Points[startPos].XValue;
                int endSample;
                if (endPos < window.LTimeChannel.Series.Points.Count)
                    endSample = (int)window.LTimeChannel.Series.Points[endPos].XValue;
                    endSample = (int)window.LTimeChannel.Series.Points[window.LTimeChannel.Series.Points.Count - 1].XValue;

                // Sets the cursor back to where the selection started
                window.LTimeChannel.ChartArea.CursorX.SelectionStart = startPos;
                window.LTimeChannel.ChartArea.CursorX.SelectionEnd   = startPos;
                window.RTimeChannel.ChartArea.CursorX.SelectionStart = startPos;
                window.RTimeChannel.ChartArea.CursorX.SelectionEnd   = startPos;

                // Removes the range in the data
                window.LChannel.RemoveRange(startSample, endSample - startSample);
                if (dualChannel)
                    window.RChannel.RemoveRange(startSample, endSample - startSample);
                if (window.LChannel.Count <= 1)
                    if (dualChannel)
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new audio panel that holds its own time and frequency domain.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The newly created audio panel.</returns>
        public AudioPanel NewAudioPanel()
            AudioPanel newPanel = new AudioPanel(new Size(this.window.MainContainer.Width, AudioPanel.CHANNEL_HEIGHT + AudioPanel.BUTTON_HEIGHT), this.window);

            this.window.MainContainer.Height += newPanel.Panel.Height;

            // Initializes the scrollbar if needed and is not already initialized
            if (this.window.MainContainer.Height > this.window.ClientSize.Height && !this.window.IsScrollable)

            // Increases the scrollbar range if it is available
            if (this.window.IsScrollable)
                this.window.VScrollBar.Maximum = this.window.MainContainer.Height - this.Parent.ClientSize.Height + this.Height;

            // Adds the panel to the programs linked list
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Copies the selected range in the time domain. If there is two channels, it will copy the selected range in both.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="window">The audio panel that the time domain is in.</param>
        /// <param name="dualChannel">Whether the audio stream has two channels or not.</param>
        public static void Copy(AudioPanel window, bool dualChannel)
            List <short>  lData = new List <short>();
            List <short>  rData = new List <short>();
            ClipboardData data  = new ClipboardData();

            // Gets the range of the selection
            int startPos = (int)Math.Min(window.LTimeChannel.ChartArea.CursorX.SelectionStart, window.LTimeChannel.ChartArea.CursorX.SelectionEnd);
            int endPos   = (int)Math.Max(window.LTimeChannel.ChartArea.CursorX.SelectionStart, window.LTimeChannel.ChartArea.CursorX.SelectionEnd);

            // Maps the position of the start and end positions of the selection to indexes in the data
            if (endPos != startPos && window.LTimeChannel.Series.Points.Count != 0)
                int startSample = (int)window.LTimeChannel.Series.Points[startPos].XValue;
                int endSample;
                if (endPos < window.LTimeChannel.Series.Points.Count)
                    endSample = (int)window.LTimeChannel.Series.Points[endPos].XValue;
                    endSample = (int)window.LTimeChannel.Series.Points[window.LTimeChannel.Series.Points.Count - 1].XValue;

                // Copies the data to a temporary object
                data.LChannel = window.LChannel.GetRange(startSample, endSample - startSample);
                if (dualChannel)
                    data.RChannel = window.RChannel.GetRange(startSample, endSample - startSample);
                data.Header = window.Header;

                // Adds the copied object to the clipboard
                Clipboard.SetData("AudioPanel", data);
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Pastes the copied data from the clipboard to the selected position in the time domain and upsamples the copied data.
        /// If the copied data has one channel, and the window to paste in has two channels, it will paste the single channel into both channels.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="window">The audio panel that the time domain is in.</param>
        /// <param name="copyData">The copied data on the clipboard.</param>
        /// <param name="dualChannel">Whether the audio stream has two channels or not.</param>
        public static void UpSamplePaste(AudioPanel window, ClipboardData copyData, bool dualChannel)
            // Gets the position of the selection
            int cursorPos = (int)window.LTimeChannel.ChartArea.CursorX.Position;

            // Maps the selected position to and index in the data
            int pastePos;

            if (cursorPos < window.LTimeChannel.Series.Points.Count)
                pastePos = (int)window.LTimeChannel.Series.Points[cursorPos].XValue;
                pastePos = (int)window.LTimeChannel.Series.Points[window.LTimeChannel.Series.Points.Count - 1].XValue;

            double        freq        = (double)copyData.Header.SampleRate / 2;
            List <Thread> IDFTThreads = new List <Thread>();

            // Creates the filter and IDFT threads and starts them
            List <ComplexNumber> filter        = window.LFreqChannel.CreateFilter(copyData.LChannel.Count, freq, window.Header);
            List <List <short> > filterSamples = window.LFreqChannel.CreateIDFTThreads(filter, out IDFTThreads);

            for (int i = 0; i < IDFTThreads.Count; i++)

            // Check if the copied data is a different bitrate than the channel to pate in
            bool bitOffset = window.Header.BitsPerSample == 8;

            BackgroundWorker lbgw = new BackgroundWorker();

            lbgw.DoWork += delegate {
                // Wait for IDFT threads to finish
                for (int i = 0; i < IDFTThreads.Count; i++)

                // Combine the IDFT data together
                List <short> filterData = new List <short>();
                for (int i = 0; i < IDFTThreads.Count; i++)

                // Convert bit rate if needed and upsample
                List <short> upSampled;
                if (copyData.Header.BitsPerSample > window.Header.BitsPerSample)
                    upSampled = window.LTimeChannel.UpSample(copyData.LChannel, window.Header.SampleRate, copyData.Header.SampleRate, BitMapper.To8Bit);
                else if (copyData.Header.BitsPerSample < window.Header.BitsPerSample)
                    upSampled = window.LTimeChannel.UpSample(copyData.LChannel, window.Header.SampleRate, copyData.Header.SampleRate, BitMapper.To16Bit);
                    upSampled = window.LTimeChannel.UpSample(copyData.LChannel, window.Header.SampleRate, copyData.Header.SampleRate, null);

                // Creates and starts threads to convolve the data
                List <short>  samples         = new List <short>(upSampled);
                List <Thread> convolveThreads = window.LTimeChannel.CreateConvolutionThreads(filterData, upSampled, samples, bitOffset);
                for (int i = 0; i < convolveThreads.Count; i++)
                // Wait for convolution to finish on all threads
                for (int i = 0; i < convolveThreads.Count; i++)

                // Paste the data at the selected position
                window.LChannel.InsertRange(pastePos, samples);
                if (dualChannel && copyData.RChannel == null)
                    window.RChannel.InsertRange(pastePos, samples);

                // Reload the data in the time domain charts
                window.LTimeChannel.Chart.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(() => {

                if (dualChannel && copyData.RChannel == null)
                    window.RTimeChannel.Chart.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(() => {

            // Paste right channel copy data in right channel domain if it exists
            if (dualChannel && copyData.RChannel != null)
                BackgroundWorker rbgw = new BackgroundWorker();
                rbgw.DoWork += delegate {
                    // Wait for IDFT threads to finish
                    for (int i = 0; i < IDFTThreads.Count; i++)

                    // Combine the IDFT data together
                    List <short> filterData = new List <short>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < IDFTThreads.Count; i++)

                    // Convert bit rate if needed and upsample
                    List <short> upSampled;
                    if (copyData.Header.BitsPerSample > window.Header.BitsPerSample)
                        upSampled = window.RTimeChannel.UpSample(copyData.RChannel, window.Header.SampleRate, copyData.Header.SampleRate, BitMapper.To8Bit);
                    else if (copyData.Header.BitsPerSample < window.Header.BitsPerSample)
                        upSampled = window.RTimeChannel.UpSample(copyData.RChannel, window.Header.SampleRate, copyData.Header.SampleRate, BitMapper.To16Bit);
                        upSampled = window.RTimeChannel.UpSample(copyData.RChannel, window.Header.SampleRate, copyData.Header.SampleRate, null);

                    // Creates and starts threads to convolve the data
                    List <short>  samples         = new List <short>(upSampled);
                    List <Thread> convolveThreads = window.LTimeChannel.CreateConvolutionThreads(filterData, upSampled, samples, bitOffset);
                    for (int i = 0; i < convolveThreads.Count; i++)
                    // Wait for convolution to finish on all threads
                    for (int i = 0; i < convolveThreads.Count; i++)

                    // Paste the data at the selected position
                    window.RChannel.InsertRange(pastePos, samples);

                    // Reload the data in the time domain charts
                    window.RTimeChannel.Chart.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(() => {
コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Pastes the copied data from the clipboard to the selected position in the time domain.
        /// If the copied data has two channels, it will paste the right channel to the right channel if the window to paste in has a right channel.
        /// If the copied data has one channel, and the window to paste in has two channels, it will paste the single channel into both channels.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="window">The audio panel that the time domain is in.</param>
        /// <param name="copyData">The copied data on the clipboard.</param>
        /// <param name="dualChannel">Whether the audio stream has two channels or not.</param>
        public static void Paste(AudioPanel window, ClipboardData copyData, bool dualChannel)
            // Paste to the selected position if the time domain is not empty
            if (window.LChannel != null)
                // Gets the position of the selection
                int cursorPos = (int)window.LTimeChannel.ChartArea.CursorX.Position;

                // Maps the selected position to and index in the data
                int pastePos;
                if (cursorPos < window.LTimeChannel.Series.Points.Count)
                    pastePos = (int)window.LTimeChannel.Series.Points[cursorPos].XValue;
                    pastePos = (int)window.LTimeChannel.Series.Points[window.LTimeChannel.Series.Points.Count - 1].XValue;

                List <short> data = new List <short>(copyData.LChannel);
                // Converts bit rate if needed
                if (copyData.Header.BitsPerSample > window.Header.BitsPerSample)
                    for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i++)
                        data[i] = BitMapper.To8Bit(data[i]);
                else if (copyData.Header.BitsPerSample < window.Header.BitsPerSample)
                    for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i++)
                        data[i] = BitMapper.To16Bit(data[i]);

                // Inserts the data at the selected position
                window.LChannel.InsertRange(pastePos, data);
                if (dualChannel)
                    if (copyData.RChannel != null)
                        data = new List <short>(copyData.RChannel);
                        if (copyData.Header.BitsPerSample > window.Header.BitsPerSample)
                            for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i++)
                                data[i] = BitMapper.To8Bit(data[i]);
                        else if (copyData.Header.BitsPerSample < window.Header.BitsPerSample)
                            for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i++)
                                data[i] = BitMapper.To16Bit(data[i]);
                    window.RChannel.InsertRange(pastePos, data);
                // Create a new header and paste the data if the time domain is empty
                // Creates the new RIFF header for the data
                RIFFHeader hdr = copyData.Header;

                // Copies the data to the channels
                window.LChannel = copyData.LChannel;
                if (copyData.RChannel != null)
                    if (!dualChannel)
                    window.RChannel = copyData.RChannel;
                    if (dualChannel)
                        window.RChannel = copyData.LChannel;
                        hdr.Channels    = 2;

                window.RawData = window.DataToBytes();
                window.MenuStrip.InfoLabel.Text = hdr.SampleRate + " Sample rate" + " | " + hdr.BitsPerSample + " Bit rate";

                //Assigns new header to the window
                hdr.SubChunkSize = window.RawData.Count;
                window.Header    = hdr;
コード例 #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs the frequency channel.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="title">Title to display above the channel.</param>
 /// <param name="size">Size of the channel.</param>
 /// <param name="parent">Panel that holds the channel.</param>
 public FreqChannel(String title, Size size, AudioPanel parent) : base(title, size, parent)
コード例 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new audio panel and opens a wave file in it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Unused/</param>
        /// <param name="e">Unused.</param>
        private void OpenFile(object sender, EventArgs e)
            AudioPanel newPanel = NewAudioPanel();

            newPanel.MenuStrip.OpenFile(null, EventArgs.Empty);