public void GetFileListFromDir() { AtlasWorkFlows.Utils.IPLocationTests.SetIpName(""); var dataStore = utils.BuildSampleDirectoryBeforeBuild("GetFileListFromDir", "ds1.1.1"); var configInfo = utils.GetLocal(dataStore); var w = new WindowsDataset(dataStore); var list = w.ListOfDSFiles("ds1.1.1"); Assert.AreEqual(5, list.Length); }
public void GetFileListFromDirWithoutFileList() { AtlasWorkFlows.Utils.IPLocationTests.SetIpName(""); var dataStore = utils.BuildSampleDirectoryBeforeBuild("GetFileListFromDirWithoutFileList", "ds1.1.1"); var f = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(dataStore.FullName, "ds1.1.1", "aa_dataset_complete_file_list.txt")); Assert.IsTrue(f.Exists); f.Delete(); var configInfo = utils.GetLocal(dataStore); var w = new WindowsDataset(dataStore); var list = w.ListOfDSFiles("ds1.1.1"); Assert.AreEqual(5, list.Length); }
public static Location GetLocation(Dictionary<string, string> props) { var l = new Location(); l.Name = props["Name"]; var dirCacheLocations = props["Paths"].Split(',') .Select(dirname => new DirectoryInfo(dirname.Trim())) .ToArray(); // We are always good - and we test for directory locations on the fly l.LocationTests.Add(() => true); l.GetDSInfo = name => { var d = FindDataset(dirCacheLocations, name); if (d == null) { return new DSInfo() { Name = name, IsLocal = filter => false, CanBeGeneratedAutomatically = false, ListOfFiles = () => new string[0], LocationProvider = l, }; } else { var w = new WindowsDataset(d.Parent); return new DSInfo() { Name = name, IsLocal = filter => w.FindDSFiles(name, filter) != null, CanBeGeneratedAutomatically = false, ListOfFiles = () => w.ListOfDSFiles(name), LocationProvider = l, }; } }; // Even though we claim we can't download a data file locally - we can. It is just that we won't do it automatically. var linuxFinder = FetchToRemoteLinuxDirInstance.FetchRemoteLinuxInstance(props); l.GetDS = (dsinfo, status, filter, failNow, timeout) => { var d = FindDataset(dirCacheLocations, dsinfo.Name); if (d == null) { var validLocalCache = FindLocalCache(dirCacheLocations); if (validLocalCache == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("No local cache directory has been created; we can't copy any files locally until it has. See the {0}.Paths property in the configuration", l.Name)); } var dsdir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(validLocalCache.FullName, dsinfo.Name.SantizeDSName())); dsdir.Create(); return LoadDatasetFromOtherSource(new WindowsDataset(dsdir.Parent), dsinfo, status, filter, l.Name, linuxFinder, props["LinuxTempLocation"], failNow, timeout); } var w = new WindowsDataset(d.Parent); var result = w.FindDSFiles(dsinfo.Name, filter); if (result != null) { return result; } return LoadDatasetFromOtherSource(w, dsinfo, status, filter, l.Name, linuxFinder, string.Format("{0}/{1}", props["LinuxTempLocation"], dsinfo.Name.SantizeDSName()), failNow, timeout); }; return l; }
/// <summary> /// Attempt to load the dataset from another location. /// </summary> /// <param name="dsinfo"></param> /// <param name="status"></param> /// <param name="filter"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static Uri[] LoadDatasetFromOtherSource(WindowsDataset dsLocalLocation, DSInfo dsinfo, Action<string> status, Func<string[], string[]> filter, string locName, IFetchToRemoteLinuxDir fetcher, string linuxLocation, Func<bool> failNow, int timeout) { // First, attempt to find the Uri's from somewhere that we can see and easily copy. try { var files = GRIDDatasetLocator.FetchDatasetUris(dsinfo.Name, status, filter, locationFilter: locname => locname != locName, failNow: failNow); var dsinfoRemote = GRIDDatasetLocator.FetchDSInfo(dsinfo.Name, filter, locationFilter: locname => locname != locName); if (files != null) { dsLocalLocation.MarkAsPartialDownload(dsinfo.Name); var flookup = new HashSet<string>(dsLocalLocation.FindDSFiles(dsinfo.Name, returnWhatWeHave: true).Select(u => Path.GetFileName(u.LocalPath))); foreach (var fremote in files) { if (!flookup.Contains(Path.GetFileName(fremote.LocalPath))) { var f = new FileInfo(fremote.LocalPath); if (status != null) { status(string.Format("Copying file {0}.", f.Name)); } f.CopyTo(Path.Combine(dsLocalLocation.LocationOfDataset(dsinfo.Name).FullName, f.Name)); } } // And update the meta data. dsLocalLocation.SaveListOfDSFiles(dsinfo.Name, dsinfoRemote.ListOfFiles()); dsLocalLocation.RemovePartialDownloadMark(dsinfo.Name); // The files are all local. So we are going to have to see if there is a backup to do the download for us. return dsLocalLocation.FindDSFiles(dsinfo.Name, filter); } } catch (InvalidOperationException) { // No worries - we weren't able to run one of the data finders. // We go onto the next step. } // OK, nothing could get them. We need to fall back on our secondary copy method. So copy everything to a local Linux directory, and then // copy from there down to here. dsLocalLocation.MarkAsPartialDownload(dsinfo.Name); var allfiles = fetcher.GetListOfFiles(dsinfo.Name, status, failNow: failNow); var linuxLocationPerDS = $"{linuxLocation}/{dsinfo.Name}"; fetcher.Fetch(dsinfo.Name, linuxLocationPerDS, status, filter, failNow: failNow, timeout: timeout); // Next, copy the files from there down to our location. dsLocalLocation.SaveListOfDSFiles(dsinfo.Name, allfiles); fetcher.CopyFromRemote(linuxLocationPerDS, dsLocalLocation.LocationOfDataset(dsinfo.Name), status, removeDirectoryWhenDone: true); dsLocalLocation.RemovePartialDownloadMark(dsinfo.Name); return dsLocalLocation.FindDSFiles(dsinfo.Name, filter); }
/// <summary> /// Initialized the fetch to Linux code, where the Linux stuff is visible on windows. /// </summary> /// <param name="windowsFilesLocation"></param> /// <param name="fetcher"></param> /// <param name="rootLinuxLocation"></param> public GRIDFetchToLinuxVisibleOnWindows(DirectoryInfo windowsFilesLocation, IFetchToRemoteLinuxDir fetcher, string rootLinuxLocation) { _winDataset = new WindowsDataset(windowsFilesLocation); LinuxFetcher = fetcher; LinuxRootDSDirectory = rootLinuxLocation; }