コード例 #1
ファイル: JsonSchema.cs プロジェクト: fractos/asura-schema
        protected JsonSchemaObject Generate(JObject j)
            JToken  tokenSchema = j["$schema"];
            JObject definitions = (JObject)j.SelectToken("definitions");

            if (tokenSchema != null)
                this.Id = tokenSchema.ToString();

            if (definitions != null)
                foreach (JProperty child in definitions.Children())
                    this.Definitions.Add(child.Name, JsonSchemaObject.Generate(this, child.Name, (JObject)definitions.SelectToken(child.Name)));

            return(JsonSchemaObject.Generate(this, "$", j));
コード例 #2
        public static JsonSchemaObjectConstraint Generate(JsonSchema schema, JToken source)
            JsonSchemaObjectConstraint constraint = new JsonSchemaObjectConstraint();

            JToken tokenType     = source["type"];
            JToken tokenRef      = source["$ref"];
            JToken tokenEnum     = source["enum"];
            JToken tokenRequired = source["required"];

            JToken tokenMinimum          = source["minimum"];
            JToken tokenExclusiveMinimum = source["exclusiveMinimum"];
            JToken tokenMaximum          = source["maximum"];
            JToken tokenExclusiveMaximum = source["exclusiveMaximum"];
            JToken tokenMultipleOf       = source["multipleOf"];
            JToken tokenMinLength        = source["minLength"];
            JToken tokenMaxLength        = source["maxLength"];
            JToken tokenPattern          = source["pattern"];
            JToken tokenAdditionalItems  = source["additionalItems"];
            JToken tokenItems            = source["items"];
            JToken tokenMinItems         = source["minItems"];
            JToken tokenMaxItems         = source["maxItems"];

            JsonSchemaObject schemaTypeReference = null;

            #region assertions
            if (tokenType == null && tokenRef == null && tokenEnum == null)
                throw new SchemaException(String.Format("Could not find 'type', '$ref' or 'enum' property on schema object '{0}'", source.Path));
            if (tokenType != null && tokenRef != null)
                throw new SchemaException(String.Format("'$ref' and 'type' properties are not permitted at same level of schema object '{0}'", source.Path));
            if (tokenRef != null)
                schemaTypeReference = schema.FindDefinition(tokenRef.ToString());
                if (schemaTypeReference == null)
                    throw new SchemaException(String.Format("Could not find definition of type with reference '{0}' on schema object '{1}'", tokenRef.ToString(), source.Path));

            if (tokenType != null)
                JTokenType type;

                string typeValue = tokenType.Value <string>();
                if (typeValue.ToLower() == "number")
                    type = JTokenType.Float;
                    type = (JTokenType)Enum.Parse(typeof(JTokenType), tokenType.Value <string>(), true);

                if (type != JTokenType.Integer && type != JTokenType.Float)
                    if (tokenMinimum != null)
                        throw new SchemaException(String.Format("'minimum' not valid for anything other than a number type at {0}", source.Path));
                    if (tokenExclusiveMinimum != null)
                        throw new SchemaException(String.Format("'exclusiveMinimum' not valid for anything other than a number type at {0}", source.Path));
                    if (tokenMaximum != null)
                        throw new SchemaException(String.Format("'maximum' not valid for anything other than a number type at {0}", source.Path));
                    if (tokenExclusiveMaximum != null)
                        throw new SchemaException(String.Format("'exclusiveMaximum' not valid for anything other than a number type at {0}", source.Path));
                    if (tokenMultipleOf != null)
                        throw new SchemaException(String.Format("'multipleOf' not valid for anything other than a number type at {0}", source.Path));

                if (type != JTokenType.String)
                    if (tokenMinLength != null)
                        throw new SchemaException(String.Format("'minLength' not valid for anything other than a string type at {0}", source.Path));
                    if (tokenMaxLength != null)
                        throw new SchemaException(String.Format("'maxLength' not valid for anything other than a string type at {0}", source.Path));
                    if (tokenPattern != null)
                        throw new SchemaException(String.Format("'pattern' not valid for anything other than a string type at {0}", source.Path));

                if (type != JTokenType.Array)
                    if (tokenAdditionalItems != null)
                        throw new SchemaException(String.Format("'additionalItems' not valid for anything other than an array type at {0}", source.Path));
                    if (tokenMinItems != null)
                        throw new SchemaException(String.Format("'minItems' not valid for anything other than an array type at {0}", source.Path));
                    if (tokenMaxItems != null)
                        throw new SchemaException(String.Format("'maxItems' not valid for anything other than an array type at {0}", source.Path));

            if (tokenMinimum != null)
                constraint.HasMinimum = true; constraint.Minimum = tokenMinimum.Value <int>();
            if (tokenExclusiveMinimum != null)
                constraint.ExclusiveMinimum = tokenExclusiveMinimum.Value <bool>();
            if (tokenMaximum != null)
                constraint.HasMaximum = true; constraint.Maximum = tokenMaximum.Value <int>();
            if (tokenExclusiveMaximum != null)
                constraint.ExclusiveMaximum = tokenExclusiveMaximum.Value <bool>();
            if (tokenMultipleOf != null)
                constraint.HasMultipleOf = true; constraint.MultipleOf = tokenMultipleOf.Value <int>();
            if (tokenMinLength != null)
                constraint.HasMinLength = true; constraint.MinLength = tokenMinLength.Value <int>();
            if (tokenMaxLength != null)
                constraint.HasMaxLength = true; constraint.MaxLength = tokenMaxLength.Value <int>();
            if (tokenPattern != null)
                constraint.HasPattern = true; constraint.Pattern = tokenPattern.Value <string>();
            if (tokenAdditionalItems != null)
                constraint.AdditionalItems = tokenAdditionalItems.Value <bool>();
            if (tokenMinItems != null)
                constraint.HasMinItems = true; constraint.MinItems = tokenMinItems.Value <int>();
            if (tokenMaxItems != null)
                constraint.HasMaxItems = true; constraint.MaxItems = tokenMaxItems.Value <int>();

            if (tokenItems != null)
                // this is a schema definition for items found in this array
                constraint.Items = JsonSchemaObject.Generate(schema, "items", (JObject)source.SelectToken("items"));

            // $ref and type
            if (tokenRef == null && tokenType != null)
                string tokenTypeName = tokenType.Value <string>();
                if (tokenTypeName.ToLower() == "number")
                    constraint.Type = JTokenType.Float;
                    constraint.Type = (JTokenType)Enum.Parse(typeof(JTokenType), tokenTypeName, true);
            else if (tokenRef != null && tokenType == null)
                constraint.TypeReference = schemaTypeReference;

            // required
            if (tokenRequired != null && tokenRequired.Type == JTokenType.Array)
                constraint.Required.AddRange(tokenRequired.Children().Where(c => c.Type == JTokenType.String).Select(c => c.Value <string>()));

            // enums
            if (tokenEnum != null)
                constraint.Enums.AddRange(tokenEnum.Children().Where(c => c.Type == JTokenType.String).Select(c => c.Value <string>()));
